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Physics, Volume 6, Issue 3 (September 2024) – 16 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Visualization of Bohr’s Yin-Yang diagram (YYD) in the quantum tunneling process. A free particle with kinetic energy E is incident on a step barrier with height V0 > E. The wave-particle duality manifested in the tunneling process is described by the particle’s complex velocity (t) = R(t) + iI(t) such that the real velocity R and imaginary velocity I serve as measures of the particle-like and the wave-like properties, respectively. The red area swept by forms the Yang region of the YYD, while the black area swept by forms the Yin region of the YYD. The figure shows the time evolution of the YYD at nine moments, corresponding to nine trajectory points. The intertwined red and black pattern of the complete YYD recorded at the exit P8 expresses the alternating changes of the wave and particle behaviors during the entire tunneling process. View this paper
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20 pages, 657 KiB  
General Inverse Problem Solution for Two-Level Systems and Its Application to Charge Transfer
by Agostino Migliore, Hiromichi Nakazato, Alessandro Sergi and Antonino Messina
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1171-1190; - 23 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1184
Two-level quantum systems are building blocks of quantum technologies, where the qubit is the basic unit of quantum information. The ability to design driving fields that produce prespecified evolutions of relevant physical observables is crucial to the development of such technologies. Using vector [...] Read more.
Two-level quantum systems are building blocks of quantum technologies, where the qubit is the basic unit of quantum information. The ability to design driving fields that produce prespecified evolutions of relevant physical observables is crucial to the development of such technologies. Using vector algebra and recently developed strategies for generating solvable two-level Hamiltonians, we construct the general solution to the inverse problem for a spin in a time-dependent magnetic field and its extension to any two-level system associated with fictitious spin and field. We provide a general expression for the field that drives the dynamics of the system so as to realize prescribed time evolutions of the expectation values of the Pauli operators and the autocorrelation of the Pauli vector. The analysis is applied to two-state charge transfer systems, showing that the charge transfer process can be seen as a motion of the state of the associated fictitious qubit on the Bloch sphere, and that the expectation values of the related Pauli operators describe the interference between the two differently localized electronic states and their population difference. Our formulation is proposed as a basic step towards potential uses of charge transfer in quantum computing and quantum information transfer. Full article
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39 pages, 18398 KiB  
Higgs Boson Searches at the LHC Beyond the Standard Model
by André Sopczak
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1132-1170; - 19 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1199
The latest results of Higgs boson searches beyond the Standard Model from the ATLAS and CMS experiments are reviewed. This includes searches for additional neutral, charged, and double charged Higgs-like bosons, searches for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson, and [...] Read more.
The latest results of Higgs boson searches beyond the Standard Model from the ATLAS and CMS experiments are reviewed. This includes searches for additional neutral, charged, and double charged Higgs-like bosons, searches for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson, and searches for new physics in Higgs boson production and decay processes. Interpretations are given within the hMSSM, a special parameterization of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, in which the mass of the lightest Higgs boson is set to the value of 125 GeV measured at the LHC. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK 2023))
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8 pages, 411 KiB  
Modeling Electronic Devices with a Casimir Cavity
by G. Jordan Maclay
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1124-1131; - 10 Sep 2024
Viewed by 3447
The Casimir effect has been exploited in various MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) devices, especially to make sensitive force sensors and accelerometers. It has also been used to provide forces for a variety of purposes, for example, for the assembly of considerably small parts. Repulsive [...] Read more.
The Casimir effect has been exploited in various MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) devices, especially to make sensitive force sensors and accelerometers. It has also been used to provide forces for a variety of purposes, for example, for the assembly of considerably small parts. Repulsive forces and torques have been produced using various configurations of media and materials. Just a few electronic devices have been explored that utilize the electrical properties of the Casimir effect. Recently, experimental results were presented that described the operation of an electronic device that employed a Casimir cavity attached to a standard MIM (metal–insulator–metal) structure. The DC (direct current) conductance of the novel MIM device was enhanced by the attached cavity and found to be directly proportional to the capacitance of the attached cavity. The phenomenological model proposed assumed that the cavity reduced the vacuum fluctuations, which resulted in a reduced injection of carriers. The analysis presented here indicates that the optical cavity actually enhances vacuum fluctuations, which would predict a current in the opposite direction from that observed. Further, the vacuum fluctuations near the electrode are shown to be approximately independent of the size of the optical cavity, in disagreement with the experimental data which show a dependence on the size. Thus, the proposed mechanism of operation does not appear correct. A more detailed theoretical analysis of these devices is needed, in particular, one that uses real material parameters and computes the vacuum fluctuations for the entire device. Such an analysis would reveal how these devices operate and might suggest design principles for a new genre of electronic devices that make use of vacuum fluctuations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Atomic Physics)
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13 pages, 756 KiB  
SU(2)-Symmetric Exactly Solvable Models of Two Interacting Qubits
by Roberto Grimaudo
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1111-1123; - 9 Sep 2024
Viewed by 1199
This paper presents a two-qubit model derived from an SU(2)-symmetric 4×4 Hamiltonian. The resulting model is physically significant and, due to the SU(2) symmetry, is exactly solvable in both time-independent and time-dependent cases. Using the formal, general form of the related time evolution [...] Read more.
This paper presents a two-qubit model derived from an SU(2)-symmetric 4×4 Hamiltonian. The resulting model is physically significant and, due to the SU(2) symmetry, is exactly solvable in both time-independent and time-dependent cases. Using the formal, general form of the related time evolution operator, the time dependence of the entanglement level for certain initial conditions is examined within the Rabi and Landau–Majorana–Stückelberg–Zener scenarios. The potential for applying this approach to higher-dimensional Hamiltonians to develop more complex exactly solvable models of interacting qubits is also highlighted. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Atomic Physics)
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13 pages, 2631 KiB  
Scattering and One Neutron Pick-Up Reaction on a 10B Target with Deuterons at an Energy of 14.5 MeV
by Nurzhan Saduyev, Maulen Nassurlla, Nassurlla Burtebayev, Stanislav Sakuta, Marzhan Nassurlla, Orazaly Kalikulov, Romazan Khojayev, Avganbek Sabidolda and Damir Issayev
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1098-1110; - 2 Sep 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1047
The elastic and inelastic scattering of deuterons on 10B nuclei and the 10B(d, t)9B reaction were studied at a deuteron energy of 14.5 MeV. In inelastic scattering, differential cross-sections for transitions to 10B states at [...] Read more.
The elastic and inelastic scattering of deuterons on 10B nuclei and the 10B(d, t)9B reaction were studied at a deuteron energy of 14.5 MeV. In inelastic scattering, differential cross-sections for transitions to 10B states at excitation energies, Ex, of 0.718 MeV (1+), 2.154 MeV (1+), and 3.59 MeV (2+) were measured. The cross-sections of the (d, t) reaction were measured for the ground (3/2) and excited states of the 9B nucleus at Ex = 2.361 MeV (5/2) and 2.79 MeV (5/2+). An analysis of the corresponding angular distributions was carried out using the coupled channel method. As a result of the calculations, the values of the quadrupole deformation parameters (β2 ≈ 0.7 ± 0.1) for various transitions in the 10B nucleus in inelastic scattering were extracted. From the analysis of the (d, t) reaction, the values of spectroscopic amplitudes (SA = 0.67 and SA = 0.94) for transitions to the states of the 9B nucleus were extracted. The results obtained here, taking into account possible measurement errors, are in good agreement with the previously obtained data and the theoretical predictions. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Atomic Physics)
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15 pages, 3848 KiB  
Intrinsic Conductance of Ferroelectric Charged Domain Walls
by Feng Yang
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1083-1097; - 29 Aug 2024
Viewed by 1034
Ferroelectric charged domain walls offer a revolutionary path for next-generation ferroelectric devices due to their exceptional conductivity within an otherwise insulating matrix. However, quantitative understanding of this “giant conductivity” has remained elusive due to the lack of robust models describing carrier behavior within [...] Read more.
Ferroelectric charged domain walls offer a revolutionary path for next-generation ferroelectric devices due to their exceptional conductivity within an otherwise insulating matrix. However, quantitative understanding of this “giant conductivity” has remained elusive due to the lack of robust models describing carrier behavior within CDWs. The current paper bridges this critical knowledge gap by employing a first-principles approach that incorporates Boltzmann transport theory and the relaxation time approximation. This strategy enables the calculation of carrier concentration, mobility, and conductivity for both head-to-head and tail-to-tail domain wall configurations within a stabilized periodic structure. The comprehensive transport analysis given here reveals that the accumulation of charge carriers, particularly their concentration, is the dominant factor governing domain wall conductance. Interestingly, observed conductance differences between head-to-head and tail-to-tail walls primarily arise from variations in carrier mobility. Additionally, this study demonstrates a significantly reduced domain wall width compared to previous reports. This miniaturization is attributed to the presence of compressive strain, which lowers the energy barrier for electron–hole pair generation. Furthermore, the findings here suggest that reducing the band gap presents a viable strategy for stabilizing charged domain walls. These results pave the way for the optimization and development of domain wall devices across a spectrum of ferroelectric materials. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Applied Physics)
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11 pages, 282 KiB  
Advances and Prospects in Casimir Physics
by Galina L. Klimchitskaya and Vladimir M. Mostepanenko
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1072-1082; - 22 Aug 2024
Viewed by 4289
In the present introductory to the Special Issue “75 Years of the Casimir Effect: Advances and Prospects”, we summarize the state of the art in this field of physics, briefly describe the topics of the contributing papers, formulate several unresolved problems, and outline [...] Read more.
In the present introductory to the Special Issue “75 Years of the Casimir Effect: Advances and Prospects”, we summarize the state of the art in this field of physics, briefly describe the topics of the contributing papers, formulate several unresolved problems, and outline possible pathways towards their resolution. Special attention is given to experiments on measuring the Casimir force, to the known problem of the dissipation of conduction electrons when one compares experiment with theory, and to the Casimir effect in novel materials and non-traditional situations. We conclude that in the future, this multidisciplinary quantum effect will continue to play a crucial role in both fundamental physics and its applications. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue 75 Years of the Casimir Effect: Advances and Prospects)
26 pages, 553 KiB  
The Casimir Effect in Finite-Temperature and Gravitational Scenarios
by Valdir Barbosa Bezerra, Herondy Francisco Santana Mota, Augusto P. C. M. Lima, Geová Alencar and Celio Rodrigues Muniz
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1046-1071; - 13 Aug 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1578
In this paper, we review some recent findings related to the Casimir effect. Initially, the thermal corrections to the vacuum Casimir energy density are calculated, for a quantum scalar field, whose modes propagate in the (3+1)-dimensional Euclidean spacetime, subject to a nontrivial compact [...] Read more.
In this paper, we review some recent findings related to the Casimir effect. Initially, the thermal corrections to the vacuum Casimir energy density are calculated, for a quantum scalar field, whose modes propagate in the (3+1)-dimensional Euclidean spacetime, subject to a nontrivial compact boundary condition. Next, we analyze the Casimir effect induced by two parallel plates placed in a weak gravitational field background. Finally, we review the three-dimensional wormhole solutions sourced by the Casimir density and pressures associated with the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the Yang-Mills field. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue 75 Years of the Casimir Effect: Advances and Prospects)
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11 pages, 257 KiB  
Entangled Probability Distributions for Center-of-Mass Tomography
by Ivan V. Dudinets, Margarita A. Man’ko and Vladimir I. Man’ko
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1035-1045; - 13 Aug 2024
Viewed by 797
We review the formalism of center-of-mass tomograms, which allows us to describe quantum states in terms of probability distribution functions. We introduce the concept of separable and entangled probability distributions for center-of-mass tomography. We obtain the time evolution of center-of-mass tomograms of entangled [...] Read more.
We review the formalism of center-of-mass tomograms, which allows us to describe quantum states in terms of probability distribution functions. We introduce the concept of separable and entangled probability distributions for center-of-mass tomography. We obtain the time evolution of center-of-mass tomograms of entangled states of the inverted oscillator. Full article
3 pages, 152 KiB  
Foreword to the Special Issue “In Honor of Professor Serge Galam for His 70th Birthday and Forty Years of Sociophysics”
by Serge Galam
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1032-1034; - 6 Aug 2024
Viewed by 1755
I am deeply moved and honored by this Special Issue of the journal Physics celebrating my seventieth birthday and forty years of sociophysics [...] Full article
19 pages, 606 KiB  
Agent Mental Models and Bayesian Rules as a Tool to Create Opinion Dynamics Models
by André C. R. Martins
Physics 2024, 6(3), 1013-1031; - 31 Jul 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1095
Traditional models of opinion dynamics provide a simplified approach to understanding human behavior in basic social scenarios. However, when it comes to issues such as polarization and extremism, a more nuanced understanding of human biases and cognitive tendencies are required. This paper proposes [...] Read more.
Traditional models of opinion dynamics provide a simplified approach to understanding human behavior in basic social scenarios. However, when it comes to issues such as polarization and extremism, a more nuanced understanding of human biases and cognitive tendencies are required. This paper proposes an approach to modeling opinion dynamics by integrating mental models and assumptions of individuals agents using Bayesian-inspired methods. By exploring the relationship between human rationality and Bayesian theory, this paper demonstrates the usefulness of these methods in describing how opinions evolve. The analysis here builds upon the basic idea in the Continuous Opinions and Discrete Actions (CODA) model, by applying Bayesian-inspired rules to account for key human behaviors such as confirmation bias, motivated reasoning, and human reluctance to change opinions. Through this, This paper updates rules that are compatible with known human biases. The current work sheds light on the role of human biases in shaping opinion dynamics. I hope that by making the model more realistic this might lead to more accurate predictions of real-world scenarios. Full article
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14 pages, 613 KiB  
3D–2D Crossover and Phase Shift of Beats of Quantum Oscillations of Interlayer Magnetoresistance in Quasi-2D Metals
by Taras I. Mogilyuk, Pavel D. Grigoriev, Vladislav D. Kochev, Ivan S. Volokhov and Ilya Y. Polishchuk
Physics 2024, 6(3), 999-1012; - 25 Jul 2024
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1221
Magnetic quantum oscillations (MQOs) are traditionally applied to investigate the electronic structure of metals. In layered quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) materials, the MQOs have several qualitative features, offering additional helpful information, provided their theoretical description is developed. Within the framework of the Kubo formula and [...] Read more.
Magnetic quantum oscillations (MQOs) are traditionally applied to investigate the electronic structure of metals. In layered quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) materials, the MQOs have several qualitative features, offering additional helpful information, provided their theoretical description is developed. Within the framework of the Kubo formula and the self-consistent Born approximation, we reconsider the phase of the beats in the amplitude of the Shubnikov oscillations of the interlayer conductivity in Q2D metals. We show that the phase shift of the beats of the Shubnikov (conductivity) oscillations relative to the de Haas–van Alphen (magnetization) oscillations is larger than woud be expected and, under certain conditions, can reach the value of π/2, as observed experimentally. We explain the phase inversion of the MQOs during the 3D–2D crossover and predict the decrease in the relative MQO amplitude of the interlayer magnetoresistance in a strong magnetic field, larger than the beat frequency. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Applied Physics)
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9 pages, 2272 KiB  
Characterization of Below-Bandgap Absorption in Type II GaSb Quantum Dots in GaAs Solar Cells
by Juanita Saroj James, Hiromi Fujita, Peter J. Carrington, Andrew R. J. Marshall, Susan Krier and Anthony Krier
Physics 2024, 6(3), 990-998; - 19 Jul 2024
Viewed by 1089
An approach to derive the below-bandgap absorption in GaSb/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot devices using room-temperature external quantum efficiency measurement results is presented. Devices with five layers of delta-doped quantum dots placed in the intrinsic, n- and p-regions of a GaAs solar cell are [...] Read more.
An approach to derive the below-bandgap absorption in GaSb/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot devices using room-temperature external quantum efficiency measurement results is presented. Devices with five layers of delta-doped quantum dots placed in the intrinsic, n- and p-regions of a GaAs solar cell are studied. The importance of incorporating an extended Urbach tail absorption in analyzing the absorption strength of quantum dots and the transition states is demonstrated. The theoretically integrated absorbance via quantum dot ground states is calculated as 1.04 × 1015 cm−1s−1, which is in reasonable agreement with the experimentally derived value 8.1 × 1015 cm−1s−1. The wetting layer and quantum dot absorption contributions are separated from the tail absorption and their transition energies are calculated. Using these transition energies and the GaAs energy gap of 1.42 eV, the heavy hole confinement energies for the quantum dots (320 meV) and for the wetting layer (120 meV) are estimated. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Applied Physics)
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26 pages, 8666 KiB  
Discovering Bohr’s Yin-Yang Diagram in Quantum Tunneling Dynamics
by Ciann-Dong Yang
Physics 2024, 6(3), 964-989; - 18 Jul 2024
Viewed by 1966
On 17 October 1947, Niels Bohr was made a knight of the Order of the Elephant by the King of Denmark in view of his outstanding achievements and contributions to science. Bohr designed his own coat of arms that featured a pattern of [...] Read more.
On 17 October 1947, Niels Bohr was made a knight of the Order of the Elephant by the King of Denmark in view of his outstanding achievements and contributions to science. Bohr designed his own coat of arms that featured a pattern of Yin and Yang (Tai Chi symbol) to symbolize the wave–particle complementarity. However, Bohr’s Yin-Yang diagram (YYD) was neither drawn based on the principles of quantum mechanics, nor did it originate from the traditional Taoist YYD. Scientists still have doubts about the legitimacy of using YYD as the icon of the wave–particle complementarity, because the YYD belonging to quantum mechanics itself is unknown so far. This paper reports the YYDs existing in quantum mechanics and justifies the role of YYD in the wave–particle duality by showing that any system, whether classical or quantum, has an ideal YYD as long as it satisfies Bohr’s principle of complementarity (BPC). The deviation of a deformed YYD from the ideal YYD indicates the extent to which a real system satisfies BPC. This paper constructs the quantum YYD by the complex quantum trajectory of a particle tunneling via a step barrier, which displays the continuous transition between the wave behavior and the particle behavior. It appears that the YYD designed by Bohr in his coat of arms resembles the YYD generated by tunneling motion, not only in appearance but also in the governing equation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Atomic Physics)
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19 pages, 324 KiB  
Dirac Theory in Noncommutative Phase Spaces
by Shi-Dong Liang
Physics 2024, 6(3), 945-963; - 8 Jul 2024
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 945
Based on the position and momentum of noncommutative relations with a noncanonical map, we study the Dirac equation and analyze its parity and time reversal symmetries in a noncommutative phase space. Noncommutative parameters can be endowed with the Planck length and cosmological constant [...] Read more.
Based on the position and momentum of noncommutative relations with a noncanonical map, we study the Dirac equation and analyze its parity and time reversal symmetries in a noncommutative phase space. Noncommutative parameters can be endowed with the Planck length and cosmological constant such that the noncommutative effect can be interpreted as an effective gauge potential or a (0,2)-type curvature associated with the Plank constant and cosmological constant. This provides a natural coupling between dynamics and spacetime geometry. We find that a free Dirac particle carries an intrinsic velocity and force induced by the noncommutative algebra. These properties provide a novel insight into the Zitterbewegung oscillation and the physical scenario of dark energy. Using perturbation theory, we derive the perturbed and nonrelativistic solutions of the Dirac equation. The asymmetric vacuum gaps of particles and antiparticles reveal the particle–antiparticle symmetry breaking in the noncommutative phase space, which provides a clue to understanding the physical mechanisms of particle–antiparticle asymmetry and quantum decoherence through quantum spacetime fluctuation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Classical Physics)
24 pages, 4910 KiB  
Relations between Shot Noise, Gain Bandwidth, and Saturation of Instabilities
by Yichao Jing, Vladimir N. Litvinenko, Jun Ma and Gang Wang
Physics 2024, 6(3), 921-944; - 25 Jun 2024
Viewed by 1307
There are numerous instabilities present in charged particle beams that undergo exponential growth and reach saturation. In various applications, such as free-electron lasers or micro-bunching light sources, achieving saturation is desirable. Conversely, there are applications where these instabilities are utilized as linear broad-band [...] Read more.
There are numerous instabilities present in charged particle beams that undergo exponential growth and reach saturation. In various applications, such as free-electron lasers or micro-bunching light sources, achieving saturation is desirable. Conversely, there are applications where these instabilities are utilized as linear broad-band amplifiers for signals embedded in the charged beam. In the latter scenario, the saturation of an instability induces non-linear distortions in the imprinted signal, thereby limiting the useful range of such amplifiers. Accurate evaluation of these instabilities necessitates a complete and comprehensive modeling approach that includes shot noise within the beam. Unfortunately, such modeling is not always feasible or practical. In this paper, we introduce a methodology utilizing the frequency and bandwidth of the instability as key parameters. Through this, we derive an estimation for the range of linear instability growth. Our derivation is conducted in a model-independent manner, making it applicable to a broad spectrum of instabilities. To validate our approach, we employ established and thoroughly benchmarked simulations with a free electron laser (FEL) code as well as self-consistent 3-dimensional simulation of plasma-cascade instability using code SPACE. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Phenomena)
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