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A Theoretical Study of Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by CO2 Molecule

Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh
Division of Radiation Protection and Safety Control, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, 6-3 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Department of Physics, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna 6600, Bangladesh
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 31 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 3 March 2022 / Published: 9 March 2022


This article presents a theoretical investigation of the differential, integrated, elastic, inelastic, total, momentum-transfer, and viscosity cross-sections, along with the total ionization cross-section, for elastically scattered electrons and positrons from a carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) molecule in the incident energy range of 1 eV E i 1 MeV. In addition, for the first time, we report the spin polarization of e ± CO 2 scattering systems. The independent atom model (IAM) with screening correction (IAMS) using a complex optical potential was employed to solve the Dirac relativistic equation in partial-wave analysis. The comparison of our results with the available experimental data and other theoretical predictions shows a reasonable agreement in the intermediate- and high-energy regions.

1. Introduction

Projectile–atom/molecule scatterings are very common in many natural and man-made systems, such as gaseous plasma [1], planetary atmospheres [2], radiation chemistry [3], radiobiology [3], mass spectrometry [4], etc. Accurate data of various observables of such scattering phenomena are, therefore, of crucial importance for the enhancement of our knowledge about the science of planetary, stellar, and interstellar spaces and for the development of technologies. In particular, the electron (e ) impact scattering from atmospheric molecules is indispensable for the study of physical and chemical models, such as the electron-transport properties of gases, photochemistry of the atmosphere, atmospheric auroral emissions, treatment of biomaterials, and plasma discharges [5].
Positron (e + ) scattering augments the understanding of e atom interaction. Because of the static component, apart from their difference in sign, the large r dependences of the polarization potential and the absorption potential are the same in the two interactions. It is well known that, whereas the net interaction for e −atom scattering is attractive at all energies, the net interaction for e + −atom scattering is attractive only at low energies (up to the Ps formation threshold), and after that, it becomes repulsive. So, the study of e and e + collisions with the same target can unravel more information about projectile–target collision dynamics. Our recent calculations [6,7,8,9,10,11,12] of various scattering observables for e ± −atom systems have produced reasonable agreement with the available data. We thus now extend our calculations for e ± scattering from molecular targets in order to characterize these scattering systems.
Carbon compounds are the most significant constituents of the atmosphere [13]. They are fundamental, especially for the organic chemistry taking place in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is a linear, triatomic, non-polar, heteronuclear molecule. This isoelectronic molecule is the most abundant constituent of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars [14]. For the understanding of the aurora and day-glow phenomena, a comprehensive knowledge of the cross-sections of the excitation, ionization, and dissociation of atmospheric species by electrons is needed [15]. Reliable data on the e ± CO 2 collision are, therefore, immensely necessary for controlling the atmospheric environment. Moreover, CO 2 is frequently used in gaseous discharges or low-temperature plasma devices.
In view of the wide applications of CO 2 described above, a number of experimental and theoretical studies of e ± CO 2 scattering have been reported to date. Earlier investigations (up to the year 2001) on the e CO 2 system have been compiled in review articles [14,16,17,18,19]. Among the recent studies on e CO 2 scattering, absolute total ionization cross-sections (TICSs) were reported by Hudson et al. [20], who measured them at the threshold of 250 eV, and by Vinodkumar et al. [21], who calculated the threshold to be 5000 eV. In a later study, firstly, the total inelastic cross-section was calculated using the well-known spherical complex optical potential (SCOP) formalism. After that, the TICS was extracted by employing a semi-empirical formalism called the ’complex spherical potential-ionization contribution’ (CSP-ic).
In contrast, positron scattering cross-sections for molecular targets have not been widely studied. However, for e + CO 2 systems, the literature shows a number of experimental and theoretical studies. For example, the TICS was measured by Laricchia and Moxom [22] at E i = 3–20 eV, by Sueoka and Hamada [23] at 0.3–10 eV, by Bluhme et al. [24] at E i = threshold−2000 eV, and by Marler and Surko [25] at E i = threshold−90 eV. The measurement of the direct ionization cross-section was reported by Cooke et al. [26] in the energy range of 10–1000 eV. On the theoretical side, Baluja and Jain [27] employed a model of the complex optical potential to calculate the total (elastic + inelastic) cross-section (TCS) for a positron in the range of 1–5000 eV using several molecular targets, including CO 2 . Campeanu et al. [28] predicted the same observable for E i = 20–1000 eV using the CPE (Coulomb plus plane waves with full energy range) distorted wave model. Recently, Singh et al. [3] reported a TCS calculated over a wide energy range (threshold to 5000 eV) using a modified version of the SCOP.
Although extensive experimental and theoretical studies on e ± CO 2 scattering have been performed, most of them only paid attention to the ionization processes. Data on other observables, e.g., the elastic differential cross-section (DCS), integrated elastic cross-section (IECS), inelastic cross-section (INCS), momentum-transfer cross-section (MTCS), viscosity cross-section (VCS), and total (elastic + inelastic) cross-section (TCS), are, therefore, too scarce in the literature. Moreover, the agreement between experiments and theories and even between various experiments is still unsatisfactory for practical purposes. To the best of our knowledge, for the e ± CO 2 system, there is neither an experimental nor a theoretical calculation of the critical minima (CM) in the DCS that is available in the literature. The destructive interference of the scattered wave of different angular momentum states is responsible for such minima in the DCS. More studies of electron and positron collisions with this molecule are, therefore, immensely necessary to resolve the above problems. In particular, a reliable theoretical model can overcome the ambiguities in experimental measurements.
In the present work, we report our calculations of the DCS, TCS, IECS, INCS, MTCS, VCS, and TICS for both electron and positron scattering from a CO 2 molecule over a wider energy range of 1 eV E i 1 MeV. In addition, the spin polarization is evaluated for these scattering systems for the first time. In these calculations, we adopt a Dirac partial-wave analysis under the framework of a complex optical potential model (OPM). In order to make the partial-wave method effective for the projectile–molecule interaction, the present work uses a single-scattering independent atom model (IAM), as well as the IAM with screening correction (IAMS), which was first proposed by Blanco and Garcia [29] and then by Blanco et al. [30].
The IAMS approach [31] has already proven to be successful in calculating various observables for electron and positron scattering from a molecular carbon monoxide target. In this method, the target molecule is approximately replaced by its constituent atoms in the corresponding positions. The projectile–molecule interaction is thereby reduced to the projectile–atom interaction in the collision dynamics. It is worth mentioning that, under the optical potential framework, the present approaches (IAM and IAMS) do not require a fitting procedure; however, it is possible to vary one parameter (△, the mean excitation energy of the target in the evaluation of absorption potential) in the calculation to bring the theory and experiments closer to each other. Nevertheless, the method is capable of predicting quite reliable cross-section data without adjusting the △ parameter, and thus produces theoretical results where experimental data are not available.

2. Outline of the Theory

The scattering of electrons or positrons by a molecule cannot be treated straightforwardly with the procedure of partial waves due to the non-spherical nature of the above projectile–molecule interaction. In the additive rule (AR), the scattering cross-sections due to a molecule (differential or integrated) are obtained by simply adding the corresponding contributions due to the individual free atoms composing the molecule. This is an approximation that ignores the chemical bonding and aggregation effects. The density distribution of an atom in a molecule is different from that of the same atom in an isolated state. This distortion in the density distribution due to aggregation in the formation of the molecule changes the projectile–molecule interaction from a projectile–atom interaction and influences the scattering. In independent-atom approximation (IAM), the interaction of an atom in a molecule is transformed into that of a free atom, thus reducing the single-center scattering from a molecule into a multi-center scattering from a spherically symmetric potential due to a free atom. This approximation prepares the ground for the application of partial-wave analysis of scattering. In this approach, the molecular effect is taken into account by determining the differential cross-section (DCS) as the coherent sum of the waves (not the currents) scattered from the atoms, which are located in fixed positions in the molecule. Additionally, the first excitation energy and dipole polarizability of the molecule, instead of the atom, are used in generating the projectile–atom.

2.1. Relativistic Dirac Equation

The relativistic Dirac equation [32] for a projectile of resting mass m o traveling in a central field V ( r ) with a velocity v is given by
[ c α . p + β m o c 2 + V ( r ) ] ψ ( r ) = E ψ ( r ) ,
where E = γ m o c 2 = E i + m o c 2 is the total energy, γ = ( 1 v 2 / c 2 ) 1 / 2 , c is the velocity of light in vacuum, E i is the kinetic energy of the incident particle, and α and β are the usual 4 × 4 Dirac matrices.

2.2. Complex Optical Potential

The above Dirac equation is solved numerically by using the RADIAL subroutine package [33] and by employing a complex optical potential [34] of the following form:
V ( r ) = V real ( r ) i W abs ( r ) = V st ( r ) + V ex ( r ) + V cp ( r ) i W abs ( r ) .
The real components V st ( r ) , V ex ( r ) , and V cp ( r ) represent the static, exchange, and correlation–polarization potentials, respectively, and the imaginary component, W abs ( r ) represents the magnitude of the absorption potential.
Static potential arises due to the electrostatic interaction between the projectile and the atomic charge distribution. This static potential is generated using the Dirac–Fock electron density [35] and Fermi nuclear charge distribution [36]. The exchange potential, V ex ( r ) , for electrons arises due to the indistinguishability of the incident and bound electrons of the target. For positrons, the exchange part is zero. The present study uses the semi-classical local exchange potential of Furness and McCarthy [37], which is derived from the non-local exchange interaction using the WKB-like wave functions. The polarization potential comes into effect due to the displacement of the charges of the atom by the incident charged projectile and remains attractive for both electrons and positrons. Following Salvat [38], this work employs a global correlation–polarization potential V cp ( r ) , which combines the parameter-free long-range Buckingham potential and the short-range correlation potential based on local density approximation (LDA). The negative imaginary part, – i W abs ( r ) , is included to account for the loss of particles into various inelastic channels that open beyond the inelastic threshold. The detailed shapes of components V st ( r ) , V ex ( r ) , V cp ( r ) , and W abs ( r ) are given elsewhere [6,31,39].
In the Dirac partial-wave analysis, the scattering of electrons and positrons by the potential V ( r ) is completely described by the elastic scattering amplitude [11]. It consists of a spin-conserving (direct) contribution f ( θ ) and a spin-flip contribution g ( θ ) . The elastic DCS for an initially unpolarized electron/positron is obtained from
d σ d Ω = f ( θ ) 2 + g ( θ ) 2

2.3. IAM Approach

As the projectile–molecule interaction is not spherically symmetric, the partial-wave method cannot be directly applied for the generation of observable quantities for e ± −CO 2 scattering. In the present IAM approach, the direct and spin-flip scattering amplitudes are, respectively, given by [31]:
F ( θ ) = i exp ( i q . r i ) f i ( θ )
G ( θ ) = i exp ( i q . r i ) g i ( θ )
where ħ q is the momentum transfer, r i is the position vector for the nucleus of the i-th atom relative to an arbitrary origin, and f i ( θ ) and g i ( θ ) are the scattering amplitudes for the constituent-free atom of an element. The corresponding DCS is then obtained by averaging the orientations of all of the randomly oriented molecules and is given by:
d σ d Ω = | F ( θ ) | 2 + | G ( θ ) | 2
= i , j exp ( i q . r i j ) [ f i ( θ ) f j * ( θ ) + g i ( θ ) g j * ( θ ) ]
= i , j sin ( q r i j ) q r i j [ f i ( θ ) f j * ( θ ) + g i ( θ ) g j * ( θ ) ]
= i [ | f i ( θ ) | 2 + | g i ( θ ) | 2 ] + i j sin ( q r i j ) q r i j [ f i ( θ ) f j * ( θ ) + g i ( θ ) g j * ( θ ) ]
Here, q = 2 k sin ( θ / 2 ) , r i j is the distance between the i-th and j-th atoms, sin ( q r i j ) / q r i j = 1 when q r i j = 0 , and the term i j represents the contribution of interference to the molecular DCS.
In terms of the DCS, the integrated elastic σ e l , momentum-transfer σ m , and viscosity σ v cross-sections for the e ± −CO 2 scattering are expressed as
σ el = d σ d Ω d Ω = 2 π 0 π d σ d Ω s i n ( θ ) d θ
σ m = 2 π 0 π ( 1 cos θ ) d σ d Ω s i n ( θ ) d θ
σ v = 3 π 0 π 1 cos θ 2 d σ d Ω s i n ( θ ) d θ
The total cross-section σ tot for both of the projectiles can be obtained from the following expression:
σ tot = 4 π k i Im f i ( 0 ) ,
where Im f i ( 0 ) denotes the imaginary part of the direct scattering amplitude in the forward direction at θ = 0 for the i-th atom. Because of the imaginary component, σ tot contains both the elastic and inelastic (absorption) parts. In the present study, the inelastic cross-section σ in is expressed as
σ inel = σ tot σ el

2.4. IAMS Approach

The main drawback of the IAM model that it does not consider multiple scattering of projectiles from the constituent atoms of a molecule, making it applicable only at comparatively high energies (>100 eV) [30,31]. Another reason for the low-energy failure of this model is its ignorance of the mutual overlapping of nearby atomic cross-sections. To overcome this problem, Blanco and Garcia [29] proposed a screening that corrected s i ( 0 s i 1 ) for i-th and j-th atoms of a molecule, which are given by:
s i = 1 ε i ( 2 ) 2 ! + ε i ( 3 ) 3 ! ε i ( 4 ) 4 ! + ± ε i ( N ) N !
ε i ( m ) = N m + 1 N 1 i j σ j ε j ( m 1 ) α i j ( m = 2 , , N ) .
represents m-atoms overlapping. N is the number of atoms in the target molecule and α i j = m a x ( 4 π r i j 2 , σ i , σ j ) , where σ i and σ j are the atomic total cross-sections for the i-th and j-th atoms of the molecule. For a CO 2 molecule ( N = 3 ), Equation (15) takes the following form:
s i = 1 ε i ( 2 ) 2 ! + ε i ( 3 ) 3 !
These coefficients s i reduce the contributions of constituent atoms to the molecular cross-section. Blanco et al. [30] improved the formalism by adding another factor, ν i j , to the positive values of i j ν i j s i s j sin ( q r i j ) q r i j [ f i ( θ ) f j * ( θ ) ] , which is defined as ν i j = r i j 2 / ( r i j 2 + ρ i j 2 ) , with a length-dimensional parameter ρ i j = m a x ( σ i / π , σ j / π , 1 / k ) . Here, ( σ / π ) represents the radius of a circle of area σ . So, the screening-corrected version of Equation (9) is
d σ d Ω s = i s i 2 [ | f i ( θ ) | 2 + | g i ( θ ) | 2 ] + i j ν i j s i s j sin ( q r i j ) q r i j [ f i ( θ ) f j * ( θ ) + g i ( θ ) g j * ( θ ) ]
The screening-corrected integrated elastic σ el s , momentum-transfer σ m s , viscosity σ v s , and total σ tot s cross-sections are given by
σ el s = 2 π 0 π d σ d Ω s sin ( θ ) d θ
σ m s = 2 π 0 π ( 1 cos θ ) d σ d Ω s sin ( θ ) d θ
σ v s = 3 π 0 π 1 cos θ 2 d σ d Ω s sin ( θ ) d θ
σ tot s = σ el s + σ inel s = i s i ( σ el + σ inel ) = i s i σ tot
The spin polarization of a randomly oriented molecule in terms of the scattering amplitudes is expressed as
S ( θ ) = i F ( θ ) G * ( θ ) F * ( θ ) G ( θ ) | F ( θ ) | 2 + | G ( θ ) | 2
The interaction energy of the polarizing field with the CO 2 molecule vanishes to the first approximation. However, for a large projectile–atom distance, the polarizability of the i-th atom of the molecule, the response to the polarizing field, is approximately equal to the polarizability of the free atom multiplied by the ratio of the molecular polarizability to the sum of the polarizabilities of the atoms composing the molecule. This way, a molecular feature enters into the expression for the projectile–atom polarization potential. For the calculations of scattering amplitudes from the i-th atom, we used the following formula for effective polarizability:
α d , e f f ( i ) = α d m o l α d ( i ) [ j α d ( j ) ] 1 .
Here, the summation extends over all of the constituent atoms in the molecule. The atomic polarizabilities for carbon and oxygen are used: 1.76 A ˙ 3 [40] and 0.802 A ˙ 3 [40], respectively. The molecular polarizability of the CO 2 molecule is 2.507 A ˙ 3 [41]. In the independent atom model approximation, the effective atomic polarizability defined by Equation (24) is used to calculate the polarization potential V p ( r ) for an atom. The values of first molecular excitation energy and ionization potential are 11.04 eV [3] and 13.773 eV [42] for the present analysis.
Since the inelastic channels in e ± molecule scattering consist of both excitation and ionization, the total inelastic cross-section σ inel in Equation (14) can be further divided into an excitation ( σ ex ) and an ionization ( σ ion ) part as follows:
σ inel = σ ex + σ ion .
Therefore, σ inel and σ ion satisfy the following inequality:
σ inel σ ion .
In the present study, the total ionization cross-section ( σ ion ) is calculated from the following energy-dependent ratio [43,44]:
R ( E i ) = σ ion ( E i ) σ inel ( E i ) ,
with 0 R 1 .
The ratio R ( E i ) is a continuous function of energy. For E i > I (ionization potential), this function is fitted to the equation
R ( E i ) = 1 B 1 B 2 U + C + ln U U
where U = E i / I is the reduced energy. It was observed experimentally that the value of R ( E i ) rises steadily as the energy increases above the threshold and approaches unity at very high energies. The adjustable parameters B 1 , B 2 , and C are, therefore, determined using the following conditions:
R ( E i ) = 0 for E i I , R p for E i = E p R F for E i E F > E P .
Here, R p is the value of R at E i = E p , with E p being the incident energy at which the maximum absorption occurs. At incident energies E i E F , well above the peak position E p , the value of R increases to R F (very close to 1). The optimal values of the parameters B 1 , B 2 , and C obtained from the solutions of Equation (29) using a FORTRAN program are, respectively, found to be −1.263, −5.886, and 6.436 both for electron and positron scattering.

3. Results and Discussion

In the present study, the ELSEPA code [34] was used for the calculation of various scattering observables for e ± CO 2 scattering systems over a wide energy range. The differential and total cross-sections for both of the projectiles (electron and positron) were calculated for the energy domain of 1 eV E i 1 MeV. The Sherman function was calculated for the energy range of 5–1500 eV. The program first calculated the phase shifts δ k required for the calculations of scattering amplitudes from the solutions of the Dirac equation up to a matching distance and then for matching with the known exterior solution. The program then calculated, using the knowledge of the scattering amplitudes, various scattering observables for spin-unpolarized electrons or positrons. In this section, we present the results and analyses of several scattering observables that were calculated with both our IAM and IAMS approaches.

3.1. The Differential Cross-Section

Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 display the DCS results for electrons that are elastically scattered from a carbon dioxide molecule, as calculated by our two approaches over the energy range of 40 eV E i 10 keV. As seen in these figures, the IAMS approach produces reduced values of DCS compared to those obtained with the IAM approach, especially at lower energies and angles, which is consistent with experimental observations. This important feature signifies that the inclusion of the screening effect makes the IAMS theory effective in describing the DCS of e CO 2 scattering. One can also notice, as expected, that at higher energies, both the IAM and IAMS give almost the same results. At these energies, the corresponding de Broglie wavelengths of the projectile are small enough compared to the inter-atomic distances of the target molecules. Incident particles, therefore, participate in the collision with all of the atoms (inside the target molecule) independently, without any kind of geometrical overlapping among them.
The oscillations of the DCS with the angle (or energy) are interference structures that are seen only in lower-energy domains (well below 1000 eV). These structures are of great interest for the study of collision dynamics, as they appear due to the diffraction effects arising from the quantum-mechanical nature of matter. The interference structures disappear when the collision becomes so energetic that the projectile–atom interactions occur inside the K-shell. However, these diffraction minima differ in number between our two approaches (IAM and IAMS). The number of minima predicted by the IAM theory varies with energy from 1 at E i = 40 eV to 2 at 80 E i 600 eV, and then reduces to 1 at 700 E i 1000 eV. At energies greater than 1000 eV, the structure vanishes due to the incoherent interference of the scattered waves of many angular momenta. The IAMS theory, on the other hand, produces only one minimum up to E i = 200 eV, and beyond that, the DCS shows smooth variation with the energy.
In Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4, our DCS results for the electron projectiles are compared with the experimental data from Tanaka et al. [46] that are available at E i = 60–100 eV, as well as those of Shyn et al. [47] at E i = 40–90 eV, Register et al. [48] at 50 eV, Kanik et al. [49] at E i = 40–100 eV, Iga et al. [45] at 100, 200, 300, and 400 eV, Bromberg [50] at 300, 400, and 500 eV, Maji et al. [51] at 500, 700, and 900 eV, and Iga et al. [52] at 500, 800, and 1000 eV. For comparison, the experimental data of [47] are normalized with those of [49] in Figure 1 at 90 . Additionally included are the theoretical results predicted by the Schwinger variational iterative method (SVIM) of Iga et al. [45] at 100, 200, 300, and 400 eV and the IAM approach of Maji et al. [51] at 500, 700, and 900 eV. We found no experimental or any other theoretical results with which to compare our calculations for the energy domain of 1500 eV E i 10,000 eV.
The comparison shows that our DCS results predicted by both of the approaches produce a reasonable agreement with the experimental data for E i 60 eV, except with the data of Maji et al. [51] at 500 eV. The present results, the experimental data, and the other theoretical values exhibit oscillations at about the same scattering angles. However, at the particular energy of 500 eV, the data of [51] differ from those of other experiments and theories, and even from their own calculations. At lower energies, especially at E i 50 eV, our results show noticeable disagreement with the results of the experiments, although they agree in terms of the number of minima with differences in magnitudes. This low-energy behavior can be treated properly by more sophisticated theories, such as the R-matrix, convergent-close-coupling procedures, etc. The present OPM theory does not work well at low energies owing to the approximation from coupled-channel theory.
Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7 display our DCS results for the positron projectiles in the energy range of 20 eV E i 10 keV. As seen in these figures, the reduction of screening-corrected DCSs at lower scattering angles and energies is similar to that of their electron counterparts. Our results are compared with the experiments of Przybyla et al. [53] in Figure 5 at E i = 10, 20, 50, and 100 eV. For comparison, the experimentally measured data of [53] are normalized with our calculations (IAMS) at 105 . As for the electron projectiles, at lower energies ( E i 20 eV), in Figure 5, we observe significant discrepancies in magnitude and fair concordance in the pattern of our calculations with the data. However, the quality of fit of our results to the data improves beyond 20 eV. Some reasons for the disagreement in the low-energy region of our calculations with the measured values have already been mentioned in the discussion of the electron scattering results. Another reason might be argued that the scattering data for positrons are not purely elastic, rather quasi-elastic [53]. These data have elastically scattered and rotational or vibrational excitations and have significant contributions to elastic scattering in the low-energy region, but lesser contributions in the high-energy region.
Our DCS calculations for positron scattering are also compared with those of Dapor and Miotello [54] in Figure 6 and Figure 7, which are available at 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000 eV. It is to be noted that the e + CO 2 scattering data of Dapor and Miotello [54] were produced by applying the AR to their positron–atom scattering cross-sections of C and O atoms. Following the same procedure, we also generated the IECS, MTCS, and VCS data of [54] and presented them in Figure 17c,e,f for comparison. One can see a close agreement of our calculations with those of [54] in shape (in the case of DCS), but slight differences in magnitude (in the case of DCS, IECS, MTCS, and VCS). However, the difference gradually decreases with increasing impact energy, and the results of [54] almost merge with those of both of our approaches (IAM and IAMS), implying that, in the high-energy region, the structural effect does not arise, and the individual atoms act independently owing to the low de Broglie wavelength of the incident projectile. The projectile–molecule interaction is predominantly a projectile–atom interaction.
Figure 8 and Figure 9, which are, respectively, for the electron and positron projectiles, depict the variation of the DCS with energy at angles θ = 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 . As seen in these figures, the DCS minima, sharp or flat, occur up to around 200 eV, but disappear at higher energies. It is to be noted that a minimum in the DCS is formed due to destructive interference of waves scattered from bound electrons. At higher energies, the structure disappears in the DCS and leads to a monotonous pattern of the DCS due to the short interaction time, preventing the interference of scattered waves.
The DCSs for electron scattering in Figure 8 are compared with the experiments of [45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52], and it was found that our results closely agree, at all angles, with the whole experimental data range, except at E i 20 eV. The same scenario is observed in Figure 9 for the positron scattering. One can also observe that the experimental cross-sections of electron scattering show a larger spread among different datasets at some energies, signifying that a theoretical method is very essential for the removal of the discrepancies and can be used as the recommended set of cross-sections.
Figure 10 displays the DCSs for the impact of electrons and positrons at the four angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 150 as a function of collision energy. This comparison shows that, for both of the projectiles, the dependence on the incident energy is the same for higher energies beyond 10 keV. However, in the lower-energy region ( E i 10 keV), the magnitude is smaller for positron scattering, indicating that the positron–molecule scattering is rather weaker than its electron counterpart due to the effect of exchange potential in the e atom interaction. It is also observed that the positron DCSs start oscillating at a lower energy due to the difference in the correlation polarization potential.
The variation of the DCSs in terms of both collision energy and scattering angle is displayed in Figure 11 and Figure 12, respectively, for electron and positron projectiles. These three-dimensional distributions of the DCS also confirm the disappearance of the interference structure in the DCS at higher energies because of the short duration of interaction between the projectile and molecule.

3.2. Sherman Function

In Figure 13 and Figure 14, we present our IAM results of the Sherman function S ( θ ) for electrons that are elastically scattered from CO 2 molecules for incident energies of 5 E i 1500 eV. As seen in these figures, the minima in S ( θ ) relate to the minima in the DCS. In addition, as expected, the structures in S ( θ ) are much more pronounced because of the greater sensitivity of this observable to the variation in the potential as compared to the DCS.
As far as we are aware, there are neither experimental nor any other theoretical spin polarization results for e CO 2 scattering available in the literature. Fink and Yates [55] and Fink and Ingram [56] calculated S ( θ ) , respectively, for carbon and oxygen atoms at energies of 100, 250, 500, 1000, and 1500 eV. By employing AR, we generated S ( θ ) for e CO 2 at the aforementioned impact energies to compare with our calculations. It was observed that the comparison produces a fairly good agreement in pattern with differences in magnitude. This is not unexpected; as already mentioned, S ( θ ) is highly sensitive to variations in the procedure used to generate it.
Figure 15 shows the Sherman function for positron scattering due to our IAM theory at the collision energies of 4.75, 6.75, 10, 20, 50, and 100 eV. As is apparent in this figure, at lower energies (<10 eV), our calculations produce only one maximum at each of these energies, which is shifted towards a lower scattering angle with increasing energy. Within the energy domain of 20 E i 100 eV, the Sherman function produces another maximum, which is shifted towards a higher scattering angle with increasing energy. Moreover, the spin asymmetry for positrons is extremely small, implying that the positron–molecule interaction is much weaker than in the case of electron impact because the spin polarization depends on the spin–orbit interaction, as well as on the spatial interaction potential. The lack of experimental and any other theoretical results precludes any comparisons.

3.3. Total Cross-Section

In Figure 16a, we present our prediction of the total (elastic + inelastic) cross-section (TCS) for electron scattering from CO 2 molecules at 1 eV E i 1 MeV. Our results are compared with the experimental data of Tanaka et al. [46], Iga et al. [52], Kwan et al. [57], Szmytkowski et al. [58], Nogueira et al. [59], Garcia and Manero [60], Hoffman et al. [61], and Shilin et al. [62]. The calculations of Iga et al. [45], Jain and Baluja [63] and the recommended data of Itikawa [14] are also included for comparison. As in Figure 16a, the calculations from the IAM and Jain and Baluja [63] overestimate all of the experimental results. In contrast, our IAMS, along with the calculations of Iga et al. [45], produce a good agreement with the experimental TCS of [47,48,57,58,59,60,61] at E i 20 eV. This observation is also true in the case of IECS, which is presented in Figure 16c.
Our IAMS calculation of the total ionization cross-section (TICS) for electron scattering is presented for E i = 10 10,000 eV in Figure 16b. Additionally included are the predictions of Vinodkumar et al. [21] and Hwang et al. [64]. These three calculations are compared with the data measured by Asundi et al. [65], Craggs and Tozer [66], Rapp and Golden [67], Orient and Srivastava [68], Freund et al. [69], Hudson et al. [20], and Straub et al. [70]. The comparison shows that our results and the other two calculations [21,64] agree well with the results of most of the experiments [20,67,68,70]. Our calculations underestimate the data of [65,66], but overestimate those of [69]. We think that more datasets (either theoretical or experimental) are needed to establish a reference set of TICS data for electron scattering by CO 2 molecules.
Figure 16. Values ( a 0 2 ) of TCS, TICS, IECS, INCS, MTCS, and VCS for the scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, Vinodkumar et al. [21], Iga et al. [45], Jain and Baluja [63], Hwang et al. [64], and Mayol and Salvat [71]. Recommended: Itikawa [14]. Experimental: Hudson et al. [20], Iga et al. [45], Tanaka et al. [46], Shyn et al. [47], Register et al. [48], Iga et al. [52], Kwan et al. [57], Szmytkowski et al. [58], Nogueira et al. [59], Garcia and Manero [60], Hoffman et al. [61], Shilin et al. [62], Asundi et al. [65], Craggs and Tozer [66], Rapp and Golden [67], Orient and Srivastava [68], Freund et al. [69], Straub et al. [70], Kimura et al. [72] and Nakamura [73].
Figure 16. Values ( a 0 2 ) of TCS, TICS, IECS, INCS, MTCS, and VCS for the scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, Vinodkumar et al. [21], Iga et al. [45], Jain and Baluja [63], Hwang et al. [64], and Mayol and Salvat [71]. Recommended: Itikawa [14]. Experimental: Hudson et al. [20], Iga et al. [45], Tanaka et al. [46], Shyn et al. [47], Register et al. [48], Iga et al. [52], Kwan et al. [57], Szmytkowski et al. [58], Nogueira et al. [59], Garcia and Manero [60], Hoffman et al. [61], Shilin et al. [62], Asundi et al. [65], Craggs and Tozer [66], Rapp and Golden [67], Orient and Srivastava [68], Freund et al. [69], Straub et al. [70], Kimura et al. [72] and Nakamura [73].
Atoms 10 00031 g016
The present results of the IECS and MTCS are displayed, respectively, in Figure 16c,e, along with the experimental measurements [45,46,47,48,52,72,73]. Additionally included are the calculations of Iga et al. [45], Jain and Baluja [63], and Mayol and Salvat [71], as well as the recommended data of [14]. The theoretical data of [71] were generated by applying AR on their atomic data. As with the TCS and IECS, our IAMS result of MTCS produces good agreement with the data and the calculations at E i 20 eV. Figure 16d,f show, respectively, the inelastic cross-section (INCS) and viscosity cross-section (VCS) due to both of our approaches (IAM and IAMS). No experimental measurements for these two observables are available in the literature. Therefore, we include the calculations of Jain and Baluja [63] and Mayol and Salvat [71] to compare with our results for the INCS and VCS, respectively. As is evident in Figure 16d, the INCS calculation of [63] shows disagreement with our results. As expected and explained earlier, a good agreement of the calculated results for IECS, MTCS, and VCS with those of [71] is observed throughout the compared energy range.
Table 1 presents the numerical values of the IECS, MTCS, VCS, INCS, TICS, and TCS for e CO 2 scattering. It is worth mentioning that, at E i < 10 eV, the TCS, IECS, and MTCS predicted by both of our methods (IAM and IAMS) and other approaches differ notably from the experimental results. In addition to that, no theoretical calculations are able to produce the shape resonance at 4 eV, except for the broader resonance at 30 eV. Theoretical approaches, such as R-matrix or multichannel calculations, might be able to reproduce these special low-energy features.
The TCS, TICS, IECS, INCS, MTCS, and VCS for positron scattering are displayed in Figure 17. The numerical results of these cross-sections for positron impact scattering are provided in Table 2. Our TCS results in Figure 17a are compared with the measured data from Kwan et al. [57], Hoffman et al. [61], Sueoka and Hamada [23], Charlton et al. [74,75], Zecca et al. [76], and Kimura et al. [72]. Additionally included in the comparison are theoretical calculations of Singh et al. [3] and Baluja and Jain [27]. The comparison shows a good agreement between our findings and the experiments at E i 40 eV. However, at lower energy (<40 eV), our results differ in magnitude but follow the pattern of the experimental data. This difference decreases with increasing energy. It is worth mentioning that a unique feature of positron impact scattering is the formation of Ps, the threshold of which for our current target CO 2 is 7 eV [53]. As in Figure 17a, the TCS suddenly increases from around 7 eV, which indicates Ps formation.
Figure 17b depicts our findings of the TICS for positron scattering in comparison with the experiments of Cooke et al. [26], Laricchia and Moxom [22], and Bluhme et al. [24], as well as the calculations of Singh and Antony [77] and Campeanu et al. [28]. As is evident in this figure, there are large discrepancies in the experimental data. However, we observe a reasonable agreement of our results with those of [77] and the data of [24]. The measured values from [22] are noticeably lower than those from the other experiments, our IAMS results, and other calculations [28,77].
Our IECS, INCS, MTCS, and VCS results for positron scattering are presented, respectively, in Figure 17c–f. We did not find any experimental data for these scattering observables in the literature to compare with our results. A significant variance is observed between our calculated INCSs and those of Singh et al. [3], as seen in Figure 17d, throughout the compared energy range.

4. Conclusions

This paper reports on the elastic differential cross-section, total (elastic + inelastic) cross-section, integrated elastic cross-section, inelastic cross-section, momentum-transfer cross-section, viscosity cross-section, total ionization cross-section, and spin polarization for both the electron and positron impact scattering from CO 2 molecules over a wide range of incident energy of 1 eV E i 1 MeV and scattering angles of 0 θ 180 . All of the above scattering observables were calculated within the framework of Dirac partial-wave analysis. The procedure of calculation adopted the IAM and IAMS approaches, as explained earlier, which employ projectile–atom interaction instead of projectile–molecule interaction. Our study revealed that the inclusion of the screening effect improved the quality of our predictions by reducing the cross-sections at low energies and angles.
For positron projectiles, the scattering observables show some different features. The cross-section produces less of a structure and is smaller in magnitude. However, the additional consideration of the correlation-polarization potential produces some structures in the positron impact cross-section and in the spin asymmetry, but only up to E i 100 eV. As a consequence of the dominance of the nuclear Coulomb field, both the cross-section and Sherman function are reduced by several orders of magnitude as compared to their electron counterparts.
Our findings were compared with the available experimental results and other theoretical results that were obtained by using different methods and potentials. It is worth mentioning that, for the first time, we have reported on several collision cross-sections over such a wide range of energies. The comparison shows that our screening-corrected results reasonably agree with the available experimental measurements and other theoretical findings. However, the present predictions at energies of <20 eV show conspicuous discrepancies with the experimental data in and around the minimum region. It is well known that, before the onset of the inelastic threshold, the optical potential is not suitable for accurately modeling the invasion of a substantial contribution of the resonance elastic channel corresponding to the isolated levels of a composite system. Despite this limitation, the present study reveals that our screen-corrected theory (IAMS) is capable of generating cross-sections reasonably well, apart from those at very low energies. This simple method might be used to produce useful data for other molecules, which are immensely needed in the modeling of material and biological processes. More data are needed for further refinement of the theory. Our predictions for positrons still await verification by future experiments.

Author Contributions

M.M.B.: investigation, formal analysis, and writing—review and editing; M.M.K.: investigation; M.M.H.: writing—original draft preparation and editing; M.Y.A.: data curation; M.H.K.: visualization; A.K.F.H.: methodology and supervision; H.W.: review and resources; M.A.U.: conceptualization, software, review, and validation. All authors have read and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 eV. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, and Iga et al. [45]. Experimental: Tanaka et al. [46], Shyn et al. [47], Register et al. [48], and Kanik et al. [49].
Figure 1. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 eV. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, and Iga et al. [45]. Experimental: Tanaka et al. [46], Shyn et al. [47], Register et al. [48], and Kanik et al. [49].
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Figure 2. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 400 eV. Theoretical: References in Figure 1. Experimental: References in Figure 1, Iga et al. [45], and Bromberg [50].
Figure 2. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 400 eV. Theoretical: References in Figure 1. Experimental: References in Figure 1, Iga et al. [45], and Bromberg [50].
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Figure 3. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 eV. Theoretical: References in Figure 1. Experimental: References in Figure 1 and Figure 2 and Maji et al. [51].
Figure 3. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 eV. Theoretical: References in Figure 1. Experimental: References in Figure 1 and Figure 2 and Maji et al. [51].
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Figure 4. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and 10,000 eV. Theoretical: IAM and IAMS.
Figure 4. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and 10,000 eV. Theoretical: IAM and IAMS.
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Figure 5. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 10, 20, 50, and 100 eV. Theoretical: IAM and IAMS. Experimental: Przybyla et al. [53].
Figure 5. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 10, 20, 50, and 100 eV. Theoretical: IAM and IAMS. Experimental: Przybyla et al. [53].
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Figure 6. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, and 1500 eV. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, and Dapor and Miotello [54].
Figure 6. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, and 1500 eV. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, and Dapor and Miotello [54].
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Figure 7. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and 10,000 eV. References in Figure 6.
Figure 7. DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at energies of 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and 10,000 eV. References in Figure 6.
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Figure 8. Energy dependence of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 . References: available in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Figure 8. Energy dependence of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide at angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 . References: available in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4.
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Figure 9. Energy dependence of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 . References: available in Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7.
Figure 9. Energy dependence of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide at angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 . References: available in Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7.
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Figure 10. Comparison of the DCSs ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons and positrons from carbon dioxide at angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 .
Figure 10. Comparison of the DCSs ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons and positrons from carbon dioxide at angles of 30 , 60 , 90 , and 120 .
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Figure 11. Variation of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide.
Figure 11. Variation of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of electrons from carbon dioxide.
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Figure 12. Variation of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide.
Figure 12. Variation of the DCS ( a 0 2 / s r ) for the elastic scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide.
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Figure 13. Angular dependence of the spin polarization of scattered electrons. Theoretical: IAM, Fink and Yates [55], and Fink and Ingram [56].
Figure 13. Angular dependence of the spin polarization of scattered electrons. Theoretical: IAM, Fink and Yates [55], and Fink and Ingram [56].
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Figure 14. Angular dependence of the spin polarization of scattered electrons. References: available in Figure 13.
Figure 14. Angular dependence of the spin polarization of scattered electrons. References: available in Figure 13.
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Figure 15. Angular dependence of the spin polarization of scattered positrons.
Figure 15. Angular dependence of the spin polarization of scattered positrons.
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Figure 17. Values ( a 0 2 ) of TCS, TICS, IECS, INCS, MTCS, and VCS for the scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, Singh et al. [3], Baluja and Jain [27], Campeanu et al. [28], Dapor and Miotello [54] and Singh and Antony [77]. Experimental: Laricchia and Moxom [22], Sueoka and Hamada [23], Bluhme et al. [24], Cooke et al. [26], Kwan et al. [57], Hoffman et al. [61], Kimura et al. [72], Charlton et al. [74,75], and Zecca et al. [76].
Figure 17. Values ( a 0 2 ) of TCS, TICS, IECS, INCS, MTCS, and VCS for the scattering of positrons from carbon dioxide. Theoretical: IAM, IAMS, Singh et al. [3], Baluja and Jain [27], Campeanu et al. [28], Dapor and Miotello [54] and Singh and Antony [77]. Experimental: Laricchia and Moxom [22], Sueoka and Hamada [23], Bluhme et al. [24], Cooke et al. [26], Kwan et al. [57], Hoffman et al. [61], Kimura et al. [72], Charlton et al. [74,75], and Zecca et al. [76].
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Table 1. Elastic total (IECS), momentum-transfer (MTCS), viscosity (VCS), inelastic (INCS), and total (TCS) cross-sections for electron scattering from CO 2 .
Table 1. Elastic total (IECS), momentum-transfer (MTCS), viscosity (VCS), inelastic (INCS), and total (TCS) cross-sections for electron scattering from CO 2 .
Energy (eV)IECS (a 0 2 )MTCS (a 0 2 )VCS (a 0 2 )INCS (a 0 2 )TCS (a 0 2 )Energy (eV)IECS (a 0 2 )MTCS (a 0 2 )VCS (a 0 2 )INCS (a 0 2 )TCS (a 0 2 )
4540.475123.4266818.1223011.3122251.7874140,0000.20005 8.32 × 10 4 0.002140.113100.31315
5038.084521.2657616.4850212.1539550.2385550,0000.16471 5.60 × 10 4 0.001450.093060.25777
5535.962819.4631915.2110912.7253448.6882260,0000.14108 4.06 × 10 4 0.001060.079680.22076
6034.139217.9034714.1801613.1130847.2523770,0000.12418 3.09 × 10 4 8.09 × 10 4 0.070130.19430
6532.549116.5384313.3275813.3723645.9215380,0000.11149 2.45 × 10 4 6.43 × 10 4 0.062960.17445
7031.142015.3324912.6083713.5377544.6797690,0000.10162 1.99 × 10 4 5.26 × 10 4 0.057380.15901
7529.881814.2573511.9885113.6368243.51870100,0000.09373 1.66 × 10 4 4.404 × 10 4 0.052930.14666
8028.744413.2942111.4453513.6840942.42852150,0000.07011 8.32 × 10 5 2.23 × 10 4 0.039600.10971
8527.710312.4269110.9613413.6933241.40366200,0000.05839 5.15 × 10 5 1.39 × 10 4 0.032990.09138
9026.766411.6457910.5264813.6678640.43429250,0000.05143 3.57 × 10 5 9.74 × 10 5 0.029060.08049
9525.900410.9395410.1308313.6169239.51739300,0000.04684 2.67 × 10 5 7.30 × 10 5 0.026480.07332
10025.103110.298939.76729013.5467938.64990400,0000.04122 1.69 × 10 5 4.67 × 10 5 0.023310.06453
15019.59956.252187.2143012.3187931.91836500,0000.03795 1.20 × 10 5 3.32 × 10 5 0.021460.05941
20016.47164.337275.7065310.9010227.37261600,0000.03583 9.04 × 10 6 2.52 × 10 5 0.020280.05611
25014.35143.234994.661289.7099124.06132700,0000.03437 7.14 × 10 6 2.00 × 10 5 0.019450.05382
30012.77802.529203.890928.7375721.51563800,0000.03331 5.83 × 10 6 1.64 × 10 5 0.018840.05214
35011.56502.054743.319377.9096919.47475900,0000.03251 4.87 × 10 6 1.37 × 10 5 0.018420.05093
40010.58951.717082.880767.2052117.794711,000,0000.03189 4.15 × 10 6 1.17 × 10 5 0.018080.04997
Table 2. Elastic total (IECS), momentum-transfer (MTCS), viscosity (VCS), inelastic (INCS), and total (TCS) cross-sections for positron scattering from CO 2 .
Table 2. Elastic total (IECS), momentum-transfer (MTCS), viscosity (VCS), inelastic (INCS), and total (TCS) cross-sections for positron scattering from CO 2 .
Energy (eV)IECS (a 0 2 )MTCS (a 0 2 )VCS (a 0 2 )INCS (a 0 2 )TCS (a 0 2 )Energy (eV)IECS (a 0 2 )MTCS (a 0 2 )VCS (a 0 2 )INCS (a 0 2 )TCS (a 0 2 )
4511.139843.647015.1429037.1072448.2470740,0000.19796 8.00 × 10 4 0.002060.131860.32982
5010.820243.443914.9333735.6646946.4849350,0000.16325 5.40 × 10 4 0.001400.108410.27166
5510.593853.163674.6944034.2150644.8089160,0000.13998 3.92 × 10 4 0.001020.092770.23276
6010.556882.972174.5506732.8915443.4484170,0000.12331 2.99 × 10 4 7.84 × 10 4 0.081610.20492
6510.557092.828154.4420631.6767542.2338480,0000.11078 2.37 × 10 4 6.24 × 10 4 0.073240.18402
7010.564262.711014.3496330.5591141.1233890,0000.10103 1.93 × 10 4 5.10 × 10 4 0.066730.16776
7510.567482.612474.2670829.5244440.09192100,0000.09322 1.61 × 10 4 4.27 × 10 4 0.061530.15475
8010.561552.526644.1895128.5673239.12887150,0000.06981 8.06 × 10 5 2.17 × 10 4 0.046000.11581
8510.542262.452034.1174127.6654838.20774200,0000.05818 4.98 × 10 5 1.35 × 10 4 0.038300.09648
9010.510842.383964.0462426.8276037.33844250,0000.05127 3.46 × 10 5 9.45 × 10 5 0.033730.08500
9510.468292.322013.9767926.0433536.51163300,0000.04671 2.58 × 10 5 7.09 × 10 5 0.030730.07744
10010.412152.262533.9061425.3073935.71954400,0000.04112 1.64 × 10 5 4.53 × 10 5 0.027040.06816
1509.581381.763683.2309919.8190429.40042500,0000.03787 1.16 × 10 5 3.22 × 10 5 0.024880.06275
2008.800911.429132.7232216.3362325.13714600,0000.03577 8.73 × 10 6 2.45 × 10 5 0.023510.05928
2508.161991.195732.3430813.9070022.06899700,0000.03431 6.90 × 10 6 1.94 × 10 5 0.022540.05685
3007.628641.022442.0475112.1122119.74085800,0000.03326 5.63 × 10 6 1.59 × 10 5 0.021820.05508
3507.175150.889221.8115810.7290717.90422900,0000.03246 4.71 × 10 6 1.33 × 10 5 0.021360.05382
4006.783210.783911.619359.62899016.412201,000,0000.03184 4.01 × 10 6 1.13 × 10 5 0.020960.05280
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MDPI and ACS Style

Billah, M.M.; Khatun, M.M.; Haque, M.M.; Ali, M.Y.; Khandker, M.H.; Haque, A.K.F.; Watabe, H.; Uddin, M.A. A Theoretical Study of Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by CO2 Molecule. Atoms 2022, 10, 31.

AMA Style

Billah MM, Khatun MM, Haque MM, Ali MY, Khandker MH, Haque AKF, Watabe H, Uddin MA. A Theoretical Study of Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by CO2 Molecule. Atoms. 2022; 10(1):31.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Billah, M. Masum, M. Mousumi Khatun, M. M. Haque, M. Yousuf Ali, Mahmudul H. Khandker, A. K. F. Haque, Hiroshi Watabe, and M. Alfaz Uddin. 2022. "A Theoretical Study of Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by CO2 Molecule" Atoms 10, no. 1: 31.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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