127 XXXIII-part7s
127 XXXIII-part7s
127 XXXIII-part7s
Centre for Remote Sensing and GIS
School of Planning and Architecture
New Delhi, India
[email protected]
TP VII-04-25
KEY WORDS: Applications, High Resolution Images, Remote Sensing, Urban and Regional Planning.
The popular belief that the high spatial resolution images will always lead to a better interpretation, may
not always be true, from the point of view of an urban and regional planner. A typical urban and regional
planner deals with areas to be analysed and planned on maps at a variety of scales, ranging from 1:500 at
Site Planning level to 1:250,000 or more at the Regional level. These maps do require different levels of
generalization and detailing. While a small polygon at a regional scale could represent a large metropolitan
area (or urban agglomeration), a map at an urban (or local) scale would require to differentiate the various
land uses and their sub-classification within the agglomeration.
Studies have indicated that when working at a metropolitan regional scale or higher, images with low
spatial resolution are actually more useful than images with higher resolution. Low resolution images sieve
out unnecessary details, which would be useful only at local level and very disturbing at metropolitan
region level. Higher spatial resolution images simply provide too many details for the level of
generalization appropriate for decision making at the regional level.
Application of satellite images, in almost every field related to Earth Sciences, has come along way. Two
important factors responsible for this are the hurdles generally associated with the availability of aerial
photographs (specially in many developing countries) and ever improving spatial resolution of satellite
images. Application scientists are able to develop newer applications each time a satellite image with a
better resolution becomes available. Provision of more details and, therefore, better interpretation are being
promised now that these images have become commercially available.
However, the popular belief that the high spatial resolution will always lead to a better interpretation may
not always be true, from the point of a view of an urban and regional planner. An attempt has been made in
this paper to highlight that while higher spatial resolution satellite images will be very useful for working at
urban and local scales, low resolution images will continue to have an upper edge while working at the
metropolitan, regional or higher scale. It has been argued that the higher spatial resolution satellite images
simply provide too many details for the level of generalization appropriate to decision making at the
regional level, rendering these images expensive, time consuming and impractical.
A typical urban and regional planner deals with areas to be analysed and planned on maps at a variety of
scales. While on one hand maps dealing with a regional planning exercise would be plotted at scales
ranging from 1:250,000 to 1:1,000,000, those dealing with a planning project/ scheme need to be plotted at
scales varying from 1:500 to 1:2,500. The success or failure of a set of planning maps depends to a very
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large extent upon the suitability of the maps used. The perfect map would be the one that gives just enough
detail but no more, to make the information contained on it fully comprehensible. The more detailed the
map the less will be the degree of clarity with which the information can be shown. At the same time, too
simple a map may also lack in clarity making it useless for the purpose.
By practice over the years, and often by statutory requirements, urban and regional planners have come out
with following amount of information to be included in maps dealing with various levels of planning
(Mahavir, 1986; ITPI, 1996; ITPI, 1998). Even though the list is generalized and actual detail will depend
upon the scale chosen, the area covered and principal objective of the planning exercise, it does provide as
a broad checklist for the purpose of this paper (see Table 1).
While the listing is indicative of the broad spectrum of the levels of scale and maps that a planner has to
deal with, it also indicates that a similarly broad horizon of sources of these data has to be approached for
getting the desired information.
Besides the traditional sources and methods of collection of data for planning, with all their limitations,
satellite remote sensing remains the single largest source of collection of data. Aerial remote sensing,
though having a lot of promises and proven applications, lags behind due to a policy of restriction
(specially in developing countries) and largely being non-digital in nature thus limiting digital processing.
Satellite remote sensing, on the other hand, has rapidly taken over the former, due to advances made in data
capture technology, spatial and spectral resolutions, data storage and processing equipment and above all,
the Information Technology (IT) revolution currently on.
For a long time, images with a low spatial resolution (e.g., 80 m) only could be ordered. A considerable
improvement of resolution arrived on the market in 1986 with the 10 m spatial resolution Panchromatic
SPOT. These images provided synoptic views on areas as big as 60 km x 60 km where not only a (large)
city could be seen but also a large parts of its environment in which it might expand. Constant pressure
from the user community and technological innovations made it possible to further improve the spatial
resolution to the likes of 5.8 m (IRS IC and ID) and the more recent 1 m of Ikonos from the Space
Imaging Inc. While the scientists providing us the technology are excited over their technological
triumphs, the application people are excited in finding new challenges to use these data in order to derive
anew and meaningful information about Earths surface.
The trends of making the spatial resolution finer and the enthusiasm shown by the user community, give to
believe the popular saying, Small is Beautiful. At first impression, it sounds logical too. An urban and
regional planner, engaged in city planning in a developing country would be the happiest person to be able
to locate precisely the squatter settlements to the extent of individual shelter and lanes and the services, etc.
if available. He would also be happy to generate sieve analysis maps to identify potential areas for locating
sanitary land filling sites and relocation of squatter settlements, etc. However, as the following discussion
will reveal, high resolution images are not so useful at higher levels of scale, (see Table 1) particularly in
the filed of urban and regional planning.
Level of Range of Scale of Information Contents on the Base Map and Thematic Maps
Planning Maps
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Projects/ 1:500 All accesses; All vegetation (trees, bushes, arboriculture, etc.),
Schemes/ Site 1:1,000 Water bodies; High Tension/ Overhead electric and telephone
Planning 1:2,500 lines, Water supply lines including hydrants, sluice valves, etc;
1:5,000 Sewer lines including manholes, vent pipes, etc.; Drainage
channels, contours 1m interval, Other physical characteristics of
the site.
In a study (Mahavir, 1996) relating to understanding, predicting and recommending settlement patterns for
metropolitan regions using remotely sensed data, it was argued that a low spatial resolution of 72.5 m was
indeed more appropriate compared to 10 m or 5.8 m spatial resolution available at the time of the study.
The study involved the metropolitan region area around Delhi formally known as the National Capital
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Region of Delhi (NCR), India, covering an area of more than 30,000 sq.km. extending over four states
(provinces) including the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT), India. The Region accommodated a
population of more than 26 million people (1991) spread over 100 urban settlements and about 6,700 rural
settlements. The study involved mapping of Continuously Built-up Areas of these settlements, applying
various projection techniques and models, and mapping Continuously Built-up Areas of the settlements as
it would be at a time in future.
The crucial in the entire study was definition and delineation of Continuously Built-up Areas. A number
of rules governing minimum curtilage, generalization, idealization, agglomeration, etc. had to be evolved
keeping in mind the vastness of the region, an appropriate scale to work upon (1:250,000 in this case), the
principal source of data (i.e. the satellite images) and the overall objectives of the study. It also depended
upon the area of the smallest expected Continuously Built-up Area. The study finally adopted a minimum
curtilage of 4 mm x 4 mm at a scale of 1:250,000 (i.e. 1 sq.km. on ground) and a minimum width of 2 mm
(i.e. 500 m on ground). It was concluded under the study (Mahavir, 1996) that the remotely sensed data
with spatial resolution of 72.5 m was appropriate for the purpose providing a synoptic view of the entire
region under study. It specifically performed the otherwise difficult task of determining the built-up pixel
out of a mix of 50 pixels (of 10 m resolution compared to 72.5 m).
One could argue that high spatial resolution image could always be resampled (digitally) with larger pixel
size and a relatively low spatial resolution image be generated. Technically the logic is sound, but it would
only amount to using a sophisticated tool to make sophisticated data rather simple and then performing the
task of analysis on simplified data. In other words, using a high specification computer for performing
what a simple calculator might perform. For the paper prints, for visual interpretation, images with low
spatial resolution would certainly be handy in delineating Continuously Built-up Areas as explained
above. Similarly, host of other information at the regional scale would be easily drawn on a low spatial
resolution satellite image. Thus, there is a strong interrelationship among the spatial resolution of the
image, the spatial structure of the terrain under investigation and the nature of information sought in any
given image processing operation. This must always be kept in mind as one selects the appropriate spatial
resolution and analysis techniques for any given setting and application (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994).
It was discussed in the above paragraphs that even the high spatial resolution satellite images could be
digitally resampled for producing relatively low resolution image for the ease of interpretation. However,
one aspect that needs attention is the volume of data one handles in the two cases. As a thumb rule, volume
of data to cover the same amount of area on ground with a high spatial resolution image would be far large
compared to a low spatial resolution image.
Thus, while an image covering an area of 2,500 sq.km. at a spatial resolution of 72.5 m (IRS-1B) may
contain a little over 475k pixels, the same area would require more than 74M pixels at a resolution of 5.8m
(IRS-1D. A large volume of pixels, at the same time, will require larger storage spaces, processing time and
data acquisition costs.
As in the case of data volume, there can be a thumb rule relating to data acquisition costs and spatial
resolution. Broadly speaking, costs of data to cover the same area at low spatial resolution will be much
lower compared to covering the same area at high spatial resolution.
For example, a full geocoded scene (148X174 km) of IRS-1A/1B with 72.5 m resolution costs about
Rs.4,600, a full geocoded scene (28X28 km) of IRS-IC/ID with 23.5 m resolution costs about Rs.11,500/-.
Similarly, a full geocoded scene (14X14 km) of IRSIC/ID with 5.8 m resolution costs about Rs.28,800/-
(All prices in Indian Rupees; Prices quoted by the NRSA, 2000. Prices of non-Indian satellites not
compared due to problems of foreign exchange rates and royalties involved). Moreover, the number of
scenes required for coverages with high spatial resolutions are more, thus making the data product more
130 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Supplement B7. Amsterdam 2000.
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It can thus be concluded that from view point of an urban and regional planner, high resolution satellites
images may not always be preferred. While high resolution images may be useful working at scales varying
from 1:500 to 1:2,500 (i.e. site planning, projects and schemes), relatively lower spatial resolution images
would be more useful for planning at scales varying from 1:25,000 to 1:50,000 or 1:100,000, etc. Though
no hard and fast rules can be derived, one has to keep in mind the level of planning, chosen scale for
preparing base maps and thematic maps, the level of detailing intended and the objectives of the planning
exercise. Keeping in mind the kind of information content on the base maps and thematic maps to be drawn
at various levels of planning, following of combinations of spatial resolutions may be recommended (see
Table 2).
Projects/Schemes/ 1:500 1m
Site Planning 1:1,000 5.8 m
Table 2. Recommended Spatial Resolution of Satellite Images for Various Levels and Scales of Planning
Higher spatial resolution images may provide better data as thumb rule, it may not always be desired from
consideration of the ease of interpretation, data volume and data acquisition costs. While there is a growing
tendency to launch more and more remote sensing satellites with finer resolutions and to develop
applications for the same, the need for continuation of lower spatial resolution satellites at the same time
cannot be undermined.
Institute of Town Planers, India (ITPI), 1998. Conditions of Engagement of Professional Services and Scale
of Professional Fees and Charges. ITPI, New Delhi.
Institute of Town Planers, India (ITPI), 1996. Urban Development Plans Formulation and Implementation
Guidelines (UDPFI), Vol. 1, Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Lillesand, Thomas M. and Kiefer, Ralph W., 1994. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. John Willey
& Sons, Inc., New York.
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Mahavir, 1996. Modelling Settlement Patterns for Metropolitan Regions : Inputs from Remote Sensing.
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Enschede.
Mahavir, 1986. Preparation of Base Maps, in Ansari, J. H. and Mahavir (eds.), A Reader in Planning
Techniques, Vol. II. School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.
National Remote Sensing Agency, 1997. IRS ID Data Users Handbook. National Remote Sensing
Agency (Deptt. of Space, Govt. of India), Hyderabad.
National Remote Sensing Agency, 2000. Satellite Data Products Price List for the Period 01-07-2000 to 31-
03-2001. NRSA Data Centre, NRSA (Dept. of Space, Govt. of India), Hyderabad.
National Remote Sensing Agency, 1999. Satellite Data Products from NRSA Data Centre. NRSA Data
Centre, NRSA (Deptt. of Space, Govt. of India), Hyderabad.
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