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Bardic Colleges and other bardic treasures


Steven B. Wilson

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, v 3.5, published by Wizards of the Coast

"d20 System" and the "d20 System" logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20, and at the end of this document. Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeon Master, and Wizards of the Coast are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission. Musical instrument images are from Lark in the Morning and used with permission. I began this as just a short post for somewhere on St. Patricks Day 2002 (it seemed appropriate), but it grew. For Glas Fabhcn About the author: Steve Wilson teaches Business Communication and Leadership at the University of Oklahoma. He has played D&D in one form or another since 1975. He has a degree in English, a Masters in Human Relations, and too many hours in graduate English Medieval Lit to think about. He is a semi-professional storyteller and singer; he plays the guitar well, the bouzouki fairly well, the Irish folk harp, and the mandolin. He also had the great privilege of serving on WotCs Team Greyhawk from 1997-2000, and helped bring that setting back to a new audience. He has a lovely wife who doesnt game, but lets him game frequently, a son who is the best thing since sliced cheese, and who will game once hes old enough, and a cat, Sona Sidhe, who lives up to her name when shes not sleeping, and another cat, Boots, who torments her when she does. March 7, 2004

Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: any specific original characters, monsters, creatures, and places; capitalized names and names of places, artifacts (except those being revised from earlier D&D presentations), countries, creatures, geographic locations, gods, historic events, magic items, organizations, spells, and abilities; and any and all stories, storylines, histories, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue; all spells originating in Bardic Colleges Other Bardic Treasures and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps, and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, or graphic designs; except such elements that already appear in final or draft versions of the d20 System Reference Document (e.g. Melf, Bigby, Tenser, Mordenkainen, Tasha, Evard, Otiluke, Rary, Drawmij, and Otto) or as Open Game Content below and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content. Designation of Copyrighted Material: The photographs of the lute, harp, mandolin, cittern and lyre, shawm and flute belong to Lark in the Morning, from Larkinthemorning.com and are used with permission. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. The specific Ogham font used throughout is from Curtis Clark (www.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/fonts/index.html), and is used in accordance with the directions on his homepage for not for profit use. The above permitted and fairly used copyrighted material is not Open Game Content. Designation of Public Domain and Free Use Material with citations: Picture of the Earth from NASA and NSSDC is from Apollo 17 mission NASA Photo ID: AS17-148-22727. This document is not endorsed by NASA. Other pictures are from http://www.freeimages.co.uk/, some have been modified by use of Kais effects in PhotoStyler. Additionally, many of the triads herein are from www.lincolnu.edu/~focal/docs/triads/triads.html for some of these triads from Kuno Meyer, The Triads of Ireland, 1906. Additionally, the woodcut harpist image comes from http://www.lordkyl.net/ None of this material is Open Game Content. Designation of Open Game Content from non-WOTC sources: The designation Bardic Gift and the Satire classed bard abilities (Belittle, Deride, Humiliate and Defame) and Bardic Sight are drawn from Fredrick Weinings Open Game Content material from his on-line Bard of the Ancient Order: Initiates of the College of the Old Lore (website not functioning). Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Bardic Colleges And Other Bardic Treasures are designated as Open Game Content: the bardic college heroic overlays (only, the overlay itself is not OGC), all new skills, and feats; all spell parameters (range, etc.); the monster statistics and Combat text for the monsters and the new Longaevi Template; and anything else contained herein which is already Open Game Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference Document or some other OGC source. Specific game

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Note, these are not the larger shamrocks on the corners that serve as border.
Some portions of this text which are OGC originate from the System Reference Document and are 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these OGC portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE The Bardic Colleges And Other Bardic Treasures 2004, Steven B. Wilson. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction, retransmission, or unauthorized use of the non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without express written permission from Steve Wilson, except for purposes of review or use of OGC consistent with the OGL. The viewer may print copies for his or her own personal use only. This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Table of Contents
Bardic Variant 4 Universal College Features Ollaire Colaisti DoerbairD Fochluc College MacFuirmiDh College Dos College Colaisti SoerbairD Cana College Cli College Anruth College Ard-FiliDh Ollamh New Skills New Feats Variant Bard Spell List Modified Spells New Spells
Comprehend Motivation 24 24 Counsels Voice Diarmuids Light-hearted Laughter__24 Diplomatic Impasse 25 25 Discern Leader 25 Fionbhars Annoying Jig 25 Fionbhars Lament Fionbhars Lullaby 25 25 Fionbhars Reel 26 Follow Intrigues Path 26 Gift of Gab 26 Glam Dicin 26 Historia Recitato 27 Lure of the Piper 27 Misconstrue Music of the Spears 27 27 Music of the Spheres Additional Notes on Bard Master Songs

6 7 7 7 9 10 11 11 12 13 15 15 17 17 18 23 24
Oissons Gate 28 Poet Tree 28 28 Poetic Justice Riddle Me This 28 Riddle of Dooms 28 Sagas Hero 29 Sharps and Flats 29 Song of the Fey 29 Spell Instrument 29 Tale Snare 30 The Hills are Alive 30 To Be or Not To Be 30 Tongue of Silver 30 Twisted Tongue 31 Ultimate Shout____________31 Without Rhyme or Reason 31 Yarnspinning 31 31

The Ogham BarDic Errata DM MATERIAL DM Table of Contents HEROIC OVERLAYS Thanks and d20 & OGL Sample Bard

34 35 36 36 43 46 49

BARDIC VARIENT: The "Old Lore" Bardic Colleges

In the ancient times were the druids and the elves. Both moved to the music of nature. The elves spoke with trees, and the druids too, learned the languages of the beasts they tended. To honor that music, and to honor those first words with the creatures of the earth, the elves and druids worked together to establish institutions that would honor song, wood and word: the colleges of the bards. Like the druids, the colleges followed the way of the wood, like elves, they delighted in magic, and song, and like rangers, their brethren, they were hardy in battle and stealth. As the triads say, Three things are excellent for anyone: valor, learning, and discretion. Members of the bardic colleges strive to develop each. Adventures: A bard of the Old Lore Colleges adventures for many reasons. Those in the lower colleges adventure to learn new songs and tales, to deliver messages, to find new magic and to see the world. They like traveling with heroes so that they may take note of their actions and, perhaps, compose a song or tale that will spread their own fame. Bards of the middle ranking colleges often travel seeking verification of historical or mythological accounts, or to serve as diplomats. They also frequently travel with chiefs, princes, or kings to act as heralds, and recorders of great deeds. Bards of the highest ranking colleges travel to act as arbiters and judges, and, ultimately, to teach lower ranking bards. They also undertake great quests to recover the highest levels of bardic magic, legends and performance. Characteristics: College bards are uniquely flexible. They fight almost as well as fighters, and have access to armor, they also maintain access to many skills that a rogue has. Bards develop a broad array of knowledge, from formal fields, to a vast repository of tales and stories, and information about local people and events. They also have access to magic. For bards, magic comes from the soul and genius of the bard, not from books. However, bards still study: music, tales, history, politics and law. Culture and nature are the bards primary classrooms. While enchantment and illusions are common for lower level bards, higher-level bards draw more heavily from magic related to music, oratory, and justice, and, of course, magic learned at the tutelage of druids. Bardic Colleges: Druids and Ollamh bards oversee this ancient organizational structure. Both druids and Ollamh bards act as formal and informal teachers within the organization. This institution should not be seen as a college in the modern sense, but rather a loose guild structure of people who maintain information and training in a traditional, stratified format; the colleges are people, not places. Meetings and tutelage can be in informal halls, in the abode of an Ollamh, or in the grove of a druid. Sometimes teachers work with small groups, and other times, with individuals, depending on the needs of the college, the training track of the student, and the desire (or whim) of the instructors. Members of the colleges often undertake dangerous journeys to increase knowledge and lore, both for the storehouse of knowledge of the bardic colleges, and for personal use. Bards of different colleges do not generally fraternize nor travel together. The nature of the colleges tends to be segregated. This system has arisen to insure that those less ready to be trained will not utilize the powers, nor take the secret learning and spread it before they are ready themselves. Bards tend to be secretive about the specific training of their college (or previous colleges). This has much to do with protecting the traditions and keeping the bardic college system pure of influence of other academic or popular infiltration. It also has a little to do with professional pride. There are eight grades of bards in the college system, and seven colleges. Colleges indicate the increasing power and responsibility of the bard. The colleges also represent the focus of bardic training. College affiliation represents a bards training through groupings of skills and special abilities and their use, spell groupings, and alignment.


Bardic colleges represent a new approach to D&D classes called Heroic Overlays. These work much like monster Templates. Heroic Overlays build on core classes, but work subtle changes on the class (in a balanced and unified manner) to provide a specific flavor to the campaign. More on this will be presented at the end of this piece.

Bard College Skills

See individual colleges for skill acquisition while a member of each college. A bard only has access to the skills of his present college, and skills he has already taken skill slots in from previous colleges (or other classes). Skills that are offered by previous colleges are considered cross-class, if the bard hasnt purchased any slots in them.

Game Rule Information

College bard has the following game statistics. Abilities: Charisma determines how powerful a spell a bard can cast and how hard those spells are to resist. To cast a spell, the bard must have a Charisma score of 10+ the spells level. The Difficulty Class of a saving throw against a bards spell is 10+ the spells level plus the bards Charisma modifier. Charisma, Dexterity and Intelligence are important for many of the bards class skills. Alignment: See individual colleges below. If a bard breaks alignment for a college, he can advance, but he will not gain any special abilities for that college.

Experience and Level-Dependent Benefits: As normal. Presented in Chapter 3 in the under Level Dependent Benefits in the PHB (Table 3-2). Hit Die: d6

while wearing armor (or using a shield should he gain the feat), but only suffers a chance of spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. Spells: A bard casts spells without memorizing them beforehand or keeping a spell book. The Difficultly Class for a saving throw against a bards spell is 10+ spell level + bards Charisma modifier. Spells Known and Spells per Day are as for standard bard. Spell Exchange also works as for the standard bard. Other: Anything not specifically addressed in the Bardic College heroic overlays, or supplemental information (as in spell branches), operates as for the standard bard in the Players Handbook.

Standard BARD Features

All of the following are features of the Bardic Colleges. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: College bards have simple weapon proficiency. Bards additionally gain proficiency with one of the following: broadsword, longbow, composite longbow, longsword, sap, scimitar, short composite bow, short sword, shortbow, or whip. Bards are proficient with light armor and medium armor. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. In addition, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for every 5 lbs. of armor or equipment carried. Like other arcane spellcasters, a bard can cast spells Table 1: Bardic College Overlays
College Level 0 College Bard Class Level 1

Studies (Probationer) Bardic Gifts: Fascinate, Countersong Weapon Tutored Magic: Cantrips




Alignment: any Bardic Gift Use/Day: 1 Skill Set

Deaf Failure %: 20

(Colaisti Doerbaird: Lower Colleges) Alignment: any Deaf Failure %: 19 Bardic Gifts: Courage +1, Competence, Bardic Gift Use/Day: 3 Lampoon; Skill Set Bardic Knowledge Druidic Craft: Speak Language (Druids Cant) Magic: 2 Branches (Athraigh and Ceol) 2 MacFuirmidh 5th 7th Bardic Gifts: Suggestion, Belittle Alignment: any Deaf Failure %: 18 Bardic Knowledge Bardic Gift Use/Day: 5 Spell Exchange: Druidic Craft: Wild Empathy Skill Set Cantrip rd Magic: 3 Branch (players choice**) Speak Language th th 3 Dos Bardic Gifts: Greatness, Derision, Courage +2 Alignment: any Deaf Failure %: 17 8 10 Bardic Knowledge Bardic Gift Use/Day: 7 Spell Exchage: st Druidic Craft: Resist Natures Lure Skill Set Up to 1 level th Magic: 4 Branch (players choice**) (Colaisti Soerbaird: Honored Colleges) th th 4 Cana Bardic Gifts: Entreat Sylvan Ally Alignment: Any Neutral Deaf Failure %: 16 11 13 Bardic Knowledge Bardic Gift Use/Day: 9 Spell Exchanget: nd Druidic Craft: Wild Shape Skill Set Up to 2 level th Magic: 5 Branch (players choice*) th th 5 Cli Bardic Gift: Song of Freedom, Courage +3 Alignment:Any Neutral Deaf Failure %: 15 14 -16 Bardic Knowledge Bardic Gift Use/Day: 11 Spell Exchange rd Bonus Language Skill Set Up to 3 level th Magic: 6 Branch th th 6 Anruth Bardic Gift: Heroics, Satirize Alignment: N, LN, NG, Deaf Failure %: 13 17 -19 Bardic Knowledge NE Spell Exchange th Bardic Sight Bardic Gift Use/Day: 13 Up to 4 level th Magic: 7 Branch Skill Set (Ard-Filidh: Chief Poets) th Alignment: N, LN, NG, Deaf Failure %: 10 7 Ollamh Bardic Gift: Courage +4, Mastery, Mass 20 NE Spell Exchange: Suggestion; th Bardic Gift Use/Day: 15 Up to 4 level (Master Druidic Craft: A Thousand Faces Master Songs* Songs cant be th Magic: 8 Branch exchanged * Ollamh bards gain the capacity to cast some high level spells, see Ollamh entry, Master Songs, for explanation ** Players Choice, but a bard of the colleges must take the Freamh branch at some point prior to graduating from the Cana College. 1 Fochloc 2


**** % chance to fail a Bardic Music Ability or Spell Casting use if deafened.

College information and descriptions follow.

COLLEGE PACT A College Pact is the agreement the bard makes with a particular college. Violation of this pact results in the expulsion of the bard from the college (forced violation via blackmail, spell, etc. is will not result in expulsion if the bard can counteract or makes a good effort to counteract the effects of his behavior after the fact.) SPELL STRICTURES I. All bard spells have a verbal component (singing or reciting a story, lay, ballad, etc.), a somatic component (playing an instrument) or a verbal and somatic component (singing or reciting, combined with playing an instrument). II. College Bards differ from other spell casters, including other bards, because of the performance aspect of their magic. A bard must make a Perform check (DC equals 15 + 2x spell level) to successfully cast a spell. Some bonuses may affect this. A roll of 1 always fails, and failure expends the spell to no effect. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check.
Perform Check DC Master Spells* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7) 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 30 *Master Spells are more difficult than normal progression. Spell Level Performance DC

Universal College Features

Studies: The special abilities affiliated with particular Bardic
Colleges, this includes Bardic Gifts, Bardic Knowledge, Druidic Craft, Bardic Sight, and Bardic Branches (Magic).

There are three ancient strains of bardic music: Lulling to sleep, languishing in sorrow, and bursting in laughter. (Irish Triad)
BARDIC GIFTS The Bardic Tradition speaks of three strains of music: one for laughter, one for tears, and one for sleep. These represent the three forms of the Bardic Gifts: Sleep represents the gifts that enchant or Enrapture, Laughter represents Inspiration, and Sorrow, Satire. Enrapture gifts attract the attention of others so that they behave in some fashion of the bards choosing, Inspiration gifts improve some aspect of others (or in some instances, the bard) including combat, resistances, or performance of tasks, and Satire gifts directly causes negative effects on those whom the bard satirizes. Each of these gift types draw on a combination of Skills related to Bardic prowess. Enrapture gifts draw on a bards Performance and Diplomacy skills, Inspiration gifts require ranks in Perform and a check in that skill for success. Satire requires a Bard have ranks Performance and Intimidate for success. Bardic gifts are the equivalent of bardic music for the standard bard. Inspiration and Enrapture gifts require the singing while playing an instrument, recitation of poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, or singing melodies (fa-la-la, and so forth), whistling, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Satire gifts require a verbal performance (recitation, oratory, poetry, storytelling, dramatic presentation) with or without instrumental accompaniment. Each ability requires both a minimum of number of ranks (in Perform, Intimidate or Diplomacy, depending on the gift). If a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill (and in Intimidate or Diplomacy, where necessary), he does not gain the bardic gift abilities until he acquires the needed rank. Starting bardic gifts effect is a standard action. Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesnt require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component (See Components, Players Handbook), a deaf bard has a % chance fail when attempting to use bardic music. This percentage changes depending on the bards college level. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.

III. If a spell normally requires an expensive material component, a bard pays an X.P. amount equal to 1 X.P. per 10 G.P. value of the item needed for the spell (this is in addition to any other X.P. cost for the spell). The bard pays this in lieu of having to have the component. Additionally, the bards instrument must at least equal the value of the component needed in order for him to cast the spell. IV. Spells requiring a focus always have a Somatic (playing) component, even if not listed. In order to cast a spell that requires an expensive (priced) focus, the bards instrument must cost at least as much as the price for the spells focus. V. A bard casts arcane spells from the bard list (page 13) according to Table 1: The Bard

College Requirements
(all colleges)
Bards report any new or unusual information they find while on journeys to their teachers. In addition, they must be ready at a moments notice to fulfill missions required by their College or teachers (as diplomats, explorers, message carriers, spies, etc.). Bards maintain a strict connection with their college after the Ollaire phase, and dont generally fraternize with those of other colleges. Bards of the honored colleges might travel together, but pride of professional status and territory often cause conflict. Under no circumstance will these bards associate with bards of the lower colleges socially. Ollaimh (pl.) are the exception to this behavior. These bards will freely aid lesser bards with wisdom and teaching, if not often with actual physical or magical help. For as the triads teach, Three things of which one who is wise may boast: their understanding, their handicraft, and that which they have

Strictures: This includes areas where the college limits or

strictures the bard, including Spell use, Alignment, Bardic Gift uses per day, and the Skills which a bard of a particular college may learn. ARMOR STRICTURES College Bards do not gain automatic use of shields, although they may purchase the feat which allows this.

mastered. If the Ollaimh interfere too heavily, they would not be allowing the lesser bards to acquire true mastery. Ollaimh should be available to teach, or act as administrators, but are usually self-determining with regard to other matters. Additionally, all bards are required to pay a college support fee of no less 25gp a month per college level. This money helps outfit expeditions, pay unexpected costs, and pay for bardic gatherings and contests.

sing, play, or recite a countersong while taking other mundane actions but not magical actions. Each round of the countersong, the bard makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard) who is affected by a sonic or language dependent magical attack (such as sound burst or command) may use the bards Perform check result in place of his saving throw if, after rolling the saving throw, the Perform check result proves to be better. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds. Countersong is a supernatural ability. SPELL ACCESS Cantrips WEAPON TUTORED Ollairte gain an additional proficiency with one of the following: broadsword, longbow, composite longbow, longsword, sap, scimitar, short composite bow, short sword, shortbow, or whip in addition to the normal bard starting weapons.

College Descriptions
Ollaire ("PrincipleBeginner") (1st level)
The Ollairte (pl.), actually, belong to no college, but are considered potential candidates for the Fochloc College, and therefore are held in higher esteem by bards than freebooting minstrels and troubadours. An Ollaire is the least trained of the bards, but the most likely to live on the lam and off his wits. It is at this level that bards have the most likelihood of picking up roguish qualities, expressed by skills. He also learns extra weapon prowess to defend his sharp tongue.

ALIGNMENT Any SKILLS Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Speak Languages, Survival, Swim, Tumble

College Features
BARDIC GIFT Once per day, an Ollaire can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him. (Deafness failure rate: 20%) Enrapture: Fascinate (Sp) An Ollaire bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform and 1 or more ranks in Diplomacy may use his song or poetics to cause a single creature to become fascinated with him. The creature to be fascinated must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 90 feet. The bard must also see the creature. The creature must be able to pay attention to the bard. The distraction of nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. The bard makes a Perform check and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the bards check result. If the saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song for up to 1 round per level of the bard. While fascinated, the targets Spot and Listen checks suffer a 4 penalty. Any potential threat (such as an ally of the bard moving behind the fascinated creature) allows the fascinated creature a second saving throw against a new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as casting a spell, or drawing or aiming a weapon to threaten the fascinated target automatically breaks the effect. While fascinating (or attempting to fascinate) a creature, the bard must concentrate, as if casting or maintaining a spell. Fascinate is a spell-like, mind-affecting charm ability.

Colaisti DoerbairD
(Lower BarD Colleges)
These are the common colleges. The bards making up these colleges are in their early learning stages, and careers. They are held by the honored colleges to be of lesser worth, lacking in both skill and knowledge. Bards of these colleges do not often fraternize with each other (except, maybe, at bardic revels, or competitions).

Fochloc College
("Boaster") (Levels 2-4)
REQUIREMENT: Completion of one level as Ollaire. Those in the Fochloc College focus on learning the introductory knowledge important to a trained bard. This bard is a bit of a rover, developing skills within his college and trying to utilize some of the performance skills, people skills and academic skills he has garnered. These bards are often sent to deliver messages, or to gather lore and information from nearby towns, rd villages, and ruins. 3 - level Fochloc are called Tamhan (Poets Attendant) and 4th- level Fochloc are called Drisac (Apprentice Satirist)

Inspiration: Countersong (Su) In addition to earlier abilities, a bard in this college with 3 or more ranks in Perform can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). As with inspire courage, a bard may

Fochluc Bandore

bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about the local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. This check will not reveal the powers of a magic item, but may give a hint as to its general function. The bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random. The DM will determine the Difficulty Class of the check by referring to the table below. Additionally, bards reaching this college gain a +1competence bonus on their check to know information about information about and from legends, stories, folktales, songs, lays, and ballads of areas in which he has traveled and is familiar.
DC 10 Type of Knowledge Common, known by at least a substantial minority of the local population Uncommon but available, known by only a few people in the area. Obscure, known by few, hard to come by Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who dont understand the significance of the knowledge Examples A local mayors reputation for Drinking; common legends about a powerful place of mystery A local priests shady past; legends about a powerful magic item. A knights family history; legends about a minor place of mystery or magic item. A mighty wizards childhood nickname; the history of a petty magic item.

College Features
BARDIC GIFT A Fochloc bard may use his songs or poetics to produce a Bardic Gift effect three times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 19%) Inspiration: Courage (Su) In addition to Fascinating, a Fochloc bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can use his music or poetics to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts as long as the bard sings or recites and for 5 rounds thereafter (or for 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the bard). While singing or reciting, the bard can fight and move, but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate items by magic word (such as wands). Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. An additional +1 to this ability is granted upon entering the Dos, Cli, and Ollamh colleges. Inspire courage is a supernatural, mindaffecting ability. Inspiration: Competence (Su) A Fochloc bard with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard. The bard must also be able to see the ally. Depending on the task that the ally has at hand, the bard may use his bardic music to lift the allys spirits, to help him or her focus mentally, or in some other way. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bards music. The DM may rule that certain uses of this ability are infeasiblechanting to make a rogue move more quietly, for example, is self-defeating. The effects last as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes (per bardic gift use). A bard cant inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability. Satire: Lampoon (Su) A Fochloc bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill, and 1 or more ranks in Intimidate can use his rhetoric, verse or song to cause one chosen enemy who fails a Wisdom check to focus his attacks solely on the bard while the bard continues his lampoon. The attacker additionally receives a -2 on attacks, and a -1 on any checks that require concentration. Lampoon is a supernatural mind affecting ability. BARDIC KNOWLEDGE Bardic Knowledge: While in this college bards gain the bardic knowledge ability. A bard picks up a lot of stray knowledge while wandering the land and learning stories from other bards. A

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Increases in competency are gained with each college. DRUIDIC CRAFT Language (Druidic): In this college, bards are taught the secret druidic language . This begins the extensive language training of bards, and introduces them to the Ogham. SPELLS Access to Branches Athraigh and Ceol.

ALIGNMENT Any COLLEGE PACT A Fochluc bard may not leave off studying in the college until he has completed its curriculum of the college (by advancing to 5th level). Any Fochluc bard leaving the school (to advance in other classes) prior to this loses all bardic Fochluc special abilities, and will not be allowed to return to the college. A Fochluc bard will not adventure with Ollaire, or with noncollege bards. SKILLS Any previously taken in a Ollaire and Craft, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Perform, Profession, Rote Memory, Sense Motive and Speak Languages.

MacFuirmiDh COLLEGE ("Son Of composition") (Bard Levels 5-7)

REQUIREMENTS: A bard entering the MacFuirmidh College must have completed the Fochloc College. These bards travel extensively collecting tales, stories and songs, and sharing what they find and learn with many communities. These are the bards that first experience of being hosted by high-ranking families in small thorps and villages in return for music, and tales of the road. This bard has more surety of survival than those in the lower college. These bards often get caught up in the romantic myth of their position, and so often run afoul of the parents and guardians angered by the bards dalliances with love struck wards.

cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Affected opponents receive a -2 morale penalty to saving throws against charm and fear effects and a -1 morale penalty to attack and weapon damage rolls. Belittle is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. DRUIDIC CRAFT Wild Empathy (Ex) A bard in the MacFuirmidh college can use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal (such as a bear or monitor lizard). This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Skills: Diplomacy in the Players Handbook). The bard rolls 1d20 and adds his bard level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the bard and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The bard can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (such as a basilisk or girallon) but he takes a -4 on the check. SPELLS A Macfuirmidh bard has access to previous branches known and one additional branch of choice.

College Features
BARDIC GIFTS A MacFuirmidh bard may use his song or poetics to produce Bardic Gift effects five times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 18%) Enrapture: Suggestion (Sp) In addition to previous abilities, a MacFuirmidh bard with 6 + ranks in a Perform skill and 3 ranks in Diplomacy can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see above). The suggestion does not count against the bards daily limit on bardic music, but the fascination does. A Will saving throw (DC 14 + the bards Charisma modifier) negates the effect. Suggestion is a spell-like, mind-affecting charm ability.

ALIGNMENT Any ARMOR A bard my not wear metal armor when attempting to use his Wild Empathy ability, nor may he wear metal armor if to cast spells from the Freamh branch of magic if he has chosen that branch.

MacFuirmidh Cittern

COLLEGE PACT A MacFuirmidh bard may not leave off studying in the college until he has completed its curriculum of the college (by th advancing to 8 level). Any MacFuirmidh bard leaving the school (by advancing levels in another class) prior to this loses all bardic MacFuirmidh special abilities, and will not be allowed to return to the college. A MacFuirmidh bard will not adventure with lower college level bards or with non-college bards. SKILLS Satire: Belittle (Su) A bard with 6 ranks in a spoken Perform skill, and 3 or more ranks in Intimidate can belittle his or her opponents. To be affected, an opponent must hear the bards Satire for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the bard Satirizes and for 5 rounds after the bard stops (or 5 rounds after the opponent can no longer hear the bard). While Satirizing, the bard can fight but Previous college skills purchased and Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Literature), Perform, Profession, Rote Memory, Speak Languages, Tonal Memory

SPELLS A bard must take the Freamh branch of magic sometime prior to attaining Cli college. Failure to do this halts bardic college progression.

Dos College ("Sheltering Tree")

(Levels 8-10)
REQUIREMENTS: A bard entering the Dos College must have completed the MacFuirmidh College. Bards of the Dos College began to seriously study magic and charms. This is reflected especially in their skill choice.

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College Features
BARDIC GIFT A Dos bard may use his songs or poetics to produce a Bardic Gift effect seven times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 17%) Inspiration: Courage +2 (Su) As Inspiration: Courage, but with an additional +1 bonus. Inspiration: Greatness (Su) A bard of the Dos college with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting him or her extra fighting capability. For every additional college rank earned, the bard can target one additional ally with a single use of this ability (two in Cana, four in Cli, etc.). To inspire greatness, a bard must sing and an ally must hear him sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus HD (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the targets Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells such as sleep. Inspire greatness is a supernatural, mind-effecting ability. Satire: Deride (Su) A bard with 9 or more ranks in a spoken Perform skill, and 6 or more ranks in Intimidate can reduce an opponents success at a task. The opponent must be able to see and hear the bard and must be within 30 feet. The bard must also see the creature. As with belittle, a bard may sing, play, or recite Satires while taking other mundane actions, but not magical actions. The opponent gets a -2 competence penalty on his skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bards Satire. The DM may rule that certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The bard can maintain the effect for 2 minutes per bard-level. Deride is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. BARDIC KNOWLEDGE

Bards of Dos College gain a +1 competence bonus to know information about magic items, odd spells, etc. This is cumulative with previous college bonuses, e.g. a bard working with a magic item that is also is mentioned in a local ballad with which he is familiar gets a +2 bonus. SPELLS A Dos bard may cast spells from one new branch of choice, in addition to previous branches.

Dos Lute

Resist Natures Lure: In Dos College, a bard gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey creatures (such as dryads, nymphs, and sprites).


ALIGNMENT Any ARMOR A bard my not wear metal armor when while casting spells from the Freamh branch of magic if he has chosen that branch. COLLEGE PACT A Dos bard may not leave off studying in the college until he has th completed its curriculum of the college (by advancing to 11 level). Any Dos bard leaving the school (by advancing levels in another class) prior to this loses all bardic Dos special abilities, and will not be allowed to return to the college. A Dos bard will not adventure with lower college bards, or noncollege bards. SKILLS Previous college skills purchased and Alchemy, Craft, Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Perform, Profession, Rote Memory, Scry, Speak Languages, Spellcraft, Tonal Memory, and Use Magic Item. SPELLS A bard must take the Freamh branch of magic sometime prior to attaining Cli college. Failure to do this halts bardic college progression.

Cana College ("Cub")

(Levels 11-13)
REQUIREMENTS: A bard entering the Cana College must have completed the Dos College. Bards of Cana College study history, myth and religion, as well as becoming more immersed in druidic study. A shift towards neutral alignment reflects this study. Bards failing to make this alignment change do not gain Wild Shape abilities. These bards also often serve as leaders of scouting parties and skirmish groups.

Image: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service by Bob Savannah

College Features
BARDIC GIFTS A Cana bard may use his song or poetics to produce Bardic Music effects nine times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 15%) Enrapture: Entreat Sylvan Ally (Su) In addition to previous bardic gifts, if a Cana bard has 9 ranks in a Perform skill and 6 or more ranks in Diplomacy, he may attempt to persuade an animal or fey creature is within hearing distance to act as an ally (as Summon Natures Ally III). The bard must entreat for a full round, uninterrupted. However, he may take other non-magical actions during this time. The sylvan or fey creature so entreated make a Will save throw (DC 15 + the bards Charisma modifier) to determine if it helps. If the creature helps, it receives the inspire courage benefits, with no further action necessary on the part of the bard. In this instance, the sylvan being is literally choosing to come under the bards command, if its save fails. Entreat sylvan ally is a supernatural mind affecting ability. Satire: Humiliate A Cana bard with 12 or more ranks in a spoken Perform skill and 9 or more ranks in Intimidate, and can humiliate another creature. For every three levels the bard attains beyond 9th, the bard can humiliate one additional creature. To humiliate, the target creature must hear the bards Satire for a full round, as with belittle. The creature must also be within 30 feet. A humiliated creature temporarily loses Hit Dice, as well as suffering attack and saving throw penalties as long as he or she continues to hear the Satire and for 5 rounds thereafter. (All

There are three duties of a Bard: to teach their people to live fearlessly, to teach their people how to avoid unwanted attention of the gods, outsiders and fey, and to teach their people of Laws and Nature. (Triad)

Colaisti SoerbairD
(HonoreD BarD Colleges)
The honored bard colleges Cana, Cli and Anruth, are very accomplished in knowledge, and reaching the zenith of their careers. They are very much aware of their position and of their secret druidic relation and trust. Although they might come together at social events, members of these colleges rarely travel together, and are often extremely competitive with regard to standing. Bards of the higher ranking honored colleges will not even compete with bards of lesser honored colleges unless directly ordered to do so by an Ollamh, a druid of higher rank, or a direct superior in the bards social setting (e.g. lord of the household to which the bard is attached).


these penalties are competence penalties.) The target creature suffers the following penalties: * -2 Hit Dice (d10s that cause temporary damage). * -2 competence penalty on attacks. * -1 competence penalty on Fortitude saves. These negative Hit Dice count as against the humiliated creatures regular Hit Dice for determining effects such as the sleep spell; the temporary damage they cause cannot be healed while the target is affected by the bards Satire. Humiliate is a supernatural, mind-affecting enchantment ability. BARDIC KNOWLEDGE While in this college, bards gain a +1 competence bonus on checks on information relating to historical events, mythical beings, acts of gods, and things druidic. This is cumulative with previous college bonuses, e.g. a bard working with a magic item created by a god that is also is mentioned in a local ballad gets a +3 bonus. SPELLS A Cana bard, may choose from one new spell branch in addition to learning and casting spells from previously learned branches. DRUIDIC CRAFT Wild Shape: A Cana bard gains the spell-like ability to polymorph self into a Small or Medium-size animal (but not a dire animal) and back again once per day (see polymorph self, PHB, page 237). Unlike the standard druidic ability, the bard may only adopt one form. See Wild Shape in the Druid entry of the PHB for other notes.

ARMOR A bard my not wear metal armor when while casting spells from the Freamh branch of magic, nor may a Cana bard wear metal armor while using the Wild Shape ability. COLLEGE PACT A Cana bard may not leave off studying in the college until he th has completed its curriculum of the college (by advancing to 14 level). Any Cana bard leaving the school (by advancing levels in another class) prior to this loses all bardic Cana special abilities, and will not be allowed to return to the college. A Cana bard will not adventure with any Ollaire or bards of the Colaisti Doerbaird (lower bardic colleges) unless directly ordered by an Ollamh or high ranking druid. They will also not adventure with bards of higher colleges, excepting the Ollamh. SKILLS Cana may learn bardic college skills previously purchased and Animal Empathy, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Religion), Perform, Profession, Rote Memory, Tonal Memory, Speak Languages, Survival (Wilderness).

Cli College ("Roof Tree")

(Levels 14-16)

Image: http://www.freeimages.co.uk/

Cana Mandolin

ALIGNMENT A Cana bard must change one aspect of his alignment to neutral to reflect the stronger tie with Druids. A Cana bard may be Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Neutral, Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Neutral.

REQUIREMENTS: A bard entering the Cli College must have completed the Cana college, and additionally must have access to the Friamh (Druidic) Branch of magic. Members of Cli College are true movers and shakers. Court intrigue is the bread and butter of these bards. They get involved with local and national politics, serving as heralds and spies at the lower levels and advisors and diplomats at higher levels for chieftains, kings, and princes. Highly coveted for their knowledge and abilities, these bards become consummate behind the scene politicians. These bards move with the doughtiest of knights and princes.


College Features
BARDIC GIFTS A Cli bard may use his song or poetics to produce Bardic Gift effects eleven times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 13%) Enrapture: Song of Freedom (Sp) A Cli bard or higher, with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill and 9 ranks in Diplomacy can use music or poetics to create an effect equivalent to the break enchantment spell (caster level equals the characters bard level). Using this ability requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentration and music, and it functions on a single target within 15 feet. A bard cant use song of freedom on himself. Inspiration: Courage +3 As Inspiration: Courage, but with a +3 bonus.

ALIGNMENT Any neutral (Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral) ARMOR A bard my not wear metal armor when while casting spells from the Freamh branch of magic, nor may a Cli bard wear metal armor while using the Wild Shape ability. COLLEGE PACT A Cli bard may not leave off studying in the college until he has completed its curriculum of the college (by advancing to 17th level). Any Cli bard leaving the school (by advancing levels in another class) prior to this loses all bardic Cli special abilities, and will not be allowed to return to the college. A Cli bard will not adventure with any Ollaire or bards of the Colaisti Doerbaird (lower bardic colleges) unless directly ordered by an Ollamh or high ranking druid. They will also not adventure with bards of higher colleges, excepting the Ollamh. SKILLS

Cli Lyre

Satire: Defame (Su) A bard with 15 or more ranks in a spoken Perform skill and 12 ranks in Intimidate can defame an opponent. To be affected, an opponent must hear the bards Satire for 3 full rounds. The bard makes an Intimidate check, and the target can negate the effect with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than the bards check result. If the saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to defame that creature again for 24 hours. If the saving throw fails, the defamed creature's Charisma is lowered by an amount equal to the number of points by which he or she failed the saving throw. The victims Charisma cannot be reduced below 1. A defamation cannot be normally dispelled, but break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse or wish will remove the effect. Defame is a supernatural transmutation ability. BARDIC KNOWLEDGE While in this college, bards gain a +1 competency bonus to checks on heraldry, on events in ruling families, and court and international relationship and intrigue involving areas with which he is familiar. This is cumulative with previous college bonuses, e.g. a bard working with a magic item stolen from a noble family that was created by a god that is also is mentioned in a local ballad gets a +4 bonus. SPELLS A Cli bard, may choose one new spell branch in addition to learning and casting spells from previously learned branches.

Previous College skills purchased and Craft, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty), Knowledge (Politics), Knowledge (War), Performance, Profession, Rote Memory, Speak Languages, and Tonal Memory

Anruth College ("Noble Stream")

(Levels 17-19)
Those in the Anruth College move from politics to law. They are arbiters, lawyers, and judges. They seek to serve others (or themselves), by understanding and administering the law of the land. These bards are often sought for these positions because of their learning and their skill with people and language.

Anruth Harp


College Features
BARDIC GIFTS An Anruth bard may use his song or poetics to produce Bardic Music effects thirteen times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 11%) Inspiration: Heroics (Su) An Anruth bard with 18 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a willing single ally within 30 feet, allowing that creature to fight bravely even against overwhelming odds. For every three bard th levels the character attains beyond 17 , he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, a bard must sing and an ally must hear the bard for a full round. A creature so inspired gains +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to ACthe effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. Inspire heroics is a mindaffecting ability.

To affect the target, an audience must listen to the bard with no major interruptions for 10 rounds (crowd noise is okay, soldiers breaking up the gathering is not). The bard may perform no other actions while presenting the satire. The bard must first make a successful Perform check (with Charisma modifiers) against the public figure targets station (see below). The audience then makes a Will save (DC 16 + the bards Charisma modifier). The audience receives no modifiers.
Perform DC Persons Station

18 19 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 -3 +5 +5 -1 -3 -10

Celebrity or hero in a small town or thorp, low ranking functionary in a town or city. High-ranking official in a small village or thorp (mayor, warden, captain representative, etc.) medium-ranking official in a larger town or city. Celebrity or hero in a town or city High ranking official in a town or city (mayor, captain of watch, guildmaster) Lesser Noble in a city or holding National or regional hero or celebrity Greater Nobility in a city or holding, region or nation Well known member of a ruling family Ruler of a region or nation Generally reviled by the populace* Generally respected or loved by the populace* Generally feared by the populace* Populace mildly displeased with figures action* Populace displeased with figures action* Populace outraged by figures action*

* These modifiers can be cumulative.

Satire: Satirize (Su) In addition to previous abilities, the Anruth bard with 18 ranks in a spoken Perform skill and 15 ranks in Intimidate can ridicule prominent public figures who behave very poorly according to societal standards. For the ability to work, the bard must deliver a satirical oratory, poem, or song before an audience in an area familiar with the target figure.

On a successful Perform check, and a failed audience save, the bards performance causes the targets Charisma to be halved. The DM may then require the audience to make a Unified Influencing NPC Attitude check (as per the Dungeon Masters Guide), with the figures new Charisma score. This resulting attitude remains until the target publicly and sincerely repents and atones for the offending actions. The actions of the figure must be truly contradictory to the morals/ethics of the society (to be determined by the DM), or the effect rebounds on the bard with all the negative effects of losing Charisma (e.g. spell loss, etc.). This penalty remains in effect for the bard until he is 50 miles away from the area in which the figure has prominence (not too bad if the person is a mayor of a small town, potentially disastrous if the figure is a king of a large nation.) Additionally, the bard may not return to the area without regaining these penalties for 1 year. Even a successful satire does not insure the bards safety. The young prince who turns a nunnery into a brothel will, no doubt, have henchmen hot on the trail of the bard responsible for his troubles, and if the bard rolls a 1 on his Perform check (unmodified), the audience will turn against him and ride him out of town. If the satire attempt is unsuccessful, and the targeted figure finds out about the attempt, the bard is still likely in for some difficulties, although no penalty to Charisma, or banishment occurs. Satirization is supernatural, mind-effecting charm ability. The DM must closely monitor this ability, as it could have extensive game repercussions for the campaign, and for the character.

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BARDIC KNOWLEDGE Upon attaining this college, bards gain a +1 competence bonus on checks pertaining to points of law, legal systems and structures, jurisprudence, and information about planar politics. This is cumulative with previous college bonuses, e.g. a bard working with a magic item that is being held as evidence in a trial that was stolen from a noble family that was created by a god that is also is mentioned in a local ballad gets a +5 bonus. BARDIC SIGHT An Anruth bard can use the gift of Bardic Sight once per day to let his gaze penetrate any illusion or visual deception. This ability functions like the spell true seeing, but without the need for a material component. SPELLS Anruth may choose a sixth branch in addition to learning and casting spells from previously learned branches.

Three things that enrich the poet: Myths, poetic power, a store of ancient verse. (Welsh triad)

The Ollamh are the soul members of this graduate standing of the Bardic Colleges. They freely associate with all other bards. The chief-poets serve as advisors to kings (or may be royalty in their own right), lawgivers and arbiters, master historians and scholars, accomplished musicians, members of druidic councils, and the preeminent teachers and administrators of the bardic colleges.

ALIGNMENT Any non-chaotic neutral (Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil) Note on Alignment: Any non-Chaotic Neutral. Some bards see the law as a set condition ordained by man or gods to be obeyed. These tend toward the lawful alignment (and are almost paladinesque with regard to their application of the letter of the law). Others see the law as malleable and that community and people are to be served by the law, not strapped to it, these tend to the neutral alignments. Evil bards often feel that the law exists to be manipulated to serve them. ARMOR A bard my not wear metal armor when while casting spells from the Freamh branch of magic if he has chosen that branch, nor may an Anruth bard wear metal armor while using the Wild Shape ability. COLLEGE PACT An Anruth bard may not leave off studying in the college until he th has completed its curriculum of the college (by advancing to 20 level). Any Anruth bard leaving the school (by advancing levels in another class) prior to this loses all bardic Anruth special abilities, and will not be allowed to return to the college. An Anruth bard will not adventure with any Ollaire or bards of the Colaisti Doerbaird (lower bardic colleges) unless directly ordered by an Ollamh or high ranking druid. They will also not adventure with bards of higher colleges, excepting the Ollamh. SKILLS Previous College skills purchased and Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (Planes), Performance, Rote Memory, and Tonal Memory
Eces with Harp of the Ollamh

Ollamh (Great High One)

(LEvels 20+)
The Ollaimh (pl.) are the graduates of the bardic college system. They are also, along with druids, the teachers and overseers of the colleges. Among all bards, these are usually the only ones who build their own strongholds and settle down. They are recognized as eminent scholars, judges, and leaders in their lands. Generally, they choose to work with members of one of the bardic colleges (their choice) as a teacher or administrator, and work with druids to teach and bring new members into the th colleges. Ollamh of the 20 level are called Eces (men of learning), those of higher levels are called Fili (Poet). An Ollamh will adventure, but usually only when great knowledge is to be gained, or there is a large threat to the civic structure that the Ollamh lives under, or if the druidic order, or the colleges are greatly threatened. Some, however, do retain the free spirit characterized by Ollairte (pl.) and bards of the Lower Colleges and travel widely.


College Features
BARDIC GIFTS An Ollamh bard may use his song or poetics to produce Bardic Gift effects fifteen times a day. (Deafness failure rate: 10%) Enrapture: Mass Suggestion (Sp) This ability functions like Suggestion, above, except that an Ollamh bard with 21 or more ranks in a Perform skill and 12 ranks in Diplomacy can make the suggestion simultaneously to any number of creatures that he has already fascinated (see above). Mass Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind affecting language dependent ability. Inspiration: Courage +4 As Inspiration: Courage, but with a +4 bonus. Inspiration: Mastery (Su) In addition to previous abilities, an Ollamh with 24 ranks of Perform may inspire extreme competence to an in allied listeners. Listeners must be within 30 feet of the bard, and the bard must concentrate on the allies involved. The bard must sing, exhort, orate or play for one round. The ally then gains a +5 competence bonus to any one skill for the duration of the bards song and five rounds thereafter (or five rounds after he stops hearing the bard). The bard may affect one additional th creature for every three levels above 20 . Inspire mastery is a supernatural mind affecting enchantment ability. Note that this ability may not be usable at all times. A rogue trying to move silently is going to have trouble if a allied bard is performing during the rogues silent movement. MASTER SONGS An Ollamh gains the ability to work more powerful magics. th These are considered 7 level spells for casting and saving purposes, but each has special strictures that apply to its use. They are additional to any meta-spells a bard might learn in levels above 20th. In all cases, to play a Master Song a bard must make a Perform check of DC 30 before the spell can be cast. A failure still counts as a use. An Ollamh may only attempt to cast one Master Song per day. A bard must pay for each time they use Master Songs they have learned. Ollaimh (pl.) theorize this is to remind those at the height of their power, that knowledge and power are not free. Master Songs are taxing in the extreme for a bard to use. Each use requires a sacrifice of all fifteen of a bards Bardic Gift effects on the day the Master Song is used. If the bard has already used some of his Gifts, he may pay the equivalent of 100 XP for each Gift already used to make up the difference. If Morgan has used 2 Gifts, he may pay 200 XP, plus the remaining Bardic Gift uses of the day, and still use a Master Song. Additionally, the bard must make a Constitution save after playing the Master Song, or be fatigued for 1 hour after the use of the song. In each case, a bard must go on a quest to find these songs. Dragons, outsiders, ancient oracles and the like usually hold the

knowledge of these songs. Bards do not learn these songs from other bards. Master Songs Creeping Doom Glam Dicin Glyph of Warding, Greater Lure of the Piper Plane Shift Summon Natures Ally VII Symbol of Fear Symbol of Persuasion The Hills Are Alive Ultimate Shout Wail of the Banshee Windwalk DRUIDIC CRAFT A Thousand Faces (Su) An Ollamh bard gains the supernatural ability to change his appearance at will, as if using the spell alter self (PHB, see entry for Druid, A Thousand Faces) SPELLS Ollamh may choose an eighth branch in addition to learning and casting spells from previously learned branches. Stricture May only be used 2x/week May only be used 2x/month May only be used 2x/month May only be used 1x/month May only be used 2x/month May only be used 2x/week May only be used 2x/month May only be used 2x/month May only be used 1x/week May only be used 1x/month May only be used 2x/month May only be used 2x/week

ALIGNMENT An Ollamh bard may be any non-chaotic neutral: Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil. A bard that forgoes his alignment may not use any of his bardic special abilities. ARMOR A bard my not wear metal armor when while casting spells from the Freamh branch of magic, nor may an Ollamh bard wear metal armor while using the Wild Shape ability. COLLEGE PACT An Ollamh may take any other class after completing the Ollamh level. Ollamh will freely travel with any other bards, college or non-college, of any level. SKILLS An Ollamh may learn skills from any of the Bardic Colleges.


Rote Memory (Int; Trained Only)
This skill allows the user to memorize a message, verbatim, after one hearing. This is especially useful for bards, heralds, diplomats, and spies. Check: DC equals 10 for a 10-word message +1 for each additional 10 words in the original message. Special: If you have 5 or more ranks in Listen, you receive a synergy bonus of +1 with regard to learning a message.

Following the Muse [General]

Improves performances. Prerequisite: 3 ranks in Perform skill (any music, drama or writing, or recitation of any type of story or poetry, or composition of such) Benefit: This feat allows the performer to call on his personal muse for a performance or composition. Such an act gives a +1 inspiration bonus for each rank of Perform skill up to +5 to any one performance or composition (this is random, a bard with 4 levels in Perform might receive a +1, +2, +3 or +4 bonus [DM roles]). This can also be applied to Bardic Gift or spellcasting rolls. Such an act is exhausting. The artist must have complete rest for 1 day for each level of bonus provided by the muse after making such an exertion.

Tonal Memory

(Int; Trained Only)

This skill allows the listener to perfectly remember a piece of music after one hearing, although the key might not be remembered unless the hearer also has perfect pitch. Check: DC equals 10 for 10 bars of music +1 for each additional 10 bars in the original piece. Special: If you have 5 or more ranks in Listen, you receive a synergy bonus of +1 with regard to learning a score.

This allows the musician to memorize and present music with amazing aptitude. Prerequisite: Int 13, 5 ranks in Perform (any instrument) skill, 5 ranks in Tonal Memory. Benefit: The musician can recite play musical pieces of heroic lengths without error. The player also doubles the efficacy of the Tonal Memory skill (20 bars, with a +1 to DC for every additional 20 bars memorized), and gains a +1 to all checks on all Performance and Bardic Gift uses that rely on music alone.

Herald's Clarion Call [General]
Allows bard to be louder. Prerequisite: 11 ranks in Perform, Resonance Benefit: Especially useful in din of battle, this feat allows a bard to pitch his voice and volume in such a manner that it can be clearly heard above normal battle conditions, by all combatants within three times normal hearing range. While this does not negate magical silence, or magical deafening effects, it does allow allies and foes to clearly hear the bard, even in cases where normal intense noise would drown out even a shouting voice.

Perfect Pitch [General]

Prerequisite: 1 rank in Perform (Singing) skill, or Perform (any tunable instrument) Benefit: This feat allows a singer to vocally replicate any tone she can hear or has heard in her vocal range, accurately and to tune any instrument she can play without aid. Singers with perfect pitch cannot be pulled off pitch by other sounds. This feat is especially helpful for unlocking or setting locks or seals predicated on pitch and tone (+1 aptitude bonus). It also provides a +1 bonus to all vocal performance checks. A singer also gains a +5% bonus to offset the penalty against Bardic Gift Abilities and Spellcasting if deafened.

High Bardistry [General]

Improves a bards memorization and performances. Prerequisite: Int 15, 7 ranks in Perform (storytelling or poetry), 7 ranks in Perform (any instrument), and 7 ranks in Perform (oratory, rhetoric or speech) skills, 7 ranks in Rote Memory skill, and 7 ranks in Tonal Memory., and any one or all of Following the Muse, Poets Road, or Minstrelsy. Benefit: The poet or storyteller can recite a poem or story, play a piece of music, or recite a speech or oratical mateiral of heroic lengths without error. The teller also quadruples the efficacy of the Rote Memory skill (40 words base message, with a +1 to DC for every 40 words memorized), quadruples the effect of Tonal Memory (40 bars, with a +1 to DC for every additional 40 bars memorized), and gains a +3 to all checks on all Performance and Bardic Gift uses.

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POET'S ROAD [General]

This allows the poet to memorize and use stories, poems and tales with amazing aptitude. Prerequisite: Int 13, 5 ranks in Perform (storytelling or poetry) skill, 5 ranks in Rote Memory skill. Benefit: The poet or storyteller can recite a poem or story of heroic lengths without error. The teller also doubles the efficacy of the Rote Memory skill (20 words base message, with a +1 to DC for every 20 words memorized), and gains a +1 to all checks on Performance and Bardic Gift uses that rely on poetry or storytelling alone.

Cosain: Combat, Defensive and Succor spells (Co) Dl: Judgment and Arbitration related spells. (D) Eolas: Knowledge related spells (E) Framh*: Druidic Spells (F) rid: Political, Oratorical and Leadership spells. () Ortha: Enchantments and Faerie related spells (O)
*The Framh branch must be learned some time prior to graduating th Cana College (13 level).

Dancing Lights. Illusionary torches and other lights. (A) Daze. Creature loses next action. (Co) Detect Magic. Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. (D/E) Flare. Dazzle one creature (-1 attack). (O) Ghost Sound. Figment sounds. (Ce) Know Direction. You discern north. (F) Light. Object shines like a torch. (D) Lullaby. Makes subject drowsy; -5 on Spot and Listen checks, -2 on Will saves against sleep. (Ce) Mage Hand. 5-pound telekinesis. (A/Co/O) Mending. Makes minor repairs to an object (A/Co) Message. Whispered conversation at distance. () ! Minor Ward. Create one of various minor protections. (Co) Open/Close. Opens or closes small light things. Prestidigitation. Performs minor tricks. (O) Read Magic. Read scrolls and spellbooks. (E) Resistance. Subject gains +1 on saving throws. (Co) Summon Instrument. Summons one instrument of casters choice. (Ce) * Yarnspinning. Gain +2 on Perform check when telling a story, ballad, lei or the like. (Or)

Resonance [General]
This allows the singer to pitch his voice so that surrounding items resonate to his voice. Prerequisite: Perfect Pitch Benefit: Musical instruments that use strings, or are hollow and percussive in nature (bells, hollow drums), or that are friction based (crystal glasses full of water) may be made to play in this manner. Other small metal, glass or crystal items may be made to hum as well. This can cause distraction (-1 to concentration based activities) if listeners fail a Will check (DC 13). Additionally, small ice, glass crystal or glass items of less than thickness may be made to shatter if they have 1 H.P. or less (includes vials).

Rhetoric [General]
This allows the musician to memorize and present speeches, and other oratory with amazing aptitude. Prerequisite: Int 13, 5 ranks in Perform (Speech, Oratory, Dramatization) skill, 5 ranks in Tonal Memory. Benefit: The rhetorician can recite speeches or oratical pieces of heroic length without error. The teller also doubles the efficacy of the Rote Memory skill (20 words base message, with a +1 to DC for every 20 words memorized), and gains a +1 to all checks on Performance and Bardic Gift uses that rely on speeches or oratical presentation (but not poetry or stories) alone.


Disguise Self: Changes your appearance Erase. Mundane or magical writing vanishes. Feather Fall. Object or creature falls slowly. Nystuls Magic Aura: Alters objects magic aura. Silent Image. Creates minor illusion of your design. Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.


The spells reflect this version of the bards concerns. It also presents spells by branch and level. Fili bards learn new branches via college advancement. The variant spell list includes spell from the WotCs D&D Players Handbook (no special denotation). Additionally, some spells from Monte Cooks Book of Eldritch Might (!), and Book of Eldritch Might II: Songs and Souls of Power (") have been included. There are also some new spells; these are designated (*). Spells indicated by (#) are Master Songs for bards and follow the rules presented for that type of spell. Spells from other sources need to be assigned bardic branches following the guidelines below. Branches: Athraigh: Illusion and change related spells (A) Ceol: Music (including tempo) and Sound spells (Ce)

Calm Animals. Calms (2d4+level) HD of animals. * Fionbhars Lullaby. Improves healing while sleeping rate by 1d4 points per night played (cant exceed maximum HP). ! Silent Sound. Sonic beam cause 1d6 points damage/level. (5d6 max) Sleep. Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber. Tashas Hideous Laughter. Subject loses actions for 1 round/level. Touch of Fatigue. Your song fatigues target.

Alarm. Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Cure Light Wounds. Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5)


Expeditious Retreat. Doubles your speed. Grease. Makes 10-ft. square or object slippery. Prot vs. Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. +2 AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. Remove Fear. Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels. Unseen Servant. Invisible force obeys your commands.

Unseen Servant. Unseen force obeys your commands.


Alter Self. Assume form of a similar creature. Blur. Attacks miss subject 20% of time. Darkness. 20-ft. radius of supernatural darkness. Glitterdust. Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. Invisibility. Subject is invisible for 10 min./level or until it attacks. Levitate. Subject moves up or down at your direction. Minor Image. As silent image, plus some sound. Mirror Image. Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4+1/three levels, max 8) Pyrotechnics. Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.

Detect Poison. Detect poison in one creature or object. Disguise Self. Change your appearance. ! Guilt. Non-good creature denied actions except defense. (D/O) IdentifyM. Determines properties of magic item. Obscure Object. Masks object against scrying. Udetectable Alignment. Conceals alignment for 24 hours.

Detect Secret Doors. Reveals hidden door within 60 ft. Comprehend Languages. You understand all spoken and written languages. Erase. Mundane or magical writing vanishes. M Identify . Determines properties of magic item. Obscure Object. Masks object against scrying.

Calm Emotions. Calms creatures, negating emotion effects. Heroism. Gives +2 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks. Rage. Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, -2 to AC. * Sharps and Flats. Sends sonic missiles. Shatter. Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures. Silence. Negates sound in 15-ft. radius. Sound Burst. Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects, may stun them. Touch of Idiocy. Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis and Cha damage.

Calm Animals. Calms 2d4+1/levels of animals. Cure Light Wounds. Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5) Detect Poison. Detects Poison in one creature. Faerie Fire. Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, etc. Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you. Summon Natures Ally I. Calls creature to fight. See text for modifications to spell. Speak with Animals. You can communicate with natural animals.

Blur. Attacks miss subject 20% of time. (A/Co) Cats Grace. Subject gains 1d4+1 Dex for 1 hr./level. Cure Moderate Wounds. Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10) Daze Monster. Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action. Delay Poison. Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. Heroism: Gives +2 on Attack rolls, saves, skill checks. Mage Armor. Gives subject +4 armor bonus Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus Rage. Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, -2 to AC.

Charm Person. Makes one person your friend. Magic MouthM. Speaks once when triggered. Message. Whispered communication at a distance. mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. (Co/ ) * Riddle Me This. Difficult riddle causes creature to stop and try to solve. Speak with Animals. You can communicate with natural animals. (F/) Touch of Fatigue. Your speaking fatigues target. Undetectable Alignment. Conceals alignment for 24 hours. Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.

Arcane LockM. Magically locks a portal or chest. Delay Poison. Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. Detect Thoughts. Allows listening to surface thoughts. Foxs Cunning. Subject gains +4 Int for 1 min./level. Hold Person. Holds one person helpless for 1 round/level.

Cause Fear. One creature flees for 1d4 rounds. Calm Animals. Calms 2d4+1/levels of animals. Charm Person. Makes one person your friend. Faerie Fire. Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, etc. Feather Fall. Object or creature falls slowly. (A/O) Hypnotism. Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures Lesser Confusion. One creature is confused for 1 round Sleep. Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber. Tashas Hideous Laughter. Subject loses actions for 1d3 rounds.

Detect Thoughts. Allows listening to surface thoughts. Foxs Cunning. Subject gains +4 to Int. for 1 min/level. Locate Object. Senses direction toward object (specific or type). Misdirection. Misleads divination for one creature or object.


Tongues. Speak any language

Glitterdust. Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. Hypnotic Pattern. Fascinates 2d4+1 HD/level of creatures. Scare. Panics creatures up to 5 HD (15-ft. radius). Touch of Idiocy. Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis and Cha damage.


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Daylight. 60-ft. radius of bright light. Gaseous Form. Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. Invisibility Sphere. Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. Major Image. As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.

Crushing Despair. Subjects take 2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks. Deep Slumber. Puts 10 HD creatures to sleep. * Fionbhars Reel. Subject cant concentrate, becomes disoriented and falls. Haste. Extra partial action and +4 AC. Good Hope. Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks. Sculpt Sound. Creates new sounds or changes existing ones. Slow. One subject/level takes only partial actions, -2 AC, -2 melee rolls (Ce/Co)

Animal Messenger. Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. Animal Trance. Fascinates 2d6 HD of Animals Cats Grace. Subject gains 1d4+1 Dex for 1 min../level. Charm Animal. Makes animal your friend. Cure Moderate Wounds. Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10) Delay Poison. Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. Entangle. Plants entangle everyone in a 40-ft. radius circle. Goodberry. 2d4 berries each cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 hours). Longstrider. Your speed increases by 10 ft. Summon Natures Ally II. Calls creatures to fight. See text for modifications to spell. Summon Swarm. Summons swarm of small crawling or flying creatures.

Bulls Strength. Subject gains 1d4+1 Str for 1 min./level. (A/Co) Bears Endurance. Subject gains 1d4+1 Con for 1 min../level. Cure Serious Wounds. Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15) Dispel Magic. Cancels magical spells and effects. Displacement. Attacks miss subject 50% of time. Good Hope. Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks. Leomunds Tiny Hut. Creates shelter for 10 creatures.

Animal Messenger. Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. Charm Animal. Makes one animal your friend. Heroism. Gives +2 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks. Enthrall. Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Rage. Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, -2 to AC. Suggestion. Compels subject to follow stated course of action. (/O) Tongues. Speak any language Touch of Idiocy. Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis and Cha damage. Whispering Wind. Sends a short message 1 mile/level.

Bestow Curse. 6 to an ability; -4 on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. (D/) Dispel Magic. Cancels magical spells and effects. (D/O) Geas, Lesser. Commands subjects of 7 HD or less. Owls Wisdom. Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. Remove Curse. Frees object or person from curse. (D//O)

Clairaudience/Clairsentience. Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. * Discern Leader. Allows you to discern true leader in a group. (E/) Illusory ScriptM. Only intended reader can decipher. ScryingF. Spies on subject from a distance. Secret Page. Changes one page to hide its real contents. See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects.

Alter Self. Assume form of a similar creature. Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blind or deaf. Charm Animal. Makes one animal your friend. Enthrall. Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Eagles Splendor. Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min/level.


Sepia Snake Sigil. Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader (C/E/)

attack and stay invisible. Rainbow Pattern. Lights prevent 24 HD of creatures from attacking or moving away. Shadow Conuration. Mimics conjuring below 4th level, but only 20% real.

Bears Endurance. Subject gains 1d4+1 Con for 1 min../level. Bulls Strength. Subject gains 1d4+1 Str for 1 min../level. Cure Serious Wounds. Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15) Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision. Gust of Wind. Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. Hold Animal. Holds one animal helpless. 1 round/level. Owls Wisdom. Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. Speak with Plants. You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures. Summon Natures Ally III. Calls creatures to fight. See text for modifications to spell. Wind Wall. Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gasses.

* Fionbhars Lament. Creates extreme sadness in target creatures. (Ce/O) *Music of the Spears. Makes spears dance in battle. (Ce/Co) Shout. Deafens all within cone and deals 2d6 damage.

Cure Critical Wounds. Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20) Glyph of Warding. Inscription harms those who pass it. Keen Edge. Doubles normal weapons threat range. Leomunds Secure Shelter. Creates sturdy cottage. Magic Weapon. Greater +1 bonus/four levels (max +5). Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. As protection spells but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. *Music of the Spears. Makes spears dance in battle. (Ce/Co) Neutralize Poison. Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. Repel Vermin. Insects stay 10 ft. away. (Co/F)

Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally. * Discern Leader. Allows you to discern true leader in a group. Geas, Lesser. Command subject of 7 HD or less. *Gift of Gab. Become an expert in a field, or cause others to prattle on. Glibness. You gain a +30 Bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical detection. Good Hope. Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks. * Misconstrue. Targets words are misunderstood. Speak with Plants. You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures. (F/) *Tongue of Silver. Audience that fails save believes any utterance of the caster.

Break Enchantment. Frees subjects fro enchantments, alterations, curses and petrification. (D/O) Detect Scrying. Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. Dismissal. Forces a creature to return to native plane. * Follow Intrigues Path. Allows you to know previous link (person/event) in an intrigue chain. Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature. Zone of Silence. Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations.

Blink. You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. Confusion. Makes subject behave oddly for 1 round/level. Deep Slumber. Puts 10 HD creatures to sleep. * Diarmuids Light-hearted Laughter. Causes recipient to lose actions for 1d3 rounds and levitate for same. ( /O) Dispel Magic. Cancels magical spells and effects. Fear. Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. ! Greater Sleep. As sleep, but affects 4d6 HD creatures, th of 10 level or lower. Phantom Steed. Magical horse appears 1 hour/level. * Song of the Fey. You gain one non-combat ability of elves of your choice for 1 min./level.

Detect Scrying. Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. * Follow Intrigues Path. Allows you to know previous link (person/event) in an intrigue chain. (E/) Glyph of Warding. Inscription harms those who pass it. Legend LoreM F. Learn tales about a person, place or thing. Locate Creature . Locate creature for 10 min/level. Modify Memory. Changes 5 minutes of a subjects memory.

Air Walk. Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle) Cure Serious Wounds. Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15) Dominate Animal. Subject animal obeys silent mental commands. Freedom of Movement. Subject moves normally despite Impediments


Hallucinatory Terrain. Makes one type of terrain appear like another. Invisibility, Improved. As invisibility, but subject can


Neutralize Poison. Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. Repel Vermin. Insects stay 10 ft. away. Summon Natures Ally IV. Calls creatures to fight. See text for modifications to spell.

Contact other Plane. Ask question of extra planar entity. * Historia Recitate. Learn history of object or geneology of a person. (E/) Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get 10 to Wis and Will checks.

* Diplomatic Impasse. Disrupts communication in negotiations * Follow Intrigues Path. Allows you to know previous link (person/event) in an intrigue chain. Modify Memory. Changes 5 minutes of a subjects memory. * Sagas Hero. Listener acts as if they were a character in a story.

Commune w/ Nature. Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level. Control Winds. Change direction and speeds. Cure Light Wounds, Mass. Cures 1d8 damage +1/level for many creatures Insect Plague. Insect horde limits vision, inflicts damage, and weak creatures flee. * Poet Tree. Allows poet or one other to become a tree. (A/F) Summon Natures Ally V. Calls creatures to fight. See text for modifications to spell.

Break Enchantment. Frees subjects fro enchantments, alterations, curses and petrification. Dimension Door. Teleports you and up to 500 lbs. Dominate Person. Controls humanoid telepathically. * To Be or Not to Be. Fey blink.

* Counsels Voice. Allows you to hear last counsel given to a leader. * Riddle of Dooms. Double bestow curse. Suggestion, Mass. As suggestion, plus one/level subjects.


False Vision . Fools scrying with an illusion. Mirage Arcana. As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures. Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates an illusory double. Persistant Image. As major image, but no concentration required. Seeming. Changes appearance of one person per two levels Shadow Evocation. Mimics evocation of lower than 5th level, bu only 20% real. .Shadow Walk. Step into shadows to travel rapidly.

Dream. Sends messages to anyone dreaming. (/O) Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get 10 Wis, Will checks. Nightmare. Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, and fatigue. " Thief of Spells. Ends spell effects on a creature and grants them to you.

* Fionbhars Annoying Jig. Debilitating dance. Heroism, Greater. Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. Song of Discord. Forces targets to attack each other.

Cure Light Wounds, Mass. Cures 1d8 damage +1/level for many creatures. Heroism, Greater. Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill Checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.

* Comprehend Motivation. You can determine motivations for a criminals activity. Contact other Plane. Ask question of extra planar entity. Dispel Magic, Greater. Cancels magical spells and effects. Mark of Justice. Designates criminal act that triggers curse on subject

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Permanent Image. Includes sight, sound, and smell.

Commune w/ Nature. Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level.


Programmed ImageM. As major image, plus triggered by event. Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast spells. Veil. Changes appearance of group of creatures.



# Wind Walk . You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.

* Music of the Spheres. Sonic spheres that can be used for offensive or defensive purposes. Ottos Irresistible Dance. Forces subject to dance Shout, Greater. Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects. * Spell Instrument. Stores one spell in an instrument. Sympathetic Vibration. Deals 2d10 damage/round to freestanding structures

# * Lure of the Piper. Enchants children. # *The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music. Turns landscape against enemies. # *Ultimate Shout. Kills one creature. Deals damage as shout, greater; stuns, deafens others in hearing.

Animate Objects. Objects attack your foes. Cats Grace, Mass. As cats grace, affects one subject/level. Heroes Feast. Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses. Repulsion. Creatures cant approach you. (A/Co)

# Glyph of Warding, Greater. As glyph of warding, but up to th 10d8 damage or 6 level spell. # *The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music. Turns landscape against enemies. (Co/)

Foxs Cunning, Mass. As foxs cunning affects one subject/level. Geas/Quest. As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. (D//O) * Poetic Justice. Lays the punishment of magical banishment on a criminal.

# * Lure of the Piper. Enchants children.

# Symbol of FearM. Triggered rune panics nearby creatures. # Symbol of PersuasionM. Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.

# Creeping Doom. Carpet of insects attacks on your command. # Wind Walk . You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. (A/F)

Analyze DweomerF. Reveals magical aspects of subject. Find the Path. Shows most direct way to a location. Scrying, Greater. As scrying, but faster and longer. M Symbol of Pain . Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain. Symbol of SleepM. Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.

# * Glam Dicin. Disables audience, kills one to three listeners.

AwakenX. Animal or tree gains human intellect. Control Weather. Changes weather in local areas. Find the Path. Shows most direct way to a location. Stone Tell. Talk to natural or worked stone. (F/) Summon Natures Ally VI. Calls creatures to fight. See text for modifications to spell.

# Plane Shift. Up to eight subjects travel to another plane. # Wail of the Banshee. Kills one creature/level.

The Freamh branch must be learned upon reaching the College: Cana.

Charm Monster, Mass. As with charm monster, but all within 30 ft. Geas/Quest. A geas, lesser, plus it affects any creature. Stone Tell. Talk to natural or worked stone. * Tale Snare. Entrance audience into a story, trap some audience members into mental character roles in which they might be damaged. (A//O)

Modified Spells
Summon Natures Ally These spells have the additional capacity to summon fey creatures (Grigs, Dryads, Nixies, Satyrs, Leprechauns, etc.) Summon Natures Ally II May additionally summon fey creatures with a CR of lower than , excepting those with powerful magic. Treat these as 5 levels higher. (6th level/CR 3) Summon Natures Ally III May additionally summon fey creatures with a CR of or , excepting those with powerful magic. Treat these as 5 levels higher. (6th level/CR 3)

Eagles Splendor, Mass. As eagles splendor, affects one subject/level. Eyebite. Charm, fear, sicken or sleep one subject. * Oissons Gate. Gates bard to Fey realm. Ottos Irresistible Dance. Forces subject to dance. * Without Rhyme or Reason. Causes arcane spellcasters to forget spells, and bards to forget Bardic Music


Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes You cast this spell when serving in the capacity of a lawyer, arbitrator, court official or judge (formal or informal.) This spell reveals the underlying emotion related to the motive of a witness or defendant in a case. The spell does not reveal specifics with regard to behavior, culpability or action, but rather the emotional state of the person being questioned, with regard to the event being examined. Usually, non-willingness to submit willingly to this spell is seen as a negative in relation to the person being questioned. Material: A bee, and a small hat (for wizards).

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Counsels Voice
Divination (Branches: Eolas, rid) Level: Brd/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, (M) Casting Time: 1standard action or 1 minute. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) or 1 council room. Target: 1 person or 1 room Duration: Special Saving Throw: Will negates or None Spell Resistance: Yes Summon Natures Ally IV May additionally summon fey creatures with a CR of 1 (Example: Dryad). Treat those with powerful magic or items as 5 levels higher (Example: Grig with fiddle). (6th level/CR 3) Summon Natures Ally V May additionally summon fey creatures with a CR of 2 (Example: Satyr). Treat those with powerful magic or items as 5 levels higher (Example: Satyr with Pipes. [7th level/CR 4]) Summon Natures Ally VI May additionally summon fey creatures with a CR of 3. Treat those with powerful magic or items as 5 levels higher (bards can not summon these). (8th level/CR 5) Summon Natures Ally VII May additionally summon fey creatures with a CR of 4 (Example: Pixie). Treat those with powerful magic or items as 5 levels higher (bards can not summon these. Example: Pixie with cast Ottos Irresistible Dance. [9th level/CR 6]) This spell may be cast in two different ways depending on your need. You may cast the spell on an individual in order to determine what last advice was obtained from a trusted counselor. In this form, the target gets a saving throw, and any protections against divination may also defeat the spell. In its second use, you can use the spell to obtain the information of an assembly meeting from the councils venue. The spell reveals all the information from a council meeting occurring within the last 48 hours. You must then take an hour to sort through the inundation of material to sort out relevant material. Rooms warded against divination thwart this spell. Material: A strip of silk (for wizards).

Diarmuids Light-hearted Laughter

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 3 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 1d4 rounds Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell resembles Tashas Hideous Laughter in all ways except that victims of the spell also levitate at a rate of 10 per round until the spell expires. Spells that cause extreme sorrow cancel the effects of this spell.


New Spells
Comprehend Motivation
Divination (Branches: Eolas, rid) Level: Brd/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, (M) Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: One person, humanoid or creature on trial


Diplomatic Impasse
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] (Branch: rid) Level: Brd/Wiz 4 Components: V, (M) Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. radius + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One person/level, within the target range Duration: 1 hour plus 10 rounds/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes Persons within the range of the initial casting of this spell must save or come under the absolute conviction that others they are meeting with secretly want their agendas to fail. Those affected by the spell will then seek to return the favor. Your initial presentation is innocuous and will not seem to be the event that sets this chain of events in motion (unless other magic is used to trace the problem to you.) Material: A small block of hard wood (for wizards).

round. Spectators may find humor in this, but will not be negatively affected.

Fionbhars Lament
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Branch: Ortha) Level: Brd 4 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) Target: All creatures within a 15-ft. radius + 5 ft. per 3 caster levels Duration: Concentration and playing and/or singing or reciting Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes the recipients to feel a vast sense of loss and sorrow that is debilitating. The affected creatures are wracked with all of the effects of despair caused by the Emotion spell (-2 morale penalty to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, and weapon damage), but it also keeps them from casting spells or using psionics. Additionally, any recipients vision is impaired as if suffering from Blindness (as spell), and they receive a 2 morale penalty to initiative.

Discern Leader
Divination (Branches: Eolas, rid) Level: Brd/Wiz 3 Components: V, (M) Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Group of people within range Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes The spell indicates the leader of a given group of people within the range of the spell. This is the true leader regardless of other factors. A true leader may or may not be the elected or ranking official in the group. It is also possible that a sub-leader will be identified, while the leader of the entire group is outside the range of the spell. In your eyes, the leader will have a blue aura surrounding him or her. Material: a single hair from a lions main (for wizards).

Fionbhars Lullaby
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Branch: Ortha) Level: Brd 1 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: 15 ft. Target: 1 creature/2 caster levels. Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes This spell allows you to sing a soothing song that helps aid in the natural healing process. The target that is sleeping or falls asleep during the casting or duration of this spell, gains an additional 1d4 points of healing for a nights sleep, not to exceed the creatures maximum HP. Creatures that do not sleep, or that do not heal naturally may not receive healing effects.

Fionbhars Annoying Jig

Enchantment (Compulsion) (Branches: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 2d4+2 rounds Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes its recipient to hear a lively jig that he may or may not respond to in any given round he hears it. There is a 50% chance in any round that the target may move in response to the music as if dancing a jig. This causes a 2 penalty to any attack the target makes, and worsens his AC by 2 for that

Fionbhars Reel
Envocation [Sonic] (Branches: Ceol) Level: Brd 3 Components: S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per caster level) Target: 1 creature/3 levels of bard Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: Special (see below) Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes the recipients to experience an auditory sonic assault on each ear in alternating one-second bursts (creatures with more than two ears would experience these bursts in each ear for one second in sequence until each ear has been affected). The result is causes failure in concentration for the


first and succeeding rounds, disorientation in the second and succeeding rounds, and imbalance in the third and succeeding rounds. The recipient may Will save for each round to avoid the first and second effects, and a Reflex save or fall down on the third effect. Creatures who cant concentrate cant cast spells. Disoriented creatures attack at 2, and do not receive Dex bonus for AC. Creatures with no auditory organs are not affected.

focused verbal component to operate. The gab will consist of light, flighty and even foolish topics.

Glam Dicin
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: rid) Level: Brd 7 [Bardic Master Song may cast 2x/month] Components: V Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Group of people within hearing range Duration: 1d6 rounds Saving Throw: Special Spell Resistance: Yes This spell represents the height of sophistication in verbal manipulation of its audience. This spell literally has the capacity to make them die from the severe impact of the lampoon or satire. This spell song is never found written, and it is always told or sung, with or without accompaniment, but never transmitted by instrument alone. This spell affects an entire audience as if Tashas Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter were cast, with a 6 on their saves (the DM may assign an averaged audience save if the group is very large), with a duration of 1d6 rounds instead of 1d3. Additionally, 1d3 random hearers must make a 2nd Will save (at 2), or die from the intense humor. Those who do not speak the language you are using to present the satire receive a +4 on saves in addition to other bonuses and cannot be killed by the lampoon. Fey creatures and other bards are immune to this spell-song. In each case, they, however, will shift their attitude toward you one place to the positive in response to the sheer artistry of the telling of the Glam Dicin. A bard casting this spell suffers a 2 Wisdom for 1 day.

Follow Intrigues Path

Divination (Branches: Eolas, rid) Level: Brd/Wiz 4 Components: V, (M) Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Personal Target: Persons, or objects involved in the chain of a ploy. Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes This chain spell allows you to follow the mental path of a subterfuge, intrigue, plot deception or scheme to its genesis. To determine each link in the chain, you must make a successful roll. The first roll is made at a base chance of 70% +1% per caster level, with each succeeding link receiving a 10% to the base chance. Each individual in the link receives a Will save in order to escape being identified in the chain of events. Once the spell misses a link, it ends. Magic that negates divination also causes this spell to end. Additional attempts with this spell by the same caster reveal no new information, however normal sleuth work can still indicate responsibility. Example: You attempt to find out who poisoned Lord th Verlaines wine. As a 12 level bard, you cast this spell with a 82% chance of finding the first link. You identify his a serving nd wench, on the 2 person in the chain at 72%, you identify an apothecary who sold the poison, on the third (at 62%), you identify a paramour of the Lords sister, but after that you are stymied by some magic at the fourth person. You know these things to be true, but now you must find proof, and find a way to get further up the chain. Material: a small silver chain (for wizards).

Historia Recitate
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 5 Components: V Casting Time: As Legend Lore Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 object or person Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: None or Will negates Spell Resistance: None or Yes By use of this spell, you may learn the history of any 1 item (although not any special properties) equal to 1 year per bard level you have. This operates like Legend Lore, except the information is not legendary but historical in nature. That is, you might discern that a sword was wielded in the Battle of Pyn two years ago to kill twenty orcs. Alternatively, you may learn the genealogy of any one person extending back one generation per bard level you have. All other particulars are as for Legend Lore.

Gift of Gab
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 3 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes You cast this on another who may make a Will save. Failure means the person will not stop talking for 1 hour. This speech will be effusive, continuous, and annoying. It also keeps the recipient from casting spells, or doing anything that requires a


Lure of the Piper

Transmutation (Branch: Dl) Level: Brd 7 [Bardic Master Song may cast 1x/week] Components: S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 2 children or simpletons per bards level. Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes This is one of the most powerful enchantments that exist for a bard. It is usually used as a form of punishment against a community that shows itself not to understand the bardic value of generosity (mean-spirited, angry, proud towns could also be judged wanting). Through the use of this spell you charm the children and simpletons of a community to follow you to a gate, also created by the spell, that leads to a fey land (the Realm of Faerie, the Plane of Shadow, or to a Faerie Forest, or land of elves). All children between the ages of 3 and 12, and those who have an intelligence of 4 or less (not to exceed a number of hit die exceeding 2 times the bards level, with each child counting as HD) in a community, make a save vs. Wisdom, (the roll can be individual, or collective at the DMs discretion) or follow you, ignoring all other stimuli. Although a child may be physically restrained, they will continue to try and follow your procession until you have escorted all capable followers through the gate. Children are released from the spell once you stop playing. After playing this song, the bard may not cast other spells until he has rested for a full night.

Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) Target/Area: from 1 to 9 spears, level dependent (see text) Duration: from 1 to 9 rounds, level dependent (see text) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes (a spear being held can use the holders resistance). Created by a jokester of note, this spell allows you to make any type of spear dance in a to your enemies discomfiture. You may control a number of spears for a number of rounds equaling half your level (in any permutation, but round down). Thus, an 11th level bard could control one spear for four rounds, or two spears for three rounds, etc. A 20th level bard could control 5 spears for 5 rounds, or 1 spear for 9 rounds. Spears to be affected are chosen by the caster. If the spears are not being held, they immediately do your bidding. A spear that is being held will fight to escape its wielder's grasp. The wielder must make a Strength check to maintain his grip on the weapon, each round it tries to dance. In every case, a spear affected by the spell will attack as if you were wielding the weapon (all bonuses or penalties apply).

Image: NASA and NSSDC

Illusion (Glamer) (Branch: rid) Level: Brd/Wiz 3 Components: V, (M) Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1person Duration: 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: Special Spell Resistance: Yes If the recipient of this spell fails a Will save, she will be imbued with an odd form of illusion. People listening to the target speak must make a Will (disbelief) roll, or they will misconstrue the meaning of her words. Her intent will be taken as the opposite of what she really means, but what is said will sound probable. Material: A small mallet and a small stage prop (book, handkerchief, etc.) (for wizards).

Music of the Spheres

Evocation [Sonic] (Branch: Ceol) Level: Brd 6 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: by use Target/Area: by use Duration: 1 hour per level of caster Saving Throw: None or Reflex Spell Resistance: Yes This spell creates eight 3 diameter spheres of sonic force each of which vibrates with a single note of the chromatic scale, while

Music of the Spears

Evocation [Sonic] (Branch: Ceol, Cosain) Level: Brd 4 Components: V or S (any music)


circling your head. You can use the spheres in the following ways: Defensive Use: The spheres can act as a sonic barrier to physical attacks, or magical attacks that rely on force or energy. Each sphere adds a +4 sonic bonus to AC; the spheres can only be used singly in this fashion. When a sphere is used in a defensive manner, it is expended whether the attack is successful or fails. You must indicate that you are using a sphere before the attack to which you want them to apply. Offensive Use: Each sphere can inflict 3d8 points of sonic damage in a 5 blast with a range of 25ft. +5 ft/2 levels. Up to 3 spheres can be used to attack in a single round (one or multiple targets). The spheres disappear on contact. Targets save vs. Will or be stunned for 1 round. A stunned creature cant act and loses any Dex bonuses to AC. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to attack it. Deafened creatures are not stunned but are still damaged. A creature hit by multiple spheres must make multiple saves. Cacophonous Blast: All spheres detonate around the caster and cause a sound wave centered on the caster that causes 6d6 points of sonic damage, and stuns and deafens all creatures in a 30 ft. sphere surrounding the caster (see Offensive Use for stun effects). Creatures in radius must save vs. Will or are stunned. Deafened creatures not stunned but are still damaged. Musical Defense: Each sphere can be used to mimic the Bardic Music ability Countersong for one round. This use expends the sphere.

This spell has two possible uses. You may turn yourself into a medium size tree that has the capacity to communicate. The tree attracts songbirds. One bird is illusory, through which the bard may both perceive the surrounding environment and communicate, if he so desires. In all other particulars, this is like the 2nd level Druid spell tree shape. Alternatively, you may turn one touched creature into a tree exactly as tree shape. No communication or awareness of outside events is possible for the target in this use of the spell. Non-willing targets get a saving throw.

Poetic Justice
Transmutation (Branch: Dl) Level: Brd/Clr 6 Components: V Casting Time: 20 minutes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One convicted person, humanoid, or creature. Duration: 1 year. Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes This spell is an alternate form of punishment to incarceration or physical punishment. It is often administered by bards, and is seen to be especially difficult for people who have a strong cultural identity (like tribal members or citizens of small farming villages, as opposed to city dwellers.) The convicted individual suffers a 4 to his Charisma, and a 2 to all Will checks until he travels at least 100 miles from the farthest reach of the communal unit. Upon reaching this boundary, the individual2 Cha penalty changes to -2, and the Will check penalty changes to -1 until the year passes. If the individual returns to the area of community before this time, he suffers a Charisma drop to 1, and a 4 penalty to Will checks until he leaves again. In all other particulars this spell functions like the mark of justice.

Oissons Gate
Transmutation (Branch: Ortha) Level: Brd 6 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/2 character levels This spell allows you to try and open a gate from your location to an elven, fey, faerie or shadow plane. The spell actually doesnt allow you to open a gate, but rather allows you to contact the Fey realms to have a denizen from one of those planes notice your performance and have them open a gate to you. On a successful DC Perform Check a being from a Fey Realm hears the song. You roll an additional Charisma check. Success on this check indicates the gate will open for the you. The gate will only allow you access to the plane. It will not gate creatures into the casters location, nor will it allow you to return via the same gate. Use of Oissons Gate shifts time frame 1d10 years on Prime Material from your perspective.

Riddle of Dooms
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branch: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 5 Components: V Casting Time: 1 round Range: within 10 ft. Target: 1 person Duration: Special. Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell allows you to ask a riddle of a single target. The target is affected by two Dooms (two curses as from bestow curse) until the riddle is answered. Additionally, the target is mentally distracted by the riddle, and makes all initiative checks, concentration checks and intelligence checks or saves (and checks on skills with intelligence as the base ability) at 1. A successful Int save against DC 20 + your Charisma modifier the targets Intelligence modifier indicates the riddle is successfully answered (potentially subject to the penalty from the spell). The target may attempt to answer the riddle as many

Poet Tree
Transmutation (Branches: Athraigh, Framh) Level: Brd 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal or Touch Target: You or one creature Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes


times a day as he has Intelligence modifier points, but never less than one. Creatures with Intelligence lower than 4 are not affected.

Spell Resistance: Yes This spell allows you to send notes of music as if they were sonic darts or sling-stones (both of which do 1d4 damage). Magic allows you to hurl two missiles, one sharp, and one flat, per 2 caster levels to a maximum of 6 missiles at tenth level (max. 6d4). Sharps respond in all ways as piercing weapons (less effective against skeletons, etc.), and flats respond in all ways as bludgeoning weapons. Notes can fly in a 360-degree sphere from caster and hit any designated target in any position to maximum range from the caster. Song of the Fey Transmutation (Branches: Athraigh, Ortha) Level: Brd 3 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 turn/2 character levels This spell allows you to gain one of the non-combat abilities of the elves of your choice. The spell ability acts in all ways as the standard elven ability, and does not stack with other similar enhancements or natural abilities. Choose from one of the following groups: sleep immunity and +2 save vs. Enchantments Low-light Vision +2 bonus on Listen Search and Spot checks and Search bonus for hidden and secret doors. (for specifics on bonuses seethe Elves section in Chapter Two on Races in the Players Handbook under Elven Racial Traits)

Three things that constitute a poet: 'knowledge that illumines,' knowledge of incantations, and improvisation. Riddle Me This
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branch: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 1 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 1 round per bard level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell makes the target stop all that he is doing and tries to figure out the riddle (asked in the casting of the spell). The target will do nothing (unless attacked) except attempt to solve the riddle. Each round, the character must make a check against the bards spell DC the targets Intelligence modifier to determine if he successfully answered the riddle. Once the target answers the riddle, he returns to normal. The spell lasts for a number of rounds equal to the bards level, or until the riddle is successfully answered. Any attack on a riddle-solving creature breaks the spell.

Sagas Hero
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branch: Ortha) Level: Brd 4 Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes Upon telling this story (ballad, lay, etc.), you are able to pull your target into the world of your story so deeply, that he will behave as if he were one of the principle characters in the tale (you get to decide which character.). The target will act, in all ways, as if he were this character for one hour after the tale is completed.

Spell Instrument
Transmutation (Branches: Ceol, Ortha) Level: Brd 6 Components: V, M, F Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: Instrument touched Duration: Permanent until discharged Saving Throw: Will negates (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) You store one spell you can normally cast in an instrument. Only one such spell can be stored in an instrument at a given time, and you may not spell more than one instrument at a time. You must play the instrument in order to release the spell, but it is released at will, and not at random. This stored spell does not count against your normal given day total of spells cast. You may not store a spell higher than 5th level using this spell. Material: whatever the stored spell calls for; Focus: The instrument.

Sharps and Flats

Evocation [Sonic] (Branch: Ceol) Level: Brd 2 Components: V or S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft. per caster level) Target: Up to one creature per note. Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None, but some targets may receive armor or racial benefit against either bludgeoning or piercing weapon.

Tale Snare
Illusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: Athraigh, rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 6 Components: V, S


Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: All in hearing range. Duration: Time of telling. (1 round/level max). Saving Throw: None and Will disbelief Spell Resistance: Yes Upon telling this story (ballad, lay, etc.), you are able to pull your audience into the world of the story so deeply, that they will be entranced, unable to move or act. However, a number of listeners of HD equal to your level make a Will save or actually believe they are characters in the story (you select targets). If the story characters participate in combat, the entranced characters in the roles take damage at actual rate real combat. This is mental damage but is treated as real damage, even upon awakening. If a character is killed in the story, the audience member loses of his remaining real hit points, but automatically returns to the normal trance state. Those who do not understand the language in which the story is told gain a normal Will disbelief to resist the trance, they receive a second roll and +4 Will save bonus if targeted to become a character in the story (if they succeed on this roll, they continue to be entranced however). Entranced audience members will awaken if attacked in any fashion that causes real physical damage.


To Be or Not To Be
Transmutation (Branch: Ortha) Level: Brd 4 Components: V Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 1 round per 2 caster levels. Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This variant blink spell causes the bard, or one chosen target to blink into a fey space (the Realm of Faerie, the Plane of Shadow, or to a Elven Forest, or the like) space for 1 round. There is a 50% chance the target will reappear the next round, and a 50% chance he will stay in the fey area. Random appearance and disappearance remains for the duration of the spell. The target may move while in the fey area, and will return in the corresponding normal space when he returns. The affected character may have encounters while in the fey area. The character returns to his original plane (but not necessarily location) when the spell expires.

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] (Branch: rid) Level: Brd 7 [Bardic Master Song may cast 1x/week] Components: V Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: Duration: 2 rounds per level of the caster Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes multiple effects in the area around you. The first effect is an auditory illusion that causes outbursts of singing and music throughout the affected area. Enemy creatures hearing the song must save vs. Will or be entranced and spin wildly about for 1 round (no Dex bonuses to AC, no attack for 1 round spinning), they must save for every round exposed to the music. Allies will receive a +1 morale bonus to attack if hearing the music. Additionally, random tremors will stir the ground in the area (10% chance of any 100 sq. ft. area in any round). These cause no damage, but characters must make a Ref save at 2 or fall to the ground. In steep rocky areas (hills, mountains, caves) with lose rocks and boulders; there is a 50% chance that these tremors will cause a rockslide each round, causing 3d6 points of damage to characters hit by falling debris. The final effect of the music is to attract any fey creatures within the area to defend the bard. After this spell is used, the caster feels drained (-2 to Con for 12 hours).

Tongue of Silver
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branch: rid) Level: Brd 3 Components: V Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell allows you to make a believable utterance to those who fail their saving throw. The making of the utterance itself is the verbal component for this spell. The listeners will not question your statements, and will act as if the utterance were completely reliable and true, regardless of the information transmitted. (They are not compelled in any way to act; it is just that you are believed.) The duration of the utterance is special. You may speak for up to ten minutes but for each minute over the first, there is a 10% cumulative chance that you will truly become a silver-tongued devil.


Silver-Tongued Devil For most people, metaphors do not come to life. This is not necessarily so with bards. A silver-tongued devil is more accurately a demon, a quasit to be exact. A bard who uses this spell too long will turn into the form of a quasit, while gaining none of its abilities except appearance, size and movement.

Duration: 3 rounds Saving Throw: Will Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes an arcane spellcaster to forget any spell he was about to cast at the time of the casting for 3 rounds, additionally, it can cause bards to forget how to utilize their bardic abilities for the same duration.

Twisted Tongue
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 2 Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person Duration: 1 round per bard level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes the target to relate all information in a tonguetwisting parody of his normal speech. Casting spells with a verbal component becomes impossible, and communication becomes difficult at best. The simple phrase Defend her! called to a group trying to defend a princess might become, Ware the wicked weapon wielder, the winnowing wrath who wills to kill her! If we would run, perhaps to shield her, wielders wrath and woe wont steal her! The DM or player could work this out, or other players could make Int check with DC of 20 to try to understand any statement made by the affected character.

Enchantment [Compulsion] [Language Dependent] (Branches: rid) Level: Brd 0 Components: V Casting Time: Instantaneous Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: All in hearing range. Duration: Time of telling. (1 round/level max). Saving Throw: Will Spell Resistance: Yes By using this spell, you enhance an audiences response to any story, poem you are telling, or song that you are singing. You receive a +2 enchantment bonus to your Perform check for one performance. Note that spell must be woven into the telling of the story. Additional Notes on Bard Master Song Spells Keep in mind that Master Songs are not only powerful, they tend to be perilous. All demand that the fili finding them sacrifice something in return for their use. These are considered the height of Old Lore craft, and are treated with respect by all college bards. All of the Master Songs are restricted by the number of times a bard may cast them. This insures that they will never be used lightly. Additionally, some of the songs exact additional payment in the actual casting of the Song (at the DMs discretion). These songs push the limit of a bards magical th ability until he reaches levels above 20 . In no instance should the finding of a Master Song happen accidentally. The recovery of one of these is the result of planning and questing with the specific goal of finding a Master Song (whether the search is for a specific song, or just a Master Song in general). th DMs may allow very high level characters (above 20 level with requisite meta-spell feats) to compose their own Master Songs. These generally do not require the same sacrifice as those found by lower level Ollamh, or those Ollamh without the capacity to formulate very high level spells. DMs should decide the effect of casting the Bardic Master Songs that are derived from normal Arcane spells. The effect should be notable, but limited (stunning, loss of points to an ability for a limited time, etc.). Generally speaking, the cost should be related to the energy expenditure.

Ultimate Shout
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: Ceol) Level: Brd 7 [Bardic Master Song may cast 1x/month] Components: V Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 1 person and area Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None or Will negates Spell Resistance: None or Yes This spell has multiple effects. First, one random enemy hearing the shout must make a Fort save or die. Second, all enemies hearing the shout take 20d6 damage (Fort save for damage). Finally, all creatures hearing the shout are deafened for 2 rounds and stunned for 1 round (creatures without ears are immune to deafening). The bard uttering the ultimate shout is stunned for 2 rounds and loses 1 Con for 24 hours after the shout is made.

Without Rhyme or Reason

Illusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting] [Language Dependent] (Branches: Athraigh, rid, Ortha) Level: Brd 6 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: All in hearing range.


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The Ogham
Old Lore bards and druids both utilize the druidic language. This language is considered secret. It is not shared outside of the druidic and bardic community. This script can be written either horizontally (read from left to right) or vertically (read from bottom to top):



In either case, this reads Felidhe go bragh or Long live the bards. Each letter in the language represents a tree, and has a specific individual meaning. The bards have learned how to utilize this secret language to augment their magical capacity to augment their spell Perform checks somewhat.

See poetstaves for further information on this (DM material). This script is best suited for the secret language of the druids, but can be adapted to common as well. The Ogham script is used only to write short scripts, grave markers, monuments, wands and the like. It can also be used in sign language to allow druids and fili to communicate silently, even if holding an entirely different verbal conversation. Druids, also, use Ogham, It is said that many druid spell scrolls are penned in this script. Some say that the form of writing for this language, ogham, was handed down by a god of poetry and language. While this may or may not be true, it is apparent that this form of script is very old. Note: for Common use c for k, dg for j and bb for p as easy fixes. By convention mh or bh can stand in for v.

Table 2: The Ogham Ogham* Name (Sound)

Letter b l f s n h d t c q m g ng str, z r a o u e i ea oi ui io

English Silver Birch Rowan Alder Willow Ash Hawthorn Oak Holly Hazelnut Apple Grapevine Ivy Reed Blackthorn Old Silver Fir Furze Heather White Poplar Yew Gooseberry Spindle Honeysuckle Aspen Beech Feather or Arrow (Space)

Meaning Beginnings Protection Oracles Cycles, Rhythm Gates Cleansing Doorways Strength in Just causes Poetry, Divination Choice Prophecy Enlightenment Direct Action, Purpose Fate Endings Long sight and clear vision Gathering Spirits and Healing Shielding, Speech, Language Rebirth Emotion Honor of tribe/community Secrets Courage and Endurance Guidance Beginning and end of lines

71,1 Beth (Beh) 8131 Luis (Lweesh) 9151 Fern (Fair-n) :101 Sail (Sahl) ;1(1 Nion (Nee-uhn) <1$1 Uath (OO-ah) =1.1 Dair (Dahr) >1+1 Tinne
(Chin-yuh) Coll (Cull) Ceirt (Kairt) Muin (Muhn) Gort (Gort) nG$adal (NYEH-dl) Straif (Strahf) Ruis (Rweesh) Ailm (AHL-m) Onn (Uhn) r (OOR) Eadhadh (EH-wah) K1)1 Iodhadh (EE-wah) L1M Eabhadh N1O r P1Q Uillean R1S Ifn T1U Eamhanchol/ Phagos V1! Eite

Branch Magic Resonance for Poetstave Framh Cosain Eolas Ceol Ortha Dli Athraigh Dli Eolas/rid ** Bards Choice** Eolas Dl/Eolas** Dl Random** Dl or Framh ** Eolas Framh Framh/Ortha Cosain/rid** Framh Ceol/Ortha ** rid Athraigh Cosain Dl

?1/1 @1A1 B1&1 C1#1 D161 E1F1 G1-1 21%1 H1"1 I141 J1*1

W1'1 Sps

* This ogham is in the Beth-Luis-Fearn form, not Beth-Luis-Nion form. Celtic and Irish scholars can worry about which one is really right. The Ogham font for this form is from Curtis Clark (www.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/fonts/index.html). ** Resonances with more than one branch require the fili to choose one for a particular poetstave. Ceirt allows the bards choice of branch. Straif requires a 1d8 roll to determine the branch after the poetstave is made, if the bard has imbued the item with a spell from the wrong branch, he only receives 5 spell charges, not the normal 10. If, however, he imbued the item with a spell from the right branch, he receives 30 charges, not 10 (at no extra cost).

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The triads represent one way in which fili disseminate their wisdom. It is an easy learning method for both new bards, and for the general population.

Pronunciation Guide
Word Anruth Athraigh Ceol Cosain Dl Eolas Fili Pronunciation n-ruh h-r() K(y)l k-shn dlee las(h) fl Word Fochloc Framh raid Ortha Ollamh Ollaire Pronunciation f(kh)-luk Fr-(v) -r()d r-h la(v) l()r

Three ornaments of wisdom: abundance of knowledge, a number of precedents, to employ a good counsel.. Three essentials of learning: experience, study, patience. Three glories of speech: steadiness, wisdom, brevity. Three hateful things in speech: stiffness, obscurity, a bad delivery. Three signs of wisdom: patience, closeness, the gift of prophecy. Three candles that illumine every darkness: truth, nature, knowledge. Three things which judgment demands: wisdom, penetration, knowledge. Three things which justice demands: judgment, measure, conscience. Three Masteries of a Ollamh: Language, Music, Magic Three excellences for a warrior: valor, knowledge of arms, knowledge of strategy. Three strengths of a sword: fine temper, sharp blade, true hand There are three learnings of a true bard: Bardic Gifts, Druidic Crafts, and Judges Wisdom.
Special thanks to www.lincolnu.edu/~focal/docs/triads/triads.html for some of these triads from Kuno Meyer, The Triads of Ireland, 1906.

AthraighChange CeolMusic CosainWard DliLaw EolisKnowledge FiliPoet FremhRoot OraidSpeech OrthaCharm

I know the stars names from north to the south I was in the fort of Gwydion in the Tetragramation; I was in the court of Don before the birth of Gwydion I was three times in the prison of Arianrhod I got poetic inspiration from the cauldron of Ceridwn, I was poet-harper to Lleon Lychlyn. I was nearly nine months in the womb of the witch Ceridwn; I was formerly Gwion Bach, but now I am Taliesin. (Hanes Taliesin)

I am the wind upon the sea I am the flood across the plain, I am the hawk above the cliff, I am the thorn beneath the rose I am the stag of seven tines I am the salmon in a pool I am wisdom (Amergin)


Bards often meet to compete whether because of college sponsored contests, contests at fairs, or contests by appointment of a liege lord. These display contests of poetry, story-telling, singing, instrument playing or other bardic pursuits. In order to determine a victor in such a contest, take the requisite talent in Performance, and make an opposed roll between the opponents. However, at formal contests, Judges also set a DC for the performance. Therefore, it is possible to be better than another contestant, but still fail to meet the criteria for victory. In judged bardic contests, the bard must defeat opponents and meet the judges criteria set for the performance. Note that use of magical augmentation, except maybe at elvish contests, is generally considered cheating, and disqualifies the magicwielding bard.

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Beyond this point, Players, Do not pass, Lest Ye make Your DM blast...You.
Three things there are that make a DM maelevolent: Unapreciative players, A Player who peruses things not meant for his or her eyes, and crumbs alone left on the snack tray. ---Stiobhan


Flute of Unpredictable Piercing: This beautiful instrument is a well-tuned flute to even the most rigorous scrutiny. It emits no magical aura of any kind. However, it holds an interesting power that makes its initial appearance completely at random. The DM rolls a 1d20 every time this flute is played. On a roll of 20, the flute manifests its hidden power that of piercing and deafening. On the roll, the flute emits a piercing shriek. The player, and all within a 20 radius around the player, must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) those saving are deafened for 1 round, and suffer 1d8 damage. Those failing their roll suffer 1d8 points of damage, are stunned for 2 rounds, and are deafened for 3 rounds. The truly insidious nature of this instrument, though, isnt revealed until later. For one week after hearing the flute, the characters exposed to the flute may, when exposed to loud noise, experience the same fate again (Fortitude save at +1 for each day after initial exposure.) There is even a chance during this week (1in 20 chance per day) that the character will just experience the piercing ringing again for no reason (Fortitude save at +1 for each day after initial exposure). The first time this flute exhibits its power; everyone (including the flautist) is exposed to these effects. After this, the player knows how to control the trill or run that causes the effect, and only the foes of the player are subject to its excruciating tones. It takes 1 round of playing to release its capacities. The flute may be played in this manner 2x/day. Further attempts will cause the only the player and his allies to suffer its effects. Creatures who are deaf, or do not have auditory organs take the initial 1d8 damage, but are immune to other effects. th Caster Level: 7 ; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, deafness, ghost harp, sound burst. Price: 14,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.

New Magic Items
Flute of Unpredictable Piercing Poetstave Robe of the Bards Spellstrings

36 36 37 37

Minor Artifact
The Nineteen Tales


Eich-Uisge Leprechaun Pwca Selkie

39 39 40 40

Monster Template Longaevi Creating a Longaevi Longaevi as Characters Sample Longaevi

Daoine Sidhe Leanan Sidhe

41 41 41 41 41
41 42

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Poetstave: A poetstave is a wand-like device designed to aid a bard with his Perform check for spellcasting. Several strictures apply to poetstaves: 1. Each bard must construct his own poetstave. 2. The bard may only have one poetstave at a time. 3. A bard may only create as many poetstaves as his college level, with the ability being reset at each college advancement, excepting Ollamh, who may make seven initial poetstaves, and an additional seven for every three levels earned. 4. Upon reaching a new college, a bard will no longer use a poetstave made while he was in his previous college, except to recall past events (see below). All poetstaves are made from one of the woods related to the ogham, and carved with a command word of the bards choice. The woods resonance determines the branch of magic for which the poetstave provides a bonus. (See ogham description) Each poetstave has 5 charges/college level of the staves maker that can be applied to spellcasting Perform checks. A poetstave provides a Perform bonus equal to the college level of the bard who created it. In this use, the bard does not have to be holding the item; the bard must merely have it on his person for it to work. However, the bard must work the command word audibly, into his performance. Additionally, the bard stores in the poetstave one spell of the spell level indicated on the chart (bards choice but it must be a spell from the branch of magic with which the wood resonates).

See Table 2: Ogham for the relationship of wood type to spell branch. This spell can be cast 10 times and cant be recharged (trigger as wand.). Finally, the poetstave records songs, stories, and significant historical, legal, and political events the bard experiences, while he has a particular poetstave. The events are magically inscribed, from the bards subjective viewpoint, in miniature ogham on the stave. A bard of the same college level or higher may review the material. The reviewing bard hears a mental presentation of the material that requires 1 hour per level of recording bard. In this fashion, each poetstave becomes a historical repository of the bards relevant bardic experiences that can be shared, even if the bard is not present, or is dead. Poetstave Statistics
Perform Wand Perform Bonus Spell XP College Bonus Charges Level GP Value* Cost Fochloc +1 5 0 950 gp 38 XP nd 1350 gp 54 XP MacFuirmidh +2 10 2 rd Dos +3 15 3 3550 gp 142 XP th 5550 gp 192 XP Cana +4 20 4 th Cli +5 25 5 8250 gp 330 XP th 11,000 gp 440 XP Anruth +6 30 6 th Ollamh +7 35 6 12,100 gp 484 XP *Value does not include components for spell. Those must be added to this base cost before the poetstave can be made. Note this GP Value is only for determining creation cost. The item actually costs the fili of listed GP Value to make. Poetstaves are never sold.

Once all spells have been cast from a string, it loses all magical properties. A musician may only use a spell from a spellstring that she is capable of casting normally. If a bard attempt to use a spellstring while using another bardic ability, she must make a Performance check with a DC of 17 + the level of the spell. If a bard attempts to use multiple strings in a round, the Performance DC is 17+ all spell levels +1 for each string over the first played. In any case, failure indicates that the spell is misplayed, or interacts negatively with other spells or effects. The spell/spells is/are expended, but there is no effect 50% of the time, but 50% of the time, the spells rebound on the player. Note that spellstrings can create very powerful, if very unpredictable instruments (4-12 string instruments are common, but even a small harp has over 20 strings). Crafting a spellstring requires five days. Spellstrings must be made of silver or more precious metal and cost 100 gp per spell level plus the cost of the spell to be imbued into the string. Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item; spell to be stored.

MINOR ARTIFACTS The Nineteen Tales

Often called simply The Nineteen, these represent one of the oddest kinds of crafted magic item that exist. They are stories that are told by bards, containing magic, that once expended erases the tale from the tellers mind and the audience members minds, except for other listening bards, who retain it. Everyone else knows they heard it, they just cant remember it. The tales also defeats any method tried to record or eavesdrop on its telling (whether magical or mundane). The tales contain magic not normally usable by bards, and they are a set corpus. A bard cant tell one of these tales until he has heard it told, and is of the appropriate level to tell it. The tales are never written down. In order to use one of these tales again after casting it, the bard must hear it again (they are, remember, forgotten by the caster when told). It is possible to transmit the story without casting it by relaying small portions of the story a day (24 hour period), to a listener. The number of days required is 1 day per minimum caster level. The same story may not be learned twice in succession. The tales and their descriptions follow: Airgne (Slaughter): This grants up to 20 warriors the capacity to extend their critical hit range by +1 for 24 hours after hearing the tale. Example Tale: Bran and Branwen (Wales) Aithid (Elopements): This tale creates a small pocket plane of great beauty (1 sq. mile) that lasts for 1 day per level of the teller. Two lovers of the bards choice (one of whom could be the bard) may enter at will from a set location. No others may enter. The tale also generates an illusionary image (as in mislead), but does not cause invisibility for the eloping being. If the plane collapses while the lovers are inside, they are forced back to the set entry point. Example Tale: Deirdre of the Sorrows (Ireland) Buili (Frenzy): The bard telling this imparts a battle frenzy upon up to 50 warriors for 1 day. The frenzy adds +2 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, and +1 to morale bonus on Will saves. It also causes a 1 penalty to AC. Example Tale: The Battle Frenzy of CChulain (Ireland). Catha (Battles): The tale allows the audience (up to 100 warriors) to fight in their next battle with a +4 morale bonus on Will saves (battle must be fought within 1 month of telling). Example Tale: The Combat at the Ford (Ireland)

Crafting a poetstave requires one day for each 1000gp value of the completed wand. Poetstaves for Ollamh have one gold band, poetstaves for Anruth bards have a band of silver, and poetstaves for other colleges have one bronze band for each college level of the creator. Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, or Craft Wand; spell to be stored and Ghost Harp. Robe of the Bards: Bards are traditionally the only people who can wear robes bearing royal colors outside of royalty. Bardic robes also have the added benefit of being able to hold one protective spell level (of the Cosain branch) per college level of the robe. A Fochlocan bard may imbue his robe with two st protective spell of 0-level or one of 1 level. An Ollamh may th st have one 6 level spell and one 1 level protective spell on his robe (or any combination of spells that equal seven spell levels, excepting Master Songs). Two 0-level spells count as one spell level for purposes of the robe. The general color of robes associated with college is as follows: Fochloc: Gray MacFuirmidh: Blue Dos: Black Cana: Green Cli: Gold Anruth: Silver Ollamh: White robe with a crimson bird feather mantle called a tugan, many of these are imbued with fly. Crafting a robe of the bards requires one full day for level. Robes of the bards must be made of the finest materials, and threads. The cost of the robe is 100 gp per college level plus the cost of the spells imbued into the material. Robes may be re-imbued once spells are spent, but cost of spells must be paid again. Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item; spell(s) to be stored. Spellstrings: Spell strings are strings for instruments that hold spells. Each string holds one spell, but can contain up to five levels of spells. With the exception of 0-level spells, the number of times a spell can be cast from the string is inverse to its level. Thus a 1st level spell can be cast 5 times, or a 5th level spell can be cast once. A 0-level spells may be cast seven, not five times.


Coimperta (Conception and Births): The story grants a 50% increase above the normal birthrate of healthy children to a small social unit of not more than 100 (tribe, clan, village) in a given year. One of the children will be born in a heroic or unusual manner, and lead a heroic or villainous existence. Example Tale: The Conception and Birth of Arthur (Wales) THE NINETEEN TALES Teller Name Level Effect Airgne 14 20 warriors +1 to critical/24 hours Aithid 7 Pocket Plane for 1day/teller level Buili 17 Frenzy 50 warriors/1 day Catha 18 +4 morale save for 100 warriors/1 battle Coimperta 8 50% birth rate increase and 1 heroic figure born Echtrai 10 10% increase in adventure values Fessa 11 Heros Feast 1x/day for 7 days. Fisi 9 Know answer to next problem Forbassa 16 +1 to besieged defenses, or +1 to besiegers attacks Immrama 12 Makes ship more seaworthy; and captain better navigator Oitte 13 Hearers must defeat enemies. Serca 5 Hearer falls in love with bard or another Sluagid 3 Makes 10 people better conditioned for expedition Tana 2 Makes 10 people stealthier for raids. Tachmarca 6 Increases stability of relationship Tochomlada 15 Makes village more defensible against invasion Tolga 20 Devastates area Tomadma 19 Gives 100 warriors +1 attack bonus for invasion Uatha 4 10 people more able to adventure underground Echtrai (Adventures): This tale alters the next adventure of up to 10 people in the following manner: next treasure found worth 10% more than normal value; next monster fought worth 10% more XP than normal value; next spells found 1 level higher th than normal (unless 9 level), next charged magic item found 10% more charges than normal. Of course guardians, traps etc. to get these will be 10% more difficult as well. Example Tale: Conal and the Thunder Hag (Scotland) Fessa (Feasts): This tale grants the bard the ability to cast heros feast 1x/day for seven consecutive days. Example Tale: The Cup of Red Gold (Ireland) Fisi (Visions): This story bestows upon one hearer (bards choice) the one-time ability to call upon supernatural wisdom to solve any single problem or answer fully any question upon request. Whether the information gained can be acted upon is another matter entirely, and visions are often cryptic. Example Tale: The Vision of MacConglinny (Ireland) Forbassa (Sieges): This tale provides one of two benefits depending on whether the bard is telling it to a besieged audience, or an audience that is besieging a town, castle, etc. If the tale is told to the first audience, all buildings in the besieged community gain a +1 AC enchantment bonus against all siege engines and an equivalent save bonus against sapping attempts for three days after the telling. If the second audience is being addressed, all siege engines gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and sapping attempts gain a +1 modifier as well. Example Tale: Arthurs Siege of Benwick (Le Morte DArthur) Immrama (Voyages): This tale extends the following abilities to the captain of a ship for the duration of one voyage:

+2 to any Navigation roll. It also extends a +1 bonus to any save the ship itself must make, and gives the ship 10 extra hull points. Example Tale: The Voyage of Maeldun (Ireland) Oitte (Violent Deaths): This story summons one random monster of two HD higher than a chosen enemy of the teller, to fight that enemy. If others attempt to help, additional creatures appear to fight each helper (each has two more HD than the helper has HD or levels). Those enemies killed are slain forever, outside of the direct action of a greater deity. Example Tale: CChulain and the Grey of Macha (Ireland) Serca (Loves): This tale causes a single hearer to fall in love with the bard, or another stated person. There is no save, and the emotion is strong and tends to jealousy. This permanent condition can only be removed with a wish. Example Tale: Exiles of the Sons of Uisliu (Ireland) Sluagid (Expeditions): This tale imbues 10 people with Endurance (as feat) for one week. It also grants one person a +3 to Direction Sense, and Wilderness Lore (bards choice) for the same duration. Example Tale: Culhwch and Olwen (Wales) Tna (Raids): This tale imbues its listeners (up to 10) a +3 bonus to stealth related activities (move silently, hide, etc.) used in the commission of any type of raid for 24 hours. Example Tale: The Cattle Raid (Ireland) Tochmarca (Courtships): This tale aids any hearers that are in a romantic relationship, or courting to be married in the following ways: a permanent +1 to Charisma (in relation to the partner only.) A magical increase in dowry or reduction in bride price by 10% of its normal value. A permanent +1 to any save or ability that directly affects the relationship. Example Tale: Dermott and Grania (Ireland) Tochomlada (Invasions): This tale grants the inhabitants of type of small fort, village, thorp, or hamlet of under 100 people a +1 to AC, and all buildings 10 extra structure points, if that area is under the threat of invasion (not merely just conquest, but a concerted effort by the movement of large numbers of people such as occurred on earth when the Huns moved westward). This bonus lasts until the invaders either conquer the area, or they are driven off for a span of at least one month. Example Tale: The Palace of the Quicken Trees (Ireland) Togla (Destructions): Telling this tale brings about a massive cataclysm to the area in which the tale is told. The destruction occurs within 24 hours of the telling. Note that the audience will not be aware that this tale will have any dire consequences for them. This tale causes the equivalent of a storm of vengeance, immediately followed by an earthquake. The storm is centered on the area of the telling. The earthquake has a range of 10 square miles. Example Tale: The Drowning of the Bottom Hundred (Wales) Tomadma (Irruptions): This tale applies to populations planning invasions. It allows 100 members of the invading party to have a +1 attack bonus on the first day of the invasion in which battle takes place. Example Tale: The Disappearance of the Danaans (Ireland) Uatha (Caves): This story gives a party of 10 or less, darkvision for 1 week, and for each day that week grants each person a +1 bonus once (any ability or skill), to any one check they make that directly relates to underground traveling (climbing, rope use, detect traps, etc.). Example Tale: Arthur in the Caves (Wales) General Properties of the Nineteen Tales Each tale takes 1d8 turns to tell. At any time during the telling, if the teller is interrupted by battle, magic, or major distraction, the tale fails (Tellers with the Concentration feat may save against this by making a successful check). A bard may only tell one of these tales a day, regardless of how many he knows. Caster th Level: 20 ; Weight: None


Eich-Uisge (Kelpie/water horse)
Large Magical Animal Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (35 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: 60', swim 30' AC: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) Attacks: 2 hooves +2 melee; bite +2 melee Damage: Hoof 1d4+3; bite 1d8 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Spell like abilities, trample 2d6 Special Qualities: Wild shape. Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2 Abilities: Str 16, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16 Skills: Hide +0*, Listen +6, Spot +8, Move Silently +6 Climate/Terrain: Temperate or Tropical aquatic Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: None. Alignment: Chaotic Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large). The eich-uisge is a magical horse-like mammal that lives underwater, but can also live on land. These beautiful creatures are, however, extremely dangerous. The eich-uisge is carnivorous, and comes on land to eat livestock, deer, elk, wild swine but its abilities seem oddly specialized for hunting non-elven humanoids. It uses most of its spells to accomplish this. The eich-uisge can be trained as a fine mount. But it must be kept far from large bodies of water. If it gets near water, it will bolt to it. Woe to the rider of the beast at that time. Occasionally, a stallion eich-uisge will mate with a mare horse. The offspring is always the finest quality Light War Horse, but it must be fed a diet that includes meat.

Small Fey Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp) Initiative: +3 (Dex) Speed: 20 ft. AC: 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex) Attacks: Shillelagh 1d6-2 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities Special Qualities: SR 17 Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3 Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14 Skills: Craft (cobbler) +5, Escape Artist +6, Hide +7, Listen +12, Move Silently +6, Search +5, Spot +4 Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Mobility Climate/Terrain: Temperate Forests and Hills Organization: Shift (2-4), Clan (14-20) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: 75% coins (gold only); 25% goods or items. Alignment: Neutral Advancement: 2-3 HD (Small) Leprechauns are wee folk who are found in fair green lands, who enjoy frolicking, magic and causing mischief. Favorite pastimes include stealing valuables from adventurers, and making shoes. They also have a love of music and dancing. Leprechauns tend to aid helpless creatures that are being attacked, and a soft spot for all weaker creatures. Leprechauns have pointed ears, and noses that come to a tapered point. They wear pointed shoes, green or brown breeches, green or gray coats, and either wide brimmed hats, or stocking caps. Many enjoy smoking pipes. Leprechauns stand around 2 feet tall.

Leprechauns prefer not to fight at all. They will attempt to escape and mislead their followers if possible. However, occasionally they will give a good whack with their shillelagh. Limited Wish: A leprechaun can grant 3 limited wishes if his gold is stolen in exchange for the gold. The leprechaun can also offer to grant a 4th wish. However, this final wish is a trick. If accepted, this wish reverses the results of the first three. Spell-Like Abilities: at will--invisibility, ventriloquism; 3x/daypermanent image (visual and auditory elements only), polymorph any object (non-living objects only); Spells cast as if by a 9th level sorcerer (save DC 12 +spell level)

The eich-uisge can fight with its front hooves, and will also deliver a vicious bite. They also trample if the opportunity presents itself. They can be trained similar to Light War Horses by the very brave, or the very foolish. When hunting, the eichuisige uses its charm animal or person ability to hold an animal. However, with a person, its approach is more insidious. The creature attempts a charm first, and then suggests that the person mounts. The enthralled being is then hit by a special limited web spell (same as normal, but area is lower torso and legs and around the abdomen of the eich-uisge) that straps the rider to the horse, and then a hold person spell to ensure that the rider doesnt escape. The eich-uisge then plunges into the nearest large body of water and drowns the victim, and then settles down for a nice repast. If threatened on land, the creature shape changes into a woman, and feigns some horrific story to escape capture. Wild Shape: The eich-uisge can 3x/day change shape, as per the druid Wild Shape. It always changes into either a human female, or, when returning to the water, kelp. This latter trait has caused many to wrongly surmise that the eich-usige is a plant. Spell-Like Abilities: at will: waterbreathing; 5x/day: hold animal or person; 3x/day: charm person, suggestion, web. Spells cast if by an 8th level sorcerer. (save DC 11+spell level) Carrying Capacity: A light rider for an eich-uisge is up to 230 lbs., a medium rider, 231-460 lbs. They will not carry heavier persons.


Pwca (Pooka)
Tiny Fey Hit Dice: d6+1 (+3 Feat) (6 hp) Initiative: +3 (Dex) Speed: 20 ft AC: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Attacks: Unarmed Strike attack Damage: Unarmed1d4-2 Face/Reach: 2 ft./ by 2 ft./0 ft. Special Attacks: Unarmed Strike, Stunning Attack (Su); Flurry of Blows (Su); Spell like abilities. Special Qualities: SR 17, natural invisibility Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14 Skills: Hide +0*, Listen +6, Spot +8, Move silently +6 Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness Climate/Terrain: Temperate Forest or Hills (Households) Organization: Shift (2-4), Clan (14-20) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: No coins; 50% goods; 50% items Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 1-2 HD (Tiny); 3-5 HD (Small) The pwka is normally a helpful fey of the house fairy variety. They tend to help clean, watch after domestic animals, and do other minor helpful thing around a household without being intrusive (they are invisible most of the time after all). In return they expect nothing more than a few choice table morsels and a paniken of milk at night. Pwka are small 1-foot tall creatures, they resemble provincially dressed humanoids, with slightly pointed ears and disheveled hair. The problems start to arise when they perceive a slight. Pwka are proud. If mistreated, they turn on their hosts.

use a Full Attack action to make a flurry of blows (see PHB, page 124). Usually, a pwkas unarmed strikes deal normal damage rather than subdual damage; however, it can choose to deal the damage as subdual damage when grappling (see PHB, Special Attacks and Damage, Subdual in Chapter 8 Combat). Spell-like abilities: A pwka can use invisibility at will; 5x/day: dancing lights, grease, mend, ventriloquism; 3x/day major image.

Medium Fey Hit Dice: 3d6+3 (12 hp) Initiative: +1 (Dex) Speed: swim 40 ft., AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural) or 13 (leather, +1 Dex) Attacks: bite or weapons Damage: Bite 1d6; Longsword 1d8 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5 ft. Special Qualities: Wild shape (Su) Saves: Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16 Skills: Animal Empathy +3, Listen +3, Swim +10 Feats: Dodge, Mobility Climate/Terrain: Temperate or Cold aquatic; adjacent lands Organization: Bark (4-6); Pack (12-30) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: 25% coins; 25% goods; 50% items (no scrolls) Alignment: Neutral Good Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large), or by level. Selkies are a race of fey seal-like creatures that primarily live in the water, and protect their hunting and breeding areas. In their normal form they are almost indistinguishable from true seals. However, once a month, for up to a week, adult selkies may change into human form, and go exploring among humans. Selkies in human form are extremely attractive. They have striking blue or green eyes, and black hair (in all cases). In this form, each selkie carries a sealskin that must be guarded or hidden. The loss of this skin forces a selkie to retain its form until the skin can be recovered. The selkie loses 1 point of ability per week after the first, in a specific order, until the skin is recovered or the selkie wastes away and dies (loss order: Cha, Con, Str, Dex, Int, Wis). A selkie is prohibited by some unknown stricture from directly confronting the holder of the skin, and must win or get it back in some other fashion. Selkies can progress as fighters, rangers or druids. Selkies can be recognized in their human form by their odd behavior and predilection for a seafood diet.

The pwka is unique among fey-kind in that it physically attacks its targets with its fist, feet, knees, elbows, and head. It generally will only attack a weaker or unarmed opponent in this fashion (milkmaid, child, mother, grandfather, unarmed peasant, etc.). Against stronger opponents, the pwka turns to its illusion magic and attempts to lead its opponents into harmful situations. Unarmed Strike: A pwka gains more damage in unarmed strikes than most tiny creatures. Additionally, as their HD increase, they use the Small Monk Damage chart in the PHB, page 39. A pwka fighting unarmed gains the benefits of Improved Unarmed Strike feat, and so does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Stunning Attack (Su): 2x/day a pwka can use a Stunning Fist ability as a monk: must preannounce attack, if foe is hit, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+ pwkas HD round down, but always at least 1] + Wis modifier), in addition to receiving normal damage. If the saving throw fails, the opponent is stunned for 1 round. A stunned character cant act, and loses any Dex bonus to AC, while the attacker gets a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a stunned opponent. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cant be affected by a pwkas stunning attack. Flurry of Blows: A pwka may make a flurry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, a pwka may gain one extra attack in a round at her highest base attack, but every attack made in that round suffers a 2 penalty. This penalty lasts for one full round, and so might affect any attacks of opportunity the pwka gets before its next action. The pwka must

While fighting in seal form, selkies depend upon their swimming speed, and their vicious bite. In human form, they fight with longsword, but prefer leather armor. Special Qualities: 2x/month: Wild Shape (Su) into human form and back to selkie. Note that selkies are not lycanthropes. This is a normal innate ability, not an affliction. Selkies get along well with dolphins and sea elves.


("The Long-lived")
Although it has been rumored that there are Celestial and Fiendish equivalents for neutrality, they have not been seen. There are no angels of neutrality, and so no Half-Neutrals, no Half-Impartials, no Half-Equilibria. However, that doesnt mean this type of half-creature doesnt exist on its own, outside of procreative bonds between planar and material. They do exist. They are called the Longaevi. The Longaevi are those whose spirits exist halfway between good and evil and whose abode is halfway between the outer planes and the material. They dwell in the partial planes, the Plane of Shadow, the Realm of Faerie and other in-between places. These beings are as glorious as the Half-Celestials, but as perilous as the Half-Fiends. They are generally beautiful, but their auras betray something dangerous to humanity. Many humanoid Longaevi are often called Sidhe (and so, often confused with the Half-Celestial Seelie and Half-Fiendish Unseelie Courts). They are often noble, and impassioned about their own concerns whether that be nature, or frolicking, or the hunt. They show much less concern for mortals, and often use them (if not always badly) to arrive at their goals.

Skills: A longaevi has 8 skill points, plus its intelligence modifier, per Hit Die. Treat skills from the base creatures list as class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, it gains skills for class levels normally. Some other skills might be appropriate for the Longaevi that the base creature doesnt exhibit. Feats: Longaevi have one feat for every four levels or the base creatures total of feats, whichever is greater. Climate/Terrain: Same as either the base creature or planar Organization: Same as the base creature Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1 Treasure: Same as the base creature. Alignment: Always neutral (in at least one facet) Advancement: Same as the base creature.

Longaevi Characters
Longaevi humanoids often have a character class, favoring all classes but clerics, paladins, and monks. Nonhumanoids are sometimes barbarians, bards, rangers and sorcerers. Longaevi rarely ever worship deities, but occasionally recognize those with neutral aspects.

Sample Longaevi
This following character uses the elf as the base creature, but note the character is not a true half creature. Although Longaevi are similar to the Celestial/Fiend half-breeds, they are not descended from anything but themselves. That is, they arent Half-Longaevi/Half-elf, but really completely Longaevi. Longaevi dont think extensively about humanity, one way or another, but occasionally cross paths with individual humans. The response of the longaevi is often predicated on whim, Ill take the baby, love the woman (or man), help the victim, or play a trick on the whole lot of them. In cases where a home realm of a longaevi, itself, is threatened by other forces, longaevi can become downright nasty, whether the threat is real or perceived, of course, is another matter entirely.

Longaevi is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or more and aligned with neutrality in at least one facet of its alignment (referred to hereafter as [base creature]). Beasts or animals with this template become magical beasts, otherwise the creatures type changes to outsider. It uses all of the base creatures statistics and special abilities except as noted here. AC: Natural armor improves by +1. Special Attacks: A longaevi retains all special attacks of the base creature and gains the supernatural ability to use faerie fire at will, as the spell. The creature also gains the following: Smite Non-Neutral (Su): Once per day, the creature can make a normal attack to deal damage equal to half its HD total (round down, but never less than 1 pt., maximum of +10), against any foe without a neutral component in its alignment. Longaevi with an Intelligence or Wisdom of 8 or higher possess the following spell-like abilities, using their level as the caster level, as specified on the table below. Unless otherwise indicated, the ability is usable once per day. Level 1-2 3-4 5-6 Abilities Protection from evil Protection from good Cause fear Enthrall Level 11-12 13-14 Abilities Geas/Quest Heroes Feast Binding Insanity Maze

Daoine SiDhe (Theena Shee)

Longaevi (elf) Medium-Size (Fey) Outsider (Neutral, Good) Hit Dice: 1d8-1 (3 hp) Initiative: +3 (Dex) Speed: 30 ft AC: 19 (chain, shield, +3 Dex) Attacks: Longsword +1 melee Damage: Longsword 1d8 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Spell like abilities Special Qualities: SR 10 Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1 Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 15 Skills: Craft +1 (choice), Hide +1, Listen +3, Ride +1 Search +3, Spellcraft +1, Spot +3 Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (longsword), Climate/Terrain: Temperate Forest Organization: Troop (5-20); Raid (20-50 plus 2 to 5 3rd-level sergeants, 1 5th-level lieutenant, 1 7th-level captain, and a raid leader [usually a prince, sometimes the king or queen]); Clan (50-200 plus 20% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th level captains, plus 1 10th level war-leader [usually a prince], and other royalty) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: Standard

Bestow Curse 15-16 Remove Curse 7-8 Break Enchantment 17-18 Temporal Stasis Hallucinatory Terrain Shapechange 9-10 Mirage Arcana 19+ Weird Special Qualities: A Longaevi has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus low-light vision. Longaevi are immune to poison, cold and disease, and have an acid, fire, and electricity resistance of 15. Saves: Same as base creature Abilities: Increase from base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +4.


Alignment: Neutral or Neutral Good (Neutral Evil rarely.) Advancement: by class. The sidhe are among the most powerful of fey kind, resembling both humans and elves, but more dangerous than either. Bards tell that they once lived in mortal realms, possibly as elvenkind, but as men advanced, the sidhe completely withdrew from the world. The sidhe are very skilled in magic, and in many arts and crafts as well. Their own realm touches on the mortal world in deep forest glades and ancient burial mounds, and stone rings. The sidhe are tall and fair. They are lithe of limb, and have slightly pointed ears. They dress in tunics and capes, and adorn themselves with jewelry that is nothing less than sumptuous. Their weapons are likewise ornate, with the least of these being of masterwork quality. Sidhe prefer the classes of bard, druid, ranger and wizard. They often multiclass.

The sidhe are fierce in battle. They make great use of their magics, and magic armors and weapons, as well as their natural skill with these. Individual humans are hard pressed against a sidhe warrior of the same level. And the fairy raid (the riding of the sidhe), although beautiful to behold, is a dangerous affair if these forces should be looking in your direction. Sidhe prefer the longsword, shortbow, and short spear in combat (mounted), and longsword, longbow and spear while on the ground. Spell-like abilities: At will: Faerie Fire; Smite Non-Neutral (Su) 1x/day; Protection from good 1x/day; Protection from evil 1x/day; Cause Fear 1x/day. Daoine Sidhe Traits: Proficient with longsword, longbow, shortbow, and spear regardless of character class. +2 racial bonus to Search Spot and Listen checks. A sidhe who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it. Low Light Vision: Sidhe can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc. Sidhe receive a 1 Penalty to AC when facing opponents using iron weapons.


The society of the sidhe is much like that of elves except that they tend to live in clan castles ruled by faerie nobility. The faerie realm is a difficult and dangerous place for even these beings. The sidhe occasionally foray into mortal realms on Faerie Raids for battle, adventure. The Sidhe are perilous, as mortals who deal with them find, but occasionally, a young human knight, or bard is caught up into a Faerie Raid, or spelled away, to delight and entertain the sidhe for a while. Often though seeming a short time in the realm of Faerie, decades or centuries can pass in mortal landsor not.


Leanan SiDhe (Laynawn Shee)

Tales speak of a singularly troubling sidhe for bards. This being serves as a vampiric muse, paramour, and, is potentially, deadly. Or so the tales say. The reality is something a bit different, as reality sometimes is. The Leanan Sidhe are female daoine sidhe who become so saddened by the lack of artistry in clod like mortals, (almost always human or half-elven bards), that they strive to help these

beings find more skill. Fortunately, these women who show such concern over mortals are very rare. For the power of the sidhe is not safe for the mortal, and often the relationships become harmful for the recipient. Human and half-elven bards who fail a Will check after accepting tutelage by a Leanan sidhe become enamored of her. The DC is equal to her Charisma score with no modifiers. A bard must make additional checks for every week he continues studying with the Leanan Sidhe. The effect on the bard is directly related to the level of the Leanan Sidhe and the amount of time the bard remains with her. After one week of being enamored, the bards Perform checks increases by +1, at this time, if the Leanan Sidhe is of 1st-level or higher, the bard must save versus charm person. He must make this check for every additional week the relationship continues. The duration is permanent or until the Leanan Sidhe takes an action that would break the spell. Note that the Leanan Sidhe is not aware of this situation, as she does not cast the spell. Rather, some supernatural resonance and the emotional/mental state of the bard cause this. If the bard fails, he will not willingly leave the Leanan Sidhe. If the bard falls under this charm, and if the Leanan Sidhe is of at least 3rd-level, the bard must make a Will check at 1, as if enthrall had been cast on him for every additional week (second week plus) the bard stays with the Leanan Sidhe. If the bard fails, he gains an additional +1 to all Perform checks (+2 total). The enthrall spell does not have its normal effect, except in that the bard gives his undivided attention to the Leanan Sidhe. He can still function, but everything aside from her is not worth his attention (friends, family, obligations, etc.). The duration is again permanent, unless the Leanan Sidhe breaks the initial charm (while unaware of the spells, she notices his behavior.) If the bard falls under this enthrall, and if the Leanan Sidhe is of at least 5th-level, the bard must make a Will check at 2, as if bestow curse had been cast on him for every additional week (third week and following) the bard stays with the Leanan Sidhe. If the bard fails, he gains an additional +2 to all Perform checks (+4 total). Only one of the first two bestow curse effects operate (DM choice, as listed for that spell in the PHB). If the curse activates, and if the Leanan Sidhe is of at least 11th-level the bard is automatically acts as if a geas had been cast on him if he stays an additional week (fourth week) with the Leanan Sidhe. He gains an additional +2 to all Perform checks (+6 total). The geas in effect demands that the bard successfully win the sidhes love. Up until this time, although he is completely smitten, and spell bound (in a very real way), he has demanded nothing of her. However, his demands might well be the thing that drives her off. If within the fifth week, the bard does not die, and if the sidhe is of 13th-level, he must make a new Will check at 6 or act as if the insanity spell had been cast on him, however, he remains utterly clear about his geas, and he can still perform with clarity probably unmatched in his life. He makes Perform checks with an additional +2 (+8 total). Finally, if, by some chance, the bard manages to live another week (6th week), and if the sidhe is of 17th-level or higher, all other magics from the relationship affecting the bard cease, he completely forgets who he is and shapechanges (no save) into an animal that forevermore follows the sidhe (only a Greater restoration, limited wish, miracle and wish can restore the bard). A bard simply studying with the Leanan Sidhe for more than two weeks who does not ever succumb to any spelling gains a permanent +1 to Perform. A bard who becomes enamored, and is then restored, gains of the highest level of Perform bonus granted by the Leanan Sidhe (but never gain less than +1). In all cases where a Leanan Sidhe is not of a high enough level to resonate the new spell effect, the bard simply remains in his


present state until something breaks the charm, or undoes or restores him to his normal state. The Leanan Sidhe is generally at stages flattered, responsive, bored, repulsed and (when he reaches animal form) accepting of services. She, ultimately, is not terribly moved by the bards plight. He is, benefiting, after all, from the relationship. Keep in mind that the Leanan Sidhe is not causing this, but rather the bard/sidhe relationship. In this particular instance sets off an odd bond that is perilous to the bard. LEANAN SIDHE/BARD BOND Perform Sidhe Bonus Spell Level (total) Effect any +1 enamored 1+ +1 charm 3+ +2 enthralled 5+ +4 Bestow curse 11+ +6 geas 13+ +8 confusion 17+ changeshape

A Quick note: Be sure to add a college level line on your PC record sheet to keep track of college and its level.

Week takes effect immediate End of 1st+ End of 2nd+ End of 3rd+ End of 4th+ End of 5th+ End of 6th

Bard Save Will Will Will -1 Will -2 none Will -6 none

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


The heroic overlay is a concept that works much like a monster template or an archetypal template for a character. It makes changes to a class without altering its underlying basics. An heroic overlay is a very special type of class that allows for strong DM meddling with the D20 system while respecting the importance of balance in class creation. These classes do not generally develop through as many levels as other types of partial classes, usually only one to four levels. Characters may also take these micro-classes at any point and time in their adventuring career (although some micro-classes might better fit low level characters, and others high). Micro-classes follow the same development format as the college development listed above. Heroic Overlays might include an overlay detailing a one level city honor guard class (similar to the stints in an embassy or at the tomb of the unknown soldier), an apprenticeship overlay (page and squire come to mind), a special term of service in a high temple (one to four levels), or many other potentials. The true strength of using overlays lie in their flexibility, and the systems capacity to allow characters unusual combined potentials without unbalancing the overall game, even at low levels. The following two overlays are both set on a fighter, class (any element not covered in the overlay operates as per the standard fighter). (In this configuration, completion of both levels of the Page Heroic Overlay would be a requirement for the Squire Heroic Overlay).

The Squire
Char Levels 3-4 Attack Bonus As Cleric Save Rate Fighter Armor Light/Med only Bonus Mounted Combat, +1 Diplomacy, Ride By Attack Special Combat Train Mount

*A Mount that is combat-trained maneuvers in concert with its rider in such a way that the rider gains best advantage from its mount. The rider gets a +1 Situation mod. To AC, while mounted, additionally, the mount can still be controlled while unreigned (via whistles, clicks, knee pressure, etc.). A successful handle animal check is required to determine success of the mounts maneuver.

These types of heroic overlays can be used to add flavor to a campaign setting, and can be customized easily to fit cultures in specific game worlds.


Within the framework of an heroic overlay, a college is a collection of related aptitudes built around a standard class structure that reflect a systematic program of learning. Note that several colleges could exist under the umbrella of a university setting. It is also possible that the completion of one college (that is, reaching maximum level and experience in that college) could serve as prerequisites for entrance into another college. In some cases, this grouping by prerequisite colleges could almost represent a class in and of itself, as is the case with the College Bards presented in this work. Below is a quick development guide for a college that would work within the Heroic Overlay concept.

The Page
Char Levels 1-2 +1 Handle Serving* Animal +1 Ride *The Serving Ability gives a +1 bonus to the Listen Skill with a +1 bonus to Gathering Information Skill. This is a passive ability, the page does not ask questions, but learns to acquire information in social settings to pass along to his sponsoring knight. Attack Rate As Rogue Save Rate Fighter Armor Light/Med Only Bonus Special


Quick guidelines for developing a Heroic Overlays: Step 1: Associate a heroic overlay with a base class or classes. Determine name, game rationale, setting rationale, and level range (usually 2 to 4 class levels in one college, or group). Heroic Overlays should always be developed to exist within the framework of a given game world, and should reflect the a part of the culture of the world in which they exist. Example: A paladin college, Justiciar, exists in the capitol city. Its goal is to teach how the laws of the land relate to Raos tenets. It is a three level college, and graduates are often commissioned by the crown to serve as judges throughout the kingdom, as well as keepers of the peace. Step 2: Determine individual heroic overlay goals, affiliations, and concentrations. Even though levels might have some minor differences in focus, all levels in a given college should have the same overall focus. Example: First Year (Initiate): Learn to serve others, learn rudiments of legal structure of the land. Learn historical development of the legal system and study specific cases in development. Develop oratical skills. Second Year (Brother): Learn legal applications, work with paradoxes, fair interpretation, just but merciful application. Third Year (Justicar): Study Raon theological implications of legal application. Serve as legal apprentice. Step 3: Determine what class attributes are governed by college association, and what attributes are influenced (associated) with the college (or college levels), and what remains outside of college relation entirely. Some normal class attributes might be traded or dropped for capacities gained within the college. Benefits and disadvantages should always be balanced. Example: Skill access will be governed by Justiciar College, and students will gain some skill bonuses as well as some bonus feats. Paladins will lose the benefit of a paladin mount while in college (study takes precedence over martial application), and also gain the attack rate of a cleric as opposed to that of normal paladins. In addition, the paladin will be required to adopt an extra stricture governing behavior for each year of college that they must follow or lose any benefit provided by the college. Spells and special class abilities (excepting the paladin mount) are not governed by the college, and are adopted as per the normal paladin progression. Example: Skills: Language, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Law), Performance (Oratory), Knowledge (Rhetoric), Knowledge (Religion), Persuasion, Bluff

Step4: Develop individual class levels within the college. Justiciar College (Paladins of Rao)
Char Level 1-2 Level Name Initiate Base Attack Progress As Cleric Base Save Progress As Paladin Strictures No Mount, Must perform menial act of service to another 1x/day No Mount, Render 1act of mercy per week No Mount, Act as impartial, fair, merciful judge 1x/week Benefits Knowledge +1 (choice) +1 Int



As Cleric

As Paladin

Persuasion +1 +1 Wis Leadership +1 +1 Cha



As Cleric

As Paladin

Step 5: Balance advantages and disadvantages within college advancement structure, and then balance in relation to the Base Class. Step 6: Review and playtest to insure playability and balance when weighed against standard character classes. Heroic Overlays can be developed for a wide range of class situations: colleges centered on a class based on a ranger representing an arcane spellcasting fighter or a spellcaster who chooses specific paths of magic, or class based on paladins with bardic abilities are all possibilities. Heroic Overlays for other types of characters could be structured vastly differently, but rationale and game balance need to be equally represented. A quick development of a collection of related colleges The Colleges of the Order of the Unicorn that give female fighters some magical ability in where lower colleges serve as prerequisites for higher colleges might look like this. Each college level could contain either two or three class levels (base attack rate stays at Fighter Base Class standard).

The Colleges of the Order of the Unicorn

PC Levels 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 College Name Foal Yearling Destrier Unicorno Save Rate Rogue Wizard Fighter Druid Armor light light light/ med light/ med Align. Non-E Non-E NG,C G NG,C G

Obviously, the number of spells per day, and spells known would be few and the save rate would differ from a standard fighter. Alignment and armor restrictions (and possibly others) would offset the gaining of spells. (Note: this class is not fully developed!). After assuring balance, this could be a viable Fighter College. Note that the save rate advancement in heroic overlays might differ from multi-classing. When a character multiclasses, she gains the initial save values for a new class. When a character is in a heroic overlay, the heroic overlay


might just dictate which progression rate a character follows at a level equivalency. In the example, if this were a two-class level college structure, a character moving from 2nd to 3rd level (Foal to Yearling College), the character would not gain the initial +2 bonus to Int. saves that a multi-class character gaining her first level as a wizard would gain. Rather, the save rate would shift from the advancement of a 2nd level Rogue, to rd that of a 3 level Wizard. Example: If Elyren were to multiclass as a fighter/wizard, her 3rd level saves would be Fort: 3 Ref: 0 Will: 2, but as a 3rd level character of the Order of the Unicorn (Yearling college member) her saves will be Fort: 1 Ref: 4 Will: nd 0, the shift from the Rogue 2 level save (Fort: rd 0 Ref: 3 Will:0) to Wizard 3 level save picks rd up on the 3 level of Wizard advancement (+1 to Fort, +1 to Ref and +0 to Will). A multiclassing Rogue/Wizard of the same levels would have a total of Fort: 0, Ref: 3, Will: 2 Other heroic overlays might just influence special abilities, or skill sets, or feat sets. Normal skill and feat acquisition rates, however, should not be controlled the overlay, but remain a part of the Base Class as presented by the Players Handbook. Some heroic overlays may not have several affiliates (as do the bard colleges presented herein), but rather may only influence two, three or four levels of a characters career. The modern college and university system would fall into this category. A character would study for four levels to gain a set of skills and/or feats connected to the college to earn a specific degree. By careful building, heroic overlays can allow for a very flexible system to add to the unique flavor of a campaign, and allow for character types that dont, and cant exist by use of standard classes, or other special class types alone. It is important to reiterate that game balance is crucial in the development of heroic overlays. For every positive aspect, there should be a corresponding negative of near equal value. It is also important to make sure that the core advancements arent changed so that the classes still maintain parity with other classes in D&D. Notes on Creating the Bardic Colleges: In order to create the bardic colleges, I determined the college level divisions. I used the traditional Irish/Welsh bardic college structure represented by Gary Gygaxs first edition bard as a starting pointand fit it into the 20 levels of character advancement. Each college should generally contain more than one level (with some rare exceptions where necessary), and fewer than five levels. Associated colleges need not be consistent in class levels, but they should be mostly so, and have a good rationale for any inconsistency. In my case, the Ollaire group as probationers, and the Ollaimh as graduates made for easy

non-standard length colleges because of their positions as the first and last college levels. I wanted each college to portray a focus. In the bardic colleges, some colleges were closely related to the normal bard, others show a strong druidic influence, while others are more similar to wizard or fighter. These choices helped mold how each college was going to stand apart from other colleges with regard to abilities and skills. Because the entire class is predicated on the bard, each college still maintains a strong affinity with that base class. I tried to give each college a strong flavor and focus, and heightened this by keeping them somewhat separate in affiliation (and strengthened this by separating them into upper and lower divisions). In this I was helped, somewhat, by the real divisions that existed in Irish and Welsh bardic traditions. Finally, I had to determine what character attributes the colleges governed, and what areas the colleges influenced. This is, perhaps, the most difficult area, because it requires continual eye on game balance. Ultimately, I decided the college should bundle spells known, spell strictures (to slow spell acquisition), alignment requirement (to restrict the class), bardic ability use, skills allowed, and deafness to performance/ casting percentage. The class levels maintained spells per day as well as actual progression in attacks, saves and core class aspects like class skill max ranks, crossclass skill max ranks, feats and ability increase remain standard. Because each college serves as an Heroic Overlay, it is important that the same care in making these be taken as with developing other partial class concepts. In the case of the bardic colleges, I balanced increase in spell selection and increased abilities with the performance check for spell casting. In some college levels (Ollamh specifically), there was no clearly defined relation with any specific rate, so I made a choice that slowed abilities, but also increased the offensive capacity of the bard with regard to weaponry known (these were more predicated on the first game edition of the bard rather than on historical association with combat.) In some instances, I used the college to flatten out class aspects, as in the spells known attribute. Because these bards learn spells by serendipity as much as by level advancement, I wanted to make sure that this aspect nodded to a broader advancement. Bards have the capacity to know spells faster than the standard, but the serendipitous nature of a bards coming by spells will slow this down in game play. Finally, I collapsed the seven separate colleges (microclasses) into a single class. This worked in this instance because the colleges are bundled into a system in which each college is a pre-requisite for the college after it, and the total number of character levels in relation to all the college levels, in this case, matches the twenty levels for a standard class.


Go raibh mile maith agat! Thanks!

Id like to recognize several people whose work really made this happen: Obviously, Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson for coming up with D&D in the first place, WotC and the talented creators of the new edition (and Peter for letting me run a bard in a test game in Renton a good year before this version of D&D came out; they even let me sing!), Monte Cook for his Eldritch Might II, which set me thinking about bard design, again. And tons of people with web sites about bards, druids, Celts, Ogham, the Irish, the Welsh, etc., etc. but notably: Leigh T. Denault (www.watson.org/%7Eleigh/celts.html), Cathleen Whittaker (www.cldproducts.com/ogham/ogmean.html), Susan Bosler (www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/3951/dryadart.html), Curtis Clark (www.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/ ogham/), Chris Thurtle (www.geocities.com/Vienna/ 2662/main.html), Sean Tuathal (www.imbas.org/eaw.htm), Karl Raimund (www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a8700035/celtreli.html), C.E.L.T. (www.ucc.ie/celt/publishd.html), Brehon Aid (ua_tuathal.tripod.com/ brehonaid.html), John F. Wright (www.illusions.com/rowanhold/3things.htm), W.J. Bethancourt III (amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/ onbards.htm), Lisa L. Spangenberg (www.digitalmedievalist.com/faqs/druid.html), (www.users.bigpond.com/troy-kim/bard.html), (www.paganspath.com/magik/celtic/ history-bards.htm), Mara Freeman (www.celticspirit.org/wordofskill.htm), Brian Cook (bvsd.k12.co.us/cent/Newspaper/sep95/bard_BC.html), (www.celtica.wales.com/ hanesfa/celtiaid/pennod7/p58.html), (druidry.org), and Chadwick, Nora. The Celts. New York: Penguin, 1971. Foster, R.F., ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989. Rutherford, Ward. Celtic Mythology. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: The Aquarian Press, 1989. and Rees, Alwyn and Brinley Rees, Celtic Heritage, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1961. Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. New York: Octagon Books, 1976.

Special thanks to Lark in the Morning for allowing me to use the images of many of the instruments that appear in this text. Photos of instruments belong to Lark in the Morning from www.larkinthemorning.com with permission. Any use of these images is prohibited without express written consent of Lark in the Morning. Check this site out for a wide array of historical instruments and instruments from around the world.
List of helpful books for generating bardic tales/poetry: Celtic Fairy Tales and More Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, Celtic Myths and Legends by T.W. Rolleston, Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland by W.B. Yeats, Scottish Folk-tales and Legends by Barbara Ker Wilson, The Welsh Fairy Book by W. Jenkyn Thomas, A Treasury of Irish Folklore by Padraic Colum, Read Aloud Celtic Myths and Legends by Joan C. Verniero and The Mabinogion trans. By Patrick K. Ford. For Norse additions see The Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley Holland, Poems of the Vikings trans. Patricia Terry, The Prose Edda trans. Jean I. Young, Egils Saga trans. Hermann Plsson and Paul Edwards, Hrafnkels Saga and Other Stories trans. Hermann Plsson, Grettirs Saga trans. Denton Fox and Hermann Plsson, The Vinland Sagas (Grnlendiga Saga and Eiriks Saga) trans. Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Plsson, Njals Saga trans. Magnus Magnusson and Herman Plsson, Laxdla Saga trans. Magnus Magnusson and Herman Plsson, The Story of Gisli trans. George Johnston and The Saga of the Volsungs trans. Jesse L. Byock. For Anglo-Saxon see Beowulf (many translations), and Poems from the Old English trans. Burton Raffel.

TSR/WoTC books referenced: D&D Players Handbook v. 3.5 (2000), D&D Dungeon Masters Guide v. 3.5 (2000). Additionally, some spells from Monte Cooks Book of Eldritch Might (2001) and Book of Eldritch Might II: Songs and Souls of Power (2002) both from Malhavoc Press, available on-line and in print are included in the spell list.


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Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

This material is Open Game Content, and is licensed for public use under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a.


THE D20 SYSTEM LICENSE VERSION 1.0 By downloading the enclosed graphic files and/or by returning the Confirmation Card as presented in the file "card.pdf," the Licensee ("You") accept to be bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. Copyright & Trademark Wizards of the Coast, Inc. retains title and ownership of the d20 System trademark logos, the d20 System trademark, and all other copyrights and trademarks claimed by Wizards of the Coast in The Official Wizards of the Coast d20 System Trademark Logo Guide version 1.0, incorporated here by reference. 2. License to use You are hereby granted the non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the d20 System trademark logos, the d20 System trademark, and certain other trademarks and copyrights owned by Wizards of the Coast in accordance with the conditions specified in The Official Wizards of the Coast d20 System Trademark Logo Guide version 1.0. (the "Licensed Articles") 3. Agreement not to Contest By making use of and/or distributing material using the d20 System Trademark under the terms of this License, You agree not to contest the ownership of the Licensed Articles 4. Breach and Cure In the event that You fail to comply with the terms of this License, You will be considered to be in breach of this License. Wizards of the Coast will attempt to notify you in writing by sending a Registered Letter to the address listed on the most recent Confirmation Card on file, if any. You will have 45 days from the date the notice (the "cure period") to cure the breach to the satisfaction of Wizards of the Coast. If no Confirmation Card is on file, you will be considered to be in breach of this License immediately. 5. Termination If, at the end of the cure period, the breach is not cured, Wizards of the Coast may terminate this License without further written notice to You. 6. Effects of Termination Upon termination, You shall immediately stop all use of the Licensed Articles and will destroy any inventory or marketing material in Your possession bearing the d20 System Trademark logos. You will remove any use of the d20 System Trademark logos from your advertising, web site, letterhead, or any other use. You must instruct any company or individual that You are or become aware of who is in possession of any materials distributed by You bearing the d20 System Trademark logos to destroy those materials. You will solely bear any costs related to carrying out this term of the License. 7. Penalty for Failure to Comply with Termination Instructions If You fail to comply with the Effects of Termination, Wizards of the Coast may, at its option, pursue litigation, for which You shall be responsible for all legal costs, against You to the full extent of the law for breach of contract, copyright and trademark infringement, damages and any other remedy available. 8. Updates Wizards of the Coast may issue updates and/or new releases of the d20 System Trademark logos without prior notice. You will, at the earliest possible opportunity, update all material distributed by You to use the updated and/or new version of the d20 System Trademark logos. You may continue to distribute any pre-existing material that bears an older version of the d20 System Trademark logo. 9. Changes to Terms of the License Wizards of the Coast may issue updates and/or revisions to this License without prior notice. You will, at the earliest possible opportunity, conform in all respects to the updated or revised terms of this License. For a period of 90 days You may continue to distribute any pre-existing material that complies with a previous version of the License. Thereafter written consent should be obtained from Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this License will bear a different version number. 10. Updates of Licensee information You may transmit an updated version of the "card.pdf" Confirmation Card at any time to Wizards of the Coast. 11. Notices to Licensor: Wizards of the Coast d20 System License Dept. PO Box 707 Renton, WA 98057-0707 12. No maintenance or support Wizards of the Coast shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide You with any kind of maintenance or support in relation to the d20 System Trademark logos. 13. No Warranty / Disclaimer THE d20 SYSTEM TRADEMARK LOGO FILES ARE MADE AVAILABLE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. WIZARDS OF THE COAST DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, USE OR MERCHANTABILITY. WIZARDS OF THE COAST MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY THAT THE d20 SYSTEM TRADEMARK LOGO FILES ARE ERROR-FREE.


Male Elf Bard 4 (Fochloc College: Drisac): CR 4; Mediumsize humanoid (half-elf); HD 4d6+4; hp 20; Init +3; Spd 30; AC 20, touch 13, flat footed 17; Atk +4 (1d8+1 +1 longsword) or +7 ranged (1d6+1 +1 arrows) or +6 ranged touch (by spell); SQ Elven traits, Bardic Gifts, Bardic Knowledge; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17. Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Climb +5, Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +4, Hide +6, Intimidate +3, Intuit Direction +2, Listen +2, Move Silently +6, Perform (bandore) +6 (melody) +2 (storytelling) +1, Rote Memory +2, Sense Motive +3, Speak Language (Common, Elven), Swim +4, Tumble +5; Expertise, Following the Muse Elven Traits: Immunity to sleep; +2 vs. Enchantment; Low Light Vision; +1 bonus Listen, Search, Spot; Elven Blood Bardic Abilities: Enrapture: Fascinate; Inspiration: Competence, Countersong, Courage; Satire: Lampoon Bardic Knowledge: Basic Druidic Craft: Speak Language (Ogham) College Abilities: Gift abilities 3x/day, Deafness Failure: 19% Bard Spells Known: 3/2 Possessions: +1 Longsword, Bards Robe (Fochloc: Protection vs. Evil), Longbow, Dagger +2, Bandura (uncertain properties), +2 Studded Leather Armor, 2 potions cure moderate wounds, 1 potion of flying., 50 +1 arrows, The Nineteen Tales (Tna). Morgan is the son of a well-known proprietor of a celebrated Elvish inn in a city of great renown. Under his fathers tutelage, Morgan followed the path of the College Bardsi. At present, he is attempting to determine the specific status of a group of small, deposed kingdomlets in the aftermath of a horrific continent-wide struggle. Morgan is a free soul, as is true of many bards. He is fairly quick to take offense where sometimes none is meant. He fancies himself a ladies man, and ladies do often fall to his charms.. He is generally compassionate and does usually care somewhat for the young ladies upon whom his fancy. At times he sets his sights on women of too high a station. He is brave, but not foolhardy in battle. He will undertake dangerous actions to help those he perceives to be in need. Injustice infuriates him, although he often prefers to visit his own justice on wrongdoers rather than wait on authorities. Morgans favored instrument is the bandura that his father gifted him when he was promoted to the Fochloc College. The instrument is purported to have magical properties. He has a fine second tenor voice, and prefers catchy limericks and puns as much as more serious verse. He likes telling stories to children, to brighten their lives. He recently has learned one of the fabled Nineteen tales, Tna (Raids), and is trying to best determine how to use it..

Morgans Bandura


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