Reference Books
1. Bjarne stroustrup, The C++ programming Language, Addison Wesley, 4th edition, 2013
2. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, 2010.
3. Maureen Sprankle and Jim Hubbard, Problem solving and Programming concepts, 9th edition,
Pearson Eduction, 2014
2 Solving by Abstraction:
Travelling salesman Problem
Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course
This course is
University core.
Suitable from 2nd semester onwards.
Basic skill in problem solving techniques is essential.
This Course is designed with 300 minutes of lab hours (3 sessions each 100 minutes) per week. In every
practice session, the teacher will explain the concepts by taking one or two problems from the problem
set then student is expected to solve these problems during this session. Remaining problems will be
solved by the students as a home assignment/practice problem.
Friend functions
2 Friend class usage T1,R1,R2
2 Function overloading concept usage T1,R1,R2
2 Operator overloading – unary operator usage T1,R1,R2
2 Operator overloading -subscript operator [] usage T1,R1,R2
Operator overloading – all operators video lecture/self study
2 Operator overloading – binary operator using friend usage T1,R1,R2
and member function
2 Operator overloading – Type Conversion usage T1,R1,R2
2 Assessment – III
Overview of Greedy Technique - Scheduling Problem* familiarity R3
2 Case study - Railway Reservation Systems** T1,R1,R2
and usage