Surirella Turpin, 1828 - 363 - Algaebase

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10. 11. 2012.

Surirella Turpin, 1828: 363 :: Algaebase

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131,342 species and infraspecific names are in the database, 15,453 images, 48,359 bibliographic items, 213,665 distributional records.

Surirella Turpin, 1828: 363

Holotype species: Surirella striatula Turpin Original publication and holotype designation:Turpin, P.J.F. (1828). Observations sur le nouveau genre Surirella. Mmoires du Muse d'Histoire Naturelle 16: 361-368. Download PDF Taxonomic status: currently recognized as a distinct genus. NCBI Nucleotide Sequences As of 2 June 2009, nucleotide sequence data are available at for 13 samples identified as Surirella . Numbers of names and species: There are 1214 species (and infraspecific) names in the database at present, of which 183 have been flagged as currently accepted taxonomically. Names: ('C ' indicates a name that is currently accepted taxonomically; 'S' a homotypic or heterotypic synonym; 'U' indicates a name of uncertain taxonomic status, but which has been subjected to some verification nomenclaturally; 'P' indicates a preliminary AlgaeBase entry that has not been subjected to any kind of verification. For more information on a species click on it to activate a link to the Species database): Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella Surirella abies Cleve-Euler C acanthophora M.H.Giffen P acanthophora A.Iltis P acredula M.H.Hohn & J.Hellerman P aculeata F.Hustedt P acuminata var. constricta W.Carruthers P acuminata var. baikalensis Skvortzov P acuminata F.Hustedt P acuminata L.A.Brbisson P acuta Ehrenberg P adriatica Ktzing S adumbratus M.H.Hohn & J.Hellerman P aegyptiaca M.M.Salah & G.Tams P affinis F.Hustedt P africana G.Leuduger-Fortmorel P agmatilis K.E.Camburn P agonaensis N.Foged P alata F.Hustedt P albaregiensis Pantocsek P alicula M.H.Hohn & J.Hellerman P alisoviana Skvortzov P alisowiana Skvortzov C alpina J.A.M.Perty P alternans A.W.F.Schmidt P ambigua Ktzing P americana E.Terry P amoena Pantocsek P amphiamblya Ehrenberg P amphibola Ehrenberg P amphicentra Ehrenberg P amphioxys W.Smith C amphioxys var. alaskaensis N.Foged P anassae Cholnoky C anceps Lewis C anfractuosa A.W.F.Schmidt P angusta var. hankensis Skvortzov P angusta var. apiculata (W.Smith) Grunow P angusta var. pygmaea Ant.Mayer P angusta var. panduriformis W.Smith C angusta var. pinnata (W.Smith) F.Meister P angusta f. punctata R.F.Bastow P angusta var. apiculata (W.Smith) Grunow P angusta var. genuina Grunow P 1/18
Classification: Empire Eukaryota Kingdom Chromista Subkingdom Harosa Infrakingdom Heterokonta Phylum Ochrophyta Subphylum Khakista Class Bacillariophyceae Subclass Bacillariophycidae Superorder Bacillarianae Order Surirellales Family Surirellaceae

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