Sand Control

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Some of the key takeaways are that the reservoirs contain unconsolidated sands that require sand control methods like gravelpacking to prevent sand production. The conventional method used is installing wire wrapped screens and gravelpacks. Improved practices have reduced well failures to less than 5 per year.

One of the main challenges is sand and fines production from the unconsolidated reservoirs which can cause failures in the production systems. Depleted and complex reservoirs also present challenges for sand control.

Staatsolie determines the optimal sand control design based on the Saucier method, which incorporates results from reservoir sand particle size distribution analyses of sidewall core samples.

SPE 165188

Sand Control in Shallow Unconsolidated Sandstone Oil Reservoirs at

Staatsolie N.V. Suriname
S. Toelsie, SPE and P. Goerdajal, SPE, Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.

Copyright 2013, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference and Exhibition held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 5–7 June 2013.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Abstract approach for sand control practices and the most

Hydrocarbon production from unconsolidated sand cost effective sand control solutions in
reservoirs requires sand control usually consisting of unconsolidated shallow sand reservoirs.
the installation of a screen combined with
gravelpacking. Several existing criteria such as Introduction
Tiffin, Saucier and Coberly can be used for optimal The Staatsolie oilfields are located in marshy area of
selection of the sand control design. Sand and fines the coastal plain of Suriname with oil reservoirs from
production in oil and gas wells are one of the main Paleocene and Eocene age, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
challenges and can result in failures of production These reservoirs are shallow reservoirs with depths
systems. Especially in unconsolidated sand varying from 800-1,400 ft with mainly unconsolidated
reservoirs, proper sand control practices are sands of high porosities (>30%) and permeability’s
required to prevent reservoir sand production. At ranging from 5 to 12 Darcies. The conventional sand
Staatsolie sizing of sand control design is based on control method applied on these shallow, low-
the Saucier method incorporating the results of pressure, heavy-oil unconsolidated sand reservoirs
reservoir sand particle size distribution of side wall is the installation of formation sand sized wire
core samples. wrapped screens and gravelpack completion on
A Staatsolie-Suriname in-depth research of sand uniform and non-uniform distributed reservoir sands
control practices in shallow, low-pressure, heavy-oil and produced with progressive cavity pumps. In
unconsolidated sand reservoirs completed with unconsolidated reservoirs, sands are being
progressive cavity pumps will be presented. The produced with the well fluid due to its low
conventional sand control method applied is the cementation and restraining forces. Formation sand
installation of formation sand sized wire wrapped samples derived from side wall core samples
screens and gravelpack completion on uniform and confirms the unconsolidated nature and indicates
non-uniform distributed reservoir sands. Stand alone the need for applying sand control methods to
screen completions have revealed its application in prevent formation sand being produced. Therefore
uniform distributed reservoir sands. Sand production the sand control technique is gravelpacking with
and control on depleted and complex reservoirs openhole or casedhole completions in vertical wells
based on the conventional method has become a as shown in Fig.2. This technology has proven its
major challenge. In Suriname, in three onshore application for almost 30 years in the Staatsolie
fields approximately 1,500 wells are completed and oilfields to control sand production. With improved
are in production. With improved sand control sand control practices, well failures have been
practices, failures have been reduced to less than 5 reduced to less than 5 wells per year. Other well
wells per year. failures are corrosion of the innertubes of the
The study has demonstrated the challenges and wirewrapped screens, damage of the screen wires
benefits of sand control in these complex resulting into sand production in high watercut and
unconsolidated Tertiary reservoirs. This has resulted depleted reservoir wells, corrosion on the landing
into increased production and economic benefits. nipples of the screen, failure on the completion
Results of lab tests and field cases will be presented packer and improper sand cleaning after completion
and recommendations will be given on the best of a new well resulting into sand production.
2 SPE 165188

A one well pilot of the so-called “wormhole” stratigraphic traps. Regional shale beds, which act
technology has revealed that the grain size as seals, prevented extensive vertical migration.
distribution of the formation sand significantly Oil production from the Paleocene unconsolidated
influences the sand production behavior related to sands in the Tambaredjo field, the so-called oil-
fluid production rate. With the “wormhole” bearing T-sands, are mainly of fluvial-estuarine to
technology no downhole screen and gravelpack coastal marine origin. These sands are deposited on
completion is installed in order to allow sand the Late Cretaceous unconformity surface, during an
production and try to optimize well productivity with overall transgressive period, as multilateral and
reduced near wellbore skin. For the shallow low vertically stacked sand bodies. The river channels
potential wells, the low fluid production rates does have changed their course regularly and rapidly
not completely supported the movement of the resulting in a random distribution of the sand bodies
formation sand for being produced, as can also be over large surfaces. It is therefore very difficult to
proved with the Stokes Law. The grain sizes along make accurate sand thickness and vertical grain
with the other parameters of the Stokes Law have a size distribution predictions for sand control
main influence in sand movement. This pilot has practices as the stacking pattern of the river bars
confirmed that sand production in barefoot changed continuously. These reservoir sands are
completions will be achieved as long as all the subdivided into lowermost T1 sand and
parameters for sand movement and keeping it in progressively shallower T2 and T3 sands and are
solution are supported by the fluid production rate. covered by regional deposited transgressive shale
Also the foaminess nature of the produced fluid that onlaps in the South on the Cretaceous surface.
negatively impacts the required drag forces on the Oil production from the Eocene unconsolidated
restraining formation sand forces to keep the sand sands, the so-called oil-bearing N1 and O2-sands,
grains mobilized. are deposited in an estuarine delta environment with
Stand alone screen (SAS) completions are applied predominantly tidal-estuary and fluvial influences.
in pilot wells within the three oilfields. 2D and 3D Production from these reservoirs is obtained from
screens were installed on wells with mainly uniformly the Calcutta and the Tambaredjo NW field which are
distributed reservoir sand patterns derived from younger fields in operation less than 7 years. With
Gamma Ray (GR) logs. The success of this the complexity in the distribution patterns and the
application is in detail presented in reference 1. unconsolidated nature of the encountered
Based on these installations the application of GR reservoirs, sand control is required to prevent sand
log shapes in gravelpack completion design, production. Sand production can cause a variety of
especially for unconsolidated shallow reservoirs, well problems with economic implications on well
was evaluated and will be further addressed in this production. To prevent sand production, formation
paper. Lab analysis of sidewall core samples and sand sized filter equipment (production sand-screen)
correlation with typical well log shapes has been and predefined sized sand (gravelpacking) is
performed to test its applicability for sand control installed. To determine the required gravelpack sand
design for the described type of reservoirs. and screen size, formation sand samples must be
analyzed for grain size distribution analysis which is
Geology of Staatsolie Oil Fields also widely being used to classify sedimentary
The Guiana sedimentary basin consists of offshore environments. Grain size distribution is mainly
and onshore sediments. The onshore part of the affected by factors as: distance from shoreline,
Guyana sedimentary basins is composed of the distance from the source (river), source material,
coastal plain of the Guyana’s where sediments are topography and transport mechanism.
deposited in a passively trailing margin environment
with minor tectonic activities. In the coastal plain, the History of Sand control at Staatsolie
basement onshore is overlain by sediments starting The conventional completion method applied from
from the Late Cretaceous era , whereas offshore the the first drilled and completed wells in 1982, were
sediments are much older. The sediments are openhole gravelpack completion. Initially a lead seal
mainly clastic sediments deposited under fluvial to was also installed to seal off the annulus between
marine conditions and are gently dipping to the the 5.5” casing and the tell tale and to hold the
North at an angle of about 1 degree. The Staatsolie gravel and screen in place. The majority of those
oilfields are located in the marshy area of the coastal wells are producing for almost 30 years without sand
plain of Suriname with oil reservoirs from Paleocene production. Since those wells were not producing
and Eocene age. A stratigraphic column of the any solution gas, the use of the lead seal was left
coastal plain of Suriname is presented in Fig. 3. out. Drilling wells in new areas where the wells had
These reservoirs are shallow reservoirs with depths also gas production, this completion method resulted
varying from 600-1,400 Ft. Oil has been generated into several sanding failures of gravel and formation
from a Cretaceous source rock and subsequently sand. To solve the gravel migration problem, a
migrated updip to the South, into overlying packer was set to seal off the annulus. The regular
sediments. Oil accumulations are mostly found in gravel size used was the 20/40 US Mesh gravel with
SPE 165188 3

12 gauge wirewrapped screen in openhole and significantly reduces formation sand production
casedhole completion as depicted in Fig. 2. In 1996, which is extensively applied on the wells at
evaluation of the sand control design revealed the Staatsolie. Nevertheless, sand production can also
presence of coarser reservoir sands in the northern be associated with sources related to operational
part of the field and consequently the application of affects such as:
16/30 US Mesh gravelsize and 16 gauge • Reservoir fluid flows to the wellbore due to
wirewrapped screen was justified. This completion pressure differences between the wellbore and
was continued mainly for the oldest field while for the reservoir. In unconsolidated reservoirs, the
the younger fields with reservoirs of Eocene age, flow of formation fluid may trigger sand particles
SCD assessment revealed the application of the to move, due to drag forces exerted by the fluid
20/40 US Mesh gravelsand with 12 gauge screens. turbulence. This detaches sand grains especially
In 2003 a two well pilot was executed with 3D SAS fines and fine grained sands and carries them
completions. Based on the positive results of these along with the produced fluid to the wellbore.
two wells an expanded SAS installation was The effect becomes greater with higher fluid
executed mainly on uniform distributed sand viscosity, higher flow rate and high pressure
reservoirs1. Overall cost effective completions with differentials during drawdown. With high flow
stand alone screens (SAS) were promising besides rate the sand grains can be moved up to the
the minor encountered sanding failures. These were surface facilities while at low flow rates the sand
mainly due to improper sizing of the formation sand grains settles down in the production string or
size with the 2D screens and or improper sand clean wellbore affecting the well production.
out after completion with the 2D and 3D screens. • Pore pressure reduction throughout the life of
After having worked over those wells no sand a well, where depletion created an increasing
production was encountered hereafter. Screen-less amount of stress on the formation sand. These
and gravelpack-less completion, the so-called sands were then separated from the matrix and
Wormhole technology, was experimented on a well reservoir fine sands were produced along with
to allow as much as sand production especially in the well fluid through the initially well designed
these unconsolidated sand reservoirs. This sand control screen and gravelpacking.
completion has revealed the significance of grain Recompletion of these failed wells successfully
size distribution in achieving sand production. restored the last well production.
Coarser sand is much difficult to be taken along with • High production rate leads also to sand
the produced fluid at a certain rate than fine sands. production. Production of reservoir fluid creates
Finally, less sand production was achieved with this pressure differential forces combined with
technology than initially expected. Also no typical friction drag forces, which exceeds the formation
wormholes were achieved but more a near wellbore compressive strength. With exceeded critical
collapse of the completed reservoir. flow rate, sand production occurs. This type of
In 2011 an extended review of SCD at the oldest failure has mainly occurred on the 2D SAS
field was executed to confirm the application of completed wells. Production rate control was
Appraisal well SCD at Development well SCD. This applied to minimize formation sand production
method confirmed for almost 60% of the analyzed afterwards.
wells while the remaining 40% resulted into the • Water influx causes sand production by
application of even coarser or finer gravel sizes. reducing capillary pressure between the sand
Considering the strong changes in the depositional grains. Since sediments were initially deposited
conditions of these shallow reservoirs even within in water, the sand grains are water-wet. As oil
well spacing’s of 200 meters, an efficient SCD for moved into the formation, the water was
SAS completions should be mainly based on well by displaced, except for a thin layer surrounding
well data analysis. However at gravelpacked individual sand grains. These fluid conditions,
completions a reservoir sand distribution patterns the presence of two fluid phases, results in
has revealed its effective application. significant capillary pressure forces pulling the
. sand grains together. These forces will remain
Causes of sand production effective until the water concentration increases
Sand production from unconsolidated reservoirs is so that the single-phase flow of the wetting
mainly related to the degree of consolidation which phase results in portions of the reservoir. When
is referred as the amount of cementation material this occurs, the formation experiences strength
present in the rock matrix. Younger aged formations reduction, resulting into sand production. This
have little cementation and are poorly consolidated effect has not been experienced intensively in
or are unconsolidated formations with very low the high watercut areas up to now. However it
compressive strength (below 100 psi). These should be considered as a potential problem in
formations have the tendency to produce sand the near future.
where the sand particles can flow easily with the
reservoir fluid. Properly applied sand control design
4 SPE 165188

• Completion failures can also result into The common used gravel and screen sizes are:
significant amounts of sand production. Typical 20/40 US Mesh gravel and 12 gauge screen. For the
well failures in gravelpack completions have wells located in the northern part of the field coarser
been identified as corrosion of the innertubes of reservoir sands are encountered and so the 16/30
the wirewrapped screens, damage of the screen US Mesh and 25 gauge screen is applied. Even this
wires resulting into sand production mainly of combination has not resulted into significant sand
the depleted wells, corrosion on the landing production. SAS completions have revealed its
nipples of the screen or damage of the application mainly on uniform distributed reservoir
completion packer resulting into sand production sands.
and improper sand cleaning after completion of
the well. The last failure occurs immediately Gravelpacking method:
after taking a new completed well into For proper gravelpack placement the fluid and
production. With gravelpacked completion technique is refined based on well conditions,
mainly gravel is retrieved while at the SAS well probability of success, and the cost. Within
formation sands are found during the clean out Staatsolie a combination between the Conventional
job. procedure and Crossover gravelpack string design is
selected as the most efficient and effective packing
Sand control practices at Staatsolie wells method. Gravel placement involves those operations
Sand production is commonly associated with required to transport gravel from surface to the
shallow unconsolidated sandstone formations of completion interval to develop a downhole filter that
Tertiary age with limited natural cementation where will allow the flow of fluids into the well but will
the sand grains are held together by small cohesive prevent the entry of formation sand. The gravelpack
forces and low degree of compaction. Older is placed so that a uniform pack with a uniform
sandstone formations are more consolidated than porosity is formed around the screen and the pack is
younger Tertiary sediments due to the content of not damaged to restrict well productivity. It is
cementing material and degree of compaction. The expected that the gravelpack should also prevent
restraining forces that hold the formation sand in formation collapse near the wellbore.
place are natural cementation (compressive For the gravel – placement technique, the properties
strength), friction between sand grains, fluid of the fluids to transport the gravel slurry to the
pressure in the pores of the rock and capillary completion interval is very important. With the
forces. Compressive strength is mainly controlled by conventional packing techniques, it is recommended
inter-granular cementation. In weak and that the gravel is placed at low concentrations with
unconsolidated sand reservoirs, sand is produced low – viscosity fluids.
when the drag forces caused by the flowing Within Staatsolie the conventional packing concept
reservoir fluids exceed the natural inherent cohesion is applied which involves the placement of gravel
(restraining forces) of the formation. Unconsolidated suspended in a transport fluid pumped at low gravel
sand reservoirs with permeability of 0.5 to 8 Darcies concentrations. Typically, the transport of fluid is
are most susceptible to sand production. This starts filtered brine (8.8 ppg, NaCl, KCl) with gravel added
primarily during the first flow or when the reservoir at a concentration of 2 sacks/min. The gravel is
depletes or water breaks through. In order to control commonly mixed into the fluid through a gravel
potential sand production problems in wells, the injector (funnel) while pumping at rates from about 1
application of customly sized devices should ensure – 2.5 bbl/min. Gravel is transported into the annulus
formation sand production is stopped with between the screen (OD: 3.5”) and casing (7”) or
maintained maximum well productivity. open hole where it is packed into position from the
The Staatsolie oil reservoirs from Paleocene and bottom of the completion interval upward as shown
Eocene age, are shallow reservoirs with depths in Fig.4. The transport fluid then returns to the
varying from 800-1,400’ with much unconsolidated annulus through the wash pipe inside the screen
sands of high porosities and high permeability’s. that is connected with the work string. An increase in
These reservoir sand types are typical for being pumping pressure is observed when the gravel level
produced with the well fluid due to its low reaches the telltale screen. No further gravel
cementation and restraining forces. Formation sand placement is required above this point in the well.
samples derived from side wall coring method The amount of blank between the tell tale and the
confirms this unconsolidated nature and indicates screen is called the gravel reserve. Its purpose is to
the need for applying sand control systems to replace the gravel in the gravelpack that may be lost
prevent formation sand being produced. To fulfill this owing to settling over the life of the completion
requirement of the reservoir sands the conventional interval.
sand control method applied is the installation of The workstring is configured based on the
formation sand sized wirewrapped screens and Crossover Method which consists of a cup-type
openhole or casedhole gravelpack completion on crossover tool, crossover gravel-pack tool and a
uniform as non-uniform distributed reservoir sands. standard completion packer. A wash pipe inside the
SPE 165188 5

screen is also attached to the assembly. sizes moving from south to north. The majority of the
wells predict completion with 16/30 US Mesh gravel
The packer/crossover assembly has five major and 16-gauge wire-wrapped screen. Due to the
functions. availability of 25-gauge screens for this gravel size,
1. A means for setting and testing the packer. gravelpack completions were continued with 16/30
2. A flow path for the sand slurry to be pumped US Mesh gravel and 25-gauge screen. No sand
down the workstring and out through the ports in production has occurred up to now at these wells
the ported extension below the packer. with this completion. Moving to the north, coarser
3. The capability either to circulate fluids through gravel than the 16/30 US Mesh can also be applied
the screen and out the workstring/casing and provides evidence for a coastal marine
annulus (circulating position) or to the bullhead influenced depositional environment of the reservoir
the fluids into the formation (squeeze position). sands.
4. A means to release the crossover tool assembly It is essential to have a reliable representative
from the packer. sample of the reservoir sand for an effective SCD.
5. The capability to reverse circulates and cleans The use of SWC samples for SCD has its benefits
out the workstring after release from the packer. as well as its disadvantages. The main
disadvantages which can affect a SCD are related to
Sand control Design (SCD) the representativeness of the used sample:
SCD of production wells at Staatsolie is based on • Low side wall coring efficiency in unconsolidated
sieve analysis of sidewall core (SWC) samples from reservoirs influences the sample quality and
appraisal wells (drilled with a grid pattern of 2,000 quantity.
meters) of the specific development area within the • Contamination with drilling mud resulting into a
oilfield. The derived design is then applied on smaller estimated d50 of formation sand and the
development wells (drilled with a grid pattern of 200 application of finer gravel sand. This will have an
meters) during development stage of the field. A effect on the well productivity.
reevaluation of this method at randomly selected
wells within the two fields has confirmed its Application of Geophysical well logs for SCD – a
application for gravelpacked screen completion but case study
requires a detailed well analysis for SAS As having Geophysical well data always available of
completions. Casedhole completion is mainly all wells, an indepth study to apply these for SCD
applied on wells where free gas influx is expected or was performed. For this study a total of 76 wells
insufficient top or bottom sealing is encountered with were randomly selected from one of the oil fields at
water bearing sand layers. Staatsolie. From these wells SWC samples of
Selected SWC samples were cleaned and a completed reservoirs were analyzed to derive a
weighed fraction were dry sieved through a stack of SCD. Also interpreted well logs were collected to
sieves with openings of 2000 µm, 1000 µm, 500 µm, derive the typical well log shapes of the completed
250 µm, 125 µm, 63 µm and a pan. After sieving the reservoirs. Hereafter, correlations were aimed to
weight of sediments retained on each sieve was derive between Gamma Ray (GR) API values of
measured and processed in a Microsoft Excel completed reservoirs and the median formation sand
Spreadsheet computer program for the execution of sizes at the wells.
grain size analysis. For optimal SCD at Staatsolie, The GR log represents the vertical formation grain
the common Saucier gravel-sizing technique is size profile of different lithologies in the subsurface.
applied. Saucier suggests that the gravelsize for Typical gamma ray readings of sand containing
controlling unconsolidated sands should be five to reservoirs displays API values between 15-30 API
six times the median diameter (D50) of the formation and shales more than 75 API. The amount of clay
sand grain size. This is derived from the cumulative matrix tends to increase with decreasing grain size,
weight percentage curve as illustrated in Fig. 5. A which will be displayed on the GR-log representing
generalized particle size distribution (PSD) envelope the shaliness of a formation that changes with
of formation sands in the Staatsolie producing fields increasing depth. These changes are associated
as depicted in Fig. 6 reveals a widely ranged with variations in grain size and sorting distributions
reservoir sand distribution with median size, d50, that are controlled by the depositional environment
range of 48-1975 microns representing fine to very of the sediments. An interpretation of these logs
coarse grains. Fig. 7 displays the applied sand combined with sieve analysis results of SWC
control at randomly selected wells within two oil samples from completed reservoirs in selective wells
fields and Fig. 8 displays the calculated gravel sizes would confirm the SCD determination method
of those wells. The selection of the gravel and derived from well log interpretations of complex
screen size is based on the smallest calculated depositional environments.
gravel and screen size in the completed T-sand Fig. 9 illustrates the identified log shapes overlain at
interval. This confirms the increase in formation sand a conceptual geologic model of the Tambaredjo
particles correlated to coarser calculated gravel field. This confirms the complexity of the depositional
6 SPE 165188

environment of the reservoir sands and the control design in especially the unconsolidated
combinations in the log shapes. A correlation reservoirs.
between the uniformity and sorting coefficient
reveals the main distribution pattern of the 4. During the sieve analysis methodology the fines
Tambaredjo reservoir sands as shown in Fig. 10. content of less than 63micron is not accurately
The majority of the sands are uniform to non- measured. Accurate fines measurement should
uniformly distributed with well to poorly sorted. be supported by laser particle size analysis to
Uniform reservoir sand is mainly well sorted, but well have a reliable SCD that efficiently controls the
sorted reservoir sands do not necessarily have a formation sands.
uniform distribution. Above all, poorly sorted
reservoir sands are predominantly non-uniformly Acknowledgement
distributed. A correlation of well log interpretation Without the co-operation among the different
and particle size analysis is depicted in Fig.11. This departments, writing this paper would have been
correlation explains the strong effect of the impossible. Their valuable contribution is
depositional environment on the grain size appreciated. The authors also thank the
distribution. The quality and quantity of the reservoir Management of Staatsolie Maatschappij N.V. for
sand sample is expected to strongly influence the permission to publish the paper.
derived distribution patterns. Therefore a
representative amount of reservoir sand sample is References
highly recommended, such as a full core sample or 1. Haskell, J.B., Toelsie, S., Mohan, A., (2010),
a tight scale samples side ware core sample. A “Optimization of sand control for Unconsolidated,
correlation between the GR API value and the d50, Shallow, and Low-Pressure Sandstone Reservoirs: A
as illustrated in Fig. 12 confirms no direct correlation Suriname Case Study”, SPE 133461
2. Sparlin, D.D., Hagen Jr., R.W., (2000), “Selection
between the median formations sands size and the and design of sand control methods”, International
GR API value. This confirms that no straightforward Completion Consultants Incorporated, SPE
SCD can be derived from well log interpretations, 3. Chen, J., Chen, S., Altunbay, M.M., E. Tyurin, (2010),
using gamma ray logs as source for vertical “ A new method of grain size determination for sand-
distribution profile of unconsolidated sand reservoirs. control completion applications”, SPE 128011
This concludes that these reservoirs with a complex 4. Himes, R.E., S.J. Ruiz Jr., Halliburton Members,
depositional environment, requires the execution of (1986), “New Sidewall Coring Techniques to Improve
particle size analysis of formation sand samples to Gravelpack Design”, SPE 14813
obtain an effective sand control design. Well log 5. Maly, G.P., and Kreuger, R.F., (1971), Improper
Formation Sampling Leads to Improper Selection of
interpretations only contribute in understanding the Gravel Size, SPE 3041 and Journal of Petroleum
vertical particle size distribution of these sands. Technology, P. 1403-1408
6. McLaren, Patrick and Bowles, Donald, (1985), The
Conclusions effects of sediment transport on grain-size
1. Sand control design cannot directly be derived distributions, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol.
from well log interpretations, but requires particle 55, No. 4, P. 0457-0470
size distributions of the unconsolidated sand
reservoirs. No significant correlation can be
derived between GR-API value and median Nomenclature
formation grain size (Df50) for the D50 = median grain size of gravel-pack sand
unconsolidated sand reservoirs at Staatsolie. d50 = formation sand diameter, 50 percentile
This indicates the impact of the complexity of
reservoir sands depositional environments on an
effective SCD.

2. The quality and quantity of available SWC

sample can significantly influence the design
results. The results from dry sieve analysis
method can be poor, especially if large
quantities of fine particles are present.

3. Fines content in the producing reservoirs should

also be taken in consideration for optimal sand
SPE 165188 7

Fig. 1—Location Map of Staatsolie Oil Fields




PCP pump

and gravel Perforated
packed interval and gravel


Fig. 2—Schematic overview of openhole and casedhole gravelpack completions at Staatsolie

8 SPE 165188

Fig. 3—Stratigraphic Column of the Coastal Plain of Suriname with identified Reservoir sands in the
Lower and Upper Saramacca Formation

Fig. 4—Gravelpacking method schematic2

SPE 165188 9

Fig. 5—graphical formation grain size distribution overview and calculated SCD results of an analyzed SWC

Fig. 6—Generalized PSD envelope for Producing Fields within Staatsolie.

Note: green lines are data based on 300 samples in 2010, while pink curves are
based on additional 520 sample analysis in 2012.
10 SPE 165188

Fig. 7—Bubble map showing the actual sand control at selective wells
SPE 165188 11

Fig. 8—Bubble map showing the distribution of the calculated gravel sizes at selective wells
12 SPE 165188

Fig. 9—conceptual geologic model of the Tambaredjo field overlain with identified log shapes of the reservoir
sands in selected wells.

Fig. 10—relation uniformity coefficient against sorting coefficient

SPE 165188 13

Fig. 11—well log and SWC particle size distribution correlation of a well

Fig. 12—Correlation GR-value against median grain size of completed reservoir sand

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