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Generic programming – Class template 2

26. Generic programming – Class Template Inheritance 2
27. STL – Container, Algorithm, Iterator- vector 2
28. STL –list, stack 4
29. STL - Map 2
30. Formatted iostreams 2
31. Manipulators , overloading Inserters(<<) and Extractors(>>) 2
32. Sequential and Random files – writing and reading objects into/from
Text Books
1. Stanley B Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara E, Moo, “C++ primer”, Fifth edition, Addison-Wesley,
2. Ali Bahrami, Object oriented Systems development, Tata McGraw - Hill Education, 1999
3. Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie , The „C‟ programming Language, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall
Inc., 1988.

Reference Books
1. Bjarne stroustrup, The C++ programming Language, Addison Wesley, 4th edition, 2013
2. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, 2010.
3. Maureen Sprankle and Jim Hubbard, Problem solving and Programming concepts, 9th edition,
Pearson Eduction, 2014

Sl. List of Challenging Experiments

1. Postman Problem
A postman needs to walk down every street in his area in order to deliver the mail. Assume that
the distances between the streets along the roads are given. The postman starts at the post office
and returns back to the post office after delivering all the mails. Implement an algorithm to help
the post man to walk minimum distance for the purpose.
2. Budget Allocation for Marketing Campaign
A mobile manufacturing company has got several marketing options such as Radio
advertisement campaign, TV non peak hours campaign, City top paper network, Viral marketing
campaign, Web advertising. From their previous experience, they have got a statistics about
paybacks for each marketing option. Given the marketing budget (rupees in crores) for the
current year and details of paybacks for each option, implement an algorithm to determine the
amount that shall spent on each marketing option so that the company attains the maximum

3. Missionaries and Cannibals

Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river, along with a boat that can hold
one or two people. Implement an algorithm to find a way to get everyone to the other side of
the river, without ever leaving a group of missionaries in one place outnumbered by the
cannibals in that place.
4. Register Allocation Problem
A register is a component of a computer processor that can hold any type of data and can be
accessed faster. As registers are faster to access, it is desirable to use them to the maximum so
that the code execution is faster. For each code submitted to the processor, a register

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interference graph (RIG) is constructed. In a RIG, a node represents a temporary variable and
an edge is added between two nodes (variables) t1 and t2 if they are live simultaneously at some
point in the program. During register allocation, two temporaries can be allocated to the same
register if there is no edge connecting them. Given a RIG representing the dependencies
between variables in a code, implement an algorithm to determine the number of registers
required to store the variables and speed up the code execution.
5. Selective Job Scheduling Problem
A server is a machine that waits for requests from other machines and responds to them. The
purpose of a server is to share hardware and software resources among clients. All the clients
submit the jobs to the server for execution and the server may get multiple requests at a time. In
such a situation, the server schedule the jobs submitted to it based on some criteria and logic.
Each job contains two values namely time and memory required for execution. Assume that
there are two servers that schedules jobs based on time and memory. The servers are named as
Time_Schedule_Server and memory_Schedule_Server respectively. Design a OOP model and
implement the time_Schedule_Server and memory_Schedule_Server. The
Time_Schedule_Server arranges jobs based on time required for execution in ascending order
whereas memory_Schedule_Server arranges jobs based on memory required for execution in
ascending order.
6. Fragment Assembly in DNA Sequencing
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other
organisms. The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases:
adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). In DNA sequencing, each DNA is
sheared into millions of small fragments (reads) which assemble to form a single genomic
sequence (“superstring”). Each read is a small string. In such a fragment assembly, given a set of
reads, the objective is to determine the shortest superstring that contains all the reads. For
example, given a set of strings, {000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111} the shortest superstring
is 0001110100. Given a set of reads, implement an algorithm to find the shortest superstring that
contains all the given reads.
7. House Wiring
An electrician is wiring a house which has many rooms. Each room has many power points in
different locations. Given a set of power points and the distances between them, implement an
algorithm to find the minimum cable required.

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Course Description

This course will ensure the competency in the following.

S.No Topics Lab Hrs SLO

1 Solving by Divide and Conquer and recursion:
Tower of Hanoi problem

Structured Programming 12 1,9,17

conditional and looping statements-arrays – functions - pointers –
dynamic memory allocation - structure

2 Solving by Abstraction:
Travelling salesman Problem

Introduction to object oriented approach: Why object oriented

programming?- Characteristics of object oriented language: classes and
10 1,9,17
objects - encapsulation-data abstraction- inheritance - polymorphism -
Merits and Demerits of object oriented programming. UML- class diagram
of OOP - Inline function – default argument function- Exception
handling(Standard) - reference: independent reference – function returning
reference – pass by reference,
3 Solving by Exhaustive approach:
Cabbage, Goat, farmer problem
Case study – Railway Reservation Systems
14 1,9,17
Classes and objects: Definition of classes – access specifier – class versus
structure – constructor – destructor – copy constructor and its importance
– array of objects – dynamic objects- friend function-friend class
4 Solving by Greedy
Scheduling Problem
Case study - Railway Reservation Systems

Polymorphism and Inheritance : 26 1,9,17

Polymorphism-compile time polymorphism – function overloading –
operator overloading - . Inheritance-types of inheritance- constructors and
destructors in inheritance – constraints of multiple inheritance-virtual base
class - run time polymorphism-function overriding.

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5 Solving by Greedy
Knapsack Problem

Case study - Railway Reservation Systems

18 1,9,17
Exception handling and Templates
Exception handling(user-defined exception)- Function template , Class
template – Template with inheritance , STL – Container, Algorithm,
Iterator -vector, list, stack, map
6 Solving by Divide and conquer
Strassen‟s Matrix multiplications
Case study - Railway Reservation Systems
10 1,9,17
IOstream s and Files
IOstreams, Manipulators- overloading Inserters(<<) and Extractors(>>)-
Sequential and Random files – writing and reading objects into/from files
Total Lab hours 90

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Problem Solving with Object Oriented Programming

Knowledge Areas that contain topics and learning outcomes covered in the course

Knowledge Area Total Hours of Coverage

CS: AL / CE: ALG 90 Hrs


This course is
 University core.
 Suitable from 2nd semester onwards.
 Basic skill in problem solving techniques is essential.

What is the format of the course?

This Course is designed with 300 minutes of lab hours (3 sessions each 100 minutes) per week. In every
practice session, the teacher will explain the concepts by taking one or two problems from the problem
set then student is expected to solve these problems during this session. Remaining problems will be
solved by the students as a home assignment/practice problem.

How are students assessed?

1. Evaluation is based on the continuous assessment which consists of approximately 5

assessments and 1 challenging tasks
2. 50% weightage for assessments, 20% weightage for challenging tasks and 30% weightage for
practice problems (home assignment).

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Session wise plan

Lab Topic Covered levels of Text / Remarks

Hour mastery Reference
2 Overview of Divide and conquer - Tower of Hanoi familiarity T3,R3
problem* and usage
conditional and looping statements
2 Arrays – single and multi dimension usage T3

2 Functions – recursion usage T3

2 Pointers usage T3
2 Dynamic memory allocation - structure – union usage T3
2 Assessment - I
Overview of Abstraction technique -Travelling familiarity T1,T2,
2 salesman Problem* and usage R1,R2,R3
Inline functions, functions with default arguments
2 Exception handling (Standard Exceptions) usage T1,R1,R2
Functions with reference(independent reference, usage T1,R1,R2
2 function pass by reference, function return by
Overview of OOP concepts and UML class diagram video lecture/self study
2 Designing UML diagram usage T2
2 Classes and objects usage T1,R1,R2
2 Static data members, dynamic memory allocation usage T1,R1,R2
2 Array of objects(static and dynamic) usage T1,R1,R2
Constructors(default, parameter less, parameterised) usage T1,R1,R2
and destructors
2 Copy constructors and its importance usage T1,R1,R2
2 Assessment – II
Overview of Exhaustive approach- Cabbage, Goat, R3
farmer problem* familiarity T1,R1,R2
2 Case study – Railway Reservation Systems** and usage

Friend functions
2 Friend class usage T1,R1,R2
2 Function overloading concept usage T1,R1,R2
2 Operator overloading – unary operator usage T1,R1,R2
2 Operator overloading -subscript operator [] usage T1,R1,R2
Operator overloading – all operators video lecture/self study
2 Operator overloading – binary operator using friend usage T1,R1,R2
and member function
2 Operator overloading – Type Conversion usage T1,R1,R2
2 Assessment – III
Overview of Greedy Technique - Scheduling Problem* familiarity R3
2 Case study - Railway Reservation Systems** T1,R1,R2
and usage

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Single and hierarchy inheritance
2 Multilevel inheritance usage T1,R1,R2
2 Multiple inheritance usage T1,R1,R2
2 Multipath, hybrid inheritance usage T1,R1,R2
2 Dynamic polymorphism – virtual functions usage T1,R1,R2
2 Dynamic polymorphism – pure virtual functions usage T1,R1,R2
2 Assessment – IV
Greedy Technique - Knapsack Problem* familiarity R3
2 Case study - Railway Reservation Systems** and usage T1,R1,R2
exception handling (User-defined Exceptions)
2 Generic programming – function template usage T1,R1,R2
2 Generic programming – Class template usage T1,R1,R2
2 Generic programming – Class Template Inheritance usage T1,R1,R2
2 STL – Container, Algorithm, Iterator- vector usage T1,R1,R2
2 STL –list, stack usage T1,R1,R2
STL - map video lecture/self study
2 Problem solving using list, stack, map usage T1,R1,R2
2 Assessment – V
Divide and conquer - Strassen‟s Matrix multiplications* familiarity R3
Case study - Railway Reservation Systems** T1,R1,R2
2 and usage
formatted iostreams
manipulators video lecture/self study
2 Manipulators , overloading Inserters(<<) and usage T1,R1,R2
2 Sequential – writing and reading objects into/from files usage T1,R1,R2
Random files - writing and reading objects into/from usage T1,R1,R2
2 Assessment – VI
2 Assessment -Challenging Task
* The programming concepts and the problem given must be related
**The case study must be extensively discussed while introducing the OOP concepts

Approved by the Academic Council on: 17.12.2015

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