The Effects of Sports On Academic Performance

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The Efects of Sports on Academic Performance.

In today's culture it is very common to play sports at school. It is a part of the

social aspects of gradeschool, high school, even college .
Participation in extracurricular activities in general, is associated with an improved
grade point average, higher educational aspirations, increased college
attendance, and reduced absenteeism.
In the medival period no one had the energy to play sports. It was accepted that
sport developed character and morality.
Competition had to be fair and rule-governed with similar conditions for all players
sport was to be played, not for reward, but for its own sake port became linked
to a moral code de!ned by the middle classes"
-#n institution for educating children.
-#n activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team
competes against another or others. chool ports Children$s participation in
organi%ed extracurricular activities has been associated with positive short- and
long-term outcomes, such as academic achievement and prosocial behaviours,
and with reduced negative outcomes, such as dropping out of school and
emotional and behavioural disorders Children$s participation in organi%ed
extracurricular activities has been associated with positive short- and long-term
outcomes, such as academic achievement and prosocial behaviours, and with
reduced negative outcomes, such as dropping out of school and emotional and
behavioural disorders #lso, students academic performance are a&ected by
playing sports.
-'any extracurricular activities have proven to be bene!cial in building and
strengthening academic achievement, even if the activities are not obviously
related to academic sub(ects.
-# number of studies revealed that students participating in extracurricular
activities did better academically than students who did not participate.
The Efect of Sports On Social development.
)ar-reaching and ever-present, sport is a common denominator for people across
the globe.
ince the advent of modern *lympics in +,-., athletes have shown that sports
enable people to come together in an e&ort to bring about global peace and to
share a desire for self-improvement.
/on-pro!t sports programs aiming to educate through similar means are part of
an up and coming movement, however.
0hrough sport, children learn sportsmanship and other life skills. 0hey gain
con!dence in themselves and their involvement with a group.
#lso, according to the *1cial 2ebsite of the *lympic 'ovement, being
surrounded by a supportive group of people with similar goals, as in playing a
sport, 3can alleviate the negative e&ects of poverty.4
/on-pro!t organi%ations are founded in urban areas a&ected by poverty to help
underprivileged children by creating an environment to unite people of any
gender, race, religious view, or socio-economic background.
#nd individual students who participate in sports are less likely to be hostile or
antagonistic toward other students regardless of their race or ethnicity .
Preliminary analyses also show that schools where teachers and principals report
placing strong emphasis on sports and extracurricular activities experience lower
levels of con5ict among students of di&erent races.
If you were to take an opinion poll, large numbers of #mericans would say they
believe sports are a good thing for young people.
The Efect of Sports on Personality development.
tudents who play sports also might learn character and behavior traits that help
!ll out their personalities. 6owever, the President's Council on )itness, ports and
/utrition notes that only one in three children in the 7nited tates gets physical
exercise every day, while most children spend more than seven hours a day in
front of a 08 or computer screen.
9etting your kids involved in playing sports will help them get more active and,
perhaps, develop a healthier personality.
#ccording to the #merican #cademy of Child and #dolescent Psychiatry, playing a
sport can help improve a child's self-esteem. :ecause it takes physical, mental
and emotional endurance to compete, children learn motivation, determination,
and the long-term bene!ts of training and working toward a goal. 0he feeling of
accomplishment as they work to build their athletic skills improves self-esteem, a
personality trait that is important in taking on other challenges in life.
;earning to cope with the emotional highs and lows of life in a healthy manner is a
valuable personality trait for children and adults.
Playing a sport gives your child the experiences of (oy and excitement after a win
and grief and frustration after a loss. 0he <aising Children /etwork notes that
sports help to teach children to bounce back and try again after failure. It also
teaches them that sometimes, even though they might play their best, their team
will lose.
#dditionally, unlike many other incidences of loss in life, playing a sport gives
children an organi%ed and structured environment where coaches and team
members can provide encouragement and help build resilience.
Importance of Sports Development Program in School and Athletes.
=uality Physical >ducation means a planned program of instruction and activity
for all students through the entire school year.
=uality Physical >ducation programs are essential in helping students gain
competence and con!dence in a variety of movement forms such as" a?uatics,
dance, gymnastics, recreational and activities. It should provide a sound
framework for the design and assessment that develop the students' motivation,
!tness, cognitive, a&ective@behavioural, and active lifestyle needs, and should
focus on life-time involvement.
tudents display positive attitudes towards an active lifestyle
>xhibit better health habits Atend not to smokeB
tudents develop personal physical !tness and enhance bone growth
>xhibit more positive attitudes about school, physical activity and self
Play better with others
6ave less aggressive behaviours
Perform as well or better academically
!oals of the Physical Ed"cation # Sports Policy
0he aim of organi%ed physical education and sport programs is to create an
environment that stimulates selected movement experiences resulting in
desirable responses that contribute to the optimal development of the individual's
potentialities in all phases of life. Ahepphard and 2illoughbyB. 0he ob(ective of
the chools Physical >ducation and ports Policy is to provide guidelines to
schools for development of the following"
0o help students achieve a health-enhancing life of physical activity
0o help understand and respect individual di&erences among people in
physical settings
Integrate Physical >ducation and ports into the Curriculum
0o provide for a safe physical environment
0o provide students with a variety of activities that will enhance life-long
learning and participation
Promote physical excellence
Competitive sport should contribute to the health and well being of the student.
>verything possible should be done to protect the 6ealth and afety of the

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