First Grading: Grade 7

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Grade 7


Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text

June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 1- Number and Number Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Senses Assignment Books Mathematics 7
40 hrs. Describes well-defined sets, subsets, SETS: AN INTRODUCTION Project Flash Authors: Orlando A.
universal sets, and the null set and Seatwork Cards Oronce and Marilyn
cardinality of sets. Pictures O. Mendoza
Illustrates the union and intersection of Union and Intersection of Sets Group Periodical
sets and the difference of two sets. Activity Exam
Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, Complement of a Set Board work
subsets, and set operations.
Solves problems involving sets. Problems Involving Sets
Represents the absolute value of a Fundamental Operations on
number on a number line as the distance Integers: Addition of Integers
of a number from 0.
Performs fundamental operations on Fundamental Operation on
integers. Integers: Subtraction of Integers
Illustrates the different properties of Fundamental Operations on
operations on the set of integers. Integers: Multiplication of Integers
Expresses rational numbers from fraction Fundamental Operations on
form to decimal form and vice versa. Integers: Division of Integers
Arranges rational numbers on a number Properties of the Operations on
line. Integers
performs operations on rational numbers Rational Numbers in the Number
Describes principal roots and tells whether Forms of Rational Numbers and
they are rational or irrational. Addition and Subtraction of
Rational Numbers
Determines between what two integers Multiplication and Division of
the square root of a number is. Rational Numbers
Estimates the square root of a whole Principal Roots and Irrational
number to the nearest hundredth. Numbers
Plots irrational numbers (up to square The Absolute Value of a Number
roots) on a number line.***
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June- At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 2- Measurements Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
July should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Illustrates the different subsets of real SUBSETS OF REAL Seatwork

numbers. NUMBERS Activity
Writes numbers in scientific notation and Significant Digits and the
vice versa. Scientific Notation
Solves problems involving real numbers. More Problems Involving
Real Numbers
illustrates what it means to measure. Measurements Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.
Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza
approximates the measures of quantities Measuring Weight/Mass and Periodical
particularly length , weight/mass, volume, Volume, Angles, Time and Exam
time, angle and temperature and rate. Temperature
converts measurements from one unit to Conversion of Units
another in both Metric and English
solves problems involving conversion of
units of measurement
translates English phrases to Verbal Phrases and
mathematical phrases and vice versa Mathematical Phrases
interprets the meaning of where is a Polynomials
positive integer. n a n
Differentiates between constants and Constant, Variables and
variables in a given algebraic expression. Algebraic Expressions
evaluates algebraic expressions for given Evaluating Algebraic
values of the variables. Expressions

classifies algebraic expressions which are Special Products

polynomials according to degree and
number of terms.
adds and subtracts polynomials. Addition and Subtraction of
derives the laws of exponent. Laws of Exponents
multiplies and divides polynomials. Multiplying and Dividing
uses models and algebraic methods to Constants, Variables and
find the: (a) product of two binomials; (b) Algebraic Expressions
product of the sum and difference of two
terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube
of a binomial; (e) product of a binomial
and a trinomial.***
solves problems involving algebraic
differentiates between algebraic
expressions and equations.
translates English sentences to
mathematical sentences and vice versa.

Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 3- Linear Equations Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: and Inequalities Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

Solving Linear Equations

differentiates between equations and and Inequalities in
inequalities. One Variable Using
Guess and Check
Solving Linear Equations
illustrates linear equation and inequality in and Inequalities
one variable. Algebraically

Solving First Degree

finds the solution of linear equation or Inequalities in One
inequality in one variable. Variable Algebraically

Solving Absolute Value

solves linear equation or inequality in one Equations and
variable involving absolute value by: (a) Inequalities
graphing; and (b) algebraic methods.

solves problems involving equations and

inequalities in one variable.
Time Objectives Subject Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4-Statistic and Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Probability Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7
40 hrs. represents point, line and plane using Basic Concepts and Terms Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.
concrete and pictorial models. in Geometry Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza
illustrates subsets of a line. Angles Periodical Exam
classifies the different kinds of angles. Basic Constructions
derives relationships of geometric figures Polygons
using measurements and by inductive
reasoning; supplementary angles,
complementary angles, congruent angles,
vertical angles, adjacent angles, linear
pairs, perpendicular lines, and parallel
derives relationships among angles Triangles
formed by parallel lines cut by a
transversal using measurement and by
inductive reasoning.
uses a compass and straightedge to Quadrilaterals
bisect line segments and angles and
construct perpendiculars and parallels.
illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) Circles
angles; and (c) sides.
derives inductively the relationship of Introduction to Statistics
exterior and interior angles of a convex
illustrates a circle and the terms related to Organizing and Presenting
it: radius, diameter chord, center, arc, Data
chord, central angle, and inscribed angle.
constructs triangles, squares, rectangles, Organizing and Presenting
regular pentagons, and regular hexagons. Data Using
Frequency Table and
solves problems involving sides and Averages: Mean, Median,
angles of a polygon. and Mode
explains the importance of Statistics. Analyzing Interpreting, and
Conclusions from Graphics
and Tabular
poses problems that can be solved using
formulates simple statistical instruments.
gathers statistical data.
organizes data in a frequency distribution
uses appropriate graphs to represent
organized data: pie chart, bar graph, line
graph, histogram, and ogive.***
illustrates the measures of central
tendency (mean, median, and mode) of a
statistical data.
calculates the measures of central
tendency of ungrouped and grouped data.
illustrates the measures of variability
(range, average deviation, variance,
standard deviation) of a statistical data.
calculates the measures of variability of
grouped and ungrouped data.
uses appropriate statistical measures in
analyzing and interpreting statistical data.
draws conclusions from graphic and
tabular data and measures of central
tendency and variability.
Grade 9
First Grading

Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text

June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 1 - Quadratic Equations Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: and Inequalities Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Illustrations of Quadratic Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

illustrates quadratic equations. Equations Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza
solves quadratic equations by: (a) Solving Quadratic Equations Periodical
extracting square roots; (b) factoring; (c) by Extracting Square Roots Exam
completing the square; and (d) using the
quadratic formula.
characterizes the roots of a quadratic Solving Quadratic Equations
equation using the discriminant. by Factoring
describes the relationship between the Solving Quadratic Equations
coefficients and the roots of a quadratic by Completing The Square
solves equations transformable to Solving Quadratic Equations
quadratic equations (including rational By Using The Quadratic
algebraic equations). Formula
solves problems involving quadratic The Nature of the Roots of a
equations and rational algebraic Quadratic Equations
Equations Transformable to
illustrates quadratic inequalities Quadratic Equations

solves quadratic inequalities. Solving Problems Involving

Quadratic Equations
solves problems involving quadratic Quadratic Inequalities
models real-life situations using quadratic Quadratic Functions
represents a quadratic function using: (a) Introduction to Quadratic
table of values; (b) graph; and (c) Function
transforms the quadratic function defined Graphs of Quadratic
byy = ax2 + bx + cinto the formy = a(x – Functions
h)2 + k.
graphs a quadratic function: (a) domain; Finding the Equation of a
(b) range; (c) intercepts; (d) axis of Quadratic Function
symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of the
opening of the parabola.

analyzes the effects of changing the Applications of Quadratic

values of a, h and k in the equation y = Functions
a(x – h)2 + k of a quadratic function on its
determines the equation of a quadratic
function given: (a) a table of values; (b)
graph; (c) zeros.
solves problems involving quadratic

2nd Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 2- Variations Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Direct Variations Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

illustrates situations that involve the Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
following variations: (a) direct; (b) inverse; O. Mendoza
(c) joint; (d) combined.

Inverse Variations Periodical

translates into variation statement a Exam
relationship between two quantities given
by: (a) a table of values; (b) a
mathematical equation; (c) a graph, and
vice versa.

solves problems involving Joint Variations

Combined Variations
applies the laws involving positive integral
exponents to zero and negative integral

Zero, Negative and Rational

illustrates expressions with rational Exponents

simplifies expressions with rational

Solving Radical Equations

writes expressions with rational exponents
as radicals and vice versa.

derives the laws of radicals.

simplifies radical expressions using the

laws of radicals.

performs operations on radical


solves equations involving radical


solves problems involving radicals.

3rd Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 3 - Quadrilaterals Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

identifies quadrilaterals that are Quadrilaterals that are Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
parallelograms. parallelograms O. Mendoza

Properties of parallelogram Periodical

determines the conditions that guarantee Exam
a quadrilateral a parallelogram.

Solving Problems on
uses properties to find measures of Properties of
angles, sides and other quantities parallelogram
involving parallelograms.

Theorems on
proves theorems on the different kinds of Rectangle
parallelogram (rectangle, rhombus, Theorems on
square). Rhombus

proves the Midline Theorem. The Midline Theorem

Solving Problem using the
proves theorems on trapezoids and kites. Midline Theorem

The Midsegment Theorem

solves problems involving parallelograms, of Trapezoid
trapezoids and kites. Solving Problems Involving
Parallelograms, Trapezoids
and Kites
describes a proportion. Theorem on Isosceles
applies the fundamental theorems of Solving Problems Involving
proportionality to solve problems involving Theorems on Trapezoids
illustrates similarity of figures. Theorems on Kite
Solving Problems Involving
proves the conditions for similarity of Kites
triangles. *** Similarity of Triangles
39.1 SAS similarity theorem AA, SAS, SSS
39.2 SSS similarity theorem Similarity Theorem
39.3 AA similarity theorem Triangle Angle
39.4 right triangle similarity theorem Bisector
39.5 special right triangle theorems Triangle
Similarity of Right Triangles
applies the theorems to show that given
triangles are similar.

proves the Pythagorean Theorem.

solves problems that involve triangle

similarity and right triangles.***
4th Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4-Triangle Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Trigonometry Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: The Six Trigonometric Ratios: Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.
sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
and cotangent. Secant, Cosecant and O. Mendoza
Trigonometric ratios of Special Periodical
finds the trigonometric ratios of special Angles Exam

illustrates angles of elevation and angles Angles of Elevation and

of depression. Angles of Depression

Word Problems Involving

uses trigonometric ratios to solve real-life Right Triangles
problems involving right triangles.

illustrates laws of sines and Oblique Triangles

The Law of Sines and Its

The Law Cosines and Its

solves problems involving oblique Applications
Grade 8
First Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4-Special Products and Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Factors Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. factors completely different types of Special Products Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.
polynomials (polynomials with common Square of a Binomial Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
monomial factor, difference of two squares, Square of a Trinomial O. Mendoza
sum and difference of two cubes, perfect Sum and Difference of
square trinomials, and general trinomials). two terms
Cube of a Binomial
solves problems involving factors of Factoring Periodical
polynomials. Common Monomial Exam
Difference of two
illustrates rational algebraic expressions. squares

Perfect square
performs operations on rational algebraic trinomial
expressions. General Trinomial
Sum and Difference of
two cubes
solves problems involving rational Rational Algebraic
algebraic expressions. Expressions

Zero and Negative

illustrates the rectangular coordinate Exponents
system and its uses.*** Evaluation of
Algebraic Expressions
Simplification of
illustrates linear equations in two variables. Algebraic
Operations on
illustrates the slope of a line. Algebraic
finds the slope of a line given two points, Complex Functions
equation, and graph.
Relations and Functions
writes the linear equation in the Coordinate System
Representations of
form and vice versa. c by ax b
Relations and
mx y Functions

Linear Functions and

graphs a linear equation given (a) any two Its Applications
points; (b) the – and – intercepts; (c) the
slope and a point on the line.*** x y

Linear Inequalities in Two

describes the graph of a linear equation in Variables
terms of its intercepts and slope.*** Mathematical
Expressions and
Equations in Two
Equations and
finds the equation of a line given (a) two Inequalities in Two
points; (b) the slope and a point; (c) the Variables
slope and its intercepts.

Graphs of Linear
solves problems involving linear equations Inequalities in Two
in two variables. Variables

Systems of Linear Equations

illustrates a system of linear equations in and Inequalities in Two
two variables. Variables

Systems of linear
graphs a system of linear equations in two equations in two
variables.*** variables and their
categorizes when a given system of linear Solving systems of
equations in two variables has graphs that linear equations in
are parallel, intersecting, and coinciding. two variables
solves a system of linear equations in two Graphical solutions of
variables by (a) graphing; (b) substitution; systems of linear
(c) elimination.*** inequalities in two

solves problems involving systems of

linear equations in two variables.
2nd Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7
40 hrs. illustrates a relation and a function. Linear Function Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.
Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza
verifies if a given relation is a function. Domain and Range of a Linear Periodical
Function Exam
determines dependent and independent Linear Equations

finds the domain and range of a function.

illustrates a linear function. Slope of a Line

graphs a linear function’s (a) domain; (b) Graphs of Linear Functions

range; (c) table of values; (d) intercepts; Using Two Points
(e) slope.
solves problems involving linear functions

determines the relationship between the If-then Statements
hypothesis and the conclusion of an if-then Inductive and
statement. Deductive
Writing Proofs
transforms a statement into an equivalent
if-then statement.

determines the inverse, converse, and

contrapositive of an if-then statement.

illustrates the equivalences of: (a) the

statement and its contrapositive; and (b)
the converse and inverse of a statement.

uses inductive or deductive reasoning in

an argument.
writes a proof (both direct and indirect).
3rd Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4- Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Mathematical System Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

describes a mathematical system. Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza
Triangle Congruence Periodical
illustrates the need for an axiomatic Definition of Exam
structure of a mathematical system in Congruence
general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) Triangles
defined terms; (b) undefined terms; (c) Triangle Congruence
postulates; and (d) theorems. Postulates

illustrates triangle congruence.*** SAS Congruence

illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS ASA Congruence
congruence postulates.*** Postulates
SSS Congruence
 AAS Congruence
solves corresponding parts of congruent Theorem
triangles  LL Congruence
LA Cogruence
solves problems involving oblique Theorem
triangles. Proving Congruence
of a Triangles
Applications of
proves two triangles are congruent. Triangle Congruence

proves statements on triangle congruence.

applies triangle congruence to construct

perpendicular lines and angle bisectors.
4th Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4-Inequalities in Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Triangles Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Triangle Inequalities Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities  Axioms of Equality Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
(Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem,  Properties of Equality O. Mendoza
Triangle Inequality Theorem, Hinge  Definitions,
Theorem).*** Postulates, and
Theorems on Points,
Lines, Angles and
Angle Pairs
 How to Measure Periodical
applies theorems on triangle inequalities. Angles Using a Exam
 Definitions and
proves inequalities in a triangle. Theorems on
 Properties of
proves properties of parallel lines cut by a Inequality
transversal.***  How to combine
 Equality and
determines the conditions under which Congruence
lines and segments are parallel or  How to write proofs

Parallelism and
illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample Perpendicularity
space and event.***

counts the number of occurrences of an Measures of Central

outcome in an experiment: (a) table; (b) Tendency and Measures of
tree diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) Variability
fundamental counting principle.***
finds the probability of a simple event. Introduction to Probability
illustrates an experimental probability and
a theoretical probability.
solves problems involving probabilities of
simple events.
Grade 10
First Grading

Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text

June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4- Sequences Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Sequences Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

generates patterns.*** Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza

Arithmetic Sequences Periodical

illustrates an arithmetic sequence Exam

Geometric and Other

determines arithmetic means and nth term Sequences
of an arithmetic sequence.***

Division of Polynomials
finds the sum of the terms of a given
arithmetic sequence.***

The Remainder Theorem

illustrates a geometric sequence. and the Factor Theorem

Polynomial Equations
differentiates a geometric sequence from
an arithmetic sequence.

differentiates a finite geometric sequence

from an infinite geometric sequence.

determines geometric means and nth

term of a geometric sequence.***

finds the sum of the terms of a given finite

or infinite geometric sequence.***
illustrates other types of sequences (e.g.,
harmonic, Fibonacci).

solves problems involving


performs division of polynomials using

long division and synthetic division.

proves the Remainder Theorem and the

Factor Theorem.

actors polynomials.

illustrates polynomial equations.

proves Rational Root Theorem.

solves polynomial equations.

solves problems involving polynomials

and polynomial equations.
Second Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

illustrates polynomial functions. Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza
graphs polynomial functions. Exam

solves problems involving polynomial


derives inductively the relations among

chords, arcs, central angles, and inscribed

proves theorems related to chords, arcs,

central angles, and inscribed angles.

illustrates secants, tangents, segments,

and sectors of a circle.

proves theorems on secants, tangents,

and segments.

solves problems on circles.

derives the distance formula.

applies the distance formula to prove some

geometric properties.

illustrates the center-radius form of the

equation of a circle.

determines the center and radius of a

circle given its equation and vice versa.

graphs a circle and other geometric figures

on the coordinate plane.***

solves problems involving geometric

figures on the coordinate plane.

Third Grading

Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text

June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4-Statistic and Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Probability Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

illustrates the permutation of Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
O. Mendoza

derives the formula for finding the number Exam
of permutations of objects taken at a time.

solves problems involving permutations.

illustrates the combination of

differentiates permutation from

combination of objects taken at a time. n r

derives the formula for finding the

number of combinations of n objects
taken r at a time

solves problems involving permutations

and combinations.

illustrates events, and union and

intersection of events.

illustrates the probability of a union of two


finds the probability of BA

illustrates mutually exclusive events.

solves problems involving

Fourth Grading
Time Objectives Subject-Matter Learning Assessment Material References/Text
June-July At the end of the lessons, the students Unit 4-Statistic and Lecture Quizzes Handouts E-Math Work text in
should be able to: Probability Group Activity Assignment Books Mathematics 7

40 hrs. Seatwork Project Flash Cards Authors: Orlando A.

illustrates the following measures of Activity Pictures Oronce and Marilyn
position: quartiles, deciles and O. Mendoza

calculates a specified measure of position Exam
(e.g. 90th percentile) of a set of data.

interprets measures of position.

solves problems involving measures of


formulates statistical mini-research.

uses appropriate measures of position and

other statistical methods in analyzing and
interpreting research data.
Course Title: Math Grade 7

Text book:

General objectives:

 m
 ,
 n
 n

I First Grading (June-July)

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