Regulation of Blastocyst Formation.
Regulation of Blastocyst Formation.
Regulation of Blastocyst Formation.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Publications Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department
L C Barcroft
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Physiology, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario Canada, N6A
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Preimplantation Development
3.1. Oogenetic to Embryonic Transition
3.2. Compaction
3.3. Blastocyst Formation (Cavitation)
4. Trophectoderm Differentiation
4.1. Cell Polarity and the Inside Outside Hypothesis
4.2. Cell-to Cell adhesion
4.3. Establishment of Trophectoderm Tight Junctions
5. Na/K-ATPase and Blastocyst Formation
5.1. Isoform expression in the mouse embryo
5.2. Isoform expression in the cow embryo
5.3. Ouabain sensitivity and Enzyme activity
5.4. Role of Na/K-ATPase in Cavitation
5.5. Murine Knock-outs
6. Water transport and Blastocyst Formation
6.1. Aquaporins
6.2. Aquaporin Expression and Function During Blastocyst Formation
7. Summary and Model of Blastocyst Formation
8. References
Preimplantation or pre-attachment development is required for the establishment of the tight junction seal
encompasses the "free"-living period of mammalian and the maintenance of the polarized Na/K-ATPase
embryogenesis, which directs development of the zygote distribution. Blastocyst formation is therefore directly
through to the blastocyst stage. Blastocyst formation is linked with trophectoderm cell differentiation, which arises
essential for implantation, establishment of pregnancy and through fundamental cell biological processes that are
is a principal determinant of embryo quality prior to associated with the establishment of cell polarity.
embryo transfer. Cavitation (blastocyst formation) is driven
by the expression of specific sets of gene products that 2. INTRODUCTION
direct the acquisition of cell polarity within the
trophectoderm, which is both the first epithelium of “This chapter is dedicated to the spirit of Lynn
development and the outer cell layer encircling the inner Wiley whose research accomplishments provided great
cell mass of the blastocyst. Critical gene families insight into the regulation of blastocyst formation and
controlling these events include: the E-cadherin-catenin cell inspired others to pursue this exciting research area as
adhesion family, the tight junction gene family, the Na/K- well”
ATPase gene family and perhaps the aquaporin gene
family. This review will update the roles of each of these The first week of development represents a
gene families in trophectoderm differentiation and perilous time for the early conceptus as the majority of
blastocyst formation. The current principal hypothesis inseminated oocytes fail to successfully complete this
under investigation is that blastocyst formation is mediated developmental interval to implant to the uterine wall and
by a trans-trophectoderm ion gradient(s) established, in establish a pregnancy (1-5). This interval called
part, by Na/K-ATPase, which drives the movement of preimplantation or pre-attachment development (depending
water through aquaporins (AQPs) across the epithelium upon the species) is uniquely mammalian and encompasses
into the extracellular space of the blastocyst to form the the free-living period of mammalian development during
fluid-filled blastocoel. The trophectoderm tight junctional which the early conceptus traverses the oviduct and gains
permeability seal regulates the leakage of blastocoel fluid, access to the uterine environment (1-6). This period
and also assists in the maintenance of a polarized Na/K- culminates in the formation of an embryonic structure
ATPase distribution to the basolateral plasma membrane called the blastocyst, which is composed of the outer
domain of the mural trophectoderm. The cell-to-cell epithelial trophectoderm, a fluid-filled cavity and small
adhesion provided by the E-cadherin-catenin gene families group of cells called the inner cell mass, which are the
progenitors of the embryo proper (6-12). The blastocyst is arising, for example, at the 32-64 cell embryo stage in the
not simply the vessel that delivers its cargo of inner cell bovine embryo (4, 13-17). Compaction represents the onset
mass cells to the uterus as it contains the specialized cell of cellular differentiation during mammalian development
type (the trophectoderm), which will mediate the maternal- as the outer cells of the conceptus begin to polarize as a
fetal interactions required to support eutherian prelude to trophectoderm differentiation (7, 17, 18).
embryogenesis. The trophectoderm cells differentiate into Blastocyst formation is the morphogenetic event that
the trophoblast to mediate either invasion or attachment to follows compaction in this continuum of preimplantation
the uterus during implantation and as a prelude to their development (1-12). Each succeeding phase of this
subsequent contribution to placental structures (6-12). developmental interval is dependent upon preceding events.
Blastocyst formation is therefore essential for the It is therefore not possible to consider the mechanisms
establishment of pregnancy and is intimately coordinated controlling blastocyst formation by focusing exclusively on
by the events controlling trophectoderm differentiation. the blastocyst. We will begin by briefly examining the
oogenetic to embryonic transition and compaction.
Decades of research have elucidated many of the
cell biological and molecular mechanisms that control this 3.1. Oogenetic to Embryonic Transition
developmental interval. Although the mouse embryo has Mammalian development is initially sustained by
been the animal model of choice for most of the gene transcripts and polypeptides produced and stored in
experimentation, the extension of these studies to the the oocyte during oogenesis (19). After one to several
human and domestic agricultural species has stimulated cleavage divisions (depending upon the species), genetic
vigorous research activity in these embryo systems leading control of development comes predominantly under the
to explosive growth in the fields of assisted reproductive embryo's control as oogenetic gene products decline, and
technology and embryo transfer in humans and other embryonic transcription begins (19-29). The transition from
species (1-12). Despite these advances, pregnancy rates oogenetic to embryonic control of development or maternal
following embryo transfer remain lower than expectations zygotic transition (MZT) varies in its timing between
for all species, and further advances are required to species (4, 22, 30). This is a critical event as blastocyst
optimize the general application of these technologies (1- formation is dependent on expression of embryonic genes
6). Areas of research include; ovarian stimulation; (31-33). However, it must also be kept in mind that specific
folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation; embryo culture and oogenetic products (for example E-cadherin) can influence
metabolism; hormonal and growth factor regulation; development to at least the blastocyst stage and potentially
gamete micromanipulation (intracytoplasmic sperm later in development. Since this topic is the subject of
injection; ooplasmic injection); genomics and gene several reviews (for example 19, 22, 30, 34, 35) including a
expression; uterine receptivity and synchronization; chapter in this issue only the principal components will be
embryonic signaling of maternal recognition of pregnancy; briefly summarized. Mouse embryos cultured from the
organ, gamete and embryo cyropreservation and embryo one-cell stage in the presence of transcriptional inhibitors
cloning, transgenesis, and gene targeting in animal species. do not develop beyond the two-cell stage, indicating that
new transcription from the zygote genome is, necessary for
The purpose of this review is to outline the development beyond this point (19-29). During this
critical events in the early developmental program that transition, the majority of maternal mRNA molecules
regulate blastocyst formation. It is hoped that by reviewing accumulated during oogenesis are degraded and replaced
this important research area, specific avenues for further by new mRNA molecules (20-24, 28, 36). These
research will be revealed supporting a greater fluctuations in mRNA populations parallel marked changes
understanding of the mechanisms controlling in protein synthetic patterns between the 1- to 4-cell stages
preimplantation or pre-attachment development. This (27, 33,35, 37). Similar observations have been obtained
information is required to promote the safe and efficient from studies applied to other species however the timing
production of normal mammalian embryos and offspring in may be delayed compared to the mouse (38,39). For
assisted reproductive technology and embryo transfer example, (3H)-uridine incorporation was first detected at
applications. the end of the bovine eight-cell stage (38, 39). However,
lower levels of (3H)-uridine incorporation have been
3. PREIMPLANTATION DEVELOPMENT reported in two- and four-cell bovine embryos suggesting
that a minor degree of transcriptional activity precedes the
Development begins during gametogenesis larger full activation of the embryonic genome (37, 38, 40,
within the ovaries and testes of the parental animals. The 41). This may in fact be a characteristic of all species.
spermatozoon contributes one set of paternal chromosomes Bovine embryos cultured from the one- to four cell stages
to the embryo at the time of fertilization. The maternal in the presence of alpha-amanitin, progress to the
chromosomes of the ovulated oocyte arrest at metaphase II four/eight-cell stage but none develop to the 16-cell stage
following ovulation to await insemination by a fertilizing (42, 43).
spermatozoa. Following fertilization, the zygote undergoes
several cleavage divisions that divide the ooplasm into Many of the transcripts expressed at the 2-cell
smaller compartments or blastomeres. The first stage of mouse development continue to accumulate as
morphogenetic event, compaction, arises following the development progresses to the blastocyst stage. However,
third cleavage division in the mouse, although the timing of there are a number of additional transcripts important for
this event varies greatly among the mammalian species cell proliferation, compaction, and blastocoel formation
Figure 1. Expression of ion transporters and enzymes in the trophectoderm of mammalian preimplantation embryos.
(cavitation) that are not expressed until after the 2-cell embryo relies upon the development of a polarized
stage (33, 35). The morphological changes in embryos that epithelium (6-8, 11, 12). The blastocoelic fluid is
are necessary for blastocyst formation are in fact tightly predominantly water, thus the mechanism of its production
coupled to ongoing transcriptional events (26). The and accumulation relies on the ion transport properties of
variation in the patterns of newly synthesized polypeptides the trophectoderm (12, 45-48). In many ways, the
observed on two-dimensional gels between the 4-cell to trophectoderm is comparable to an early kidney tubule
blastocyst stage are not as marked as those between the 1- epithelium as many ion and water transport characteristics
to 4-cell embryo stages, but several new gene products are shared between these epithelia. The trophectoderm is an
undergo a transcriptionally-dependent increase during this ideal model for epithelial cell differentiation as this
interval (44). epithelium arises “de novo” from apolar blastomeres. For
these reasons blastocyst formation is tightly coupled to the
3.2. Compaction development of trophectoderm ion transport systems, the
Compaction is a common feature of epithelial junctional complex, and the primary role played
preimplantation development within all eutherian by establishment of cell-to-cell adhesion between
mammalian embryos, although the timing of this event blastomeres during compaction (6-8, 11, 12; see Figure 1).
varies greatly arising later in the pre-attachment embryos of
the agricultural domestic species (4). Compacting embryos The basis for these conclusions stemmed initially
undergo an increase in interblastomeric contact that from isotope flux measurements and electron probe
obscures the distinct individual cell boundaries and microanalysis of Na+, Cl-, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in the murine
continues until the embryo ultimately appears as a uniform blastocyst fluid (49-55). These studies demonstrated that all
cell mass called a morula (7, 14-17). The cellular events of these ions were concentrated within the blastocoelic
associated with compaction include: (i) the development of fluid (49-55). Active transport would be required to move
Ca2+ dependent cell adhesion; (ii) the establishment of gap these ions against their concentration gradients. The
junction mediated interblastomeric cell communication; transport of amino acids such as glycine and alanine is also
(iii) the initiation of cell contact-induced cell polarization, linked to a sodium-dependent mechanism that develops in
and (iv) the appearance of focal tight junctions which the blastocyst (54-58). The vectorial transport of Na+ and
eventually divide the plasma membrane of the outer Cl- (but not K+) from the medium is essential for the onset
blastomeres into apical and basolateral membrane domains and progression of cavitation (52). The Na+ ions likely
(15-17). These events, particularly the development of enter the trophectoderm cells through apically localized
asymmetrical cell contact and polarity within the outer Na+ channels and/or via various Na+ co-transporters such as
blastomeres are essential and directly contribute to the the Na+/H+ exchanger (52) or Na+/glucose co-transport
formation of the blastocyst. By the late morula stage, the system (59). The Cl- transport was initially thought to be
embryo acquires the remaining macromolecules that are paracellular, and thus regulated by the epithelial junctional
necessary for blastocyst formation (cavitation) to occur complex (52). More recent studies have determined that Cl-
(31-33). transport is also mediated across the epithelium (47, 48,
60). It has been proposed that the trans-trophectoderm Na+
3.3. Blastocyst Formation (Cavitation) gradient is completed by the active transport of Na+ out of
The trophectoderm acquires the capacity to the cell into the blastocoelic cavity by a basolaterally
initiate and regulate the events of cavitation by expressing localized Na/K-ATPase (9, 60, 62). The presence of such a
gene products that facilitate the transport and retention of gradient would result in the movement of water down the
the blastocoelic fluid as it accumulates in the nascent gradient across the epithelium and into the blastocyst cavity
blastocyst cavity. Therefore, for cavitation to arise, the (6, 8, 11, 62). A great deal of evidence collected in the past
twenty years supports this hypothesis as it has been in inward current between the free and apposed cell
determined that the Na/K-ATPase is present in the surfaces could facilitate cell polarization (10, 92). This
basolateral plasma membrane domain of the trophectoderm current may interact with the cytoskeleton via the plasma
for several species including the mouse, rabbit, pig, and membrane to polarize the cellular positions of the nucleus
cow (6-12, 31, 46, 52, 55, 61-75). and mitochondria to the basal cell ends (8).
Cavitation is thus a complex cellular process that 4.2. Cell-to Cell adhesion
requires the precise coordination of several cellular events. E-cadherin (uvomorulin) is the principal
Na/K-ATPase distribution is influenced by the stability of molecular component of the adherent junction. Stable cell-
the trophectoderm tight junctional seal (76-84); the to-cell contacts and adhesion plaques arise through
membrane cytoskeleton (79) and by E-cadherin mediated associations of E-cadherin with the actin cytoskeleton
cell adhesion (67, 85-87). We will now turn our attention to mediated by interactions with alpha-catenin, beta-catenin
the establishment of cell polarity in the outer embryonic and gamma-catenin (93-96). The pivotal role played by E-
blastomeres as this event not only drives trophectoderm cell cadherin during epithelial differentiation has been
differentiation but also is the foundation of blastocyst demonstrated by transfection of non-epithelial cell lines
formation. with cadherins to induce a polarized epithelial phenotype
(93). Cells transfected with the brain-associated cadherin,
4. TROPHECTODERM DIFFERENTIATION B-cadherin, do not polarize (93). E-cadherin is at the top of
the cascade of protein interactions that drive trophectoderm
4.1. Cell Polarity and the Inside Outside Hypothesis cell differentiation. E-cadherin, and catenins, as well as
Cell polarity in the preimplantation embryo is cytoskeletal actin are expressed and stored in the oocyte
characterized by the establishment of; (1) cell surface during oogenesis; therefore, they are present in the early
components such as apical microvilli and associated lectin mammalian embryo from fertilization onward (97, 98).
receptors (reviewed by (88), (2) asymmetrical distributed of However, stable E-cadherin mediated cell-to-cell adhesion
membrane proteins between the apical and basolateral does not arise until compaction is initiated (87, 99, 100).
plasma membrane domains (6, 12), and (3) specific The factors or mechanisms that control the suppression of
cytoplasmic components (ie. the apical aggregation of actin stable cell-to-cell adhesion in the early embryo prior to
bundles and endocytic vesicles; (88)) and the basal compaction represent a new area of research that requires
migration of mitochondria and lipid vesicles (9). As further attention.
interblastomeric cell-to-cell contact increases during
compaction, the formation of "free" and "apposed" plasma The dependence of compaction and cavitation
membrane regions occurs and by the 16-cell stage, the upon E-cadherin mediated events has been demonstrated by
mouse embryo is composed of an outer layer of polar cells treating pre-compaction murine embryos with E-cadherin
that completely encloses an inner group of 4-7 apolar blocking antisera (64, 67, 85). Embryos treated with an
blastomeres. The degree of cell contact associated with cell antibody to E-cadherin do not undergo compaction and do
position provides the necessary developmental cue for the not proceed with a normal cavitation (67). Under these
maintenance of polarity within the outer blastomeres (for conditions, the epithelial junctional complex does not form.
review see (17). The "free" or apical membrane surfaces of It appears that E-cadherin, possibly working in concert with
the outer blastomeres develop a cytochalasin-D resistant the membrane cytoskeleton, contributes to the
microvillus cap (80), Na+-dependent amino acid transport establishment of the epithelial junctional complex and the
systems (57), a Na+/glucose co-transporter (59) and Na+- insertion of Na/K-ATPase into the basolateral membranes.
channels (52). The basolateral surfaces of the outer More recently, gene-targeting approaches by homologous
blastomeres remain free of microvilli but become recombination methods have been employed to produce E-
distinguished from the apical surfaces by the localization of cadherin null mutants (101,102). E-cadherin null embryos
the tight junction ZO-1 polypeptide (84), gap junctions undergo compaction (an event contributed to residual
(87), and E-cadherin (uvomorulin; (90)). The polarity oogenetic E-cadherin proteins) but fail to develop into
exhibited by the outer blastomeres is displayed within the normal blastocysts and never hatch from the zona pellucida
cell cortex by the appearance of an apical actin cap and (101, 102). Removal of E-cadherin does not prevent cell
within the cytoplasm by the asymmetric distribution of polarization but rather delays and randomizes the
lipid vesicles, mitochondria and the nucleus towards the orientation of cell polarity preventing the formation of an
basal poles of the cells (8, 91). This cell polarity is very ordered trophectoderm cell layer (101,102). Further
stable, as it is maintained even in the presence of inhibitors analysis of these null mutant embryos revealed that both
(such as cytochalasin B or D) that block the cell flattening, alpha- and beta-catenin are down regulated and that ZO-1
the development of cell adhesion, and the establishment of expression is not detectable (103). These studies clearly
cell coupling via gap junctions (16). Although demonstrate that E-cadherin plays a pivotal role in
asymmetrical cell contact is the principal spatial cue in the differentiation of the trophectoderm, and thus has a central
development of trophectodermal cell polarity (reviewed by role in supporting further embryonic development (see
(88)), directional ion currents have also been implicated. figure 2).
Nuccitelli and Wiley (92) showed that individual polarized
morula stage blastomeres exhibit a positive current flowing Similarly, the trophectoderm epithelium of alpha-
through their apical end and out their basal end. The ion catenin null mutants is abnormal, and development is
current polarization hypothesis suggests that an asymmetry halted at the early blastocyst stage (97). In contrast, murine
Figure 2. Molecular organization of the zonula adherens (left side) and zonula occludens (right side) in polarized epithelial cells.
beta-catenin null mutants undergo cavitation and continue The Rho GTPases are 20-30 kDa GTP-binding
to develop until gastrulation (100). Maternal (oogenetic) proteins that belong to the Ras superfamily. Rho GTPases
stores of beta-catenin may suffice during these early events include Rho A, B, C, D, and E, Rac 1 and 2, RacE,
and/or gamma-catenin, may also bind to the cytoplasmic Cdc42Hs and TC10 (112-115). RhoA, Cdc42 and Rac1
domain of E-cadherin, mediating interactions with alpha- have been most extensively studied. These three GTPases
catenin (104-106). It follows that two distinct E- regulate membrane ruffling, cell motility, actin
cadherin/catenin complexes occur within the same cell, polymerization and cell-cell adhesion (112-115). Rho
specifically, E-cadherin/beta-catenin and E-cadherin/ activity is modulated in a cyclical fashion. Effectively,
gamma-catenin (81). Gamma-catenin, is the only known these small GTPases act as molecular switches, alternating
protein shared by desmosomes and adherens junctions between active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound states.
(AJs) (81). Development of gamma-catenin null mutants The latter may be promoted by GTPase activating proteins
generally ceases at day 10.5 of gestation (101, 105). (GAPs), such as Rho GAP, which down-regulates GTPase
Embryonic gamma-catenin is synthesized from the murine activity. Recent studies in keratinocytes and other epithelial
8-cell stage onward, but the protein does not become cells have determined that Rho GTPases are also involved
localized to cell membranes until the morula stage in the regulation of cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesion
(following compaction), where it is present in all (109, 110, 113, 116, 117). This conclusion is further
membrane contact sites, including those of the inner cell supported by reports that demonstrate that over expression
mass (81). Thus, although all components of the AJ are of dominant-negative Cdc42 and/or Rac1 reduces cadherin-
implicated in compaction and trophectoderm mediated cell-cell adhesion (109, 110).
differentiation, their roles are variable.
A number of Cdc42 and Rac1 effecter proteins
Adherens junctions (AJs) tightly regulated, yet have been identified. Of these, only IQGAPs are implicated
dynamic structures, given that movement requires constant in the regulation of cell adhesion. Two IQGAP forms (1
disruption of some cell contacts with formation of new and 2) are known. These large (>180 kD) proteins appear
ones, without overall loss of adhesive strength. The to serve as scaffolds, and contain several specific protein
presence of AJ components in a developing oocyte suggests interacting domains, including a calponin-related F-actin
that a secondary programming step is required to either binding segment, a WW domain, four calmodulin IQ
trigger or block inhibition of their association. A viable motifs, and 5-6 IQGAP repeats, the function of which has
hypothesis for the delay of AJ formation in the early mouse not been determined (112, 113-116). They lack an arginine
embryo is that an inhibitor or repressor of E- finger residue in their Ras GAP domain, and may not have
cadherin/catenin interactions represses the establishment of significant GAP activity (109, 110). Both IQGAPs interact
stable adhesion complexes. Recent studies have revealed a with Cdc42 and Rac1 to inhibit their GTPase activity; thus
potential role for IQGAPs, targets of the Rho GTPases maintaining them in an active, GTP-bound state (108-111,
(Cdc42 and Rac1) in inhibition of E-cadherin/catenin 116-122). The interaction of Cdc42 or Rac1 with IQGAP1
interactions (107-111). IQGAP1 binds to the amino inhibits it from binding to beta-catenin. This allows alpha-
terminus of beta-catenin complexed with E-cadherin in vivo catenin to associate with beta-catenin, stabilizing cadherin-
and in vitro, promoting dissociation of alpha-catenin, mediated adhesion (109, 110). Although these interactions
thereby disrupting cadherin-mediated cell adhesion (108- of cadherins/catenins/Rho GTPases and IQGAPs have not
111). as yet been explored during the first week of development
Figure 3. Structure and characteristics of the Na/K-ATPase.
we would predict that this area of research would be fruitful cytoskeleton, perhaps due to their role in maintaining the
for revealing the mechanisms that trigger the onset of stable basolateral distribution of the Na/K-ATPase and polarity of
cell-to-cell adhesion and thus the onset of compaction and other transporters as well. ZO-1 polypeptides are not
cell polarity in outer blastomeres during preimplantation detectable by immunofluorescence in early cleavage stage
development. bovine embryos until the morula stage in differentiating
outer blastomeres (132). The ZO-1 distribution pattern
4.3. Establishment of Trophectoderm Tight Junctions consists of a thin band confined to the apical contact points
The tight junction (or zonula occludens) consists between adjacent outer cells of morulae and blastocysts
of a complex of several proteins including ZO-1, ZO-2, (132). These observations parallel findings in the early
7H6, cingulin, occludin and claudins (123; see figure 2). mouse embryo in which ZO-1 protein is first localized at
The zonula occludens appears as a series of close contact sites between outer blastomeres following
membrane contacts or "kisses" (84). In freeze-fracture the compaction (133). Recently it has been demonstrated that
junction forms a series of anatomizing fibrils (reviewed by ZO-1 alpha+ isoform proteins first appear in compacting
(124, 125)). Occludin and the claudins are the core integral mouse morulae as perinuclear foci followed by membrane
membrane proteins that interact with ZO-1 (a 220 kDa accumulation between the outer blastomeres (134). The
peripheral membrane protein) and cingulin to form a link establishment of zonular ZO-1 localization (59) and tight
between the tight junction and the cytoskeleton (123-129). junction formation coincides with the onset of cavitation
The tight junction serves at least two functions, these being (133-135).
the regulation of paracellular transport (the movement of
water and solutes between epithelial cells) and maintenance 5 Na/K-ATPase AND BLASTOCYST FORMATION
of epithelial cell polarity. These roles are first revealed
during trophectoderm cell differentiation and blastocyst Na/K-ATPase is a primary driver of Na+ and
formation (130, 131). The development of the junctional water re-absorption in the kidney and is essential for the
complex is initiated within the 8-cell embryo but requires maintenance of body fluid and electrolyte homeostasis
an additional two cleavage divisions to become complete in (136; see figure 3)). The enzyme establishes and maintains
the blastocyst (76-78, 84). The impermeable seal does not the high internal K+ and low internal Na+ concentrations
form until after cavitation has begun and it is only after the found in eukaryotic cells (137-149). The enzyme actively
formation of this seal that the leakage of blastocoelic fluid transports 3 Na+ out of the cell and 2 K+ into the cell for
is regulated, allowing the embryo to expand in size due to each molecule of hydrolyzed ATP. The electrochemical
fluid accumulation (77). The epithelial junctional complex, gradient that the Na/K-ATPase generates is necessary for
along with the membrane cytoskeleton, almost certainly maintaining osmotic balance, the resting membrane
contributes to the maintenance of the polarized Na/K- potential, and the excitable properties of muscle and nerve
ATPase distribution within the trophectoderm (67). If the cells (137-140). The Na+ gradient provides the energy for
junctional complex and the cortical actin cytoskeleton are Na+-coupled transporters that mediate the translocation of
disrupted by the incubation of mouse blastocysts in ions (H+, Ca2+, Cl-, PO4-), substrates (glucose and amino
medium containing cytochalasin B or D, the Na/K-ATPase acids) and neurotransmitters (136). The catalytic alpha-
polarized basolateral distribution is also disrupted and the subunit of Mr 100 kD is responsible for ion transport (139-
enzyme assumes an apolar distribution encircling the outer 145). The beta-subunit of Mr 40-60 kD facilitates the
margins of the trophectoderm cells (67). These embryos processing and insertion of the alpha-subunit into the
can recover and proceed normally through cavitation if they plasma membrane (138, 145). In mammals these subunits
are subsequently cultured in medium without cytochalasin. are encoded by multi-gene families consisting of four alpha
This experiment demonstrates that cavitation is dependent subunit genes (alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha 4) and three
upon the epithelial junctional complex and the cortical beta subunit genes (beta 1, beta 2, beta 3), each displaying a
Figure 4. Differential expression of Na/K-ATPase subunit isoform protein in murine (A) and bovine (B) trophectoderm cells at
the blastocyst stage.
distinct temporal and spatial expression pattern (139-146, ouabain resistant compared to other alpha isoforms (172-
150-152). The gamma-subunit is a small (8-14 kD) 175).
hydrophobic peptide whose function is currently under
investigation (146, 148, 150). 5.1. Isoform expression in the mouse embryo
We initially detected Na/K-ATPase polypeptides
The alpha1/beta1-isozyme makes up the by immunofluorescence at the late morula stage of mouse
ubiquitous isozyme found in nearly every tissue and is the preimplantation development (62). Coincident with
predominant kidney isozyme (137-149, 153). The alpha 2 cavitation, the Na/K-ATPase immunofluorescence signal
and alpha 3 isoforms are present in low abundance in the underwent a redistribution becoming restricted to the
kidney; the alpha 2 isoform predominates in adipocytes, basolateral cell margins of the mural trophectoderm and its
muscle, heart and brain, while the alpha 3 isoform is most projections, overlying the inner cell mass (62, 83, 176).
abundant in the brain (139, 153). The alpha 4 isoform is These early studies were applied to sectioned material, and
testes-specific (144). The beta 2-isoform is present in no immunofluorescence was detected within the inner cell
muscle, pineal gland and nervous tissue while the beta 3 mass or polar trophectoderm. These findings were at
isoform is present in testes, retina, liver and lung (154-156). variance with other studies where Na/K-ATPase activity
Why are so many Na/K-ATPase isoforms required? The was reported in mouse oocytes and early cleavage stages be
most logical view on their diversity is that differences in measuring ion flux (49, 50) and also by measuring ouabain
cation and ATP affinity of each isozyme are essential for sensitive 86Rb+ uptake in preimplantation stage embryos
adapting Na/K-ATPase activity to specific physiological (53). We proposed that these methods were more sensitive
conditions (157). Isozymes of Na/K-ATPase, composed of than the immunofluorescence methods we initially
different combinations of alpha and beta subunit isoforms, employed and detected the " housekeeping" level of Na/K-
have unique properties and are subject to developmental ATPase activity present in all eukaryotic cells (177). We
and hormonal regulation (158-175). For example, the surmised that this low "housekeeping" level of the enzyme
choice of beta subunit does not greatly influence the kinetic in the early cleavage stages increased in abundance to a
properties of the enzyme but can have an effect on Na+ level detectable by immunofluorescence in the late morula,
affinity. Switching the alpha subunit significantly alters the just prior to the onset of cavitation (see figure 4).
affinity for Na+, K+ and ATP as well as the enzyme's Additionally, Gardiner et al. (178) reported that both alpha
sensitivity to ouabain (potent and specific inhibitor of and beta subunit polypeptides were detectable throughout
Na/K-ATPase activity). In rodents, the alpha 1 isoform is preimplantation development by Western blot techniques.
The results from these early studies certainly suggested that preimplantation embryo stage, while mRNAs encoding the
isoforms of both alpha and beta subunits were present alpha 3-isoform were detected in oocytes and in each stage
throughout preimplantation development (53, 178) and that of preimplantation development from the 2-cell to the
by the blastocyst stage at least one isoform of the enzyme blastocyst stage (74). mRNAs encoding the alpha 4-
increased in abundance and became confined to the isoform were not detected in oocytes or during
basolateral regions of the mural trophectoderm (62). These preimplantation development. In addition, this study
studies also raised the possibility that additional isoforms of reported that mRNAs encoding beta 2- and beta 3-isoforms
the enzyme subunits may be expressed during early were detectable throughout preimplantation development
development. (74). These transcripts were not detected by Northern blot
analysis (73), and thus do not likely accumulate to an
Transcript levels for Na/K-ATPase subunit appreciable level in the mouse. The presence of alpha 1-
isoforms were first examined by probing three identical and beta 1-polypeptides were reported throughout murine
Northern blots with 32P-labeled cDNAs encoding the three preimplantation development by employing wholemount
alpha-subunit isoforms of the rat Na/K-ATPase (66). The confocal microscopy methods. However, polypeptides
first reports characterizing the tissue distribution for the encoding the alpha 3-, beta 2- and beta 3-subunits while
alpha 3-isoform within fetal brain and heart raised expressed, were not localized to cell margins in any
expectations that it may also be an "embryonic" isoform preimplantation stage. This study has clarified many of the
(139, 179-182). Northern hybridization experiments earlier discrepancies by determining that multiple isoforms
revealed the expression of alpha 1-isoform mRNAs of the Na/K-ATPase subunits are expressed throughout
throughout murine preimplantation development (66, 178). murine preimplantation development. However, a number
The hybridization signal displayed a pattern of mRNA of questions remain as it is certainly not clear as to why
expression that is typical for other mRNAs during mouse multiple isoforms are expressed; how their membrane
preimplantation development in which maternal mRNAs localization is regulated; and whether each expressed
are subject to turnover and reduction in amount during the isoform contributes to the program of preimplantation
first cleavage division and later recover from the 2-cell development and cavitation in a unique manner or not.
stage, increasing in abundance through to the blastocyst
(23-25, 28, 30, 35, 183). Watson et al. (66) reported a 43- Recently Jones et al., (148) reported that
fold decrease in Na/K-ATPase alpha 1-isoform mRNA transcripts encoding the gamma-subunit accumulate from
between the zygote and 2-cell embryo stage. Gardiner et al. the 8-cell stage mouse embryo to the blastocyst stage. The
(178) reported a 45-fold increase in alpha-subunit mRNA gamma-subunit protein is present surrounding the surfaces
from the 2-cell to the blastocyst stages. Following the 2-cell of all blastomeres of the early mouse embryo including the
stage, the Na/K-ATPase alpha-1 subunit mRNA trophectoderm and inner cell mass of the blastocyst. In
approximately doubles in abundance for every subsequent contrast to alpha 1- and beta 1-subunit proteins, which
cleavage division, indicating that a relatively constant become confined to the basolateral region of the
amount per cell is maintained (66). trophectoderm, the gamma-subunit protein retains an apolar
distribution in the trophectoderm (148). Antisense
Transcripts encoding the beta 1-subunit isoform oligonucleotide inhibition of the gamma-subunit during
accumulated in a very different manner throughout mouse early murine development resulted in an inhibition of
preimplantation development (66). These transcripts were ouabain-sensitive K+ transport and a delay in cavitation
detected within zygotes but not in 2-, 4-, or 8-cell embryos independent of an effect on Na/K-ATPase expression
by Northern blot analysis. Beta 1-subunit isoform mRNAs (148). These experiments indicate that this subunit certainly
became detectable once again in morulae and underwent a contributes to the events of blastocyst formation but
further increase in abundance by the blastocyst stage (66). perhaps in a manner independent of simply modulating
At first these results appeared to be at variance with the Na/K-ATPase activity (148). Further research is required to
findings of Gardiner et al., (178) who reported the presence fully define the interactions of the gamma-subunit with the
of the beta-subunit protein throughout preimplantation alpha and beta subunits during early development (see
development by the technique of immunoblotting. Once figure 4).
again, the differences in sensitivity of methods used for
these early studies proved to be the source of this apparent 5.2. Isoform expression in the cow embryo
disparity. Both studies (66, 178) raised the possibility that The presence of multiple isoforms of the Na/K-
the beta-subunit performs an essential role in coordinating ATPase during preimplantation development was first
the onset and progression of cavitation in the mouse reported by Betts et al (71) from studies applied to the
embryo (see figure 4). bovine early embryo. By application of RT-PCR methods,
transcripts encoding alpha 1-, alpha 2-, alpha 3-, and beta
A more recent evaluation examining the presence 2-isoforms of the Na/K-ATPase were detected throughout
of transcripts encoding the various subunit isoforms of the bovine pre-attachment development (71). Transcripts
Na/K-ATPase employed the more sensitive reverse- encoding the alpha 4-isoform were not detected in bovine
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method embryos. As for the mouse embryo, this result was not
and demonstrated that indeed additional isoforms of the unexpected as the expression of this Na+-pump isoform is
Na/K-ATPase are expressed throughout murine reported to be confined to the testes (144). mRNAs
preimplantation development (74). mRNAs encoding the encoding the beta 1-isoform were first detected at the
alpha 2-isoform were detected in oocytes but not in any bovine morula stage and also in blastocysts (71). Detection
differences including the presence of alpha 2-isoform
transcripts throughout bovine early development and
localization of alpha 3-subunit polypeptides to the apical
domain of bovine trophectoderm cells (see figure 4). The
specific contributions of each Na/K-ATPase subunit
isoform to this blastocyst formation are not known but are
the subject of present studies.
directed from the apical trophectoderm membrane of comparative variations in the abundance of alpha-isoforms?
mammalian blastocysts. Alternatively, the junctions Different isoforms display distinct ouabain sensitivities and
between trophectoderm cells might be leaky, allowing the ion affinities, and Na+ and K+ concentrations can influence
paracellular movement of 86Rb+ and ouabain into the isoform expression. Jewell and Lingrel (169) found that rat
blastocyst cavity. alpha 1- and alpha 2-isoforms in HeLa cells have similar
apparent affinities for Na+, but that the alpha 3-isoform has
5.4. Role of Na/K-ATPase in Cavitation a 4-fold lower affinity for this ion. Low K+ concentrations
Incubation of mouse embryos with antiserum decrease alpha 2-subunit mRNA levels and protein levels
raised against E-cadherin prevents normal cavitation (67). by 38% and 82%, respectively, in hypokalemic skeletal
Treated embryos contained a variable number of intra- muscle (190). Although vectorial transport of Na/K-
blastomeric fluid-filled cavities, which were encircled with ATPase to the basolateral surface of membranes is
Na/K-ATPase immunofluorescence (67). Under these conventional (191) apical localization of the sodium pump
treatment conditions the trophectoderm apical junctional is reported for several tissues (192, 193).
complex was disrupted and embryos were observed in Immunofluorescence studies do not shed any light on the
which (those without extensive fluid-filled cavities) the functional significance of alpha 1- and alpha 3-subunit
cytoplasm of some blastomeres became densely packed polypeptides to the overall mechanism of cavitation,
with smaller vesicles, which were possibly the origin of the although treatment of collapsed bovine blastocysts with 10-
larger fluid-filled cavities (67). These results suggest that M ouabain causing reduced blastocyst re-expansion is
the targeting of the nascent Na-pumps to the appropriate highly suggestive of the alpha 3-isoform contributing to
trophectoderm cell membranes was impaired thus confining blastocyst formation (71). We hypothesize that an apical
the Na/K-ATPase within cytoplasmic secretory vesicles. trophectoderm alpha 3-isoform could participate in
This, combined with activity of the enzyme, may result in regulating the steepness of the trans-trophectoderm Na+
the osmotic accumulation of water in the vesicles to form gradient required to drive the osmotic accumulation of
intracellular fluid-filled cavities (52, 67). A similar effect water across this epithelium to form the blastocyst cavity.
occurs when embryos are cultured in medium with minimal Support for this role comes from studies that report the
calcium (78). Geering et al. (188) suggested that the alpha 3-isoform may regulate high intracellular Na+ loads
nascent catalytic subunit of Na/K-ATPase aligns with the in order to restore physiological Na+ levels (194). We are
beta-subunit within the membranes of the rough uncertain as to how high trophectoderm cell intracellular
endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and golgi en route to the Na+ levels rise during blastocyst formation. Baltz et al.,
plasma membrane. The nascent enzyme could undergo (47) measured intracellular Na+ and K+ levels up to the
cation-dependent conformational changes under these murine morulae stage. We propose that the hypothesized
conditions (188, 189). Normally, (as observed by the increase in intracellular Na+, required to drive blastocyst
immunoreactivity in untreated morulae), the nascent formation, must be regulated. An apical alpha 3-isozyme of
enzyme would not begin to transport Na+ and K+ prior to its the Na/K-ATPase could perform this role and maintain the
insertion into the plasma membrane. These findings trophectoderm cell Na+ gradient within physiological limits.
certainly linked the normal targeting and insertion of the Since the alpha 3-subunit displays a much lower affinity for
Na/K-ATPase to the trophectoderm basolateral cell margins cytoplasmic Na+ than the alpha 1-subunit (175), the
with normal blastocyst formation. presence of an apical alpha 3-subunit would not necessarily
disrupt a trans-trophectoderm Na+ gradient (driven by the
The relative insensitivity of mouse cavitation to basolateral Na/K-ATPase), but instead could serve to
ouabain (sensitive to 10 -3M ouabain) implies that the more modulate the gradient by moving Na+ from inside the cell
ouabain sensitive alpha 2- and alpha 3-isoforms are not to the extra-embryonic environment. Functional studies
likely the predominant isoforms. In contrast to mouse applied to isoform specific null mutants are required to
embryos, bovine embryos are extremely sensitive to determine the precise ion transport properties of each
ouabain (10 -7-10 -9M) raising the possibility that the alpha Na/K-ATPase isoform during blastocyst formation.
1-isoform is not the predominant alpha-subunit in early
embryos of this species. The immunofluorescence We have initiated studies employing antisense
localization of the alpha 3-subunit to the apical oligonucleotide inhibition of Na/K-ATPase isoform
trophectoderm membrane domains in bovine blastocysts expression during bovine early development. Bovine
may in part, explain their greater ouabain sensitivity when zygotes have been cultured with alpha 1-isoform specific
compared to their murine counterparts. In addition, bovine antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs)
blastocysts can be collapsed simply by treatment with high to disrupt translation of this protein. Preliminary results
(10-6M to 10-3M) ouabain, without the initial treatment with have demonstrated that treatment of bovine 6-8 cell
cytochalasin D (55). These data support the possibility that embryos with alpha 1-antisense ODNs significantly impairs
the apical alpha 3-subunit plays an active role in blastocyst blastocyst formation (see figure 6). It has however been
formation in the bovine embryo. very difficult to standardize this effect of alpha 1-isoform
ODNs on blastocyst formation. Therefore examining the
The detection of multiple subunit isoforms, and consequences to early development following the targeted
varying species sensitivities to ouabain, raise questions deletion of Na/K-ATPase subunit isoforms represents a
such as: What roles do various isozymes of the sodium more viable route for discerning the specific contributions
pump have during early development? Do the varying of each isoform to blastocyst formation.
ouabain sensitivities displayed by these species reflect
Figure 6. Development of bovine embryos treated with 10 u M alpha 1-subunit antisense oligonucleotides in vitro (A). Antisense
treatment significantly reduced development to the blastocyst stage (n=5 replicates of 20 embryos; p<0.05). When alpha 1-
subunit protein expression was compared to control embryos (B), alpha 1 antisense treated embryos demonstrated a marked
reduction in immunofluorescence signal (C).
5.5. Murine Knock-outs movement through biological membranes and that water
Several studies have reported outcomes from channels were not necessary (201). Water flow in some cell
gene targeting experiments that have “knocked-out” the types such as red blood cells is, however, much greater than
expression of specific Na/K-ATPase subunit isoforms. that predicted by simple diffusion alone (203). This has
Studies from Dr. Jerry Lingrel’s laboratory (University of resulted in the hypothesis that cell membranes possess
Cincinnati) have demonstrated that alpha 1 subunit null channels that facilitate water flow (196-199). Evidence
mutants are never born and must suffer a developmental supporting the presence of “water channels” has come from
lethality (the precise time of their demise is unknown), biophysical studies of red blood cells, kidney collecting
while alpha 2-subunit null mutants are born but do not ducts and toad bladder epithelial cells (200. 204-207; see
survive the first day (195). Alpha 2-isoform null mutants figure 7). Water permeabilities across these membranes are
have also been generated by homologous recombination 10- to 100-fold greater than that observed in phospholipid
and these mice suffer no ill effects until after birth (154). bilayers. The ratio of osmotic permeabilities (Pf ,
Other isoforms have not been targeted as yet but the determined by the measurement of bulk water flow in
findings would suggest that the alpha1-subunit is the response to an osmotic gradient) to diffusive permeabilities
predominant isoform required for development while the (Pd , measurement of the flux of isotopic water under
beta 1-isoform is the most reasonable candidate for conditions of equal osmolality) are far greater than 1 (ratio
regulating the expression of functional enzyme units in the observed in lipid bilayers) (196-213). This increased ratio
trophectoderm. Experiments examining the timing of is characteristic of water channel-mediated fluid transport.
lethality for the alpha 1-subunit null mutants are currently Extensive research conducted largely over the past ten
underway and it is expected that this murine line will prove years has indicated that plasma membranes display a varied
useful for defining the role of the alpha 1-isoform during permeability to water movement and that in cases of rapid
blastocyst formation. and large volume water movement specific water transport
molecules must exist (for review see (196, 197, 200, 201).
6. WATER TRANSPORT AND BLASTOCYST These types of studies have resulted in the characterization
FORMATION of a family of 10 molecular water channels or Aquaporins.
We hypothesize that AQP water channels are present in the
Transporting epithelia are characterized by the trophectoderm cells of the preimplantation embryo and that
rapid passage of water across the cell layer (196-199). they function as conduits for the trans-trophectodermal
However, the mechanisms that facilitate the movement of fluid movements associated with blastocyst formation.
water across the trophectoderm are largely unexplored. The
processes that regulate the uptake and release of water by 6.1. Aquaporins
living cells are fundamental to cell viability. Water can Aquaporins (AQPs) belong to a family of major
diffuse through lipid bilayers, and all cell membranes intrinsic membrane (MIP) proteins, and function as
display some level of permeability to water (for review see molecular water channels that allow water to flow rapidly
(196, 197, 200, 201)). The diffusional permeability (Pd) of across plasma membranes in the direction of osmotic
cell membranes varies but is usually small ie. < 1 m min -1 gradients (see figure 8). Ten different AQPs have been
atm -1 (196, 198, 202). Although this value is low, it is identified in mammals (197, 205-207, 209, 214).
sufficient for most cell types to regulate their volumes.
Thus, it was widely believed that simple diffusion was the AQP 0/MIP28 was isolated from lens epithelium
primary if not exclusive mechanism for mediating water (215). Absence of normal AQP 0 protein is linked to
water channel also generally localized to the basolateral
membranes of a variety of epithelial cells (226-231). AQP
5 is localized to apical membranes, and is involved in the
secretion of saliva, tears and pulmonary fluid (232, 233).
Murine null mutants for AQP 5 display a marked reduction
in saliva production (233). AQP 6 has a low water
conducting ability and its expression may be confined to
the kidney (234). AQP 7 permits the passage of both water
and glycerol and is expressed in a transient fashion in late
spermatids and maturing sperm and weakly in kidney and
heart (235). AQP 8 is also localized in the testes as well as
placenta, colon, liver, and heart (236). AQP 9 is the most
recently cloned water channel and is most similar to AQP 3
and 7 in that it also permits glycerol transport. It is
expressed in leukocytes and liver and is weakly expressed
in the heart, kidney and small intestine (224,237, 238). The
blastocyst provides a comparatively simple system from
which fundamental information on AQP gene expression
and function can be obtained.
Figure 7. Mechanisms of water movement across
biological membranes. Water generally crosses the lipid 6.2. Aquaporin Expression and Function During
bilayers by i) simple diffusion, ii) co-transport during the Blastocyst Formation
transport cycle of enzymes and other transporters or iii) Two studies have examined the presence of
through pores created by the expression of aquaporins. aquaporin (AQP) family transcripts during murine
preimplantation development. The first by Edashige et al.,
(239) reported the detection of mRNAs encoding AQPs 3,
7, 8 and 9 in preimplantation stages. mRNAs encoding
AQPs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 were not detected in any stage.
Interestingly mRNAs encoding AQPs 8 and 9 were only
detected in blastocysts. Offenberg et al., (240) conducted a
similar study but reported that mRNAs encoding AQPs 1,
3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 were detectable in all stages from 1-cell
zygotes to the blastocyst stage. In addition, AQP 8 mRNAs
were detected only in morula and blastocyst stages.
Although Offenberg et al., (240) did not employ a semi-
quantitative analysis it was noted that for two additional
AQPs (AQP 3 and 7) there was a consistent increase in
signal in morula and blastocyst stage embryos suggesting
that mRNAs encoding AQPs 3, 7, and 8 may be
upregulated in conjunction with blastocyst formation.
Confirmation of this possibility however must be made by
Figure 8. Theoretical membrane structure aquaporin applying semi-quantitative methods of analysis. The
proteins. AQP proteins consist of 6 membrane spanning findings from these two studies vary somewhat. The
domains and 5 loop domains, of which infoldings of loops differences observed between these two studies may be
B and E are believed to form the water pore and possess related to primer design or amplification efficiency
SH-groups which when bound by mercury result in differences or perhaps to differences in starting total
inhibition of aquaporin function. mRNA levels or size of embryo batches employed. Never
the less these studies do agree that the mRNAs encoding
cataract formation in mutant mice (215). AQP 1/channel several AQPs are expressed during preimplantation
forming integral membrane protein (CHIP)-28 is the most development and that for at least one AQP (AQP8)
ubiquitous of the AQP family and is expressed in a number expression is coincident with blastocyst formation.
of organs and tissues (216-219). AQP 1 is the major water
channel in red blood cells and in the brain it is only found We have also examined the expression of
in the choroid plexus (216-219). AQP 2 is the vasopressin mRNAs encoding AQPs during bovine early development
responsive water channel found in kidney collecting ducts and found that mRNAs encoding AQP 3, 5, 8 and 9 are
(220-222). This water channel is stored in cytoplasmic detectable in bovine blastocysts and control tissues. The
vesicles that fuse with the apical membrane following absence of bovine AQP sequence data in the GenBank has
exposure to vasopressin (221). Loss-of-function mutations hampered the design of effective primer sets for this
in this gene result in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (223). species and may account for the difference in AQP family
AQP 3 permits the passage of water, glycerol and urea and member expression between mouse and bovine embryos.
is generally located to the basolateral membrane of These results indicate that several AQP gene products are
epithelial cells (222-225). AQP 4 is a mercury insensitive expressed during murine and bovine blastocyst formation.
Figure 9. Model of ion and fluid transport across the trophectoderm of the mammalian blastocyst.
We have also initiated experiments to contrast the Blastocyst formation is dependent upon the
distribution of AQP polypeptides throughout murine early expression of several gene products including Na/K-
development by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy. ATPase subunits, E-cadherin, and tight junction
Preliminary results indicate that AQP 3, 6, 8, and 9 components (see figure 9). This morphogenetic event is
polypeptides are present in murine blastocysts with AQP 3 initiated during compaction as stable E-cadherin/catenin
polypeptides localized to trophectoderm basolateral cell-to-cell adhesion junctions form as a prelude to focal
domains, AQP 8 and 9 polypeptides display an apical and tight junction formation. Trophectoderm differentiation
basolateral localization pattern and AQP 6 polypeptides proceeds as tight junctions mature and assist in the
display a cytoplasmic localization. Preliminary results establishment of distinct apical and basolateral cell
assessing sensitivity of blastocyst expansion to treatment membrane domains. By the late morula stage, the beta 1
with inhibitors following exposure to hypo-osmotic subunit of the Na/K-ATPase is upregulated and this occurs
medium also indicate a role for AQP water channels in in conjunction with the polarized localization of alpha 1
blastocyst formation. isoforms to the basolateral domains of the outer
trophectoderm, at the onset of fluid accumulation. In the
Future experiments will investigate the functional bovine embryo, a second alpha 3-isoform is expressed and
roles of these AQPs to blastocyst formation and will assumes a predominantly apical localization pattern. It is
localize each expressed AQP during early development as hypothesized that the blastocyst cavity formation is
effective antisera for each AQP become available. The facilitated by a trans-trophectoderm ion gradient
pursuit of functional data is hampered by the absence of established, in part, by a polarized trophectoderm Na/K-
specific AQP inhibitors. The existence of AQP null mutant ATPase, which facilitates the osmotic movement of water
murine lines and the application of antisense into the extracellular space to form the fluid-filled cavity of
oligodeoxynucleotide approaches should enable the pursuit the blastocyst. The apical alpha 3 isoform in the bovine
of the individual and collective roles that AQPs play during trophectoderm may assist in regulating the steepness of the
early development. We expect that much more information Na+ gradient across the epithelium. Blastocyst expansion
regarding the role of AQPs in regulating blastocyst only occurs when the tight junction permeability seal fully
formation will emerge over the next few years. forms to restrict the leakage of fluid via paracellular routes,
ensuring the expansion of the cavity as fluid accumulates.
7 . SUMMARY AND FUTURE PROSPECTS The mammalian blastocyst also expresses mRNAs
encoding several AQPs. These water channels may direct
There is a great need to understand the the rapid movement of water across the epithelium to form
mechanisms controlling mammalian preimplantation the blastocyst fluid. The precise roles of Na/K-ATPase
development in order to develop rational interventions to isoforms and AQP water channels during blastocyst
either promote or inhibit fertility (3,5, 241, 242). Current formation have not been defined. Future research will be
research is addressing this need and is aimed at providing directed at defining their individual and collective roles in
an eventual understanding of the causative events supporting blastocyst formation.
underlying early embryo loss and in ensuring that assisted
reproductive technologies are applied in a safe and efficient ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
way. The results from these studies impact on our
understanding of basic transport biology and physiology, The authors wish to thank Drs. Mark Westhusin,
epithelial (trophectoderm) cell differentiation and Dean Betts, Quinton Winger, Hanne Offenberg, Jerry
blastocyst formation and thus improve our ability to Kidder, Daniel MacPhee, Holly Jones and Mr. David
understand human infertility, early embryo loss and Natale, Mr. J. Looye and Mrs. Anita Caveney for their
epithelial cell disease states. contributions to studies cited from the authors laboratory
related to this topic. Work referred to from the authors in vitro Fertilization and Preimplantation Development by
laboratory was supported by grants from the Medical NIH Cooperative Agreement U01HD34580. LCB is the
Research Council (MRC), National Sciences and recipient of an NSERC Post Graduate Scholarship and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada to AJW is a recipient of a Premier’s Research Excellence
AJW and the National Cooperative Program on Nonhuman Award.
13. Lewis W.H, & E.S. Wright: On the early development
of the mouse. Contrib Embryol Carneg Inst 25,114-143
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