Two Days Workshop For Composite Materials
Two Days Workshop For Composite Materials
Two Days Workshop For Composite Materials
Composite materials are light in weight and possess Prof.Tan Sri Dato' Sri Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid bin Abu Bakar, Two Days National Level Workshop
Vice Chancellor
high strength compared to monolithic materials. Weight on
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
reduction is the important parameter for various industrial
The workshop aims at enlightening the latest ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS -
advances in composite material. The events of workshop Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, A RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE
comprise of lectures and demonstrations on the state of art Registrar i/c
design and processing of composite materials including B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
metal, ceramic and polymer matrix composites. The 2¹4 & 3¹4 February 2018
applications of composite materials pertaining to aircraft
structures, automotive components, biomedical implants CONVENER
and infrastructure industry will be addressed. The Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen,
workshop will include lectures of leading experts from IIT, Dean (SMS)
NIT and Industries. B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Composites for Space Applications CO-ORDINATORS
Composites for Bio-Medical Applications Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani, Asso. Professor Organized by
Composites for Defence Applications Dr. M. Thirumurugan, Asso. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Accredited by NBA
Processing of Polymer Matrix Composites
Machining of Composites SNS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
PARTICIPANTS Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
CONTACT DETAILS Approved by AICTE, New Delhi
Faculty members from various Institutions
Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Dean (SMS), Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
Researchers from University / Colleges / Research Coimbatore – 641 107
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Institutions B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology,
R & D Personnel from Industries Vandalur, Chennai - 600 048.
Phone: 044 - 2275 9200, Ex. 277
REGISTRATION E-mail: [email protected]
The registration fee of Rs. 500 for the delegates
from academic institutions and Rs. 1000 for the delegates
from industries can be paid via online payment
(NEFT Transfer).The bank details are,
A/C No 165701000019388
IFSC Code : IOBA0001657
Beneficiary Name : Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science The department of Mechanical Engineering Vandalur, Chennai 600 048.
& Technology (Estd. u/s 3 of the UGC Act. 1956, India), started in 1984, is one of the oldest department of this
formerly Crescent Engineering College is acclaimed REGISTRATION FORM
Institution. A high degree of professionalism is inducted Two Days National Level Workshop on
throughout India for its quality in teaching and research.
to the students through student chapters of professional ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS -
The institution is committed to focus on three dimensions
of higher education Viz., quality teaching, innovative associations such as American Society of Mechanical
research and appropriate applications of knowledge Engineers (ASME), Society of Automotive Engineers
2¹4 & 3¹4, February 2018
through extension, outreach and consultancy activities. The (SAE), Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air-
Full Name : ………………………………….......
institution is located on the Chennai - Trichy National conditioning (ISHRAE) and Society of Mechanical
Highway, 7km from Tambaram and 2km from Vandalur Qualification : ……………………………….…….
Engineers. The department organizes programmes to
Railway Station and 17km from the Chennai provide the students with industrial and practical Designation : ……………………….…………......
International Airport. Organization : …………………………….…….…
experience through training and project work in industries
to meet the industrial requirements and face real life Address : ……………………………………..
OBJECTIVE OF THE WORKSHOP situations. The Department of Mechanical Engineering …...................………………..………...
offers the following programmes at undergraduate and …….……………………………...…
To impart basic knowledge about the various
postgraduate level: Mobile :…………....…………………………
avenues for active research in composite materials
To upgrade the knowledge and skills on various BTech. Mechanical Engineering
E-mail :……………....……………………...
composite materials B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (PartTime)
To establish platform for exchange of knowledge in
Registration Category:
advanced composite materials among industrial Academic Institution Industry
M.Tech. Manufacturing
experts, academicians, research and end users Details of Registration
M.Tech. CAD/CAM (PartTime)
Amount :
M.Tech. Manufacturing (PartTime)
Online Transfer Ref. No. :
Ph. D. - FullTime/ PartTime
VENUE Date of Transfer :
B.S. Abdur Rahman Applicant's Signature
Crescent Institute of Science & Technology CERTIFICATE
Vandalur, Chennai - 600 048. Dr. / Mr. / Ms. …………………………………..........….
…….………………………………is working in the
Department of .......................................................Engineering in
DATES TO REMEMBER our organization / institution and is sponsored to attend the
Last date of Registration : 25.01.2018
Selected Participant Intimation : 29.01.2018
Signature of the Sponsoring Authority
Date : (with seal)