Applied Impact Mechanics
Applied Impact Mechanics
Applied Impact Mechanics
Impact phenomena are ubiquitous in sports, musical The resource faculty includes experts from IIT
instruments, vehicle collisions, ballistics and natural Madras and Industries.
on disasters. A branch of physics that attempts to
understand the forces, displacements and material ELIGIBILITY
failure associated with impact, is called as impact The course is open to faculty with background in
Applied Impact Mechanics mechanics. The application of impact mechanics in Applied Mechanics, Mechanical, Aerospace,
design of engineering systems which involve impact Automobile, Civil, Metallurgy and Ocean Engineering.
mechanics can be termed as applied impact
mechanics. The knowledge of impact mechanics is
31st October – 05th November, 2018 very essential in many disciplines including but not
The Department of Applied Mechanics has been in
limited to mechanical, automobiles, mining,
aerospace, civil, naval, biomedical, etc. The existence since 1959 and has grown into a full-
industries and research laboratories engaged in fledged inter disciplinary graduate research
design for crashworthiness of road vehicles, space department over the years. The Department focuses
Prof. C Lakshmana Rao crafts, ballistics, armors and airplanes practice this on academic activities in three broad areas viz.,
subject in various capacities to develop products to Biomedical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Solid
withstand the high strain rate loadings subjected on Mechanics. The Department has played a major role
them. Although Applied Impact Mechanics is an
in contributing to the academic community and
important topic in industry and research, this subject
is taught only in less than 2 or 3 institutes in India. society. The faculty have won international
recognition for their industrial research and
COURSE OBJECTIVES sponsored projects. Some of the facilities available in
1. To disseminate the fundamental concepts of various laboratories of this Department are unique in
applied impact mechanics the country. Coupled with its multi-disciplinary
background, the Department boasts of a highly
2. To create an awareness about the practical diverse and experienced faculty. It has an excellent
applications and opportunities student-teacher ratio, providing opportunities for
3. To expose different modelling, simulation and academically intense learning.
tests methods in this area.
Equipped with state of the art facilities in a serene
campus, the department offers an enriching
COURSE DURATION & VENUE academic environment.
Organized by The course is of one week (six days) duration from
31st October – 05th November, 2018. Classes will Website:
Department of Applied Mechanics be held at the IIT Madras, Chennai.
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai - 600 036
There is no course fee for the participants from
On Certified that Dr./Mr./Mrs. …………………………... AICTE approved engineering colleges.
is a faculty of our institute and is hereby nominated
for attending the QIP short term course on “Applied TRAVEL
Applied Impact Mechanics Impact Mechanics” to be conducted at IIT Madras The train fare (ONLY two way 3-Tier AC train fare by
from 31st October – 05th November, 2018.
the shortest route from your institute to Chennai and
31st October – 05th November, 2018
back) will be provided to the selected participants as
Last date for applications: 13th August 2018
Mobile: Intimation of selection: 23th August 2018
(By email)
Fax: Confirmation of participation: 31th August 2018
(By email)