Fire Alarm - Home Use
Home fire alarms require low power signal processing and control circuits along with environmental resistance.
ROHM's speech playback MCUs integrate components like a high-efficiency high output (up to 1W) Class D amplifier into a single chip, enabling the creation of smaller, more energy-efficient devices.
Reference Design
ROHM provides a system-level evaluation board (solution board) that combines ROHM's IC and discrete products. We have already solved not only the characteristics of individual products but also the problems that may occur when combining them to build a system, thus contributing significantly to the reduction of development time for our customers.
ROHM Solution Simulator
ROHM Solution Simulator is a new web-based electronic circuit simulation tool that can carry out a variety of simulations, from initial development that involves component selection and individual device verification to the system-level verification stage. This makes it possible to quickly and easily implement complete circuit verification of ROHM power devices (i.e. SiC) and ICs (e.g. driver and power supply ICs), in simulation circuits under close to actual conditions, significantly reducing application development efforts.
*MyROHM Login Required.
Design Model
ROHM offers simulation models, including thermal models, PLECS models, and Ray files, for circuit and thermal simulations of discretes and ICs, including power devices.
Energy Saving Innovation Starts at ROHM - High Performance Edition -
- Nano Power Supply Technology Brochure
- Low Power Microcontrollers Catalog
- Next Generation Op Amp Brochure