
What Editors, Authors and Reviewers are saying

The entire process of submission, peer review and editing the article ran very smoothly and professionally. The Editors were quick and efficient and the peer reviewers noticed areas of weakness [...] Read more.

The publishing in Algorithms was really joyful, mostly because of editing assistance. All of the mismatches with the Journal format in draft versions of my paper were clearly highlighted, which [...] Read more.

I'll state it in short words: I like reviewing for MDPI because they care about me as a reviewer, offering a reward for my job and giving it value. They [...] Read more.

I am glad to participate in the review process; I review interesting research papers and many of them are outstanding. [...] Read more.

I would like to commend the MDPI Energies editorial team for their professionalism, efficiency and understanding throughout the process of handling our article submission. All our queries and requests were [...] Read more.

The process for publishing in MDPI is clear, with a high-quality reviewing process and instructions easy to follow. [...] Read more.

I started posting on MDPI about 5 years ago. I immediately saw the huge difference with other publishing houses–fast and clear deadlines, criteria for accepting manuscripts and a good professional [...] Read more.

Fast process with great and easy communication with the editorial team. We do not feel lost and abandoned like in other major publishers, where it takes so much effort and [...] Read more.

The provided assistance by the responsible personnel of MDPI in the development of a Special Issue has been very efficient. [...] Read more.

Algorithms handled my manuscript efficiently, enlisted excellent reviews, performed meticulous copy-editing and published it speedily. I have adopted it as a preferred outlet for my research. [...] Read more.

Publishing our research with Algorithms was a rewarding experience. The peer-review process was quick and thorough, providing us with constructive feedback that significantly improved our paper. We are grateful to [...] Read more.

Publishing with the journal Algorithms from MDPI has been an excellent experience. The review process offered us valuable and insightful feedback, allowing us to significantly improve the quality of our [...] Read more.

My experience of publishing with the journal Algorithms from MDPI has been exceptional, starting from the review process through which we have received a series of constructive and insightful feedback [...] Read more.

Publishing our article in Gels (MDPI) was a pleasant and constructive experience, given the fast and fair peer review process, which helped us bring our manuscript up to a high [...] Read more.

During the peer-review process, the reviewers made many comments to help us improve the manuscript. Responding to questions raised by professional reviewers invited by the journal can greatly improve the [...] Read more.

The reviewing process for all the five papers that I have reviewed was easy and all the steps were clearly explained on the platform. [...] Read more.

MDPI uses an excellent editorial system: easy to use and with good support. [...] Read more.

There is timely feedback and encouragement for the revision and improvement of the research articles. [...] Read more.

The publication process has clear and precise criteria, and the academic community participating gives very useful reviews that help to improve the presentation of research results. There is a clear [...] Read more.

I first knew of MDPI journals several years ago and their efficiency, rigor and support for reviewers and authors have been primordial and of the best quality. [...] Read more.

Displaying testimonial 1-20 on page 1 of 65.

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