Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS501 : Computer Systems for Programmers (4-0-0-4-4)

This course is an in-depth analysis of the programming interface to the hardware subsystems/mapping of
contemporary processor architectures-based computing system. This course provides an end-to-end picture
in sufficient advanced detail of Instruction Set Architecture, pipelining and program construct mapping to
memory hierachy.

Course Objectives:
 Introduce concepts of basic processor architecture and its design.
 Understand the concepts of pipeline architecture and hazards.
 Describes the memory hierachy, cache memory and its optimization.
 Understand the concepts of linking, from traditional static linking, to dynamic linking of shared
libraries at load time, to dynamic linking of shared libraries at run time.
 Describe the various benefits of a virtual memory system.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Trace the execution of a program with respect to modern processor architecture fundamentals,
 Design and implement Instruction Set Simulators for novel processor architectures.
 Utilize modern Processor architectures with complete understanding of contemporary programming
language features.
 Write and debug complex programs.
 Gain extensive knowledge on Virtual Memory implementations.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction to computer systems
Compilation system, Processor functioning, Caches, Storage devices, Networks, information storage,
Processes, Threads and Concurrency, Parallelism, Number representations. Machine level representation of
10 Hours
Unit 2 : Processor architecture
Instruction set architecture logic design, Clocking, Pipelining, Data hazards, Exception handling, Simulators.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Memory Hierarchy
Storage technologies, locality of reference, cache memories. Impact of caches on program performance.
10 Hours
Unit 4 : Linking
Compiler drivers, Static linking, Object files formats, relocatable object files, Symbol tables, Symbol
resolution, Relocation, Dynamic linking, Shared libraries, Loading executable object files, Position
independent code.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Virtual Memory
Page tables, Locality, Address translation, memory mapping, Dynamic memory allocation, Garbage
collection, and Common memory related bugs.
12 Hours

Tools/Languages: C/C++/Python/Java based IDEs and Instruction Set Simulators for Pipelined Multicore

Text Book:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

1. “Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective”, Randal Bryant and David O’ Halloran, Prentice Hall,
3rd Edition, 2011.
Reference Book(s):
1. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, Hennessey and Patterson, MK publishers, 6th
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS502 : Advanced Data Structures (4-0-0-4-4)

Data Structures play a central role in modern computer science. Data Structures are the essential building
blocks in building efficient algorithms. The course on Advanced Data Structures includes review of basic
data structures like stacks, queues and lists. The course also includes study of complex data structures,
analysis of complex data structures and their applications.

Course Objectives:
 Appreciate the impact of Data Structures on Algorithms, Program Design and Program Performance.
 Understand and apply Amortized Analysis on Data Structures, including Binary search trees,
Mergeable Heaps and Dynamic Tables.
 Analyze the applications of static and dynamic Search Trees and Heaps.
 Understand advanced ADTs with Interface and Implementation separation.
 Understand State Space search and Spatial Data Structures with R-Trees.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Demonstrate the notion of Abstract Data Types (ADT) & Recursive accesses on them.
 Illustrate the relation between Data Structure operations and Amortized Complexity analysis.
 How to Analyze Iterated Lists and variations thereof and demonstrate tree data structures and how to
balance them, for specific access needs.
 Implement different Heaps and B-Tree variations.
 Analyze and implement Spatial data implementations and their search.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Complexity, Amortized Analysis, Abstract Data Types(ADT)
Asymptotic Complexity Notations, Amortized Complexity Analysis of Stacks, Binary Counters, and
Dynamic Tables, Concept of interface and implementation, Array as an ADT: Different types of Array
Implementations. List Interface & List implementations, Concept of Iterator: Operations on Lists and Arrays
– traverse, search, replace, reverse, copy.
12 hours
Unit 2 : List and its variations, Graphs
Doubly Linked List, Skip List: interface and implementation, Multilist: Sparse Matrices, Graphs-
Representation, Graph Algorithms: elementary algorithms, Bellman Ford, Johnson’s algorithm for sparse
graphs, Graph Isomorphism.
10 hours
Unit 3 : Trees
Tree: Basics, Self-Balancing Binary Search Trees, Trie: Prefix and Suffix trees, x-fast and y-fast trie, Treaps,
Van Emde Boas Trees.
12 hours
Unit 4 : Queue and Priority Queue
Double Ended Queue, Priority Queues: Binomial Heaps, Leftist Heaps, Skewed Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps.
12 hours
Unit 5 : Combination of Data Structures
State space search techniques, Greedy method, Branch and Bound techniques, Introduction to Spatio-
Temporal Data structures and R-Trees.
10 hours
Tools/Language: C, C++, Java or Python.

Text Book :
1. “Introduction to Algorithms”, T. H Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest and C Stein, Prentice-Hall of
India, 3rd Edition, 2010.
2. “Spatial Statistics and Spatio-Temporal Data: Covariance Functions and Directional Properties”,
Michael Sherman, Wiley, 2010.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Reference Books:
1: “Abstract Data Types: Specifications, Implementations, and Applications”, Nell Dale, Henry M. Walker,
Jones & Bartlett Learning, 1996.
2: “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”, Mark Allen Weiss, Pearson, 4th Edition, 2014.
3: “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Pearson, 1983.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS503 : Fundamentals of Scalable Computing (4-0- 0-4-4)

With an increase in the amount of data and need for remote computation due to cloud computing, this course
intends to introduce the students to the business needs that have driven the change and then the underlying
technologies and principles of computing at scale.
Course Objectives:
The objective(s) of the course is to
• Introduce the basic principles of computing at scale and differentiate between scale up and
scale out.
• Introduce the business need and applications for scaling computing.
• Introduce case studies of scalability from Cloud computing and Big Data and how the two
relate to each other.
• Understand the theoretical considerations that impact the design of scalable systems.
• Introduce different programming models for computing at scale.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
• Motivate and explain trade-offs in computing at scale
• Demonstrate development of Cloud/Hadoop applications.
• Evaluate Service- oriented technologies and their potential for transformation of businness.
• Analyze various cloud programming models and choose the appropriate model for application
• Demonstrate use of tools for developing applications at scale.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Systems Modeling, Clustering and SOA
Operating systems concepts review, Scalable computing over the internet, Technologies for network
based systems, system models for distributed and cloud computing, Software environments for
distributed systems, performance metrics, Services and SOA, REST,RPC .
12 Hours
Unit 2 : Cloud Platform Architectures
Cloud computing and service models – IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Architectural design, Programming models -
IaaS - Case study:AWS/Openstack.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Programming Models
PaaS Models Case study: Azure. Messaging Oriented Middleware, Microservices model -
performance, Case Study: Netflix/Uber.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Big Data Programming models
Introduction, Distributed File systems Case Study:HDFS/GFS, MapReduce Programming Model,
Case Study: Hbase/BigTable, Matrixoperations.
10 Hours
Unit 5: Distributed systems and Trends
Master slave, p2p and overlay networks, Orchestration, Continuous integration, DevOps, Case
10 Hours
Tools/Language : AWS, PostMan, Flask, Docker, Hadoop.
Reference Books:
1: “Moving to the Cloud”, Dinkar Sitaram, Geetha Manjunath, Elsevier Publications, 2011.
2: “Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to Internet of Things”, Kai Hwang,
Jack Dongarra and Geoffrey Fox, 1st Edition, 2013, MorganKaufmann
3: “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Tom White”, 4th Edition, O‟Reilly,2015
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

4: Mining of Massive Datasets, Anand Rajaraman, Jure Leskovec, Jerey D. Ullman, 2nd Edition,
Cambridge University Press,2014
5: Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes, Justin Domingus and John Arundel, O‟Reilly,2019
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS504 : Stochastic Models and Machine Learning (4-0-0-4-4)

Machine Learning (ML) surrounds us today: in phones that respond to voice commands, programs that beat
humans at Chess and Go, robots that assist surgeries, vehicles that drive in urban traffic, and systems that
recommend products to customers on e-commerce platforms. This course aims to familiarise students with
the breadth of modern ML, to impart an understanding of the dramatic surge of ML in the last decade, and to
foster an appreciation for the distinctive role that ML can play in shaping the future of our society.

Course Objectives:
 Understand the basic concepts of learning and decision trees.
 Understand various techniques such neural networks and genetic algorithms.
 Understand Stochastic Learning and in Decision Trees, Bayesian Models, and Hidden Markov
 Understand Unsupervised Learning models like Clustering.
 Understand Computational learning complexity and Dimensionality reduction methods.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to,
 Display thorough knowledge about the key algorithms and theory that form the foundation of
machine learning and computational intelligence.
 Identify and apply the appropriate machine learning technique to classification, pattern
recognition,optimization and decision problems.
 Compare and contrast different machine learning algorithms.
 Design and implement classifiers for several domains.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Concept Learning and Decision Trees
Defining a Machine Learning problem, Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination Algorithm and it's
Inductive Bias.
10 Hours
Unit 2 : Decision Tree learning
Representation, Algorithm, Hypothesis Space Search, Inductive Bias and Issues.
10 Hours
Unit 3 : Neural Nets and SVM
Perceptrons, Gradient Descent, Back propagation, Neural Nets, Support Vector Machines(SVM) .
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Stochastic Models for Learning
Bayesian Learning, Bayes Classifiers, Belief Networks, Bayesian Estimation, Expectation
Maximisation(EM), Hidden Markov Models, Genetic Algorithms.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : UnSupervised Learning
Clustering, Instance based Learning, Frequent Item Set Analysis, FP-Growth Algorithm. Learning
Complexity and Dimensionality Reduction :PAC models, Sample Complexity, Principal Component
Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition.
12 Hours

Tools/Languages : Python 3.5 or above, Tensorflow 2.0 using Keras API.

Text Book:
1. “Machine Learning”, Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill Education (India), 2013.
Reference Books:
1: “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Christopher Bishop, Springer 2nd Printing, 2011.
2: “Introduction to Machine Learning”, Ethem Alpaydin, Prentice Hall(India), 3rd Edition, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

3: “Machine Learning in Action”, Peter Harrington, Dream Tech Press (India), 2012.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS505 : Cyber Security Essentials(4-0-0-4-4)

This course will cover the essentials of Cybersecurity, and students will learn about the characteristics of
security principles, technologies, and procedures to secure networks, software and other assets of an
organization. They will also gain an insight into Risk Management, Incident Management, Cryptography,
Operations Security, Digital Forensics etc.

Course Objectives:
 Understand various cyber security issues with respect to operating system, wired and wireless
 Analyse the risks and incidents’ response.
 Learn the art of encryption and decryption.
 To Learn the policies and loss of cyber world.
 Understand the violations in cyber world.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
 Design a Threat model.
 Perform various attacks and their mitigation strategies.
 Perform cryptanalysis.
 Analyse the security issues and risks.
 Aware of the policies and law in cyber security.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction
Introduction to Information Security, What is cyber security? Need for cyber security, Privacy of data, Risk
Management, Digital Forensics- Incident response, Security operations.
10 Hours
Unit 2 : Network Security: Wired Security Issues
Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Honeypots, DoS and DDOS attack, Wireless
Security issues-Android and iOS Security, App Security, Secure Boot, Data Exfiltration, Wireless Protected
Access (WPA), IEEE 802.1x, 802.11i/ WPA2, Wireless Network Threats, Cloud and IoT Application
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Software and Web Security: Operating system security
Attack Surfaces of Set-UID Programs, Principle of Least Privilege; Environment variables attack surface,
Control Hijacking– Buffer overflow and Countermeasures, Web security: Cross-Site Request Forgery,
Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection, Threat Modelling- design, Types of Security testing : Fuzz testing,
Vulnerability scanning, Penetration Testing; Static and Dynamic analysis.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Cryptography
What is cryptography?Classical encryption techniques : Substitution and transposition techniques,
Steganography, Modern cryptography: Perfectly-secret encryption, Symmetric Key Ciphers : AES,
Asymmetric Key ciphers-Key distribution and Key Management, Diffie Hellman Protocol, RSA Encryption,
Digital Signature, Cryptanalysis.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Cyber security
The legal perspectives: Cyber crime and legal landscape around the world, Why do we need cyber laws: The
Indian context, Indian IT Act, Challenges to Indian Law, Weakness in IT Act, Digital Signatures and Indian
IT Act, Amendments to Indian IT Act, Cyber crime and punishment, Policy approaches.
10 Hours
Tools/ Languages : Nmap, Wireshark, Claynet

Text Book:
1. “Computer Security A Hands-on Approach”, Wenliang Du, 2nd Edition, 2017.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Reference Book(s):
1: “Computer Security: Principles and Practice”, William Stallings, Lawrie Brown, Indian Edition, Pearson,
2: “Introduction to Modern Cryptography”, Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell, CRC Press, 2018
3: “Cryptography and Network Security”, Behrouz A.Foruzan,Tata McGraw Hill 2007.
4: “Cyber Law: The law of the Internet”, Jonathan Rosenoer,Springer-Verlag, 1997.
5: “The Law and Economics of Cyber Security”, Mark F Grady, Fransesco Parisi, Cambridge University
Press, 2006.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS551 : Topics in Advanced Algorithms (4-0-0-4-4)

Algorithm Design and Analysis is fundamental and important part of Computer Science. The course on
Advanced Algorithms introduces the learner to advanced techniques for design and analysis of Algorithms
and explores a variety of applications.

Course Objectives:
 Understand in depth, Complexity notions and Computability of functions.
 Understand a few string matching/prediction algorithms and their applications.
 Understand Graph Centric, Max-Flow and Shortest Path algorithms.
 Understand eficient Polynomial Multiplication and hence DFT/FFT algorithm.
 Understand Number Theoretic algorithms and hence RSA cryptography.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Perform Complexity analysis of algorithms.
 Design and implement advanced string matching algorithms.
 Design Maxflow, advanced Graph Centric algorithms and FFT Algorithms.
 Design and implement Number Theoretic algorithms and RSA encryption.
 Design Randomized and Approximate algorithms and estimate complexity.

Pre-requisite : UE20CS502-Advanced Data Structures.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Review of Analysis Techniques
Growth of Functions, Asymptotic notations, Standard notations and common functions, Recurrences and
Solution of Recurrence equations- The Substitution method, the Recurrence tree method, the Master method,
Amortized Analysis:, Aggregate, Accounting and Potential Methods.NP-Completeness.
12 Hours
Unit 2 : Shortest Path algorithms, Polynomials and FFT
Single source shortest paths in a DAG, Bellman - Ford Algorithm, Johnson’s Algorithm for sparse graphs,
Flow networks and Ford-Fulkerson method, Maximum Bi-partite matching. Polynomials and FFT:
Representation of polynomials, Efficient Polynomial Multiplication, The DFT and FFT, Efficient
implementation of FFT.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Number-Theoretic Algorithms
Elementary notions; GCD, Modular Arithmetic, Solving modular linear equations, The Chinese remainder
theorem, Powers of an element; RSA cryptosystem; Primality testing; Integer factorization.
10 Hours
Unit 4 : String-Matching Algorithms
Naïve string Matching, Rabin - Karp algorithm, String matching with Finite State Automata, Knuth-Morris-
Pratt algorithm, Boyer–Moore algorithm.
10 Hours
Unit 5 : Probabilistic, Randomized and Approximation Algorithms
Probabilistic analysis, Indicator Random variables, uses of indicator random variables, the Hiring problem,
Classes of Randomized algorithms.Approximation Algorithms, Vertex Cover Problem, Travelling Sales man
Problem, Randomisation and Linear Programming.
12 Hours
Tools/ Languages : C /C++.
Text Book:
1. “Introduction to Algorithms”, T. H Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest and C Stein, Prentice-Hall of
India, 3rd Edition, 2010.
Reference Book(s):
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

1: “The Algorithm Manual”, Steven Skiena, Springer, ISBN: 9788184898651.

2: “Randomized Algorithms”, R Motwani and P Raghavan, Cambridge University Press 2011 edition.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS552 : Distributed Computing (4-0-0-4-4)

Distributed computing deals with all forms of computing, information access, and information exchange
across multiple processing platforms connected by computer networks. Design of distributed computing
systems is a complex task. It requires a solid understanding of the design issues and an in depth
understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of their solutions. This course covers the fundamental
principles and models underlying the theory, algorithms, and systems aspects of distributed computing.

Course Objectives:
 Expose students to both the abstractions and details of the file system.
 Introduce concepts related to distributed computing systems.
 To focus on performance and flexibility issues related to systems design decisions.
 To prepare students for an industrial programming environment.
 To prepare students to work on Cluster Computing.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the coure student will be able to,
 Apply knowledge of distributed systems techniques and methodologies.
 Explain the design and development of distributed computing and distributed computing
 Use the application of fundamental Computer Science methods and algorithms in the development of
distributed computing and distributed computing applications.
 Discuss the design and testing of a large software system, and to be able to communicate that design
to others.
 Design and discuss cluster computing.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Distributed Computing
Motivation, Multiprocessor Vs Multicomputer Systems, Distributed Communication models: Remote
Procedure Call, Publish/Subscribe model, Message Queues etc., Design issues and Challenges for build
distribute computing System.Logical time: Scalar time, Vector time, Implementation of Logical and Vector
10 Hours
Unit 2 : Global snapshot
Snapshot algorithms for FIFO/ Non FIFO channels.Terminology and Basic algorithms: Classifications and
basic concepts, Elementary graph algorithms, Synchronizers, Maximal Independent set, connected
dominating set.Message ordering and group communication: Message ordering Paradigms, Group
communication, Application level multicast.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Distributed Mutual Exclusion
Assertion based and Token based Mutual exclusion.Consensus and Agreement Protocols: Agreement in
failure free and systems with failures, wait-free shared memory consensus in asynchronous systems.
10 Hours
Unit 4 : Self-Stabilization
Designing self-stabilizing systems, self stabilizing distributed spanning tree, probabilistic self stabilizing
leader election algorithm, self-stabilization as a solution to fault tolerance.Peer-to-Peer computing and
Overlay graphs: Data indexing and overlays, unstructured and structured overlays: Bit Torrent, Tor, Bit coin,
CHORD overlay, Internet graphs, Small world networks, Scale free networks, and Evolving networks.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Cluster Computing
Cluster computers and MPP architectures, Cluster job and resource management.Grid Computing: Grid
architecture and service modelling, Grid resource management.Internet of Things: IoT for Ubiquitous
computing, RFID, Sensors and Zig Bee technologies, Applications of IoT (smart buildings, cyber-physical
systems), graph theoretic analysis of social networks, Facebook, and Twitter case studies.
12 Hours
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Tools / Languages : Wireshark / C compiler with Network Libraries.

Text Book:
1. “Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems”, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mukesh
Singhal , Cambridge University Press, 2008 (Reprint 2013).

Reference Book(s):
1: “Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel processing to the Internet of Things”, Kai Hwang,
Geoffrey C. Fox, and Jack J. Dongarra Morgan Kaufmann, 2012 Elsevier Inc.
2: “P2P Networking and Applications”, John F. Buford, Heather Yu, and Eng K. Lua,Morgan Kaufmann,
2009 Elsevier Inc.
3: “Grid Computing”, Joshy Joseph, and Craif Fellenstein,IBM Press, Pearson education, 2011.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS561 : Million Way Parallelism (4-0-0-4-4)

With increasing amount of computation being done due to compute intensive applications like machine
learning and audio/video processing, it is imperative to understand various parallel programming models.
The student must also become familiar with various different hardware choices and the design choices. The
course will also introduce various tools to work.

Course Objectives:
 Introduce the various parallel programming models required to scale.
 Introduce applications that benefit from scalability.
 Introduce different types of hardware such as multi-core CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs.
 Understand and use the tools to analyze these applications.
 Understand the impact of role of various other system components on extracting performance in
parallel programs.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to,
 Choose the right programming model for a problem.
 Demonstrate development of applications on different types of hardware.
 Evaluate choice of the right type of hardware to solve the problem.
 Demonstrate use of tools for developing parallel applications and debugging them.
 Analyze systems for issues in performance.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction and Parallel Program Design
Multicore, Taxonomy, Performance Metrics, Amdahl’s Law, Gustafson’s law, Decomposition patterns,
Program structure patterns. Matching program structure with decomposition.
10 Hours
Unit 2 : Shared Memory Programming
Threads, design concerns, semaphores, applying semaphores, debugging multithreaded applications,
OpenMP- loop level parallelism, Task level parallelism, Synchronization, Correctness and Optimization.
Case Study.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : GPU Programming
GPU architecture, CUDA - programming model, execution model, Memory hierarchy. Optimization
techniques, Debugging, Case Study.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : FPGAs
Motivation, FPGA capabilities, Elements – Look up table, switches, logic blocks, interconnect, I/O blocks,
multipliers, memory blocks, CAD software – HDL Simulator, technology mapping, placement, bitstream
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Miscellanous and Trends
FPGA application – Machine learning , power considerations, memory systems (3D), Interconnection
10 Hours
Tools / Languages : OpenMP, CUDA.
Text Book:
1. “Multicore and GPU Programming: An Integrated Approach”, GerassimosBarlas, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2015.

Reference Book:
1: “Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach”, David Kirk and Wen-mei Hwu,
Morgan Kaufmann, 1st edition, 2010.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

2: “Reconfigurable Computing: The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based

Computation”, Scott Hauck and Andre Dehon, Morgan Kaufmann 2008.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS562 : Speech and Natural Language Processing (4-0-0-4-4)

Speech and Natural language processing (SNLP) is one of the most important technologies of the
information age. The objective of NLP is to make machines to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of
the human languages in a manner that is valuable. Speech and Natural Language Processing today powers
many key real-life industry applications, such as Language Translation, Dialog Systems / Chatbots,
Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarizers, Speech Recognition, and Autocorrect.

Course Objectives:
 Introduce the student to advances in multimedia technologies relevant to Big Data.
 Understand the business relevance of speech and natural language technologies.
 Introduce the basic models used for processing speech and natural language.
 Work with tools to perform speech/natural language processing.
 Gain a practical insight into solving these problems.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to,
 Demonstrate the use of speech/natural language processing in solving real-life problems.
 Demonstrate the use of tools for performing speech/NLP.
 Demonstrate capability to perform analysis and compare various models.
 Work in a team to solve related SNLP problems.
 Communicate the solution to the instructor using a report.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction
Business relevance, Survey of English Morphology (inflectional and derivational morphology), Finite State
Morphological parsing, Porter Stemmer, Word and Sentence Tokenization, Detection and Correction of
Spelling Errors, Minimum Edit Distance. Ngrams – Word Counting in Corpora, Simple (unsmoothed) N-
Grams, Training and Test Sets, Evaluating N-Grams, Smoothing.
12 Hours
Unit 2 : Vector Semantics and Embeddings
Lexical Semantics, Vector Semantics, Words and Vectors, Cosine for measuring similarity, TF-IDF,
Word2vec. Part of Speech Tagging – English Word Classes, Tagsets for English, Part-of-Speech Tagging.
Hidden Markov and Maximum Entropy Models – Markov Chains, Hidden Markov Model, Likelihood
Computation, Decoding, HMM Training, Maximum Entropy Models.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Lexical Semantics
Word Senses, Relation between Senses, Wordet: Database of Lexical Relations, Event Participants, Primitive
Decomposition, Metaphor, Computational Lexical Semantics - Word Sense Disambiguation, Supervised
Word Sense Disambiguation, WSD Evaluation, Minimally Supervised WSD, Word Similarity, Semantic:
Role Labeling.
10 Hours
Unit 4 : Syntactic Parsing
Parsing as Search, Ambiguity, Search in the Face of Ambiguity, Dynamic Programming Parsing Methods,
Partial Parsing, Statistical Parsing – Probabilistic CFGs, Probabilistic CKY Parsing, Ways to Learn PCFG,
Rule Probabilities, Problems with PCFGs, Improving PCFGs, Probabilistic Lexicalized CFGs, Evaluating
Parsers. Dependency Parsing.
12 Hours

Unit 5 : Phonetics
Speech Sounds and Phonetic Transcription, Articulatory Phonetics, Phonological Categories and
Pronunciation Variation, Acoustic Phonetics and Signals, Automatic Speech Recognition – Speech
Recognition Architecture, HMM Applied to Speech, Feature Extraction: MFCC Vectors, Acoustic
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Likelihood Computation, Lexicon and Language Model, Search and Decoding, Embedded Training, Word
Error Rate.
10 Hours

Tools/Languages: CoreNLP, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), TextBlob,Gensim, SpaCy, an industrial-

strength NLP, PyTorch-NLP , OpenNLP.

Text Book:
1. “Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing”, Daniel
Jurafsky and James H. Martin, Prentice Hall, 2009.(Draft copy ,3rd Edition,2018 can be referred) .

Reference Book(s):
1: “Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition”, Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin, Prentice Hall, 2nd
Edition, 2008.
2. “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing”, Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schütze,
MIT Press, 1999.
3. “Natural Language Understanding”,James Allen, Benjamin/Cummings publishing Company, 2ndedition,
4. “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Lawrence R. Rabiner, Ronald W. Schafer, Prentice Hall, 1978.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS563 : Topics in Computer and Network Security (4-0-0-4-4)

Computer Network security prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a
computer network and network-accessible resources by entailing the policies and practices adaptation. it is
important to know about different kinds of vulnerabilities like buffer overflow, SQL Injection, Firewall
injection attacks, etc.

Course Objectives:
 Provide an overall view of what Computer & Network Security.
 Have First depth view of Perimeter Security (Firewall, IDS, IPSEC, VPN).
 Learn Authentication and Access management.
 Have a beginner’s overview of Cryptography, Malware, Secure Programming, Applications
 Explore case studies, hands on experience through assignments/ project, extra readings for alternate
view or real time application.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of course, student will be able to
 Have a good understanding of security as a problem and current solutions like Firewall, IDS,
Authentication, Access Control.
 Think what causes software vulnerabilities at a conceptual level.
 Do penetration testing, use cryptography appropriately.
 Identify many vulnerabilities like buffer overflow, SQL injection and resolve them.
 Design a defending protocol for many network vulnerabilities.

Course Contents:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Computer Network Security
Plagiarism, IOT, CIA, passive and active attack, Attack Surface Categories, Vulnerabilities, Threats and
Attacks, Assets, Countermeasures, privacy, General Data Protection Regulation, security vs privacy, Data
Breaches. Vulnerabilities by Category, Real Life Examples of Cyber Crime, IIoT Cyber-attacks, Ransomed
medical devices, The Attack Landscape, MITM / Eavesdropping, Malware / Ransomware, Phishing, DOS,
security framework, job outlook.
10 hours
Unit 2: Network Security Analysis
Packet Sniffing & spoofing and TCP protocols Packet Sniffing, Shared Networks, Packet Flow in the
System, Promiscuous Mode, Monitor Mode, Packet Filter, Receiving Packets Using Raw Socket, Packet
Sniffer, Pcap library. Types of Spoofing Attacks. SYN Flooding Attack, TCP Reset Attack, TCP Session
Hijacking Attack.
12 hours
Unit 3 : Network Security Systems
Firewall, VPN using Firewall, IDS, IPS, Honeypot, snort, Building a Firewall using Netfilter, Kernel
Modules, Testing our Firewall, Applications, Terminology, IP Tunnelling, IPSec.Intrusion Detection and
Prevention, HIDS, NIDS, IT Security Management Overview.
12 hours
Unit 4 : Risk, DNS, Heartbleed
DNS Hierarchy, Zones, and Servers, DNS Query Process, Remote DNS Cache Poisoning Attack, Reply
Forgery Attacks from Malicious DNS Servers, DNS Rebinding Attack, Protection Against DNS Cache
Poisoning Attacks, Ddos. IT Security Management Overview, IT Security Controls, Plans, and Procedures,
Fixing the Heartbleed Bug.
12 hours
Unit 5 : Cloud Security, Wireless Network Security
Cloud Computing Service Models and Layers, Security Issues in Cloud Computing. Bluetooth Security:
Bluetooth Protocol Stack, Multiple Security Modes. Mobile Security: Security Concepts, Requirements,
Architecture. Wireless Communications and 802.11 WLAN Standards Wireless Protected Access (WPA),
IEEE 802.1x, 802.11i/ WPA2, Wireless Network Threats, ZigBee Security, Wireless Mesh Network
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Security. Giving hands on experience for relevant topics in the form of Lab or Assignment, Relevant cyber
security Case for undergraduate students are discussed.
10 hours

Tools / Languages : Wireshark, Python, Seed Ubuntu 16 version, Netwox, C Programming, Scapy.

Text Book:
1. “Computer Security – Hands on Approach”, Wenliang Du , 2nd Edition, 2019 .
1: “Computer Security : Principles and Practice”, William Stalling & Lawrie Brown, 3rd Edition Nov
Pearson, 2015.
2: “Measuring Pay-per-Install: The Commoditization of Malware Distribution”,J. Caballero, C. Grier, C.
Kreibich, V. Paxson.
3: “Intrusion and intrusion detection” ,John McHugh
4: “The Quest to Replace Passwords: A Framework for Comparative Evaluation of Web Authentication
5: Programming Satan's Computer Ross Anderson and Roger Needham
6: Why crypto systems fail - Ross Anderson
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS571 : Advanced Cloud Computing and Security (4-0-0-4-4)

With increasing usage of the cloud to develop applications, it is imperative to understand the various threats
and security challenges due to this shift. The course will introduce the concepts and the tools required for
dealing with some of the security challenges.

Course Objectives:
 Introduce students to various aspects of cloud security
 Equip students for better appreciation of technology, human and societal aspects of security with
respect to the cloud
 Introduce challenges of security with various models of cloud such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
 Introduce the student to threat analysis and modelling in the cloud.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Understand various security issues in the cloud.
 Design appropriate security for various cloud models.
 Analyze security from both technology and legal perspective
 Design mechanisms for security for access control and data

Course Content:
Unit 1: Introduction and IaaS Security
Cloud Network security – data confidentiality, integrity availability of internet facing resources, Domain
model, IaaS Host Security, Virtualization Software Security, Virtual Server Security.
10 Hours
Unit 2 : PaaS and SaaS Security
PaaS Host Security, Application level security threats, DoS and EDoS PaaS application Security, PaaS
application containers, customer deployed application security, SaaS Host Security, SaaS Application
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Data Secuity and IAM
Public cloud security limitations, aspects of Data security, mitigation, Provider Data and it’s security.IAM–
Challenges, Architecture, IAM in Cloud - Google, Azure, SaaS.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Privacy, Audit and Compliance
Privacy concerns, Responsibility, Priniciples, Laws, Compliance, Governance, Risk, security policy,
Organization of information security, Asset Management, Human resources, Physical and Environmental
security, Regulatory compliance – Sarbannes Oxley, HIPAA, Auditing the cloud.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Threat models
What is a threat model, finding threats – STRIDES and attack trees. Privacy Tools, Managing and
Addressing Threats.
10 Hours
Tools/Languages : Google Oauth, Gvisor/Firecracker-Secure Container.Nginix Dos Protection.

Text Books:
1. “Cloud Security and Privacy”,Tim Mather, Subra Kumaraswamy and Shahed Latif, O’Reilly, 2009.
2. “Threat Modeling: Designing for Security”, Adam Shostack,Wiley, 2014,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS572 : Virtual Reality and its Applications (4-0-0-4-4)

Physical entity is simulated into virtual or imaginary environment which are designed as software or as a
program that defy beliefs of a user compelling him/her to accept it as actual reality. Virtual Reality actually
exploits and plays with the sensations & perceptions of our brain by simulating an artificial environment
which actually doesn’t really exists but our brains thinks that it does it’s just like make belief.

Course Objectives:
 To create an adaptive 3D the virtual environment that meets the needs of trainee interpreters and
those who need to learn about how to work with interpreters.
 To develop a range of interpreting scenarios (e.g. a business meeting room, a court room, a tourist
office, a community centre) that can be run in different modes (‘interpreting practice’, ‘exploration’
and ‘live’).
 To develop multilingual content for use in the interpreting scenarios of the virtual environment (as
source texts for interpreting practice), by using and adapting existing multimedia corpora from the
LLP project BACKBONE [1] and the ELISA corpus [2], and creating three new corpora in Greek,
Russian and Hebrew.
 To create pedagogical activities for interpreting students and users of interpreting services (e.g.
interpreting skills, awareness-raising activities).
 To test and evaluate the virtual environment and the pedagogic content (the multilingual material
and the pedagogical activities) from both functional and pedagogical perspectives.

Course Outcomes
 Differentiate between Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality platforms.
 Identify appropriate design methodologies for immersive technology development, especially from a
physiological perspective.
 Demonstrate foundational literacy in game engine use.
 Effectively categories the benefits/shortcomings of available immersive technology platforms.
 Developing Pedagogical activities for interpreting students and users of interpreting services.
Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction and Input devices
INTRODUCTION: The Three I's of Virtual Reality, A Short History of Early Virtual Reality, Early
Commercial VR Technology, VR Becomes an Industry, The Five Classic Components of a VR System,
Review Questions. Input Devices: Trackers, Navigation, Gestures, Interface
Three-Dimensional Position Trackers ,Tracker Performance Parameters, Mechanical Trackers, Magnetic
Trackers, Ultrasonic Trackers, Optical Trackers, Hybrid Inertial Trackers, Navigation and Manipulation
Interfaces, Tracker-Based Navigation/Manipulation Interfaces, Trackballs, Three-Dimensional Probes,
Gesture Interfaces, The Pinch Glove, The 5DT Data Glove, The Didjiglove, The CyberGlove.

10 Hours
Unit 2 : Output Devices: Graphics, Three dimensional Sound, AND Haptic Displays
Graphics Displays,The Human Visual System,Personal Graphics Displays,Large-Volume Displays, Sound
Displays, The Human Auditory System, The Convolvotron, Speaker-Based Three-Dimensional Sound,
Haptic Feedback, The Human Haptic System , Tactile Feedback Interfaces, Force Feedback Interfaces
COMPUTING ARCHITECTURES FOR VR:The Rendering Pipeline, The Graphics Rendering Pipeline,
The Haptics Rendering Pipeline, PC Graphics Architecture, PC Graphics Accelerators, Graphics
Benchmarks, Workstation-Based Architectures, The Sun Blade 1000 Architecture, The SGI Infinite Reality
Architecture, Distributed VR Architectures, Multipipeline Synchronization, Colocated Rendering Pipelines ,
Distributed Virtual Environments.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Modelling
Geometric Modeling, Virtual Object Shape, Object Visual Appearance, Kinematics Modeling,
Homogeneous Transformation Matrices, Object Position, Transformation Invariants, Object
Hierarchies ,Viewing the Three-Dimensional World, Physical Modeling, Collision Detection, Surface
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Deformation, Force Computation, Force Smoothing and Mapping, Haptic Texturing, Behavior Modeling,
Model Management , Level-of-Detail Management,Cell Segmentation.
VR PROGRAMMING: Toolkits and Scene Graphs ,WorldToolKit ,Model Geometry and Appearance, The
WTK Scene Graph, Sensors and Action Functions, WTK Networking,Java 3D, Model Geometry and
Appearance,Java 3D Scene Graph, Sensors and Behaviors, Java 3D Networking, WTK and Java 3D
Performance Comparison, General Haptics Open Software Toolkit, GHOST Integration with the Graphics
Pipeline, The GHOST Haptics Scene Graph, Collision Detection and Response, Graphics and PHANToM
Calibration, PeopleShop,DI-Guy Geometry and Path, Sensors and Behaviors, PeopleShop Networking.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Human factors in VR
Methodology and Terminology, Data Collection and Analysis, Usability Engineering Methodology, User
Performance Studies, Testbed Evaluation of Universal VR Tasks, Influence of System Responsiveness on
User Performance, Influence of Feedback Multimodality, VR Health and Safety Issues, Direct Effects of VR
Simulations on Users, Cybersickness, Adaptation and Aftereffects, Guidelines for Proper VR Usage, VR and
Society, Impact on Professional Life, Impact on Private Life ,Impact on Public Life. Traditional VR
Applications: Medical Applications of VR, Virtual Anatomy, Triage and Diagnostic, Surgery, Rehabilitation,
Education, Arts, and Entertainment, VR in Education, VR and the Arts, Entertainment Applications of VR,
Military VR Applications, Army Use of VR, VR Applications in the Navy, Air Force Use of VR.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Emerging Application of VR
VR Applications in Manufacturing, Virtual Prototyping, Other VR Applications in Manufacturing,
Applications of VR in Robotics, Robot Programming Robot Teleoperation, Information Visualization, Oil
Exploration and Well Management, Volumetric Data Visualization.
10 Hours
Tools/Languages : Unity3d, React VR.

Text Book:
1. Virtual reality Technology, Grigore C Burdea, Philippe Coiffet, Wiley, 2nd edition, 2003

Reference Book(s):
1: “Virtual Reality”, Samuel Greengard, MIT Press, 1st Edition, 2019.
2: “Undertsanding Virtual Reality-Interface, Application and Design”, William R Sherman, 1st Edition,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS573 : Software Security (4-0-0-4-4)

The course presents the challenges and mechanisms to develop a safe and secure software. The main focus of
the course is to provide an insight of the software vulnerabilities, its consequences during exploitation and
the procedure to harden the system against those attacks.

Course Objectives:
 Apply and manage secure software development process.
 Gain a good comprehension of the landscape of Operating system vulnerabilities.
 Gain the ability to analyse the secure coding practises and advocate about the significance of
 Learn representative tools for web application security analysis.
 Realize the capabilities and limitations by threat modelling and understand the best testing practices.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
 Apply a strategy to design software with security.
 Understand the vulnerabilities of commonly used Operating Systems and browsers.
 Comprehend the security limitations of C programming language.
 Analyse various threats and privacy issues involved in we application development and apply
mitigation approaches to avoid them.
 Inspect various security testing strategies and apply penetration testing to understand the intrusion
Pre-requisite Course: UE20CS505-Cyber Security Essentials.

Course Content
Unit 1 : Introduction
Recent Software threats and Vulnerabilities referenced on Security Standards Organizations. The CIA Triad
- Core Security Principles, Security Concepts and Relationships, developing secure software: Use cases and
Misuse cases, Secure Software Development Life Cycle, Program Memory Layout, Software Debugger
(GDB), Code Disassembly (objdump), Memory analysis using Valgrind.
12 hours
Unit 2 : Privilege Escalation attacks
Set UID program and environment variable, Shell shock attack program. Buffer Overflow: Vulnerable code,
Stack and Function Invocation, Challenges in exploitation, Shellcode, Countermeasures, Function Prologue
and Epilogue; Format String Vulnerability: Functions with Variable number of arguments, Exploiting format
string and Mitigation approaches.
12 hours
Unit 3 : Malware and Threat Modelling
Review of Threat Modelling techniques, Applying STRIDE threat modelling technique, Privacy threats,
Taxonomy Of Privacy, privacy tools, processing threats, defensive tactics and technologies. EOP card game,
Malware- AbraWorm, Stuxnet worm and Morris Worm.
10 hours
Unit 4 : Web Application Security
Security Issues and Challenges in browser and web applications, SQL Injection- Basic Structure of Web
Traffic, Relational Database Elements, Interacting with Database in Web Application, Launching SQL
Injection Attacks, Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks on HTTP GET / POST Services, Cross-Site Scripting
Attack, HTTP Security-MITM attack.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Security Testing
Static analysis, Penetration testing - Benefits and Drawbacks, Pen testing tools review, Network probing
using nmap and Metasploit framework; Ethical Hacking, FUZZING, A case study and practical study on
exploiting the vulnerability and penetrating the system.
10 hours
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Tools usage: Claynet and Wireshark.

Text Book:
1. “Computer Security- A Hands on Approach”, Wenliang Du, 1st Edition, Create Space, 2019.

Reference Book(s):
1: “Computer Security – Principles and Practice”, William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, 4th Edition,
Pearson, 2018.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS581 : Advanced Big Data Analytics (4-0-0-4-4)

The course explores the big data analytics lifecycle: question formulation, data collection and cleaning,
exploratory analysis, statistical inference, prediction and decision-making. Focuses on building analytical
models using key principles and techniques.

Course Objectives:
 Introduce alternative techniques to perform big data processing.
 Introduce applications of Big Data Processing.
 Use tools and techniques to analyze a large data corpus.
 Technologies for performing processing at large scale.
 Perform a group-based activity to apply tools and techniques learnt to a real world problem.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 Motivate and explain trade-offs in big data processing technique design and analysis in written and
oral form.
 Demonstrate the usage of tools to design Big Data applications.
 Demonstrate development of analytics applications using alternative technologies to Hadoop.
 Demonstrate ability to work in a small team to solve a real world problem with applications to the
 Communicate the design through a presentation and build a prototype to showcase the design.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction and MapReduce
Introduction, HDFS overview, formats, MapReduce architecture,YARN, limitations of MapReduce,
Algorithms: PageRank .
10 Hours
Unit 2 : In Memory processing
Alternatives to Map Reduce – Iterative, Workflow processing, Graph Processing, In-memory computation.,
Workflow model case study – Apache Spark – RDDs, Scala Performance advantages.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Other models and algorithms
Graph model case study – Pregel/Graph. Computation model. Introduction to machine learning. Machine
learning with Spark, Clustering, Collaborative filtering Algorithms applied to Big Data. Case study –
Tensorflow, Watson.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Timeseries analysis
Business applications of timeseries data, challenges/tools to process timeseries data. Searching/Matching
10 Hours
Unit 5 : Multimedia –Speech Processing
Variety in Big data, Business cases for Multimedia-Speech processing. Hidden Markov Models, Case study:
Sphinx. Video Processing.
12 Hours
Tools/Languages : Apache Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Solr, R, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Watson.

Text Book:
1. “Big Data Analytics- A Hands-on Approach”, Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti,VPT Publication,1st
Edition, 2018.

Reference Books:
1: “Big Data Analytics Beyond Hadoop”: Real-Time Applications with Storm, Spark, and More Hadoop
Alternatives,Vijay Srinivasa Agneeswaran PhD, 1st Edition, Pearson, 2014.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

2: “Mining of Massive Datasets”,Anand Rajaraman,Jure Leskovec,Jerey D. Ullman, 2nd Edition, Cambridge

University Press, 2014.
3: Abu-El-Haija, Sami, Nisarg Kothari, Joonseok Lee, Paul Natsev, George Toderici, Balakrishnan
Varadarajan, and SudheendraVijayanarasimhan. "Youtube-8m: A large-scale video classification
benchmark."arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.08675(2016).
4: Huang, Qi, Petchean Ang, Peter Knowles, Tomasz Nykiel, IaroslavTverdokhlib, Amit Yajurvedi, Paul
Dapolito IV et al. "SVE: Distributed video processing at Facebook scale." In Proceedings of the 26th
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pp. 87-103. ACM, 2017.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS582 : Deep Learning Theory and Practices (4-0-0-4-4)

Deep Learning has received a lot of attention over the past few years and has been employed successfully by
companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Twitter etc. to solve a wide range of problems in
Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. In this course we will learn about the building blocks
used in these Deep Learning based solutions. At the end of this course students would have knowledge of
deep architectures used for solving various Vision and NLP tasks.

Course Objectives:
 To impart hands-on knowledge on Advanced Machine Learning Topics.
 Introduce students to programming with TensorFlow and Keras tools.
 Provide in-depth coverage of Support Vector Machines.
 Introduce students to Deep Learning techniques – CNN and RNN.
 Introduce students to Reinforcement Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
 Implement Machine Learning techniques with TensorFlow and Keras and develop simple game
engines using Reinforcement Learning.
 Solve time-series related problems with RNN.
 Classify real-world data using Support Vector Machines.
 Classify images using CNN.
 Generate data in the form of images using GAN.

Course Contents
Unit 1 : Introduction Historical Trends in Deep Learning
Deep Feed forward Networks Example: Learning XOR, Gradient-Based Learning, Hidden Units,
Architecture Design, Back-Propagation and Other Differentiation Algorithms, Historical Notes.
Regularization for Deep Learning Parameter Norm Penalties , Norm Penalties as Constrained Optimization ,
Regularization and Under-Constrained Problems, Dataset Augmentation , Noise Robustness , Semi-
Supervised Learning , Multi-Task Learning , Early Stopping, Parameter Tying and Parameter Sharing,
Sparse Representations, Bagging and Other Ensemble Methods, Dropout , inverted drop out, dversarial
Training , Tangent Distance, Tangent Prop, and Manifold Tangent Classifier.
12 Hours
Unit 2 : Convolutional Networks
The Convolution Operation , Motivation, Pooling , Convolution and Pooling as an Infinitely Strong Prior,
Variants of the Basic Convolution Function , Structured Outputs , Data Types , Efficient Convolution
Algorithms, Random or Unsupervised Features , The Neuroscientific Basis for Convolutional Networks ,
Convolutional Networks and the History of Deep Learning, problems with pooling and capsual network.
10 Hours
Unit 3 : Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets
Unfolding Computational Graphs , Recurrent Neural Networks, Bidirectional RNNs, Encoder-Decoder
Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures , Deep Recurrent Networks, Recursive Neural Networks ., The
Challenge of Long-Term Dependencies, Echo State Networks , Leaky Units and Other Strategies for
Multiple Time Scales, The Long Short-Term Memory and Other Gated RNNs, OptimizationforLong-Term
Dependencies , Explicit memory, attentation mechanism.
12 Hours
Unit 4 : Autoencoders
Undercomplete Autoencoders, Regularized Autoencoders , Representational Power, Layer Size and Depth,
Stochastic Encoders and Decoders, Denoising Autoencoders, Learning Manifolds with Autoencoders,
Contractive Autoencoders, Predictive Sparse Decomposition, Applications of Autoencoders. Introduction to
variational auto encoders.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : Practical Methodology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

Performance Metrics , Default Baseline Models,Determining Whether to Gather More Data, Selecting
Hyperparameters , Debugging Strategies , Example: Multi-Digit Number Recognition Applications Large
Scale Deep Learning, Computer Vision , Speech Recognition , Natural Language Processing, Other
Applications.Overview of GAN.
10 Hours
Tools / Languages : Tensorflow 1.15, Keras 2.3.1, Python 3.7.
Text Book:
1. “Deep Learning”, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville

Reference Books:
1: “Fundamentals of Deep Learning:Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms”,Nikhil
Buduma,O'Reilly Publications, 2016 edition.
2: “Python Deep Learning”, Ivan Vasilev, Packt Publishing, 2nd edition, 2019.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

UE20CS583 : Cryptography(4-0-0-4-4)

Cryptography is the science of securing data by using mathematical concepts. Cryptography involves the
authentication and verification of data in all domains by applying Cryptographic protocols.

Course Objectives:
 Enable to learn the fundamental concepts of cryptography and utilize these techniques in computing
 Discuss about various encryption techniques.
 Understand the concept of public key Cryptography.
 Introduce message authentication and hash function.
 Provide Lab sessions for each unit to help gain deeper insight into Cryptography.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to,
 Appreciate the impact of cyber-attacks on the society and the necessity of cryptography.
 Analyse Cryptographic techniques using the mathematical foundations of cryptography.
 Design applications/protocols using cryptographic techniques.
 Apply cryptanalysis to solve real time problems.
 Evaluate the authentication and Hash Algorithms.

Course Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Cryptography
Why Cryptography?, Security trends – legal, ethical and professional aspects of security, Basic
Cryptographic primitives (encryption, decryption, signatures, authentication), Classical encryption
techniques : substitution technique, transposition techniques, Steganography, Historical Ciphers and their
cryptanalysis, Classical vs Modern cryptography.
10 Hours
Unit 2 : Modern Cryptography
Principles of Modern cryptography, Perfectly-secret encryption – Vernam’s One-time-pad encryption –
Limitations, Shannon’s theorem, Stream Ciphers, Block cipher design principles, Block Vs Stream cipher.
12 Hours
Unit 3 : Private Key Cryptography
Mathematical Modular arithmetic-Euclid’s algorithm, Congruence and matrices, Algebraic structures:
Groups, Rings, Fields- Finite fields, Pseudorandom Generators (PRNG), Private/Symmetric Key Ciphers :
Fiestel network, DES, AES, Cryptanalysis: Block cipher mode of operation, Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks, ,
Differential and linear cryptanalysis.
10 Hours
Unit 4 : Public Key Cryptography
Mathematics of Public Key Cryptography: Primes, Factorization, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Key
Management and the Public Key Revolution: Key distribution and Key Management, Diffie Hellman
Protocol, Elgamal encryption, RSA Encryption : Algorithm, Implementation issues and Pitfalls, Rabin
Encryption Scheme: Trapdoor, Scheme, Digital Signature: Certificates and Public Infrastructure, Attacks,
Scheme, Applications, Signatures from Hash Functions.
12 Hours
Unit 5 : MAC and Hash
Message Authentication Code (MAC) – Definition, Message Integrity, Cipher Block Chaining (CBC-MAC),
Constructing Secure message Authentication codes, Authenticated Encryption, Hash Functions and
Applications: MAC using Hash functions HMAC, Generic Attacks on Hash Functions, Random Oracle
Model, Applications, Hash functions: MD5, SHA, collision resistant hashing, Merkle-Damgrad and Davies
12 Hours
Tools / Languages : Seed virtual machine environment.

Text Book:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - PG

1. “Introduction to Modern Cryptography” ,Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell, CRC Press, 2018.

Reference Books:
1: “Cryptography and Network Security”, Behrouz A.Foruzan, Tata McGraw Hill 2007.

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