A Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces
:1. Introduction
- The deployment of a real-world infrastructure in Cardeto Park.
- The development of an ad-hoc smartphone application, CyberCardeto, for the gathering of participants’ data.
- The implementation of a data pre-processing and analysis system to deal with the data gathered both by beacons and the smartphone application, in order to obtain valuable information for the analysis of the users’ behavior.
2. Background
3. Description of the Environment of Deployment
3.1. The Real Environment: Cardeto Park
- Orange points: Historical or cultural POIs.
- Green points: Natural POIs.
- Red points: Placement of sensors (bifurcation points).
3.2. The Deployed Sensor Network
- Each beacon should be omni-directional and have a working range of some tens of meters.
- They must allow bidirectional communication.
- They must be battery-operated and feature low power consumption.
- The base technology must be integrated in a majority of commercial portable devices.
- The placement of the beacons cannot be intrusive on the natural environment. That is, the installation of the devices must not invade natural terrain, nor prevent the development of naturalness.
- The placement of the transmitters cannot be intrusive for the visitor’s visual perception. Being a natural and historical park, the installation of the beacons cannot compromise the park’s visual panorama.
- The positions of the sensors must be efficient for the correct performance of the study. That is, the placement of the sensors must allow for the detection of all visitors who pass through the planned bifurcations. In addition, overlap between different beacons must be avoided.
3.3. The CyberCardeto Smartphone App
4. Main Outcomes of the Deployed Scenario
- dataID: An unequivocal identifier for the specific data entry. It is formatted as a string, and it is automatically generated by the beacon.
- deviceID: The identifier of the device (smartphone, tablet…) that has passed through the beacon, and which has received the notification of the CyberCardeto app.
- enterTime: The exact time at which the user’s signal is caught entering into the area of influence of the specified beacon. The format of this parameter is DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss.
- exitTime: The exact moment at which the user leaves the domain of the specified beacon. The format of this date is DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss.
- timestamp: The timestamp with which the information has been reported. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
- zoneID: Identification of the beacon. It is depicted as a string, which, in this environment, has a value “beacon_X,” where X is an integer between 1 and 13.
- timestamp: The timestamp of the record. The format of the timestamp is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
- direction: The heading of the user. It is represented in decimal degrees, taking geographical North as origin.
- dataID: An unequivocal identifier for the specific data of the user’s entrance. It is formatted as a string, and it is automatically generated by the CyberCardeto app.
- latitude: The latitude of the geographical position of the user.
- longitude: The longitude of the geographical position of the user.
- deviceID: The identifier of the mobile device in which the app is running. This ID is the same as that gathered by the beacons.
5. The Pre-Processing and Post-Analysis System
- Data Cleaning: This method includes operations that correct noisy data, remove wrong data from the dataset, and reduce the unnecessary details [29]. In this case, all the records poorly gathered because of overlaps or beacon errors have been cleaned.
- Data Transformation: With this method, the data are converted to the type necessary for posterior analysis of the data. In this case, the timestamp value needs to be transformed in order to treat it efficiently.
- Data Integration: Operations such as identification and unification of variables and domains, analysis of correlations of the attributes, duplication of tuples, and detection of conflicts in data values from different sources are included in this category [30]. In this case, in order to merge both available files, the Date and DeviceID parameters needed to be integrated.
- Data Merging: Once the previous steps have been carried out, the merging of the data contained in both files is performed. This merging has been made using both the Timestamp and the DeviceID.
- Data Discretization: This procedure transforms quantitative data into qualitative data, that is, numerical attributes into discrete or nominal attributes with a finite number of intervals [31]. In this case, and in order to make the data more understandable, the isEntering parameter has been normalized to entering or leaving, depending on the case.
- Missing Data Imputation: This is a type of data cleaning process [32]. Its goal is to fill missing values with correct or adequate data. In most of the cases, it is better to estimate a suitable data value than to leave it blank. In this case, data imputation has been used in those cases in which the GPS location cannot be related one-to-one with the data coming from beacons. The procedure followed in the developed system has been to attach an estimated value to those records in which the latitude and longitude is not available. For this estimation, approximate known localizations have been used. In order to be more specific, for every record in which an exact location is not available, a bilateral search is made in order to find locations registered at nearby timestamps. For example, if a user was registered entering Beacon 3 at 12:00:00, and we do not have the location for this user at this exact time, the system starts a search asking whether we have her/his location at some nearby timestamps, for example, at any moment between 12:00:05 and 11:59:55. If the system still cannot find any location within this time window, it widens the window up to a maximum of +30 and −30 s. If the system does not find any location in any of these cases, these parameters are filled by a “longitude/latitude_not_available.”
- Time in Beacon: Once a beacon detects a user leaving its field of influence, the system calculates how much time the user has spent in the beacon’s area since his/her last entrance.
- Beacon Revisiting: If a beacon detects a user entering its domain, the system counts how many times the user has entered its area in the same day.
- Total Time in Beacon Area: Every time a beacon detects a user, the system calculates the total time this user has spent in the area of influence in the same day.
- Total Time Spent in the Park: Each time a beacon detects a user, the system calculates the total time this user has spent in the park as a whole, in the same day.
- Persons in the Same Beacon: Once a beacon detects a user, either entering or leaving its domain, the system counts the number of users that are in the area of influence of the same beacon at the same time.
- Time in Milliseconds: This information is directly taken from the timestamp, and is the date represented in milliseconds. This parameter is very useful for data processing systems and environments, such as Java.
- Day of the Week: This value is also calculated from the timestamp, and it represents the day of the week in which the register was gathered. This information is useful for the analysis of people’s behavior. An example of its importance is the fact that, on the weekend, one expects to detect a larger number of users than on working days. This parameter facilitates the gathering of this information, and it can have the following values: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- Day of the Year: This value is similar to the previous one. It is an integer representing the number of the day, taking the whole year as reference. This parameter can take any value between 1 and 366 (taking leap years into account).
- Bank Holiday: This Boolean parameter represents whether the day in which the activity was collected was a bank holiday. The main objective of this parameter is the same as that of the day of the week parameter. To obtain this value, an external web service has been used.
- Weather Summary: This parameter is a short description of the weather at the time that the user was detected by the beacon. This information is extremely important, not only for the analysis of the user’s behavior but also for the analysis of the beacon’s performance. Examples of different weather summaries could be “partly cloudy” or “heavy rain.” To obtain this information, the partly-freely available Open Weather Map web service (https://openweathermap.org/) has been used. Specifically, the current weather data, or the historical data APIs, are used, depending on the case. It is important to highlight that a pre-processing procedure is also carried out with all information coming from this web service, in order to extract only the information that is relevant to this real case study.
- Temperature: This parameter shows the temperature in degrees Celsius at the time that the user’s signal was caught by the beacon. This information is also obtained from the Open Weather Map web service.
- Humidity: This parameter represents the humidity, calculated in percentage, at the time the user passed through the domain of the beacon. This value is also calculated by the Open Weather Map Web Service.
- Trajectory of the User: This parameter is the sequence that the user has followed in the park since the user’s entrance. This parameter is represented as a list of the Beacon IDs of those beacons that were visited, sequentially, by the user. An example of a trajectory of a user that has visited four different beacons could be 12–9–3–4. More examples can be seen in Table 1.
6. Experimentation and Analysis of the Results
6.1. Data Organization and Filtering
6.2. Data Visualization Tool
- shows tracking paths (of both GPS and beacons) of various visitors and the differences between them;
- shows statistics related to a single visitor;
- shows statistics related to a single POI;
- allows uploading new datasets of multiple locations.
7. Conclusions and Future Work
- The collection of users’ data is app-based, leading to the gathering of small amounts of data. The period of data acquisition spanned from the end of March 2017 to August 2017, and we actually monitored more than 100 visitors. This fact makes it hard to predict the users’ behavior. This drawback can be solved using other kinds of sensors or beacons. This possibility will be studied in the near future. Furthermore, it is planned to improve the app with some additional features, such as the route planning engine based on metaheuristics [34,35] or automated translations [36].
- The beacons are error-prone, leading to the strict necessity of strong pre-processing systems. This drawback can be overcome by replacing the existing beacons by more reliable ones.
- The pre-processing and post-analysis system is not real-time and is not adapted for each visitor. Influencing the visitor’s path could be a good solution if the path is planned according to their preferences. This should be done with a real-time notification service with a predictor-corrector procedure acting as a guidance.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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UserId | Trajectory |
07E21E24-5632-4335-A140-F668CEACA9A5 | 13-3-13-10-13-3-5-5-3-1-13-3-1-13-3-13-3-1-1-3-1-13-3-1-13 |
172BB6F1-67B2-4F37-A833-5BCC2F677F72 | 2-1-13-3 |
25507D83-13B3-467A-9208-9FA816E85934 | 13-9-10-11-1-3-5-7-13-1-13-1-13-1-3-1-11-10-12-1-2-4-3-13-9-10-12 |
4C623546-8E6D-43BF-8C90-7CAD448963AC | 13-3-1-13-13-1-2-4-1-1-3-13-9-10-12-10-13-3-1 |
4DB20600-611E-4578-AE20-2DF4A415324A | 5-3-13-3-13-3-5-3-13-9-12-12-12-11-12-11 |
UserId | Time Spent |
07E21E24-5632-4335-A140-F668CEACA9A5 | 10,179 |
172BB6F1-67B2-4F37-A833-5BCC2F677F72 | 1825 |
25507D83-13B3-467A-9208-9FA816E85934 | 9163 |
4C623546-8E6D-43BF-8C90-7CAD448963AC | 3804 |
4DB20600-611E-4578-AE20-2DF4A415324A | 3946 |
UserId | Time Stamp | Entering Beacon | Persons in Same Beacon Area | Persons in the Park |
07E21E24-5632-4335-A140-F668CEACA9A5 | Friday September 30 15:20:48 | 3 | 1 | 6 |
0D14138D-DA2B-4E90-8E8D-3B6CE1566C08 | Friday September 30 17:50:25 | 1 | 2 | 6 |
172BB6F1-67B2-4F37-A833-5BCC2F677F72 | Friday September 30 15:57:35 | 3 | 3 | 9 |
25507D83-13B3-467A-9208-9FA816E85934 | Friday September 30 17:11:37 | 13 | 2 | 7 |
4DB20600-611E-4578-AE20-2DF4A415324A | Friday September 30 18:06:44 | 10 | 2 | 4 |
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Share and Cite
Osaba, E.; Pierdicca, R.; Malinverni, E.S.; Khromova, A.; Álvarez, F.J.; Bahillo, A. A Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 190. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi7050190
Osaba E, Pierdicca R, Malinverni ES, Khromova A, Álvarez FJ, Bahillo A. A Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2018; 7(5):190. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi7050190
Chicago/Turabian StyleOsaba, Eneko, Roberto Pierdicca, Eva Savina Malinverni, Anna Khromova, Fernando J. Álvarez, and Alfonso Bahillo. 2018. "A Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7, no. 5: 190. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi7050190