03 Optimizing Frac Packs
03 Optimizing Frac Packs
03 Optimizing Frac Packs
Bala Gadiyar
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Tip screenout
Craig Meese
Greg Stimatz
Marathon Oil Company Dynamic fracture
Houston, Texas, USA
18 Oilfield Review
As offshore oil and gas development moves into
harsher, more demanding deepwater environ- Propped fracture
ments, frac-packing utilization and methods
continue to expand and evolve based on specific
field experience and requirements. These
tip-screenout (TSO) fracturing treatments 100 Unaligned perforations
performed in conjunction with gravel packing of
Autumn 2004 19
Small 3- to 5-ft
30 leakoff areas
above and
Dimensionless skin
below perforated
Depth, ft
XX,500 intervals
10 XX,550
0 20 40 60 80 100
Acid volume, gal/ft of perforated interval 0 50 100
Fracture length, ft
> Effective perforations. Comparing Gulf of Mexico well-completion skins
> Mitigating hydraulic fracture growth into shales.
with the volume of acid pumped to clean up perforation damage indicates
lower productivities when a hydrochloric acid [HCl] volume of less than Fracturing into a shale layer limits fluid leakoff and
20 gal/ft [0.24 m3/m] was used across the perforated interval. Optimized frac- may make it difficult to completely pack proppants
packing criteria recommend 40 to 50 gal/ft [0.5 to 0.6 m3/m] with effective around sand-control screens. Perforated intervals
diversion across the entire zone. can be reduced by 3 to 5 ft [0.9 to 1.5 m] near
shale interfaces to allow continued fluid leakoff
from dynamic fractures.
(above left). 40
50 ppt 35 ppt
Careful consideration should also be given to
selecting perforated intervals to avoid unwanted
hydraulic fracture-height growth in shale layers 20
above and below productive intervals. Fractur-
ing into shale restricts fluid leakoff. Dynamic 10
fractures in shale remain open longer because
treating fluids do not leak off fast enough. This 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
also makes it difficult to obtain a complete Well
gravel pack around the top of sand-control > Improved frac-pack productivity. Production from frac-packed wells in the
screens. Reducing perforation intervals by 3 to Gulf of Mexico Matagorda Island area doubled after switching from a fluid
5 ft [0.9 to 1.5 m] at the top and bottom typically system with a 50-pounds per thousand (ppt) gallon polymer concentration in
allows enough leakoff from dynamic fractures to Wells 1 to 4 (red) to an optimized 35-ppt polymer fluid in Wells 5 to 7 (blue). The
productivity ratio in Well 7 would have been higher, but output was limited by
effectively complete the gravel-packing portion small production tubing.
of a treatment (above right).
After perforating, a successful TSO treatment
is essential to generate wide fractures and exter-
nal proppant packs, and to promote grain-to-grain
20 Oilfield Review
proppant contact from fracture tip to wellbore. 300 12,000
Achieving these interrelated objectives requires Injection calibration Frac pack
and DataFRAC tests
40 ppt
Viscosity, cp
loadings, which decreased the chance of achiev-
ing a tip screenout. Therefore, designers began 10 1,000
35 ppt
basing fluid selection and polymer loadings on
actual temperatures and shear rates in a fracture.4 Fluid shear
Downhole temperatures decrease signifi-
cantly during pretreatment injectivity and
calibration tests and actual frac packing Fracture extension Tip screenout
0.1 100
because of rapid fluid leakoff into high- 0 10 20 30 40
permeability formations (top right). This cool Time, min
down subsequently increases apparent treatment- > Fluid viscosity versus shear rate. Laboratory tests were conducted at fluid
fluid viscosity inside the dynamic fracture and shear rates (blue) typical of fracture extension and tip screenout during frac-
packing operations. A 35-ppt crosslinked hydroxypropyl guar (HPG) fracturing
decreases leakoff into the formation.
fluid (green) exhibited adequate viscosity, while 40- and 45-ppt systems (red
In addition to changes in fluid properties and gold, respectively) had significantly higher viscosities. Changes in
caused by temperature effects, treatment fluids temperature and shear can hinder TSO if polymer loadings are too high.
experience varying shear rates as fractures
extend, or propagate. Fluid velocities and shear
are high during fracture initiation, but decrease
by several orders of magnitude after TSO, 3. Bakker E, Veeken K, Behrmann L, Milton P, Stirton G, 4. Morales RH, Gadiyar BR, Bowman MD, Wallace C and
Salsman A, Walton I, Stutz L and Underdown D: “The Norman WD: “Fluid Characterization for Placing an
causing corresponding increases in apparent New Dynamics of Underbalanced Perforating,” Oilfield Effective Frac/Pack,” paper SPE 71658, presented at
viscosity (right). Review 15, no. 4 (Winter 2003/2004): 54–67. the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
New Orleans, September 30–October 3, 2001.
Autumn 2004 21
The viscosity of gelled polymer fluids must 35
break down completely after a treatment.
Frac-packing fluids that do not break quickly 30
can leave polymer residue in propped fractures
Fracture-face contact
should start degrading, and then quickly break
and consolidation
Transition flow
down completely.
Radial flow
Linear flow
Intermediate slurry stages should remain
Receding fracture height and
breaking. The total time that pad and slurry closure
stages remain stable should include workstring
Fracture-Closure Pressure
Minifracture injectivity tests performed before a Fracture- Instantaneous shut-in
Bottomhole pressure
pressure (ISIP)
main treatment using the DataFRAC fracture pressure Net pressure
data determination service verify parameters
such as fracture-closure pressure, fluid leakoff Fracture-closure pressure
coefficient and fluid efficiency. Reliable values Rebound
for these parameters aid in calibration, optimiza- pressure
22 Oilfield Review
Equilibrium Step-Rate Flowback
1,500 12
DataFRAC Flowback
1,000 Live- 8 7,800
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Square root total time, min1/2
> Equilibrium step-rate (ESR) test. In high-permeability formations, the ESR test provides a more reliable indication of fracture-closure pressure than other
methods. Fluid is injected at increasing rates to initiate a hydraulic fracture and estimate the injection rate required for fracture propagation, or extension
(left). The injection rate is then decreased and held constant at the estimated propagation rate. When the fluid leakoff and injection rates reach equilibrium,
the pressure begins to stabilize and the well is shut-in. In contrast to conventional minifracture tests and DataFRAC pressure-decline analysis (lower right),
fracture-closure pressure during an ESR test is unique and easy to identify (upper right).
To achieve a TSO that ensures a wider fracture-closure pressure and correctly and pressure stabilizes. Once this equilibrium
propped fracture, field engineers rely on net- characterize hydraulic fracture behavior. pressure is reached, the well is shut-in and the
pressure plots to make real-time decisions about Ideally, fracture closure should be activated fracture closes.
continuing a treatment or ending the job early. by fluid flow and controlled primarily by the The ESR test provides a more reliable value
Matching net-pressure behavior using a com- dynamic fracture opening and closing to provide for fracture-closure pressure, especially in high-
puter model also helps in estimating fracture a unique pressure response. Performed permeability formations where treatment fluids
dimensions and adjusting treatment designs. correctly, step-rate and flowback tests fit these leak off quickly and hydraulic fractures
Step-rate tests using ungelled fluids and criteria, as does the new equilibrium step- close quickly.
DataFRAC analysis using the actual gelled rate (ESR) test (above).5 The ESR test is similar The closure pressure is unique and easy to
treatment fluids involve pumping fluid into a to a conventional step-rate test with one exception. identify, which avoids ambiguities associated
formation to analyze pressure responses during This procedure decreases hydraulic fracture with other methods. Fluid efficiency can also be
and after injection (previous page, bottom). surfaces to an equilibrium area where injection estimated from the decline slope. A field-derived
Pressure-decline analysis, the most commonly rate equals leakoff rate to provide a more correlation for deepwater wells provides a
used method, incorporates standardized plots to reliable indication of fracture-closure pressure. reliable way to estimate in-situ stress.
identify the inflection point on a pressure- Fluid is injected at increasing rates to create a In the past, a common misconception was
decline curve that represents fracture closure. hydraulic fracture; then, rather than shutting in that higher frac-pack productivities resulted
Under some conditions, however, the the well, the fluid-injection rate is reduced to from placing larger volumes of proppant in a for-
pressure response exhibits inflection points the estimated fracture-propagation, or exten- mation. Skin data from frac-pack completions in
associated with mechanisms other than fracture sion, rate and then held constant. the Gulf of Mexico plotted as a function of
closure—changes in flow regimes or gas The volume and pressure in the dynamic
5. Weng X, Pandey V and Nolte KG: “Equilibrium Test – A
influx—that sometimes lead to erroneous esti- fracture subsequently decrease until the fluid Method for Closure Pressure Determination,” paper
mates. A more objective and reliable test was leakoff and injection rates reach equilibrium. At SPE/ISRM 78173, presented at the SPE/ISRM Rock
Mechanics Conference, Irving, Texas, October 20–23, 2002.
needed to correctly and consistently determine that point, fracture volume stops decreasing,
Autumn 2004 23
35 tubes
Dimensionless skin 25
0 Screen
1 2,000 4,000 6,000
Volume of proppant placed, lbm/ft of perforated interval Nozzle
Perforations Screens
proppant volume per foot indicate that probability of complete fracture coverage
increased proppant volumes do not necessarily decreases, and risk of proppant bridging
decrease skin if the treatment failed to achieve increases. Long intervals may be treated in
a TSO (above). Another key aspect of ensuring separate stages. This requires more downhole
effective TSO treatments is complete and effec- equipment, such as stacked frac-packing
tive fracture coverage and proppant placement assemblies, and additional installation time, but
across an entire productive interval. these factors are often outweighed by increased
treatment and completion effectiveness.
Fracture Coverage and Proppant Placement Alternate Path technology can also be
Frac-pack completion designs and downhole applied to frac pack longer intervals (right).
equipment must address the complexities of AllFRAC screens use hollow rectangular tubes, or
treating large reservoir sections and multiple shunts, welded on the outside of screens to pro-
completion intervals, some with perforated vide additional flow paths for slurry. Exit ports Annular
intervals longer than 150 ft [46 m] and with sig- with carbide-strengthened nozzles on the shunt proppant bridge
nificant permeability and stress contrasts. Even tubes allow fluids and proppant to exit above and Annular
void Fracture
carefully planned frac-packing treatments may below annular restrictions, so that fracturing and
end in failure if proppant packs off, or bridges, annular packing can continue even after restric-
in the screen-casing annulus, restricting or tions form in the screen-casing annulus.
blocking annular flow. Proppant bridging may Shunt tubes provide conduits for slurry
cause early treatment termination, low fracture to bypass collapsed hole and external zonal-
conductivity and incomplete gravel packing isolation packers as well as annular proppant
around screens. bridges at the top of intervals or adjacent to
Annular blockage near the top of a screen high-permeability zones with significant fluid
assembly prevents fracture stimulation and leakoff. If annular restrictions form, injection Nozzle
screen packing across deeper zones. Partial flow pressure increases and slurry diverts into the
restriction in the annulus increases frictional shunt tubes, ensuring fracture coverage and
pressure drop, restricts rate distribution and proppant packing around screens across the
limits fracture-height growth across the comple- entire completion interval.
> Effective treatment placement. AllFRAC
tion interval, especially when fracturing zones Alternate Path technology also allows screen
Alternate Path screens have shunt tubes with
with higher in-situ stresses. Annular voids below manufacturers to maximize internal screen strategically located exit nozzles welded on the
a proppant bridge increase the likelihood of diameters to reduce pressure drops through outside of screen assemblies (top and middle).
subsequent screen failures caused by erosion downhole assemblies and well-completion Large shunt tubes provide a flow path for slurry to
from produced fluids and sand. equipment. To accommodate higher injection bypass annular restrictions caused by the
formation of proppant bridges, allowing continued
For homogeneous intervals that are less than rates, AllFRAC screens for frac packing have fracture stimulation of lower intervals and
60 ft [18 m] thick, fracture height typically shunt tubes with slightly larger cross sections complete packing of any annular voids around
covers the entire zone. For longer intervals, the than the AllPAC screens used for gravel packing. the screens that may form as a result of proppant
bridging in the screen-casing annulus (bottom).
24 Oilfield Review
Fracture packing
11,500 50
Rate, bbl/min
BHP Rate 20
9,000 10
8,500 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time. min
Casing Screens Annular packing
6,000 50
Rate, bbl/min
3,000 Rate
2,000 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time, min
> Optimized frac packing. Bottomhole treating-pressure response for an effective TSO treatment demonstrates a significant increase in net pressure
associated with proppant packing in a wide fracture rather than continued length propagation and height growth (top). As in conventional
gravel packing, a spike in the surface pressure is indicative of a completely packed screen-casing annulus (bottom).
Autumn 2004 25
Tubing hanger
safety valve
9 5⁄8 -in. liner top
Packer-setting device
mechanical override
Splice sub
9 5⁄8 -in. Production packer
liner Gauge carrier with
top three pressure and
temperature sensors
Cross-nipple for upper
zone isolation
Upper flow-control valve
Lower flow-control valve
Landing nipple
Wireline reentry guide
7-in. shroud
Landing nipple for
lower zone isolation
3 1⁄2-in. isolation tubing
QUANTUM isolation packer
Production-seal assembly
AFIV device
QUANTUM maX packer
Upper Mechanical FIV device
2 7⁄8-in. tubing with
carbide blast rings
AllFRAC screens (Aconcagua field)
Weatherford prepacked screens
(Camden Hills field)
Shifting tool
Lower QUANTUM maX packer
interval Hydraulic/mechanical FIV device
AllFRAC screens (Aconcagua field)
Weatherford prepacked screens
(Camden Hills field)
Sump packer
The four wells in the Aconcagua field, two platform operated by Williams Energy Services, water-bearing sands in some areas. In addition,
wells in the Camden Hills field and three wells about 56 miles [90 km] away in Main Pass most of these reservoirs consist of multiple
in the King’s Peak field are located in 6,200 to Block 261. Production is selectively controlled sands separated by shale layers. Production
7,200 ft [1,890 to 2,195 m] of water. These sub- using an intelligent well completion system.7 history from these types of reservoirs indicates
sea wells produce into a common multiphase These fields comprise a series of high- that gas output drops quickly once water
gathering system. Dual pipelines then transport permeability, unconsolidated sands overlying production begins.
produced gas to Canyon Station, a processing
26 Oilfield Review
Completing and draining multiple sands and by filtered calcium chloride [CaCl2] brine to was 6,300 psi [43.4 MPa], and bottomhole static
having the capability of controlling water provide a 300- to 700-psi [2.1- to 4.8-MPa] hydro- temperature (BHST) was 128°F [53°C]. Two
production without conventional remedial rig static overbalance. Total ran an ultrasonic zones had perforated interval lengths greater
intervention were critical elements in the plan- cement bond log with a gamma ray correlation than 100 ft [30 m] with high inclination angles
ning and design of these wells. Well-completion log and casing collar locator on the Total wells. of 30° to 53°.
equipment consisted of a sump, or bottom, Based on previous results, the Marathon well- Productive zones in the Camden Hills field
packer; AllFRAC screen assemblies and an isola- completion program did not include a cement were close to a water contact, so fracture-height
tion packer with tubing or annular isolation bond log. A lower sump packer run on wireline growth was a concern. Perforated-interval
devices for each completion interval; and an and set below the deepest perforations provided lengths varied from 46 to 65 ft, [14 to 20 m] at a
isolation packer and upper completion equip- a reference depth for subsequent operations in TVD of about 14,000 ft [4,267 m]. Reservoir
ment (previous page). all the wells. pressure was 7,065 psi [48.7 MPa] and BHST was
Total and Marathon completed a total of 13 Productive intervals were perforated with a 155°F [68°C].
perforated intervals in six subsea wells, four in 400- to 600-psi [2.8- to 4.1-MPa] overbalance Because of high wellbore inclination angles
the Aconcagua field and two in the Camden Hills using tubing-conveyed perforating (TCP) in the Aconcagua field, Total selected wire-
field. Each well had at least two completion inter- techniques. The relatively simple TCP gun wrapped Alternate Path AllFRAC screens with
vals that were frac packed with the objective of assemblies consisted of a locating snap-latch, shunt tubes to obtain uniform fracture stimula-
achieving completions skins of less than five.8 gun sections with charges loaded at 12 shots per tion and complete packing of the screen-casing
Well operations, which were suspended after foot (spf) and 120° or 60° phasing, a pressure- annulus across longer completion intervals.
batch drilling all the wells, resumed by reenter- disk to hold fluid in the tubing and a hydraulic Marathon chose prepacked Weatherford screens
ing the wells to drill out temporary cement plugs firing head with backup drop bar. One of the with 20/40 mesh resin-coated proppant for the
and replace mud with less damaging completion Camden Hills field wells used 18 spf. The wells Camden Hills field where shorter completion
fluids. Surfactant pills were circulated to remove were not flowed after perforating. This method intervals did not require the use of Alternate
remaining mud deposits. Casing brushes, 360° proved to be simple, reliable and relatively low- Path technology.
scrapers, screen-type junk baskets and magnets risk compared to underbalanced perforating in After perforating, the sand-control screen
removed any other debris. The subsea riser and unconsolidated sands. assembly for the lower completion interval,
cavities in the blowout preventer (BOP) stack Perforated intervals in the Aconcagua field including an FIV Formation Isolation Valve tool,
were cleaned with brush and jetting tools. ranged from 35 to 111 ft [11 to 34 m] in length was run. Bottomhole temperature and pressure
Following these cleanout procedures, the with a true vertical depth (TVD) of about gauges were run to evaluate treatment placement.
wellbores were displaced with seawater followed 12,700 ft [3,870 m]. Average reservoir pressure In some cases, the average skin for conven-
tional frac-packs in the Gulf of Mexico is greater
than 10 (left). Total and Marathon applied opti-
mized frac-packing techniques with the
objectives of reducing completion skin and
depleting these smaller fields more effectively
without future remedial intervention.
Prior to frac-packing operations, Total and
Number of points = 95 Marathon pumped 50 gal/ft [0.6 m3/m] of 10%
Average skin = 10.3 hydrochloric acid [HCl] to remove perforation
Dimensionless skin
damage. Treatment fluids were selected based
40 on cool-down temperatures of 87 to 95°F [31 to
35°C] using the CoolFRAC optimized fracturing
20 service for high-permeability frac packs.
Before the main treatments, Total performed
0 DataFRAC analysis that included ESR tests
using a linear gel to accurately determine
-20 fracture-closure pressure. Subsequent injection-
1 100 10,000 1,000,000 calibration treatments used a 20-pound per
Permeability-height (kh), mD-ft
> Frac-pack productivity. Gulf of Mexico pressure-buildup data indicate that 7. de Reals BT, Lomenech H, Nogueira AC, Stearns JP and
Ferroni L: “Canyon Express Deepwater Flowline System:
completion skin is higher than expected in many frac-pack completions, Design and Installation,” paper OTC 15096, presented
leaving room for further optimization. In this evaluation, skins increased with at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston,
increasing permeability-height (kh), averaging 10.3 for these 95 treatments. May 5–8, 2003.
8. Piedras JM, Stimatz GP, Jackson Nielsen VB and
Watson GM: “Canyon Express: Design and Experience
on High-Rate Deepwater Gas Producers Using Frac-Pack
and Intelligent Well Completion Systems,” paper OTC
15094, presented at the Offshore Technology Conference,
Houston, May 5–8, 2003.
Autumn 2004 27
> Frac-packing Aconcagua field wells. The Schlumberger DeepSTIM I and DeepSTIM II stimulation
vessels performed frac-pack combined stimulation and gravel packing for Total while moored beside
the Transocean Discoverer Spirit drillship during the completion of subsea wells in Mississippi Canyon
Block 305.
thousand (ppt) crosslinked fluid. Marathon In the Camden Hills field, Marathon and Zonal Isolation and Fluid-Loss Control
eliminated DataFRAC tests from Camden Hills Schlumberger specialists designed unconven- Canyon Express well designs integrated an FIV
field frac-pack procedures to avoid promoting tional frac packs using a less efficient system with QUANTUM gravel-pack packer
fracture growth into nearby water sands. crosslinked fluid to control fracture-height equipment for lower completion intervals. The
Frac-packing treatments were pumped from growth through excessive leakoff and to prevent sand-control equipment for upper intervals
the Schlumberger DeepSTIM I and DeepSTIM II fracture propagation into wet sands. Design frac- included an AFIV system. These devices assure a
stimulation vessels, which were moored along- ture lengths were 20 to 30 ft [6.1 to 9.1 m] with a high level of well control without expensive and
side the Transocean Discoverer Spirit drillship 1-in. propped fracture width. For the Aconcagua risky well-intervention operations. The FIV and
(above). The main frac-packing treatments were field completions, Total increased the polymer AFIV systems have a proven record of providing
performed at 20 to 30 bbl/min [3.2 to concentration slightly and designed fracture safe, reliable zonal isolation in various drillstem
4.8 m 3 /min] using 20/40 man-made ceramic lengths of 40 to 50 ft [12.2 to 15.2 m]. testing and downhole tool applications.
proppant and a 20-ppt crosslinked fluid. Following frac-packing operations on the These valves allow independent, two-way
After the operator encountered difficulty lower completion interval in each well, an isola- isolation and control of each interval to prevent
achieving a complete annular pack in the first tion plug was set in the lower frac-pack packer. fluid losses and gas influx during completion and
Aconcagua well, perforation intervals were Sand or calcium carbonate pills were spotted on flowback operations. The FIV and AFIV valves
reduced to limit fracture growth into bounding top of this plug to facilitate cleaning out debris also facilitated pressure-integrity tests without
shale layers and provide for continued fluid after perforating the upper completion interval. wireline or coiled tubing intervention before the
leakoff. Subsequently, a 120-bbl [19-m3] slurry The operators perforated the upper completion wells were opened for production.
stage with 8 to 10 pounds of proppant added intervals, retrieved the packer isolation plug and In each of these Canyon Express wells, a
(ppa) per thousand gallons was included in the ran sand-control equipment with an FIV tool shifting tool below the internal washpipe passed
pumping schedule to allow for controlled reduc- before frac packing. back through the screens as the gravel-packing
tion in injection rates at the end of a treatment. A seal assembly below the isolation packer workstring tubing was retrieved. This tool
These steps ensured complete gravel packing on connected into a polished-bore receptacle (PBR) shifted a sleeve that closed the respective valves
subsequent jobs without pumping separate at the top of the lower screen assembly. An AFIV to isolate each completion interval after
treatments to top-off and pack the screen top. annular-controlled FIV system in the isolation frac-packing treatments. The FIV and AFIV
packer assembly provided flow isolation for the valves could also be opened with a similar shift-
upper and lower completion intervals. ing tool run on wireline or coiled tubing, and the
FIV ball valve could be milled through tubing as
a contingency.
28 Oilfield Review
8,500 110 Fracture-closure pressures from conven-
8,400 tional injection and minifracture tests were too
Slope change ambiguous for critical ultradeepwater well
completions. More reliable ESR analysis ensured
Temperature, °F
Top temperature gauge Total performed Aconcagua field frac packs
8,000 90 in circulating position and tracked bottomhole
7,900 pressure (BHP) in real time by monitoring the
tubing-casing annulus during the jobs performed
Sharp pressure increase 80 in this field. Net-pressure gains of between 300
7,700 and 1,100 psi [2.1 and 7.6 MPa], indicating effec-
Bottom temperature gauge
7,600 tive TSO results, were observed while pumping
these optimized frac-packing treatments.
7,500 70
25 30 35 40 Marathon performed Camden Hills field frac
Time, min packs in squeeze position and did not monitor
> Effective stimulation and packing. Data from permanent bottomhole gauges BHP using a live annulus.
show pressure responses associated with changes in temperature that Calculated completion skins ranged from
are indicative of slurry diversion through Alternate Path shunt tubes during –1.5 to 4 with an average of 3.06 for 13 intervals
frac packing.
in the six wells in Aconcagua and Camden Hills
fields, much better than the previous average of
10.3 (below left). Production began just after
the sixth well was completed. Effective TSO
fracture treatments optimized production from
frac-pack completions in high-permeability,
unconsolidated formations. Each of the wells is
capable of producing more than the target rate
of 50 MMcf/D per well [1.4 million m3/d].
Dimensionless skin
Autumn 2004 29