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Dragon Harvest - GM Binder

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Dragon Harvesting

A reason to throw a party in your local village

Dragon Harvesting
Table for simple Dragon weapons
Harvesting dragon components is not easy. Players must have
the appropriate knowledge, tools, time and storage for the Dragon
harvested parts.
A character can attempt to harvest one of the items listed Wyrmling +0 20 gp 5 gp No
below by making either a Survival, Nature or Arcana check. Young +1 200 gp 50 gp No
Consult the tables below for a more specific approach. The
DC varies from part to part as well as, the size of the Dragon, Adult +2 1000 gp 250 gp Maybe
and for every day the dragon has been dead the DC goes up by Ancient +3 2500 gp 625 gp Yes
3. The preserve life spell can postpone this effect.
When you roll a low number even though you succeeded

the check, take into consideration that maybe the dragon was Dragon Meat: A common misconception that people usually
injured or that it was diseased somehow. Or even, that your make, is that dragon flesh does not contain any magical
character is new to the craft of harvesting dragons and you benefit. It does however contain many culinary benefits. The
made some mistakes as well. exact flavor differs depending on the type of dragon it was
Harvesting the dragon taken from, but anybody that has eaten a dragon steak claims
that it puts even the most exquisite aged beef to shame. There
The easy ones are many royal cooks that would pay a high sum for just a
These parts are easily harvested, any experienced adventurer pound of this delicacy.
can do it with a well sharpened dagger, unless stated Roll the amount of meat in (lbs) using the following table,
otherwise. Specific tools for the craft (harvesting tools) are each pound of meat is worth 2 + (rarity of the dragon) (gp).
recommended when undertaking this endeavor for a faster
and better result. Usage of the proper tools cuts the time in Table for meat harvesting
half and lets you had your proficiency bonus to any check, if Wyrmling Young Adult Ancient
you are proficient with them. 2d6 lbs. 4d8 lbs. 6d10 lbs. 8d12 lbs.
The recommended roll for the skill DC check in this
section is Survival (Wisdom).

Dragon Blood: The blood of an ancient dragon is one of the
Teeth: The teeth of a dragon have been the end of many a most powerful spell reagents and potion ingredients in
hapless adventurer. A master fletcher can craft a special set of existence. Even besides its use in the birth of half-dragon
arrows from them turning the tables on this old feud between soldiers and other rituals, legends told among children and
man and dragon. drunks in the local tavern, the most common use of potent
No matter the size of the dragon, each teeth can be made dragon blood is to make a potion that can imbue the drinker
into an arrow +1 using a woodcarver's tools, or a master with the same strengths as the dragon it was taken from.
fletcher can make a bundle (20) of them for 10 gp. Wyrmling This blood can be used to make Potions of Dragonstrength.
teeth make normal arrows though, arrows that are more Each liter (L) of blood is equivalent to 1 lb. To drain the blood
fiercely looking. A dragon has approximately 40 harvestable you require the harvesting kit and some containers, you can
teeth in its mouth. Each is worth 2 gp, you can sell them for also improvise some tools, maybe. Roll the amount of blood in
half that easely. Roll a 6d6 + 4 to see how many you harvest. (L) using the following table.

Table for blood harvesting
Fangs: The teeth devour you, but the fangs kill you before Blood Roll for (L) per gp per
that, long and sharp they are among some of the most deadly Size Rarity (L) Blood (L) Potion (L)
weapons in the natural world. Wyrmling Common 10 2d4 + 2 2 10
Any dragon has four fangs that can be used to make
javelins, these javelins are unbreakable. And are small and Young Uncommon 24 3d6 + 6 6 40
light enough that you can fit six in a quiver of four javelins. Adult Rare 60 8d6 + 12 15 80
Roll a 1d4 to see how many you have successfully harvested.
Ancient Very Rare 100 8d10 + 20 25 120

Claws: Sharp enough to scratch and cut through the flesh of a Note: All the prices here, in this page, are those that a
another dragon, one can only imagine the sharpness of the character would buy in the proper market, selling is half that
blade made from them. Sadly they are only big enough for value, except for the meat. Talk with your DM and table about
daggers, like a throwing dagger or a normal one. what this would mean to the economy of your game.
Excluding wyrmlings, any dragon has fourteen claws that
can be used to make such daggers, these daggers are
unbreakable. Roll 1d12 + 2 to see how many you harvest.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The tricky ones Note: The Dragon Scale Mail mentioned above can be found

The following organs can be harvested: larynx, tongue, in the Dungeon's Master Guide page 165. Adjust accordingly. Scale
stomach, brain, trachea, lungs, gizzards, liver, spine cord, many
spinal cord fluid, spleens, kidneys... etc. The sheer amount of ancie
organs a dragon has, is just as astounding as the creature enoug
itself, and to catalogue all of them would be a futile endeavor. is eas
To this day most of the organs collected were and will find a
continue to be misused by alchemists, doctors and crafters a func
alike. *Con
Most of the professionals who have mastered the drago
"dragoncraft", choose to focus on the well known properties of Tabl
some, such as, the bones, the scales, the wings and the horns.
Wyrmling dragon parts aren't traded for this craft as they Drag
aren't deemed good enough for the current standards. siz
The reccomended roll for the skill DC check in this You
section is Nature (Intelligence). And you always collect the
bones, horns, wings and scales from the dragon, but if your
harvesting skills are sloppy (failing the skill check), the Adu
materials collected aren't as pristine as a master craftsman
would like them to be. The crafted weapons take a penalty
of -1 to the their weapon modifier, as well as their rarity for the
purpose of magical effects.

Bones: Dragon bones are great for making sturdy and well
balanced handles for weapons, not to mention that when Y
milled down to powder and mixed with the iron and steel A
sludge, the final product is of exquisite value, performance
and beauty. Consider the weapons made from this material An
as resistant but not unbreakable.
Each leg (2) can make a bow and each arm (2) can make a Drag
sword, or equivalent weapons. The rest are powdered down to Y
make reagents either for the metalurgic sludge used to forge,
weapons and armor or, spells and magic. A

Horns: Depending on the type of dragon, a horn or a No

prominent spine may adorn their head, usually only one or ment
two of these exist in a dragon. In either case, the bony relate
protrusion may be sawed off and used as a basis for Talk t
exceptionally powerful wands and staffs. The resulting work is of you
usually similar to a wand/staff of the War Mage. Work with ocurr
your DM to see if there is some kind of latent power in the
horn that worked beneficially with your crafting methods, and Tabl
or additional materials, that caused it to display an additional
magical effect in the crafted wand or staff.

Wings: The wings of a dragon defy any common sense of
natural law. Consider their immense size, it shouldn't be
possible to lift a form as massive as the dragon they bear, and
yet they do. Only a force of magical nature can be behind this,
ingrained in their leathery membranes, exists something
capable of magic and thus making such flight possible.
Cloaks that are usually fashioned from these materials and
combined with modern reagents, may have their magical
properties altered from that of flight magic that the dragon
uses. Either way, the mouths of those that look upon it usually
touch the floor in awe of its majesty.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The deadly ones If you fail the check, the heart has released its residual magic.

You have slain the beast, dismembered its body, sliced open its You, the nearest one to the core are now cursed with

skin, eviscerated its guts and you have reach and are thinking dragon's disease. Dra
of removing the source of its power. The heart, and the Won
droconis fundamentum, also known as the breath pouch, the
dragon's deadliest weapon. Yo
Your colleagues call you a madman and cower behind those ([Stre
rocks that, not too long ago you were also cowering behind to diffe
avoid the very power you now seek. You can feel its pulsating char
energy even though you are sure that the heart is beatless. You
have heard the stories of warriors who slew the beast only to Mod
perish to their last deadly trap. An ill-timed cut rupturing the large
imense energy upon them. You strengthen your steel, you of 5
steady your hand, measuring twice before cutting.

When rolling for the success of this endeavor consult the table the
for skill check DC and consider the recommend roll, that is the d
an Arcana (Intelligence) Check. These actions are high risk -
high reward. You either get the prize or you get burned, brea
literally maybe. If
You must first successfully remove the Draconis your
fundamentum before attempting to remove the heart, because
they are connected and doing it differently would be a poss
guaranteed suicide. D

Draconis Fundamentum: When the word "dragon" is uttered, mor
people tend to think of three things: wings, scales and breath.
Located at the back of the dragon's throat, near the heart, is a
sack as big as a bag of flour (1 cubic ft.) or a barrel of ale,

depending on the size of the dragon, full of magical fluids that

the dragon produces with its glands naturally. While the liquid Dra
and their resulting exhalation differ depending on the dragon
and its color, they all share the same result. Death to those Won
who receive it. As
Harvesting one of these without rupturing them is a task no obse
mortal man should want to take. A wrong cut, an ill timed
squeeze can rupture it rendering the harvester nearly dead, if reac
not actually dead. But the result should he or she succeed is a whe
concentrated pouch of destruction no alchemist has been able the d
to match yet. The breath of a dragon, its potential for
destruction, within the palm of your hand. M

be t
If you fail the check, the sack as ruptured and consider the drag
item Draconis Fundamentum has having exploded right in
front of you. The heart has been destroyed in the process has As
is most of the carcass you haven't salvaged yet. chan

Heart: Whether they were good or evil, a dragon is a akin to a bone
force of nature and possessing the heart of a dragon is no trans
small matter (even ignoring the fact that it is between the size You
of a gnome to that of a dwarf, depending on the size of the that
dragon). Through ancient rituals and careful forging, the heart is th
can be transformed into a crystal that imparts the traits of a
dragon onto its wielder; for better or for worse. Th


This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Becoming a dragon

One way of beginning the journey to become a dragon is by Cloak of Dragon Flight
crafting a Dragonstone and becoming a half-dragon. To craft
this item you must either find a legendary craftsman or an Wondrous item, Rare (requires attunement)
ancient dragon that is willing to instill their magic onto you, or This long cloak resembles the leathery membranes of a
in this case your Dragonstone. These services aren't payed
with gold. They are traded with either a quest to fulfill or a dragon’s wings and shines the same shade as the dragon from
pact. You will be tested in ways you never imagined were whom it was crafted. You gain +1 AC, +1 to all saving throws and
possible and endure hardships along the way. But this is a resistance to the damage type corresponding to the same dragon.
dream many a lad, such as yourself, have had since young age.
To soar through the sky as roaring majestic dragon. While wearing this cloak, you may speak the command word to
transform them into a small pair of dragon wings on your back.
They remain in this form for 1 hour or until you speak the
Dragon Stone command word again. The wings grant you a fly speed of 60 feet.
Wondrous item, Very rare (Adult), Legendary (Ancient)
Once used, this ability cannot be used again until 1d6 hours
Crafted with: Dragon Heart x1 (rarity varies) have passed. If after 1 hour you are still in flight using the wings,
their flight magic will stop and you will begin free falling. The cloak
You may focus on this item for 1 minute while holding it in
warns you 10 minutes before this happens.
order to transform into a half-dragon version of yourself. In this
form, you retain all your statistics with the following additions:

You gain a blindsight with a radius of 15 feet and darkvision

with a radius of 60 feet. If you already have any of these Cloak of Dragon Wings
visions, add these values to your current humanoid sight. Wondrous item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
You gain immunity to the damage type corresponding to the
dragon from whom this item was crafted. This long cloak resembles the leathery membranes of a
You can speak Draconic along with any other languages you dragon’s wings and shines the same shade as the dragon from
already know. whom it was crafted. You gain +1 AC, +2 to all saving throws and
You may spend an action to perform the breath weapon
resistance to the damage type corresponding to the same dragon.
equivalent of the young dragon from whom this item was
crafted from (Recharges on a 5-6).
- While in half-dragon form, While wearing this cloak, you may speak the command word to
your personality changes to align with that of your dragon
transform them into a pair of dragon wings on your back. They
remains in this form for X hours or until you speak the command
If you are attuned to the adult dragon version of this item, your word again. The wings grant you a fly speed of 80 feet.
half-dragon form lasts for 8 hours or until you either; spend 1
Once used, this ability cannot be used again until Xd4 hours
minute focusing on the dragon stone again to transform back; you
have passed. X has minimum of one and the hours used will
die; or you break your attunement to the dragon stone. Once the
always round up, up to a maximum of 6 hours. If after 6 hours you
transformation is reversed, you cannot use the stone again until
are still in flight using the wings, their flight magic will stop and
6d4 hours have passed.
you will begin free falling. The cloak warns you 10 minutes before
If you are attuned to the ancient dragon version of this item, not this happens.
only does the transformation last 24 hours, you may engage in
deep meditation with the dragon stone for a continuous 24 hours
while in half-dragon form. Once those 24 hours have finished,
your half-dragon form is permanent, and the dragon stone
Potion of Dragonstrength
crumbles into dust and is absorbed into your body. Potion, common (wyrmling), uncommon (young), rare (adult), very
rare (ancient)

The rarity and strength of this potion differs depending on the

age category of the dragon it was harvested from. It's effects are
Cloak of Dragon Protection
similar to that of healing potion, except it's slightly stronger.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
When you drink this potion, you recover hit points
While wearing this cloak, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and
corresponding to the rarity of the potion. In addition, you gain
resistance to the damage type corresponding to the dragon from
resistance to the damage type of the dragon it was crafted from. It
whom this item was crafted.
lasts 1 minute if it's crafted from a wyrmling's blood.

(Young - 1 hour; Adult - 2 hours; Ancient - 4 hours).

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This is the alpha version of the document, the finished one
isn't out yet.
To do list:
Times for each harvesting action, suggestion.
Explaining the formulas behind the prices?
More and different items dragon related.
Items that aren't dragon related but enhanced using their
How much does a master "dragoncrafter" bill you? is he a
rare smith in the world?
Recheck all items and separate them better. When more
content is made split them more evenly and in a less
condensed (resume) manner.
is the heart to valubale? should he available in the young?
make it cheaper and a weaker item?
Put bounty table - check excel WYAA - 125 (gp); 3000 (gp) ;
12500 (gp) ; 40 000 (gp) based on the prices of the best
collection possible without the heart.
what item can the young dragon heart make?
Change log
Fixed some typos
Changed the dragonstone to exclude the young dragon
Changed a lapse in the table for items from tricky parts
where Dragon flight and Dragon wings where mixed.
Chaged the values in the table relating to the value of a
heart of a young and adult dragon, from 20 000 gp to 5
000 gp and from 50 000 to 40 000 gp, respectively.
DMs now should consider if the dragon scale mail is just
as good as the one in the DMG.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
  This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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