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29 pages, 6126 KiB  
Keplerian Ringed-Disk Viscous-Diffusive Evolution and Combined Independent General Relativistic Evolutions
by Daniela Pugliese, Zdenek Stuchlík and Vladimir Karas
We investigate the evolution of a set of viscous rings, solving a diffusion-like evolution equation in the (Keplerian disk) Newtonian regime. The Lynden-Bell and Pringle approach for a single disk regime is applied to a disk with a ring profile mimicking a set [...] Read more.
We investigate the evolution of a set of viscous rings, solving a diffusion-like evolution equation in the (Keplerian disk) Newtonian regime. The Lynden-Bell and Pringle approach for a single disk regime is applied to a disk with a ring profile mimicking a set of orbiting viscous rings. We discuss the time evolution of the disk, adopting different initial wavy (ringed) density profiles. Four different stages of the ring-cluster evolution are distinguished. In the second part of this analysis, we also explore the general relativistic framework by investigating the time evolution of composed systems of general relativistic co-rotating and counter-rotating equatorial disks orbiting a central Kerr black hole for faster spinning and slowly spinning black holes. In the sideline of this analysis, we consider a modified viscosity prescription mimicking an effective viscosity in the general relativistic ring interspace acting in the early phases of the rings’ evolutions, exploring the double system dynamics. Each ring of the separate sequence spreads inside the cluster modifying its inner structure following the rings merging. As the original ringed structure disappears, a single disk appears. The final configuration has a (well-defined) density peak, and its evolution turns in the final stages are dominated by its activity at the inner edge. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gravitation)
20 pages, 5772 KiB  
A Generalized Shape Function for Vibration Suppression Analysis of Acoustic Black Hole Beams Based on Fractional Calculus Theory
by Jun Xu and Ning Chen
Appl. Sci. 2025, 15(5), 2768; - 4 Mar 2025
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In this paper, a generalized acoustic black hole (ABH) beam covered with a viscoelastic layer is proposed to improve the energy dissipation based on the double-parameter Mittag–Leffler (ML) function. Since fractional-order constitutive models can more accurately capture the properties of viscoelastic materials, a [...] Read more.
In this paper, a generalized acoustic black hole (ABH) beam covered with a viscoelastic layer is proposed to improve the energy dissipation based on the double-parameter Mittag–Leffler (ML) function. Since fractional-order constitutive models can more accurately capture the properties of viscoelastic materials, a fractional dynamic model of an ABH structure covered with viscoelastic film is established based on the fractional Kelvin–Voigt constitutive equation and the mechanical analysis of composite structures. To analyze the energy dissipation of the viscoelastic ML-ABH structures under steady-state conditions, the wave method is introduced, and the theory of vibration wave transmission in such non-uniform structures is extended. The effects of the fractional order, the film thickness and length, and shape function parameters on the dynamic characteristics of the ABH structure are systematically investigated. The study reveals that these parameters have a significant impact on the vibration characteristics of the ABH structure. To obtain the best parameters of the shape function under various parameters, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is employed. The results demonstrate that by selecting appropriate ML parameters and viscoelastic materials, the dissipation characteristics of the structure can be significantly improved. This research provides a theoretical foundation for structural vibration reduction in ABH structures. Full article
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10 pages, 585 KiB  
The Quantum Relative Entropy of the Schwarzschild Black Hole and the Area Law
by Ginestra Bianconi
Entropy 2025, 27(3), 266; - 4 Mar 2025
Viewed by 88
The area law obeyed by the thermodynamic entropy of black holes is one of the fundamental results relating gravity to statistical mechanics. In this work, we provide a derivation of the area law for the quantum relative entropy of the Schwarzschild black hole [...] Read more.
The area law obeyed by the thermodynamic entropy of black holes is one of the fundamental results relating gravity to statistical mechanics. In this work, we provide a derivation of the area law for the quantum relative entropy of the Schwarzschild black hole for an arbitrary Schwarzschild radius. The quantum relative entropy between the metric of the manifold and the metric induced by the geometry and the matter field has been proposed in G. Bianconi as the action for entropic quantum gravity leading to modified Einstein equations. The quantum relative entropy generalizes Araki’s entropy and treats the metrics between zero-forms, one-forms, and two-forms as quantum operators. Although the Schwarzschild metric is not an exact solution of the modified Einstein equations of the entropic quantum gravity, it is an approximate solution valid in the low-coupling, small-curvature limit. Here, we show that the quantum relative entropy associated to the Schwarzschild metric obeys the area law for a large Schwarzschild radius. We provide a full statistical mechanics interpretation of the results. Full article
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15 pages, 290 KiB  
Quasi-Homogeneous Black Hole Thermodynamics in Non-Commutative Geometry
by Hernando Quevedo and María N. Quevedo
Universe 2025, 11(3), 79; - 27 Feb 2025
Viewed by 226
We study the thermodynamic properties of a black hole that takes into account the effects of non-commutative geometry. To emphasize the role of new effects, we have chosen a specific modified Schwarzschild black hole inspired by non-commutative geometry. We show that, in order [...] Read more.
We study the thermodynamic properties of a black hole that takes into account the effects of non-commutative geometry. To emphasize the role of new effects, we have chosen a specific modified Schwarzschild black hole inspired by non-commutative geometry. We show that, in order to apply the laws of quasi-homogeneous thermodynamics using the formalism of geometrothermodynamics, it is necessary to consider the non-commutative parameter as an independent thermodynamic variable. As a result, the properties of the black hole change drastically, leading to phase transitions that are directly related to the value of the non-commutative parameter. We also prove that an unstable commutative black hole can become stable in non-commutative geometry for particular values of the non-commutative parameter. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Open Questions in Black Hole Physics)
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20 pages, 3150 KiB  
Simulating the Evolution of von Neumann Entropy in Black Hole Hawking Radiation Using Biphoton Entanglement
by Zhuoying Li, Haoshen Fan, Xingwen Zhao, Qinfei Wu, Ji Bian, Yang Liu and Le Luo
Entropy 2025, 27(3), 236; - 25 Feb 2025
Viewed by 167
Addressing the black hole information paradox necessitates the exploration of various hypotheses and theoretical frameworks. Among these, the proposition to utilize quantum entanglement, as introduced by Don N. Page, shows great promise. This study builds upon Page’s theoretical foundation and proposes a simplified [...] Read more.
Addressing the black hole information paradox necessitates the exploration of various hypotheses and theoretical frameworks. Among these, the proposition to utilize quantum entanglement, as introduced by Don N. Page, shows great promise. This study builds upon Page’s theoretical foundation and proposes a simplified model for elucidating the evolution of black hole von Neumann entropy. This model simulates the process of Hawking radiation using entangled photon pairs. Our experiment suggests that quantum entanglement may offer a plausible avenue for resolving the paradox, thereby lending support to Page’s proposal. The results suggest that this model may contribution to the exploration of one of the most profound puzzles in theoretical physics. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Entanglement—Second Edition)
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17 pages, 744 KiB  
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays from Active Galactic Nuclei Jets: The Role of Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Accretion States
by Olmo Piana and Hung-Yi Pu
Universe 2025, 11(3), 78; - 24 Feb 2025
Viewed by 276
Jets emanating from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) represent some of the most formidable particle accelerators in the universe, thereby emerging as viable candidates responsible for the detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). If AGN jets indeed serve as origins of UHECRs, then the [...] Read more.
Jets emanating from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) represent some of the most formidable particle accelerators in the universe, thereby emerging as viable candidates responsible for the detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). If AGN jets indeed serve as origins of UHECRs, then the diffuse flux of these cosmic rays would be dependent on the power and duty cycle of these jets, which are inherently connected to the nature of black hole accretion flows. In this article, we present our cosmological semi-analytic framework, JET (Jets from Early Times), designed to trace the evolution of jetted AGN populations. This framework serves as a valuable tool for predictive analyses of cosmic ray energy density and, potentially, neutrino energy density. By using JET, we model the formation and evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) from z=20 to z=1, incorporating jet formation and feedback mechanisms and distinguishing between various accretion states determined by the SMBH Eddington ratios. The implications of different SMBH growth models on predicting cosmic ray flux are investigated. We provide illustrative examples demonstrating how the associated diffuse UHECR fluxes at the source may vary in relation to the jet production efficiencies and the selected SMBH growth model, linking cosmological models of SMBH growth with astroparticle backgrounds. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Studying Astrophysics with High-Energy Cosmic Particles)
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20 pages, 909 KiB  
Where to Search for Supermassive Binary Black Holes
by Paola Marziani, Edi Bon, Natasa Bon and Mauro D’Onofrio
Universe 2025, 11(3), 76; - 21 Feb 2025
Viewed by 180
Supermassive binary black holes (SMBBHs) are the anticipated byproducts of galaxy mergers and play a pivotal role in shaping galaxy evolution, gravitational wave emissions, and accretion physics. Despite their theoretical prevalence, direct observational evidence for SMBBHs remains elusive, with only a handful of [...] Read more.
Supermassive binary black holes (SMBBHs) are the anticipated byproducts of galaxy mergers and play a pivotal role in shaping galaxy evolution, gravitational wave emissions, and accretion physics. Despite their theoretical prevalence, direct observational evidence for SMBBHs remains elusive, with only a handful of candidates identified to date. This paper explores optimal strategies and key environments for locating SMBBHs, focusing on observational signatures in the broad Balmer lines. We present a preliminary analysis on a flux-limited sample of sources belonging to an evolved spectral type along the quasar main sequence, and we discuss the spectroscopic clues indicative of binary activity and highlight the critical role of time-domain spectroscopic surveys in uncovering periodic variability linked to binary systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Universe: Feature Papers 2024 – Compact Objects)
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41 pages, 5616 KiB  
Searching for New Physics in an Ultradense Environment: A Review on Dark Matter Admixed Neutron Stars
by Francesco Grippa, Gaetano Lambiase and Tanmay Kumar Poddar
Universe 2025, 11(3), 74; - 21 Feb 2025
Viewed by 345
Neutron stars (NSs), among the densest objects in the universe, are exceptional laboratories for investigating the properties of dark matter (DM). Recent theoretical and observational developments have heightened interest in exploring the impact of DM on NS structure, giving rise to the concept [...] Read more.
Neutron stars (NSs), among the densest objects in the universe, are exceptional laboratories for investigating the properties of dark matter (DM). Recent theoretical and observational developments have heightened interest in exploring the impact of DM on NS structure, giving rise to the concept of dark matter admixed neutron stars (DANSs). This review examines how NSs can accumulate DM over time, potentially altering their fundamental properties. We explore the leading models describing DM behavior within NSs, focusing on the effects of both bosonic and fermionic candidates on key features such as mass, radius, and tidal deformability. Additionally, we review how DM can modify the cooling and heating processes, trigger the formation of a black hole, and impact gravitational wave (GW) emissions from binary systems. By synthesizing recent research, this work highlights how DANSs might produce observable signatures, offering new opportunities to probe DM’s properties through astrophysical phenomena. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Search for New Physics Through Combined Approaches)
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48 pages, 3794 KiB  
Super-Eddington Accretion in Quasars
by Paola Marziani, Karla Garnica Luna, Alberto Floris, Ascensión del Olmo, Alice Deconto-Machado, Tania M. Buendia-Rios, C. Alenka Negrete and Deborah Dultzin
Universe 2025, 11(2), 69; - 17 Feb 2025
Viewed by 252
This review provides an observational perspective on the fundamental properties of super-Eddington accretion onto supermassive black holes in quasars. It begins by outlining the selection criteria, particularly focusing on optical and UV broad-line intensity ratios, used to identify a population of unobscured super-Eddington [...] Read more.
This review provides an observational perspective on the fundamental properties of super-Eddington accretion onto supermassive black holes in quasars. It begins by outlining the selection criteria, particularly focusing on optical and UV broad-line intensity ratios, used to identify a population of unobscured super-Eddington candidates. Several defining features place these candidates at the extreme end of the Population A in main sequence of quasars: among them are the highest observed singly-ionized iron emission, extreme outflow velocities in UV resonance lines, and unusually high metal abundances. These key properties reflect the coexistence of a virialized sub-system within the broad-line region alongside powerful outflows, with the observed gas enrichment likely driven by nuclear or circumnuclear star formation. The most compelling evidence for the occurrence of super-Eddington accretion onto supermassive black holes comes from recent observations of massive black holes at early cosmic epochs. These black holes require rapid growth rates that are only achievable through radiatively inefficient super-Eddington accretion. Furthermore, extreme Eddington ratios, close to or slightly exceeding unity, are consistent with the saturation of radiative output per unit mass predicted by accretion disk theory for super-Eddington accretion rates. The extreme properties of super-Eddington candidates suggest that these quasars could make them stable and well-defined cosmological distance indicators, leveraging the correlation between broad-line width and luminosity expected in virialized systems. Finally, several analogies with accretion processes around stellar-mass black holes, particularly in the high/soft state, are explored to provide additional insight into the mechanisms driving super-Eddington accretion. Full article
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20 pages, 3814 KiB  
Evaluating Drought Tolerance in Codonopsis pilosula Seedlings: Combining Growth, Physiology, Yield, and Tolerance Indices
by Hongyan Wang, Yuan Chen, Fengxia Guo, Di Wu, Wei Liang, Pengbin Dong and Jiali Cheng
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2025, 26(4), 1600; - 13 Feb 2025
Viewed by 349
Drought stress during the Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae) seedling stage significantly affects its growth, quality, and yield. The aim of this study was to identify drought-tolerant cultivars of C. pilosula by using the growth—physiology—yield composite index (GPYCI) and drought-tolerant indices. Nine C. pilosula cultivars [...] Read more.
Drought stress during the Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae) seedling stage significantly affects its growth, quality, and yield. The aim of this study was to identify drought-tolerant cultivars of C. pilosula by using the growth—physiology—yield composite index (GPYCI) and drought-tolerant indices. Nine C. pilosula cultivars were evaluated under normal-watered (black plastic film hole sowing, BF) and water-stressed (spread in the open field, SF) conditions in a design that adopted a two-factor paired experiment with three replications. The emergence rate was significantly influenced by the water treatment, while both the water treatment and the cultivar affected root length, proline content, APX activity, and chlorophyll levels. The G1 cultivar performed better than others in multiple aspects. Yields and their attributes varied among cultivars under different water levels. The average yield was 7350.76 kg/hm2 under BF conditions and 4856.32 kg/hm2 under SF conditions. Drought stress reduced the total root length, single root fresh weight, and yield by 18.33%, 28.4%, and 33.9%, respectively. Correlation analysis revealed unique physiological response mechanisms to water changes among cultivars. Drought tolerance indices and comprehensive factor analysis indicated varying levels of drought tolerance among cultivars. This study has provided valuable insights into the growth, physiology, and yield response of C. pilosula under drought conditions and laid the foundation for breeding drought-tolerant cultivars. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Plant Responses to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses)
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19 pages, 2832 KiB  
Sixteen Years of Gamma-Ray Discoveries and AGN Observations with Fermi-LAT
by Fausto Casaburo, Stefano Ciprini, Dario Gasparrini and Federica Giacchino
Particles 2025, 8(1), 17; - 12 Feb 2025
Viewed by 413
In June 2024, the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope (FGST) celebrated its 16th year of operations. The Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) is the main instrument onboard the FGST satellite and is designed to be sensitive to γ-rays in the energy range from [...] Read more.
In June 2024, the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope (FGST) celebrated its 16th year of operations. The Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) is the main instrument onboard the FGST satellite and is designed to be sensitive to γ-rays in the energy range from about 20MeV up to the TeV regime. From its launch, the Fermi-LAT has collected more than 4.53billion photon events, providing crucial information to improve our understanding of particle acceleration and γ-ray production phenomena in astrophysical sources. The most abundant in the last 4FGL-data release 4 (4FGL-DR4), most powerful and persistent γ-ray emitters in the sky are the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). These sources are extremely luminous galaxy cores powered by a super massive black hole (SMBH) with a mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun. The ASI-SSDC, a facility of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), plays a pivotal role in supporting Fermi-LAT by providing the essential infrastructure for the storage, processing, and analysis of the vast amounts of data generated by the mission. As a key asset to various space missions, ASI-SSDC contributes significantly to advancing research in high-energy astrophysics and γ-ray observations. Full article
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32 pages, 953 KiB  
Gravitational Wave Signatures Induced by Dark Fluid Accretion in Binary Systems
by Evangelos Achilleas Paraskevas and Leandros Perivolaropoulos
Universe 2025, 11(2), 62; - 11 Feb 2025
Viewed by 427
We investigate the impact of dark fluid accretion on gravitational waveforms emitted by a compact binary system consisting of a supermassive black hole and a stellar-mass black hole. Using a Lagrangian framework with 1 PN and 2.5 PN corrections, we analyze the effects [...] Read more.
We investigate the impact of dark fluid accretion on gravitational waveforms emitted by a compact binary system consisting of a supermassive black hole and a stellar-mass black hole. Using a Lagrangian framework with 1 PN and 2.5 PN corrections, we analyze the effects of the spherically symmetric accretion of a fluid with steady-state flow, including those characterized by an equation of state parameter resembling dark energy, on the binary’s dynamics. We validate our approach by comparing it with previous studies in the common region of validity and extend the analysis to include both local effects, such as dynamical friction, and global gravitational interactions with the stellar-mass black hole, focusing on their dependence on the fluid’s properties. Our analysis reveals that these interactions induce de-phasing in gravitational waveforms, with the phase shift influenced by the fluid’s equation of state and energy density. We also extend the study to sudden cosmological singularities, finding that, although they can deform the binary’s orbit from initially circular to elliptical, their effect on de-phasing is negligible for cosmologically relevant energy densities. By incorporating both the local and global gravitational interactions of a fluid on a two-body system into the equations of motion, this preliminary study provides a framework for understanding the interplay between fluid dynamics and gravitational wave emissions in astrophysical systems. It further reinforces the potential for probing the properties of astrophysically relevant fluids through gravitational wave observations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dark Energy and Dark Matter)
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34 pages, 435 KiB  
Black Hole Thermodynamics and Generalised Non-Extensive Entropy
by Emilio Elizalde, Shin’ichi Nojiri and Sergei D. Odintsov
Universe 2025, 11(2), 60; - 11 Feb 2025
Viewed by 374
The first part of this work provides a review of recent research on generalised entropies and their origin, as well as its application to black hole thermodynamics. To start, it is shown that the Hawking temperature and the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy are, respectively, the [...] Read more.
The first part of this work provides a review of recent research on generalised entropies and their origin, as well as its application to black hole thermodynamics. To start, it is shown that the Hawking temperature and the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy are, respectively, the only possible thermodynamical temperature and entropy of the Schwarzschild black hole. Moreover, it is investigated if the other known generalised entropies, which include Rényi’s entropy, Tsallis entropy, and the four- and five-parameter generalised entropies, could correctly yield the Hawking temperature and the ADM mass. The possibility that generalised entropies could describe hairy black hole thermodynamics is also considered, both for the Reissner–Nordström black hole and for Einstein’s gravity coupled with two scalar fields. Two possibilities are investigated, namely, the case when the ADM mass does not yield the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy, and the case in which the effective mass expressing the energy inside the horizon does not yield the Hawking temperature. For the model with two scalar fields, the radii of the photon sphere and of the black hole shadow are calculated, which gives constraints on the BH parameters. These constraints are seen to be consistent, provided that the black hole is of the Schwarzschild type. Subsequently, the origin of the generalised entropies is investigated, by using their microscopic particle descriptions in the frameworks of a microcanonical ensemble and canonical ensemble, respectively. Finally, the McLaughlin expansion for the generalised entropies is used to derive, in each case, the microscopic interpretation of the generalised entropies, via the canonical and the grand canonical ensembles. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gravitation)
15 pages, 368 KiB  
Modified F(R,T)-Gravity Model Coupled with Magnetized Strange Quark Matter Fluid
by Mohd Danish Siddiqi, Meraj Ali Khan and Ibrahim Al-Dayel
Mathematics 2025, 13(4), 586; - 10 Feb 2025
Viewed by 535
This research note presents the properties of the F(R,T)-gravity model in combination with magnetized strange quark matter. We obtain the equation of state for the magnetized strange quark matter in the F(R,T) [...] Read more.
This research note presents the properties of the F(R,T)-gravity model in combination with magnetized strange quark matter. We obtain the equation of state for the magnetized strange quark matter in the F(R,T)-gravity model endowed with the Lagrangian through of Ricci curvature. We also examine the Ricci solitons supported by a time-like conformal vector field in F(R,T)-gravity, attached with magnetized strange quark matter fluid. Within this ongoing research, we give an estimate of the total quark pressure and total density in the phantom barrier and the radiation epochs of the Universe. Finally, using Ricci solitons, we study the various energy conditions, some black holes criteria, and Penrose’s singularity theorem for magnetized strange quark matter fluid spacetime coupled with the F(R,T)-gravity model. Full article
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42 pages, 499 KiB  
Gauge-Invariant Perturbation Theory on the Schwarzschild Background Spacetime: Part III—Realization of Exact Solutions
by Kouji Nakamura
Viewed by 308
This is the Part III paper of our series of papers on a gauge-invariant perturbation theory on the Schwarzschild background spacetime. After reviewing our general framework for the gauge-invariant perturbation theory and the proposal for gauge-invariant treatments of l=0,1 [...] Read more.
This is the Part III paper of our series of papers on a gauge-invariant perturbation theory on the Schwarzschild background spacetime. After reviewing our general framework for the gauge-invariant perturbation theory and the proposal for gauge-invariant treatments of l=0,1 mode perturbations on the Schwarzschild background spacetime in the Part I paper, we examine the problem of whether the l=0,1 even-mode solutions derived in the Part II paper are physically reasonable. We consider the linearized versions of the Lemaître–Tolman–Bondi solution and the non-rotating C-metric. As a result, we show that our derived even-mode solutions to the linearized Einstein equations realize these two linearized solutions. This supports the conclusion that our derived solutions are physically reasonable, which implies that our proposal for gauge-invariant treatments of l=0,1 mode perturbations is also physically reasonable. We also briefly summarize the conclusions of our series of papers. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Universe: Feature Papers 2024 – Compact Objects)
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