Sports-Teachers Coaching Style Behavior Competenc
Sports-Teachers Coaching Style Behavior Competenc
Sports-Teachers Coaching Style Behavior Competenc
Corresponding address : San Roque, San Leonardo Nueva ISSN 2685-6514 (Online)
Ecija, Phillipines
ISSN 2477-331X (Print)
Email : [email protected]
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)
the athletes‘ preferred behavior, the athlete competitions. Various external and
may be more readily inclined to repay the internal factors contribute to the
coach through improved performance. motivation and performance of a student-
On the other hand, coaching athlete. Concepts of coaching style,
competencies are deemed vital to ensure behavior, and competencies are other
quality athlete’s performance in a areas that need to be explored o further
competition. Coaching competency was understand what constitutes and
defined as athletes’ evaluation of their contributes to student athlete’s
coach to affect athletes’ performance and performance.
learning (Myers et al., 2010). Fouss and This research study aims to look at
Troppman (1998, as cited by Chiu et al., whether there is a relationship between
2014) note that for a coach to be effective, style, behavior, and competencies of
it is necessary to develop competencies or coaches on student-athlete’s performance
skills. Furthermore, Bompa and Carrera, and to figure out what variables could
(2005), Kidman and Haranhan (2010), predict student-athlete’s performance.
emphasized that the most important
success factor of a coach is to help athletes Research Purposes:
to enhance their athletic skill in a wide 1. To determine the coaching style,
range of tasks from sequential coaching behavior, and coaching
development and mastery of basic skills competency of the respondents.
for beginners, to the more specialized 2. To describe the student-athlete’s
physical, technical, tactical, and performance in individual, dual,
psychological preparation of elite athletes. and team sports.
Thus, helping athletes in improving their 3. To find out the relationship
athletic talents, skills and performance are between student-athlete’s
crucial in the teaching-learning process. performance and coaching style,
Meanwhile, athletes’ performance in the coaching behavior, and coaching
individual, dual, and team sports could be competency of the respondents.
measured through actual results obtained 4. To find out whether coaching
by an athlete in a competition. These style, coaching behavior, and
actual results could serve as a basis for coaching competency predict
improving athletes as well as school sports student-athletes performance.
It is in the light of this research METHODS
study to conceptualize and further assess
the factors that contribute to students’ The descriptive research design
performance. Moreover, to determine the was utilized to guide the analysis of this
coaching styles, coaching behavior, and
coaching competence that a coach research. A total of 59 teachers
develops or adapts which contribute to the participated in this research using total
total development of the athletes. population sampling to provide complete
Furthermore, it is important to understand and accurate information. (Bernard,
the variables that could predict student 2006) describes total population
athlete’s performance.
sampling which involves examining the
Research Problem: whole population that has a particular set
Student-athletes’ performance can of characteristics. The researcher used an
be measured by actual results obtained by online questionnaire through Google
an athlete in certain sports event form and sent it to the school principals
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)
Rayvin Domingo Pestano / Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani 5 (1) (2021)