6 TH
6 TH
6 TH
Unit II :Syntax Analysis: Role of Parser – Grammars – Error Handling – Context-free grammars –
Writing a grammar, Top-Down Parsing – General Strategies Recursive Descent Parser – Predictive
Parser-LL(1) Parser-Shift Reduce Parser-LR Parser-LR (0) Item Construction of SLR Parsing Table -
Introduction to LALR Parser – Error Handling and Recovery in Syntax Analyzer-YACC
Unit III : Intermediate Code Generation: Syntax Directed Definitions, Evaluation Orders for Syntax
Directed Definitions, Intermediate Languages: Syntax Tree, Three Address Code, Types and
Declarations, Translation of Expressions, Type Checking.
Unit IV: Run-Time Environment and Code Generation: Storage Organization, Stack Allocation Space,
Access to Non-local Data on the Stack, Heap Management – Issues in Code Generation – Design of a
simple Code Generator.
UNIT 2: Search Algorithms Random search, Search with closed and open list, Depth first and Breadth
first search, Heuristic search, Best first search, A* algorithm, Game Search.
UNIT 3: Probabilistic Reasoning Random search, Search with closed and open list, Depth first and
Breadth first search, Heuristic search, Best first search, A* algorithm, Game Search. model.
UNIT 4 Markov Decision process MDP formulation, utility theory, utility functions, value iteration,
policy iteration and partially observable MDPs.
UNIT 5 Reinforcement Learning Passive reinforcement learning, direct utility estimation, adaptive
dynamic programming, temporal difference learning, active reinforcement learning- Q learning.
UNIT 3: Cloud service models: Cloud service models, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) architecture-
details and example, Platform as a service (PaaS) architecture- details and example, Software as a
service (SaaS) architecture-- details and example, Comparison of cloud service delivery models.
UNIT 4: Cloud deployment models: Introduction to cloud deployment models, Public clouds, Private
clouds, Hybrid clouds, Community clouds, Migration paths for cloud, Selection criteria for cloud
UNIT 5: Security in cloud computing: Understanding security risks, Principal security dangers to
cloud computing, Internal security breaches, User account and service hijacking, measures to reduce
cloud security breaches Case Studies: Comparison of existing Cloud platforms /Web Services.
UNIT 2: Data Collection and Data Pre-Processing: Data Collection Strategies, Data Pre-Processing
Overview, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Data Discretization.
UNIT 3: Exploratory Data Analytics: Descriptive Statistics, Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness and
Kurtosis , Box Plots, Pivot Table, Heat Map, Correlation Statistics , ANOVA.
UNIT 4: Model Development: Simple and Multiple Regression, Model Evaluation using Visualization ,
Residual Plot, Distribution Plot, Polynomial Regression and Pipelines, Measures for In-sample
Evaluation, Prediction and Decision Making.
UNIT 5 Model Evaluation: Generalization Error, Out-of-Sample Evaluation Metrics, Cross Validation,
Overfitting, Under Fitting and Model Selection, Prediction by using Ridge Regression, Testing Multiple
Parameters by using Grid Search.
Unit 2: Digital Communication through fading multipath channels: Fading channels and their
characteristics- Channel modelling, Digital signalling over a frequency non selective slowly fading
channel. Concept of diversity branches and signal paths. Combining methods: Selective diversity
combining, Switched combining, Maximal ratio combining, Equal gain combining.
Unit 3: Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communications: Introduction, Frequency Division
Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Spread Spectrum Multiple Access,
Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), Packet Radio Protocols; Pure ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA.
Unit 4: Wireless Systems & Standards: AMPS and ETACS, United states digital cellular (IS- 54 & IS
136), IEEE Standards, Global system for Mobile (GSM): Services, Features, System Architecture and
Channel Types, Frame Structure for GSM, Speech Processing in GSM, GPRS/EDGE specifications and
features. 3G systems: UMTS & CDMA 2000 standards and specifications. CDMA Digital standard (IS
95): Frequency and Channel specifications, Forward CDMA Channel, Reverse CDMA Channel,
Wireless Cable Television.
Complier desing [bTCs603-18]
1. Design a lexical analyser for given language and the lexical analyser should ignore redundant
spaces, tabs and new lines. It should also ignore comments. Although the syntax specification states
that identifiers can be arbitrarily long, you may restrict the length to some reasonable value.
Simulate the same in C language.
2. Write a C program to identify whether a given line is a comment or not.
3. Write a C program to recognize strings under 'a', 'a*b+', 'abb'.
4. Write a C program to test whether a given identifier is valid or not.
5. Write a C program to simulate lexical analyzer for validating operators.
6. Implement the lexical analyzer using JLex, flex or other lexical analyzer generating tools.
7. Write a C program for implementing the functionalities of predictive parser for the mini language
specified in Note 1.
8. (a) Write a C program for constructing of LL (1) parsing.
(b) Write a C program for constructing recursive descent parsing.
9. Write a C program to implement LALR parsing.
10. (a) Write a C program to implement operator precedence parsing.
(b) Write a C program to implement Program semantic rules to calculate the expression that takes an
expression with digits, + and * and computes the value.
11. Convert the BNF rules into YACC form and write code to generate abstract syntax tree for the
mini language specified in Note 1.
12. Write a C program to generate machine code from abstract syntax tree generated by the parser.
The instruction set specified in Note 2 may be considered as the target code.
ArTifiCiAl inTelligenCe [bTCs605-18]
1.Write a programme to conduct uninformed and informed search.
2. Write a programme to conduct game search.
3. Write a programme to construct a Bayesian network from given data.
4. Write a programme to infer from the Bayesian network.
5. Write a programme to run value and policy iteration in a grid world.
6. Write a programme to do reinforcement learning in a grid world.