

The pension system has a basic component and an income-related, defined-benefit component. Those who are not eligible for a basic pension receive a social assistance benefit.

The Constitution of the Republic of Venezuela, adopted in 1999, upholds equal rights for men and women in all areas of daily life. It also prohibits all forms of discrimination. Article 88 recognises the economic and social value of domestic work.

Since our creation in 1957, almost 50 years ago, the Asociación Venezolana de Ejecutivos (AVE, Venezuelan Association of Executives ( www.ave.org.ve ) has strived to be the national reference for best corporate and managerial practices, based on models specifically designed and adapted to our local realities.

Distribuição dos Emigrantes Colombianos por Atividade nos Três Principais Destinos appears in Perspectivas Econômicas da América Latina 2010.

French, Spanish, English

Setor de Atividade de Trabalhadores Nativos e Estrangeiros na Argentina e Costa Rica appears in Perspectivas Econômicas da América Latina 2010.

French, Spanish, English

Actividades de los trabajadores nativos y extranjeros en Argentina, Costa Rica y Venezuela appears in Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2010.

French, English, Portuguese

Distribution of Colombian Emigrants by Activity in Three Main Destinations (circa 2000, percentage of total workers) appears in Latin American Economic Outlook 2010.

Portuguese, Spanish, French

Secteur d'activité des travailleurs autochtones et étrangers en Argentine, au Costa Rica et au Venezuela (pourcentage de travailleurs autochtones et étrangers, circa 2000) est issu de Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine 2010 (chapitre 3).

English, Spanish, Portuguese

Répartition des émigrants colombiens par activité dans les trois principaux pays d'accueil (circa 2000, en pourcentage du total des travailleurs) est issu de Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine 2010.

Portuguese, English, Spanish

Sector of activity of natives and foreign workers in Argentina, Venezuela and Costa Rica (Percentage of native and foreign workers, circa 2000) appears in Latin American Economic Outlook 2010.

Portuguese, French, Spanish
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