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Educational Approaches for Integrating Advanced Environmental Remediation Technologies into Environmental Engineering: The ‘Four Styles’ Model

School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hubei Polytechnic University, Huangshi 435003, China
Hubei Key Laboratory of Mine Environmental Pollution Control and Remediation, Hubei Polytechnic University, Huangshi 435003, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 1 July 2024 / Revised: 19 July 2024 / Accepted: 24 July 2024 / Published: 26 July 2024


The current talent training system for the environmental engineering major (EEM) at local colleges faces significant challenges, including undefined training objectives, an incomplete curriculum, inconsistent practical teaching platforms, and homogeneous teaching teams. To address these issues, this study introduces the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system implemented at the EEM of Hubei Polytechnic University. This system integrates advanced environmental remediation technologies into environmental engineering education through the development of a ‘1 + multiple’ curriculum, the establishment of ‘cloud + field’ practical platforms, and the formation of a diverse ‘1 + 2’ teaching team. The effectiveness of this system was evaluated using self-assessment scores from graduates and employer satisfaction ratings. Results showed that graduates rated their application ability with an average score of 3.96 ± 0.11, with the highest scores in work ethics (4.14), lifelong self-learning (4.11), and teamwork (4.09). Employer satisfaction with graduates’ abilities averaged 81.6 ± 2.33%, with the highest ratings for work ethics (86.0%), teamwork (85.5%), and lifelong self-learning (84.7%) Despite these successes, areas for improvement were identified, including better training in analyzing engineering problems (3.79) and mastering modern tools (3.79). These findings suggest that the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system effectively enhances the practical skills of EEM students while identifying areas for future curriculum development.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Environmental engineering education primarily involves the application of technical, scientific, and mathematical principles alongside natural laws and physical resources [1,2]. This discipline integrates technological and organizational competencies essential for enhancing the quality of human life [3]. With the rapid advancement of global industrialization and urbanization, environmental engineering has become crucial in addressing environmental issues and protecting ecological balance [2]. Since the inaugural national environmental informatization meeting in January 2010, global leaders have increasingly focused on environmental conservation. There is a growing demand for technical professionals capable of tackling issues such as wastewater and soil remediation, solid waste recovery, air and noise pollution control, and public health protection [3]. However, the current number of environmental engineers is insufficient to meet this demand, driving the need for enhanced talent cultivation in higher education institutions [4,5].
In response to societal needs, environmental engineering has emerged as a prevalent discipline in most higher education institutions [6], while the objectives of talent cultivation vary between universities and colleges. Unlike scientific universities, local colleges (LCs) primarily aim to equip students with the skills to address practical engineering issues [7,8]. LCs should focus on developing students’ practical abilities, enabling them to solve real-world problems upon graduation, rather than merely understanding theoretical principles. This strategy aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application [9,10]. However, the education system for the environmental engineering major (EEM) at many LCs, including Hubei Polytechnic University (HBPU), faces significant challenges in cultivating applied talents. The current system often lacks specific training objectives, a comprehensive curriculum, consistent practical teaching platforms, and diverse teaching teams. These deficiencies hinder graduates’ abilities to transition from theoretical knowledge to practical application in real-world environmental projects [11,12,13].

1.2. Literature Review for the Applied Talents Training in EEM

Integrating advanced real-world engineering technologies, such as environmental remediation and governance, into environmental engineering education is critical for developing practical and applied skills in future engineers. Recent studies emphasize the importance of practical skills in engineering education. For instance, Aboytes and Barth (2020) discussed a problem-based learning initiative that successfully integrated sustainability into engineering education, enhancing students’ problem-solving skills and real-world application abilities [14]. Similarly, Lyon and Magana (2021) highlighted the benefits and challenges of simulation-based learning in engineering majors, demonstrating how such approaches can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application [15]. Effective curriculum design is crucial for addressing deficiencies in current engineering education programs. Johri and Olds (2013) proposed innovative teaching strategies and curriculum models to better prepare students for engineering demands [16]. Chan et al. (2017) examined the impact of industry partnerships on engineering education, advocating for a curriculum that incorporates real-world projects and industry collaboration to enhance student learning outcomes [17]. Moreover, collaboration between academic institutions and industry plays a significant role in modern engineering education. Bartram and Setty (2021) studied best practices for enhancing engineering education through industry collaboration, highlighting successful models that integrate practical experiences into the curriculum [18]. Furthermore, Walther et al. (2013) identified strategies to effectively integrate theory and practice in engineering education, underscoring the importance of industry involvement in providing practical training opportunities [19]. Borrego et al. (2013) discussed the role of internships and cooperative education programs in providing students with hands-on experience in modern engineering technologies, essential for addressing contemporary environmental challenges [20]. These programs not only enhance technical skills but also foster a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in engineering projects. According to the literature review, most engineering educators are focused on developing students’ abilities to solve practical engineering problems, making application-oriented personnel training a research hotspot in engineering education.

1.3. The Need for Integration of Emerging Environmental Technologies and Educational Strategies

With the rapid development of society, new pollutants and environmental problems are continuously emerging. Recently, there has been an increasing effort to use emerging environmental technologies and smart materials for better environmental governance while reducing costs in wastewater, soil, air, and solid waste treatment, as well as green energy use (Figure 1). Advanced materials such as nanomaterials, biochar, and graphene-based composites offer high adsorption capacities, selectivity, and reusability, making them effective for removing contaminants like heavy metals, organic pollutants, and pathogens from water and soil. These materials have been widely used in environmental remediation [21,22,23]. Present technological solutions for air pollution control include photocatalytic oxidation, biofiltration, and advanced oxidation processes, utilizing new materials such as titanium dioxide and metal–organic frameworks to degrade volatile organic compounds and other air pollutants [24,25]. Innovative approaches to solid waste disposal involve biodegradable materials and waste-to-energy technologies, which help students understand the dual goals of reducing waste volume and converting waste into valuable resources like biogas and biofuels [26,27,28]. Smart materials, such as shape-memory alloys and phase-change materials, are used to improve the efficiency of water and energy use. These materials are incorporated into systems for thermal energy storage, desalination, and efficient water distribution, contributing to sustainable resource management [29]. Technologies for sustainable energy production include solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, and bioenergy systems. Advanced materials like perovskites for solar cells and carbon nanomaterials for energy storage devices are at the forefront of improving the efficiency and scalability of renewable energy technologies [30]. The transition to a green and intelligent model characterized by low carbon consumption and advanced materials and technologies is crucial for addressing environmental challenges. Future trends include the development of multifunctional materials that combine environmental remediation with energy generation, such as photocatalytic materials that can both degrade pollutants and produce hydrogen [31]. These new technologies, ideas, and materials evolve daily in the real world. However, in most undergraduate classrooms, traditional processing technologies for wastewater, soil, and solid waste, such as the oxidation ditch treatment process, electric dust removal process, and landfill process, remain the main content, limiting students’ understandings of new processes and technologies [3]. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate emerging environmental technologies and educational strategies into the curriculum.

1.4. Main Contents of This Study

To address these deficiencies, this study introduces the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system, which includes a ‘1 + multiple’ curriculum structure, practical platforms integrating ‘cloud internship’ and ‘field internship’ methods, and a ‘1 + 2’ teaching team for the talent training of EEM at HBPU. This system is designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the environmental engineering field. The ‘Four Styles’ approach comprises four distinct traits—‘microscope-style’, ‘surgical knife-style’, ‘router-style’, and ‘battery-style’—each representing essential competencies for environmental engineers. These traits collectively aim to develop talents who can accurately identify and solve environmental problems, communicate effectively, and engage in lifelong learning.
This approach is particularly relevant in the context of modern environmental technologies. By incorporating advanced environmental remediation technologies into the curriculum, the ‘Four Styles’ system aligns educational objectives with industry needs, preparing students to tackle complex environmental challenges using state-of-the-art tools and methodologies. This integration is crucial, as it addresses the growing demand for engineers who are not only knowledgeable but also adept at applying advanced technologies to real-world problems.

1.5. Necessary and Contribution of Our Study

This study makes significant contributions to the field of environmental engineering education. First, it identifies and analyzes the key deficiencies in the current EEM training system at HBPU, highlighting the need for a more integrated and practical approach. Second, it proposes a novel ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system, which enhances practical skills and application abilities in environmental engineering students by integrating advanced environmental remediation technologies. Third, it evaluates the effectiveness of this system through comprehensive surveys of graduates and employers, providing empirical evidence of its impact on students’ abilities and career progression.
The necessity of this research is underscored by the increasing complexity of environmental issues, which necessitates a robust educational framework that equips graduates with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system aims to fulfill this need, ensuring that graduates are capable of contributing effectively to the green economy and sustainable development initiatives. This study provides educators with fresh insights into the cultivation of applied talents in EEM, offering a model that can be adapted and implemented in similar educational contexts worldwide.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Institutional Characteristics and Talent Development Focus of HBPU

HBPU, located in Southeast Hubei within the Yangtze River Economic Belt, stands as the sole engineering institution in the region, boasting a student body of over 17,000, inclusive of more than 150 international students, and a staff of over 1300. The college’s talent development strategy is geared towards fostering applied talents to contribute to local economic growth and societal advancement.
The EEM at HBPU is the most renowned major, having admitted students since 1983. A majority of its graduates actively participate in local environmental protection efforts post-graduation. Currently, the EEM has 75 faculty and staff members dedicated to talent cultivation. Among them, 42 hold doctoral degrees in environmental engineering and related fields, and 20 have international study experience, enhancing their global perspectives and facilitating international academic exchanges and cooperation. Additionally, 30 faculty members hold professor or associate professor positions. Moreover, nine faculty members are nationally certified environmental impact assessment engineers, and six are national registered environmental engineers. More than 30 faculty members also serve as vice presidents or supervisors of science and technology for local environmental protection-related enterprises, establishing a bridge between industry and academia to cultivate talents. The EEM enrolls over 200 freshmen annually, and the graduation rate has exceeded 95% for the past three years.

2.2. Methodology for Cultivation System Construction

In this research, the “Four Styles” cultivation system has been introduced, using the “difficulties analysis + cultivation system construction + achievement analysis” methodology (Figure 2). This entails an initial analysis of the primary deficiencies and existing issues in application-oriented talent training in LC and demand for applied talents from employers. Subsequently, a “Four Styles” cultivation system was implemented at HBPU to address these shortcomings. Finally, surveys were conducted among graduates and enterprises to ascertain the achievements and areas of continuous improvement in application-oriented talent development.

2.3. Methodology of Investigation

In alignment with the Washington Accord, the China Engineering Education Accreditation Association has categorized application abilities into 12 facets (Table S1). These facets include acquiring engineering knowledge, analyzing engineering issues, devising solution methodologies, conducting engineering research, utilizing modern tools, comprehending the social responsibility of engineering projects, understanding the environmental impact of engineering projects, upholding work ethics, grasping the dynamics between individuals and teams, communicating effectively, managing engineering projects, and engaging in lifelong self-learning [32,33].
To assess the efficacy of talent development, interviews were conducted in June 2023 with graduates and employers, encompassing enterprises, institutions, and governmental bodies. A total of 192 graduates and 42 employers participated in the self-evaluation and evaluation of application abilities post-graduation from the environmental engineering major at HBPU. The interview framework, inclusive of questions, is presented in Table S1.

2.4. Data Analysis

Statistical analyses of all samples were performed using SPSS 22.0 (Statistical Product and Service Solutions, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data visualization was achieved using Matplotlib 3.8.2 (Matplotlib development team).

3. Results

3.1. Deficiency in the Cultivation of Applied Talents in EEMs in LCs

Contrary to state key universities, which prioritize the cultivation of talents for enhancing scientific research, the training of talents in EEMs in LCs should align with the national orientation towards green economic transformation and development. This implies that graduates from LCs should possess the capability to resolve practical engineering problems [34,35]. Furthermore, employers anticipate hiring fresh graduates with advanced professional skills to minimize training costs and expedite the generation of economic value [6,36]. However, currently, most enterprises require an extended period, at least half a year, to train fresh graduates until they are competent to undertake real work [37]. This is particularly evident in Japan, where most fresh graduates undergo an additional year of training post-hire in enterprises [38]. The primary cause of this phenomenon is the deficiency in knowledge transformation from theoretical environmental engineering to practical application. This suggests that the talent training program of environmental engineering in most LCs lacks adequate training in the ability to identify, analyze, and resolve practical engineering problems for students. This deficiency is primarily manifested in the following aspects during the teaching process.

3.2. Absence of Specific Talent Training Objectives

Presently, the talent training objectives of most EEMs in LCs lack specificity and fail to align with the developmental context of local enterprises and the nation. The talent training objectives of EEMs are crucial as they determine the type of talents to be nurtured and the methodology of training [39,40]. Despite the understanding among most LCs that they need to train application-oriented talents who meet societal needs in the backdrop of a green economy transformation, they often fail to fully consider the specific professional talents required for regional or local green economy transformation. This results in overly broad and convergent environmental engineering professional talent training objectives in LCs [39].
Furthermore, EEM has transcended the confines of a pure professional category in the context of modern economic development. It necessitates the integration of a myriad of complex factors such as organizational management, socio-economics, and communication [41]. For students, collegiate education is merely the starting point for subsequent work, and the teaching of modern social survival skills is also essential [42]. Therefore, when setting training objectives, it is imperative to consider the development of enterprises and the capabilities required from an enterprise perspective.

3.3. Incomplete Curriculum System

The key to perfecting the curriculum system lies in effectively establishing the relationship among knowledge points. According to Bloom’s cognitive theory, classroom learning pertains to the cultivation of lower-order thinking, while the analysis, evaluation, and creation of learned knowledge pertain to the cultivation of higher-order thinking. This implies that the foundation of application ability cultivation is the theoretical knowledge acquired in class [43]. Although most colleges recognize the importance of establishing a professional curriculum system, the connection of knowledge between courses remains weak. The emphasis on constructing curriculum groups is still lacking in EEM in LCs.
Generally, at the undergraduate level, all environmental engineering courses should have a logical relationship [44]. However, in most LCs, due to a lack of understanding of environmental engineering curriculum knowledge, course design is often confusing, including excessive class hours, repeated knowledge, and so on. For example, the principle of water quality evolution, which should have been taught in Chemistry and Biology courses during the first year of college, is often reiterated in the Water Pollution Control Engineering Course, a third-year course, simply because the same knowledge appears in different courses. While it is undeniable that reinforcing important knowledge points repeatedly is crucial, excessive repetition only increases the number of ineffective lessons, draining the energy of both teachers and students. Therefore, identifying the connection among the professional knowledge points in each course and constructing the curriculum system with key knowledge as the core remains a key challenge in the construction of the curriculum system.

3.4. Inconsistent Practical Teaching Platform

Practical teaching serves as a crucial bridge between theoretical knowledge and its flexible application and has consistently been a key component in LCs’ training of application-oriented talents [45]. Typically, the practical teaching platform is viewed as a nexus between the academic institution and local enterprises and government, clarifying the supply–demand relationship, and serving as a vital foundation for multi-party student training to identify, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems [34]. For instance, professional knowledge from courses such as Sewage Control Engineering, Air Pollution Control Engineering, and Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal are always emphasized in teaching and training. However, when faced with real environmental problems concerning water, air, and waste pollution treatment, students often find themselves perplexed and require further training in the enterprise [46]. Despite LCs’ aspirations that practical teaching can significantly enhance students’ abilities to solve practical engineering problems, there exist real-world challenges, such as outdated experimental equipment, demonstrative teaching content, an excessive proportion of observation and visits, slow updating and iteration of practical courses, and difficulty in finding application scenarios for experiments and practical content in practice [47]. Particularly since the outbreak of COVID-19, online simulation experiments and practical courses have garnered widespread attention and have become an effective method to address problems that cannot be practiced in the field during the epidemic outbreak period [48]. However, simulations always follow a predetermined design procedure, making it challenging to perfectly replicate real environmental problems. Therefore, current considerations include how to organically integrate these platforms into platform groups, and how to standardize the needs of local enterprises and support the implementation of talent training goals.

3.5. Homogeneous Teaching Team

Teachers form the bedrock of talent training and are also the key implementers in transforming the goal of talent training into students’ practical abilities [49]. However, in most countries, especially in China, the new teachers in LCs and universities are predominantly fresh doctoral or postdoctoral graduates, who excel in scientific research and have numerous high-level papers [50]. Moreover, these new teachers, lacking engineering practice experience, are preoccupied with professional title selection, which means they prioritize publishing more and superior papers over gaining engineering practice experience. This phenomenon has significantly reduced the proportion of application-oriented teachers in teaching teams, making it difficult to achieve the goal of training applied talents.
In conclusion, the primary reason these shortages could significantly impact the training of applied talents is that the current talent training system cannot define the abilities required to cultivate talents and construct a teaching system, practice platform, and teacher team around the goal of supporting the implementation of talent training goals. Therefore, the establishment of a new applied talent training system is imperative.

4. Discussion

4.1. The ‘Four Styles’ Cultivation System in EEM

In response to the deficiency in the cultivation of applied talents, the EEM at HBPU has proposed an applied talents training system with ‘Four Styles’ (Figure 3). This system is constructed by grouping courses with knowledge points, integrating practice platforms that include online self-study and enterprise practice, and encouraging collaboration among diverse types of teachers. This approach aims to solidify the transition from theoretical knowledge to practical skills and enhance students’ ability training.

4.1.1. ‘Four Styles’ Application Talent Training Objectives

The formulation of talent training objectives is a critical aspect of the talent cultivation system, as it determines the type of talent and the abilities that the talent will acquire upon graduation [3]. To meet the talent demand from employers, it is crucial to answer the question, ‘In the process of local green economy transformation, what are the specific requirements of local governments, enterprises, and institutions for talent?’ before setting the talent training objectives. As previously discussed, environmental engineering projects are characterized by their complexity and professionalism [51]. Employers require environmental engineering professionals to possess the ability to accurately identify and solve problems, communicate effectively, and engage in continuous learning to handle the complexity and professionalism of environmental engineering projects [51].
To meet the specific requirements of employers, the application talent training objectives of EEM in HBPU aim to train talents who can analyze, solve, communicate effectively, and sustainably address responsible environmental engineering problems (Figure S1). The details can be explained as follows. The first objective of EEM is to develop students’ ‘microscope-style’ abilities, which involve accurately identifying and defining potential and critical problems in environmental projects, especially in wastewater treatment, air pollution control, and solid waste disposal projects, and analyzing the ideas and tools needed to solve such projects. Then, the objectives of EEM aim to develop students’ ‘surgical knife-style’ abilities, which involve accurately solving complex environmental engineering problems using modern tools such as correct instrumental analysis, pollution monitoring, and engineering drawing. Thirdly, the objectives of EEM aim to develop students’ ‘router-style’ abilities, which involve interacting and collaborating within and outside the team. Finally, the objectives of EEM aim to develop students’ ‘battery-style’ abilities, which involve self-energizing and engaging in lifelong learning in response to changing or emerging environmental effects and problems.

4.1.2. The ‘1 + Multiple’ Curriculum System

Transforming the previously burdensome curriculum system is a crucial precondition to ensuring the achievement of talent training objectives [45]. In the EEM at HBPU, a ‘1 + multiple’ curriculum system has been instituted. Within this system, the importance of courses is not distinguished based on ‘degree courses’ and ‘non-degree courses’. Instead, all courses are designed depending on the objectives of application ability training (practical training), and multiple curriculum groups have been established to facilitate the teaching of professional knowledge (Figure S2). This approach allows for differentiated professional knowledge to be used to establish the logical relationship between courses, thereby simplifying repetitive knowledge content and aiding students in clearly understanding the learning logic.
In the EEM at HBPU, one practical curriculum group and six theoretical knowledge curriculum groups have been established (Figure S3). The six theoretical knowledge curriculum groups can further be divided into one basic knowledge curriculum group and five professional knowledge curriculum groups. The objectives of the basic knowledge curriculum group are to assist students in mastering general knowledge and technology. This includes the Mathematics Course, Computer Application Course, Engineering Drawing Course, English Course, C Programming Language Course, and Engineering Mechanics Courses, which are taught in the first year of college, to support the learning of environmental engineering expertise (Figure S3). Furthermore, the five professional knowledge curriculum groups have been established by the requirements for expertise in environmental engineering projects. These include treatment technology, methods and principles of polluted water, air, soil, and solid waste treatment, the monitoring, analysis, and evaluation methods of pollutants, and the planning and management methods for environmental engineering projects. These curriculum groups are taught with theoretical knowledge, experiments, and practice from the second year to the first half of the fourth year in college (Figure S3). After students have mastered the theoretical knowledge, in the second half of the third year, the practical curriculum group is implemented to allow students to enter enterprises to participate in actual engineering projects and apply their theoretical knowledge to solve real environmental engineering problems (Figure S3). Following this, students can use a project case to complete their graduation defense (Figure S3). All talent training objectives are evaluated during the graduation stage.
Furthermore, based on the curriculum groups, all knowledge points have been consolidated into a comprehensive knowledge system by the curriculum team teachers. This approach aids students in understanding the interconnections between different knowledge points within the same curriculum group, thereby reducing redundancy in teaching. Additionally, during the instructional process, the “DPITC” process evaluation method is employed (Figure S2). This can be delineated as follows: initially, before the course, both the teacher and students need to comprehend the teaching objectives. Subsequently, knowledge should be previewed. Next, interactive teaching utilizing multiple resources should be implemented during the instructional process. Following this, a targeted consolidation review for challenging knowledge points should be conducted. Finally, the teaching content should be continuously improved. This method is employed to enhance and assess students’ learning outcomes. More importantly, it assists the teacher in identifying and ameliorating deficiencies in the teaching process.

4.1.3. The ‘Cloud + Field’ Practical Platforms

The establishment of a practical teaching platform is the key process in nurturing applied talents in LCs. The type of practical platforms that can best facilitate students’ acquisition of practical skills has always been a topic of significant interest among researchers [48]. Although students exhibit a keen interest in the practical application of the theoretical knowledge they have acquired, their lack of preliminary preparation and understanding of practical work often leads to confusion during practical exercises, resulting in a psychological gap and unsatisfactory practical outcomes [6]. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, all practical teaching could not be conducted in enterprises, leading to poor results in practical teaching [48].
Therefore, in response to the demands of the post-pandemic era, a new model of school–enterprise collaboration, which combines ‘cloud internship’ and ‘field internship’, has been proposed in the EEM at HBPU (Figure S4). At the onset of the course, the cloud practical platform serves as a guide. A simulation case, derived from a real environmental engineering project, is practiced to help students understand the problems that may arise during actual work. Subsequently, field practice is implemented, allowing students to enter the enterprise to participate in actual environmental engineering projects and apply the knowledge they have learned to overcome the challenges encountered in actual work. The establishment of such combined practical platforms, which ‘bring real project cases into the college’ and ‘enable students to venture out to the enterprises’, facilitates a smooth transition for students from theoretical knowledge to practical problems.

4.1.4. The ‘1 + 2’ Teaching Team

A teaching team serves as the fundamental assurance for the cultivation of applied talents [6]. A well-structured team of teachers facilitates the development of students’ abilities. In the current scenario, the focus in the construction of the teaching team should be on fostering diversity and leveraging the unique expertise of each member. With the aid of a real engineering environment, industrial requirements, and teachers from diverse backgrounds, theoretical instruction and practical teaching can be seamlessly integrated to achieve a synthesis of knowledge and practice [6].
Consequently, in the EEM at HBPU, the teaching team primarily comprises professional teachers, supplemented by enterprise tutors and research tutors (Figure S5). The professional teachers, primarily employed by the college, concentrate on theoretical instruction and reinforcement of students’ foundational knowledge. Enterprise tutors, predominantly front-line staff from enterprises, participate in practical teaching in a mentorship capacity, providing students with real project cases, and facilitating the transition of theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. Research tutors, primarily experts in the environmental engineering field, provide students with the most recent and advanced technologies in a mentorship role, assist students in broadening their knowledge horizons, and impart professional knowledge on ‘real principles’, ‘new processes’, and ‘multiple innovations’. Furthermore, the teaching team should encompass teachers of varying ages to ensure the sustainable progression of curriculum instruction. In this manner, in addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge, students are exposed to real environmental engineering problems and cutting-edge scientific challenges.

4.2. Outcomes of the ‘Four Styles’ Cultivation System in EEM at HBPU

Since implementing the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system in the EEM at HBPU, a substantial number of students have graduated, and initial outcomes of talent training have been observed. According to the application abilities delineated by the China Engineering Education Accreditation Association (Table S1), Figure 4 presents a visual representation of the self-evaluation scores of EEM graduates from HBPU regarding their workplace application abilities. This figure is crucial for understanding the strengths and weaknesses as perceived by the graduates themselves. The scores range from 3.79 to 4.14, indicating generally positive self-assessments but also highlighting areas for improvement.
In Figure 4, graduates rate themselves highest in their ability to uphold ethical standards (4.14 for Ability 8) in their professional conduct. This suggests a strong emphasis on ethics within the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system, which is crucial for fostering trust and responsibility in the field of environmental engineering. The second highest score is observed in Ability 12, with a rating of 4.11, indicating graduates feel confident in their ability to continuously learn and adapt—an essential trait in the rapidly evolving field of environmental engineering. The results revealed that the curriculum successfully instills the importance of ongoing professional development. The high score in Ability 9 (4.09) indicates that the program effectively prepares students to collaborate and function well within team environments, a critical skill in most engineering projects.
However, the lowest scores, 3.79, are observed in both Ability 2 and 5 (Figure 4). This highlights a potential gap in the theoretical understanding and application of knowledge. While practical skills are emphasized, there may be a need for a stronger foundational knowledge of engineering principles. Additionally, the low score in mastering modern tools indicates a need for better training in the latest technologies and software used in the field. Proficiency with modern tools is essential for effective environmental problem-solving.
Figure 5 provides a visual representation of employer satisfaction with the work abilities of graduates from the EEM at HBPU. This figure is crucial for understanding employer perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of graduates trained under the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system. The satisfaction ratios range from 77.2% to 86.0%, with an average of 81.6 ± 2.33%, indicating a generally high level of satisfaction but also highlighting areas for potential improvement.
Employers rate graduates highest in their ability to maintain ethical standards in their professional conduct (Ability 8: 86.0%). This aligns with the graduates’ self-evaluations, indicating a consistent emphasis on ethics within the training program. Moreover, the high employer satisfaction in teamwork (Ability 9: 85.5%) reflects the program’s effectiveness in preparing students to work collaboratively in professional environments. Additionally, employers are highly satisfied with graduates’ abilities to continuously learn and adapt (Ability 12: 85.0%), underscoring the importance of ongoing professional development instilled by the curriculum.
However, lower satisfaction scores are observed in mastering modern tools (Ability 5: 79.0%) and designing solution methods (Ability 3: 77.2%). The low satisfaction in mastering modern tools suggests a need for better training in the latest technologies and software used in environmental engineering. This is a critical area for improvement, as proficiency with modern tools is essential for effective problem-solving. Additionally, the lowest satisfaction score in designing solution methods highlights a gap in practical problem-solving skills, indicating a need to enhance the curriculum to better equip students with the ability to design and implement effective solutions.
Based on surveys conducted among both graduates and their employers, it is evident that during the talent training process, the curriculum system, practical platforms, and teaching team in the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system place a greater emphasis on providing students with more opportunities and time for practice in enterprises. During these practical periods, students gain a better understanding of the importance of working ethically, self-learning, and teamwork. Conversely, an increase in practical opportunities implies a decrease in theoretical teaching, which may result in students having a deficiency in the basic knowledge of the major, leading to a shortfall in analyzing and utilizing appropriate tools to solve environmental engineering problems.
An investigation into the current positions and promotion frequencies of students who graduated over five years ago reveals insightful data (Figure 6). The results show that 27.9% of the graduates hold middle management positions, indicating a significant proportion have progressed to higher levels of responsibility within their organizations. Meanwhile, the majority, 72.1%, remain in grassroots positions, reflecting a slower progression rate (Figure 6A). In terms of professional titles, 28.9% are assistant engineers, and 13.9% have achieved the status of intermediate engineers, demonstrating a strong technical foundation and career advancement for a substantial number of graduates. Notably, 57.2% do not hold a specific title, suggesting either entry-level positions or roles where formal titles are not customary (Figure 6B).
Regarding job types (Figure 6C), 31.2% of the graduates are involved in environmental engineering project management, highlighting a key area of employment for these individuals. Additionally, 16.8% work in project design, 11.6% are engaged in project construction, and 10.4% are involved in technological development, underscoring the diversity of their employment and the versatility of the skills acquired through the program. Furthermore, 28.8% are employed in other environmental engineering-related fields, while only 1.2% are focused on scientific research, suggesting that research is a less common career path among graduates.
In terms of promotion, 52.7% of the graduates have been promoted at least once, with 27.2% promoted once, 15.6% twice, and 9.9% more than three times, indicating a positive career trajectory for many graduates (Figure 6D). Figure 6A–D collectively provide a comprehensive overview of the career outcomes for graduates of the EEM program at HBPU. These data highlight the diverse career paths and varying levels of advancement achieved by the graduates, illustrating the effectiveness of the training in preparing students for leadership roles and technical positions. Additionally, the results support the notion that the talents graduating from the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system have a deficiency in analyzing and using suitable tools to solve environmental engineering problems. However, based on their good ability to work ethically, collaborate with team members, and self-learn, after over five years of hard work in environmental engineering and related fields, they have earned the trust of their employers and are responsible for the completion of environmental engineering projects, thereby becoming the backbone in their respective enterprises.
The outcomes from the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system reveal that it offers a versatile framework for educators globally to enhance the training of applied talents in EEM at local colleges. By systematically integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application, this approach ensures students develop comprehensive skills. The ‘microscope-style’ encourages precise problem identification, the ‘surgical knife-style’ focuses on effective problem-solving with modern tools, the ‘router-style’ emphasizes teamwork and communication, and the ‘battery-style’ promotes continuous self-learning and adaptability. This holistic approach aligns with the demands of modern environmental engineering, fostering graduates who are well-prepared to address real-world challenges. Through a balanced curriculum, practical platforms, and a diverse teaching team, the ‘Four Styles’ system bridges the gap between academia and industry, facilitating a seamless transition from classroom learning to professional practice.

5. Conclusions

To address the deficiencies in talent training, including the lack of specific training objectives, incomplete curriculum systems, inconsistent practical teaching platforms, and homogeneous teaching teams in EEM programs at LCs, this study has proposed and implemented the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system at HBPU.
The ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system explicitly defines the objectives of talent training in EEMs at LCs. The focus is on nurturing talents who embody the traits of ‘microscope-style’, ‘surgical knife-style’, ‘router-style’, and ‘battery-style’ professionals. These talents are envisioned to be applied professionals capable of analyzing, solving, communicating effectively, and sustainably addressing responsible environmental engineering problems. To realize these objectives, a ‘1 + multiple’ curriculum system has been devised, centered around the objectives of application ability training, and multiple curriculum groups have been established to facilitate the teaching of professional knowledge. Furthermore, the combined practice of ‘cloud internship’ and ‘field internship’ assists students in transitioning seamlessly from theoretical knowledge to practical problems. To support the implementation of the cultivation system, a tripartite teaching team, comprising professional teachers supplemented by enterprise tutors and research tutors, has been assembled to aid students in learning basic knowledge, addressing realistic environmental engineering problems, and mastering the most cutting-edge technologies.
Based on surveys of graduates and employers, it is found that students exhibit exceptional abilities in working ethically, engaging in lifelong self-learning, and understanding the relationship between individuals and teams. After five years of working in environmental engineering, over half of the graduates have been promoted. Most of them occupy management, engineering, and technical positions and have already become the backbones of their respective enterprises. These results indicate that the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system can effectively train students in application ability.
The outcomes from the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system provide a valuable framework for global environmental engineering education by offering a structured and comprehensive approach that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical application. This model ensures that students develop essential skills needed to tackle real-world environmental challenges, making them more competitive in the job market and more effective in their professional roles. By fostering a diverse and well-rounded skill set, the ‘Four Styles’ system can be adapted and implemented in various educational contexts worldwide, thereby enhancing the overall quality of environmental engineering education globally.
However, the cultivation system exhibits certain limitations. One significant limitation is the potential imbalance between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as the increased emphasis on practical training might lead to a deficiency in students’ foundational theoretical knowledge. Another limitation is the dependency on the availability of advanced environmental remediation technologies and the willingness of enterprises to participate in practical training programs. Future research should consider enhancing curriculum construction by using suitable tools to address these limitations and further improve the effectiveness of the ‘Four Styles’ cultivation system.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Talent training objectives in the talent cultivation system; Figure S2: “1+multiple” curriculum system.; Figure S3: Multiple curriculum groups of EEM in Hubei Polytechnic University; Figure S4: “Cloud + field” practical platforms of EEM in Hubei Polytechnic University; Figure S5: “1 + 2” teaching team of EEM in Hubei Polytechnic University; Table S1: The interview scheme with questions for graduates and employers.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.L.; software, M.T. and Y.L.; investigation, P.T. and J.G.; writing—original draft preparation, S.L.; writing—review and editing, C.Z.; supervision, J.Z. and X.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Provincial Teaching Research Project of Colleges and Universities of Hubei Province (2022436), Research Project of Education and Teaching Reform in Hubei Polytechnic University (2022A02, 2020C27).

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


We deeply appreciate the invaluable contributions made by various individuals and organizations that have supported this study in numerous capacities. Their collective efforts have been pivotal in enabling us to gain critical insights into the discussion of the “Four Styles” cultivation system in environmental engineering majors.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Emerging environmental technologies and smart materials for critical environmental problems.
Figure 1. Emerging environmental technologies and smart materials for critical environmental problems.
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Figure 2. Technology roadmap for cultivation system construction.
Figure 2. Technology roadmap for cultivation system construction.
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Figure 3. ‘Four Styles’ application talent cultivation system of EEM in HBPU.
Figure 3. ‘Four Styles’ application talent cultivation system of EEM in HBPU.
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Figure 4. Self-evaluation of application abilities in environmental engineering-related work from graduates who graduated during 2018–2023.
Figure 4. Self-evaluation of application abilities in environmental engineering-related work from graduates who graduated during 2018–2023.
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Figure 5. The satisfaction ratio of graduates’ ability from employers.
Figure 5. The satisfaction ratio of graduates’ ability from employers.
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Figure 6. Illustrates the current professional status and frequency of promotions among students who graduated more than five years ago. (A) depicts the current positions held by these graduates. (B) represents the professional titles that the graduates have attained. (C) categorizes the various occupations pursued by the graduates. (D) quantifies the number of promotions received by these graduates over time.
Figure 6. Illustrates the current professional status and frequency of promotions among students who graduated more than five years ago. (A) depicts the current positions held by these graduates. (B) represents the professional titles that the graduates have attained. (C) categorizes the various occupations pursued by the graduates. (D) quantifies the number of promotions received by these graduates over time.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Liu, S.; Zhang, J.; Tao, M.; Tang, P.; Zhan, C.; Guo, J.; Li, Y.; Liu, X. Educational Approaches for Integrating Advanced Environmental Remediation Technologies into Environmental Engineering: The ‘Four Styles’ Model. Processes 2024, 12, 1569.

AMA Style

Liu S, Zhang J, Tao M, Tang P, Zhan C, Guo J, Li Y, Liu X. Educational Approaches for Integrating Advanced Environmental Remediation Technologies into Environmental Engineering: The ‘Four Styles’ Model. Processes. 2024; 12(8):1569.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Liu, Shan, Jiaquan Zhang, Min Tao, Ping Tang, Changlin Zhan, Jianlin Guo, Yanni Li, and Xianli Liu. 2024. "Educational Approaches for Integrating Advanced Environmental Remediation Technologies into Environmental Engineering: The ‘Four Styles’ Model" Processes 12, no. 8: 1569.

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