ROHM TCR Calculation Tool

T.C.R Calculation Tool

This tool is TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) calculator.
[Input Value]
Resistance value
Please input between 0.1mΩ to 100MΩ
Please input value
Please enter the numeric.
T.C.R (Temperature Coefficient)
+   [ppm/℃]
Please input value
Please enter the numeric.
Please input value
Please enter the numeric.
Reference Temperature
Please input value
Please enter the numeric.
Please input Min Temp =< Ref Temp
Please input Ref Temp =< Max Temp
Minimum Temperature
Please input value
Please enter the numeric.
Please input Min Temp =< Ref Temp
Please input Min Temp =< Max Temp
Maximum Temperature
Please input value
Please enter the numeric.
Please input Min Temp =< Max Temp
Please input Ref Temp =< Max Temp
  • (1) Resistance value of the part is a measured value at the specific criteria temperature. It is usually 25℃ or 20℃.
  • (2) This tool is to see the change of standard value when temperature changes, but not to show the change in resistance.