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Technical Note

Rapid Micro-Motion Feature Extraction of Multiple Space Targets Based on Improved IRT

Jing Wu
Xiaofeng Ai
Zhiming Xu
Yiqi Zhu
Qihua Wu
State Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environment Effects on Electronics and Information System, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 16 November 2024 / Revised: 10 January 2025 / Accepted: 23 January 2025 / Published: 27 January 2025


Micro-motion feature extraction is of great significance for target recognition. However, traditional methods mostly focus on single target and struggle to correctly separate the severely overlapping micro-motion curves of multiple targets. In this paper, a rapid micro-motion feature extraction algorithm of multiple space targets based on inverse radon transform (IRT) with a modified model is proposed. First, the high-resolution range profile (HRRP) generated from echo is subject to binarization to improve the unstable estimation caused by noise. Then, the micro-motion period in a complicated multi-target scenario is obtained by a period estimation method based on the autocorrelation coefficients of binarized HRRP. To further improve the extraction accuracy, the IRT model of the micro-range curve is modified from the sine function to second-order sine function. By searching for the remaining unknown parameters in the model in conjunction with the period, the precise micro-range curves are quickly separated. Each time the curves of a target are extracted, they are removed, and the next extraction is carried out until all the targets have been searched. Finally, simulation and experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can not only correctly separate the micro-motion feature curves of multiple space targets under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions but also significantly outperforms the original IRT in terms of extraction speed.

1. Introduction

Influenced by air resistance, space targets undergo micro-motion such as precession and nutation in the middle phase of the trajectory [1]. These micro-motion movements induce additional frequency modulation on radar echo, known as the micro-Doppler (m-D) effect [2]. The m-D effect contains rich information about the motion and structure of the target; hence, the extraction of micro-motion features has drawn extensive attention in target recognition [3,4,5,6,7].
The methods for extracting micro-motion features of space targets mainly fall into two categories: one involves time–frequency analysis of echo to extract the m-D curves of scattering centers [8,9,10]. The other category utilizes high-resolution range profiles (HRRPs) to extract micro-range curves [11,12,13]. In HRRPs, the scattering centers of targets move across range bins along slow time relative to the radar line-of-sight (LOS) direction. The micro-range curves intuitively reflect the relative range relationship of scattering centers, which is beneficial for structural and motion characteristic estimation.
In recent years, many micro-range extraction methods have been proposed to enhance the accuracy and robustness for single targets, mainly including super-resolution methods and the phase-derived range (PDR) method. Super-resolution methods utilize the eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix to separate the signal and noise, thereby greatly enhancing the resolution [14], such as the iterative adaptive approach (IAA) [15], multiple signal classification (MUSIC) [16], and state space model (SSM) [17]. Due to the high precision of the extracted curves, super-resolution methods are widely used in parameter estimation [18] and three-dimensional reconstruction [19] of space targets. However, the precision is related to the model order and is susceptible to noise interference. PDR is another high-precision micro-range extraction method that utilizes both amplitude and phase information to achieve resolution of the target’s subtle motion [20,21]. Chen combines PDR with empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to extract the micro-range curves of nutating targets, and further estimates parameters such as the precession angle and LOS angle [22,23]. To further enhance the robustness, Zhu applies ensemble empirical mode decomposition with complementary adaptive noise to echo and then uses PDR to obtain the micro-range curve, which maintains good extraction precision even at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) [24].
The above methods are mostly based on a single-target scenario in which the micro-range curves of scattering centers do not severely overlap. However, due to the release of decoys and the separation of warheads, space targets often fly along their orbits in the form of target groups. In the signal of multiple space targets, the micro-motion feature curves exhibit severe overlap in both the range and frequency domains, making curve separation and parameter estimation extremely difficult. Feature extraction methods based on multiple targets have been proposed to improve the issue of incorrect curve association, primarily divided into two categories: nonparametric and parametric.
The challenges of nonparametric methods lie in the correct association of curves at the intersection and the enhancement of noise resistance. Wei proposes an algorithm based on curve overlap extrapolation, which, leveraging the concept of multi-target tracking, achieves the extraction of micro-range curves for two targets and the estimation of precession frequencies [25]. Zhao first performed skeleton extraction to suppress curve sidelobes, and then used an adaptive-length sliding window to achieve the correct separation of group target m-D curves [26]. Compared to traditional methods, this approach proposes a more comprehensive association criteria. Li introduced a new penalty function into the traditional Viterbi algorithm (VA), which effectively enhances robustness [27]. Han proposed a micro-motion feature extraction framework based on the time–frequency–range domain, which greatly improves the association at crossover [28].
Compared to nonparametric methods, parametric methods offer higher robustness and are better at extracting curves with severe overlap [29]. Zhou proposes modified general parameterized time–frequency (GPTF), which is capable of extracting multi-component m-D curves with occlusion effects [30]. To enhance the search speed, Ai utilized a genetic algorithm to search for prior parameter information, and combined it with GPTF, which significantly improves the speed of m-D curve extraction [31]. The inverse radon transform (IRT) sinusoidal curves into single point in the inverse radon domain, allowing the reconstruction of signals based on the focused point sets [32]. IRT is a robust parametric estimation method widely used for the extraction of sinusoidal curves [33,34], but its processing time becomes slower as the curve parameters increase. In summary, while parametric methods are beneficial for correctly separating multi-component curves, they also have some inherent drawbacks: on the one hand, parametric methods typically rely on fixed models such as sinusoidal models, which may lead to model mismatch and consequently reduce extraction accuracy; on the other hand, as the number of parameters increases, the processing time increases dramatically.
Preliminary period estimation helps reduce the parameters to search, thereby improving the issue of slow search time in parametric methods. However, most existing period estimation methods are based on a single target. The autocorrelation sequence of periodic signal shares the same periodic characteristics as the signal itself. Therefore, using the signal’s autocorrelation to estimate the precession period of a single target is a well-established method for period estimation [35]. Ai estimated the wobbling target period by performing autocorrelation on HRRP, which reduces the production of false peaks [36]. Zhang estimated the target’s precession and spin frequencies by extracting the envelope of the m-D curves from a warhead with fins [37], but this approach requires prior knowledge of the number and distribution for fins. Additionally, deep learning has been employed to estimate target parameters such as precession frequency and precession angle, achieving small estimation errors in real measurements [38].
In order to maintain the robustness of parametric methods while improving the extraction speed, this paper proposes a rapid feature extraction algorithm for multiple space targets based on improved IRT with the following three main contributions:
A curve extraction framework for multiple space targets, which estimates the period before performing IRT is proposed. On the one hand, estimating the period can reduce the number of parameters to search in the IRT model, greatly accelerating the processing speed. On the other hand, eliminating the micro-range curves extracted by IRT is beneficial for the period estimation of the remaining targets.
A period estimation method for multiple targets based on autocorrelation coefficients is proposed, which can reduce the impact of noise on the estimation, achieving robust estimation of the precession period.
The IRT model is adjusted from a sinusoidal form to a second-order sinusoidal one, compensating for the shortcomings of model mismatch in the traditional sinusoidal model, thereby enhancing the precision of extracting micro-range curves.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the micro-motion and echo model for multiple space targets is introduced. In Section 3, the micro-range extraction algorithm is described in detail. In Section 4, the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified through simulation and experimentation. Conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2. Micro-Motion and Echo Model of Multiple Space Targets

2.1. Micro-Motion Model of Single Target

As shown in Figure 1, the target spins around the cone axis while simultaneously undergoing conical rotation, known as precession. For the ith target, there exists a reference coordinate system (RECS)— R E C S i = X i , Y i , Z i —and micro-motion coordinate system (MMCS)— M M C S i = x i , y i , z i . O is the origin of coordinate systems and represents the rotation center.
According to the equivalent scattering center model, there are usually three scattering centers. A is the top of the cone, and B and C are the intersection of the bottom of the cone and the plane of LOS. A is the localized scattering center (LCS), and its coordinate in RECS is given as follows:
r A , i , R E C S = T m R t 0 r A , i , M M C S
where r A , i , M M C S is the coordinate of scattering center A for target i in MMCS. R t 0 represents the initial Euler transformation matrix, and T m is the rotation matrix defined by the precession parameters [39].
Assuming the target undergoes precession around the OZ-axis of RECS, with a precession angle of θ c and precession frequency of ω c , from (1), the vector of A in RECS is as follows:
r A , i , R E C S = h 1 sin ( θ c ) cos ω c t + φ , sin ( θ c ) sin ω c t + φ , cos ( θ c ) T
where h 1 is the distance from O to A .
The azimuth and elevation angles of LOS are, respectively, β and α in RECS. Then, the unit vector of LOS is denoted as follows [31]:
r l o s , i , R E C S = sin α cos β , sin α sin β , cos α T
Therefore, the range of A along the radar LOS direction is
R A = r A , i , R E C S T r l o s , i , R E C S = h 1 sin α sin θ c cos ω c t + φ β + cos α cos θ c
The angle between the cone axis vector and the radar LOS is denoted as
γ t = a r c cos r A , i , R E C S r l o s , i , R E C S / r A , i , R E C S = a r c cos sin α sin θ c cos ω c t + φ β + cos α cos θ c
Scattering centers B and C slide at the bottom of the cone, which can be considered as sliding scattering centers (SSCEs) generated by edge diffraction. The ranges along the LOS are obtained by γ t [39]:
R B , C = h 2 cos γ t r sin γ t
where h 2 is the distance from O to the center of cone bottom, and r is the radius.

2.2. Micro-Motion Model of Multiple Targets

For multiple target scenarios, the coordinate is required to be unified. The RECS of target one is assumed to be a global coordinate system; then, the transformation between the RECS of target i and global coordinate system is analyzed. As shown in Figure 2, the vector P in R E C S i is represented as r P , i , R E C S . Firstly, it is transformed into a coordinate system with the coordinate axis parallel to the global coordinate system through transformation matrix T i 1 . Then, it is translated to obtain the vector in the global coordinate system:
r P , 1 , R E C S = T i 1 r P , i , R E C S + r O 1 O i
where r O 1 O i is the vector from O 1 to O i ; the transformation matrix T i 1 is represented by three Euler angles:
T i 1 = cos ζ i 1 sin ζ i 1 0 sin ζ i 1 cos ζ i 1 0 0 0 1 cos ξ i 1 0 sin ξ i 1 0 1 0 sin ξ i 1 0 cos ξ i 1 1 0 0 0 cos ς i 1 sin ς i 1 0 sin ς i 1 cos ς i 1
The range of A for target i in the global coordinate system is calculated as follows:
R A , i = T i 1 r A , i , R E C S + r O 1 O i T r l o s , i , R E C S = r A , i , R E C S T T i 1 T r l o s , i , R E C S + R O 1 O i
where R O 1 O i is the range of r O 1 O i along the direction of r l o s , i , R E C S . Equation (9) indicates that the micro-range of the scattering center in the global coordinate system is equivalent to the micro-range of the original vector in RECS observed at a new radar LOS α i , β i plus a translation constant. Similarly, R B , C , i is obtained.

2.3. Echo Model of Multiple Targets

The micro-motion model for multiple space targets is established, as shown in Figure 3. The radar is located at O , and the rotation centers of the three targets are O 1 , O 2 , and O 3 . They precess with different precession parameters.
The linear frequency modulation (LFM) signal is adopted as the transmitting signal and the echo is
s t ^ , t m = k σ k r e c t t ^ 2 R k t m / c τ exp j 2 π f c t m 2 R k t m c + 1 2 μ t ^ 2 R k t m c 2
where the echo consists of k scattering centers, and σ k represents the scattering coefficient of the kth scattering center. R k t m is the range between the kth scattering center and radar at t m , c is light speed, τ is the pulse width, f c is the carrier frequency, and μ is the frequency modulation slope.
The reference signal is as follows:
s r e f t ^ , t m = r e c t t ^ 2 R r e f / c τ exp j 2 π f c t m 2 R r e f c + 1 2 μ t ^ 2 R r e f c 2
where R r e f is the range from radar to the reference point. From Section 2.2, the rotation center of target one is set as the reference point.
By performing “dechirp” and Fourier transform and eliminating the residual term, the HRRP is ultimately obtained [28]:
s f , t m = k σ k τ sin c τ f + 2 μ R Δ k t m c exp j 4 π f c R Δ k t m c
where R Δ k t m = R k t m R r e f can be calculated using Section 2.2.

3. Methods

The flowchart of the algorithm is shown in Figure 4. First, the HRRP H N × Q is obtained by preprocessing steps to echo such as “dechirp”, Fourier transform, and amplitude normalization, where N is the number of points in the Fourier transform and Q is the number of pulses. Then, the period for a single target is estimated from the HRRP containing multiple targets and used as the precession period for the micro-range curve to be searched. Based on the estimated period, the remaining unknown parameters of the curve model (amplitude, displacement, and phase) are determined by IRT. Sinusoidal curves and second-order sinusoidal curves are extracted in sequence, corresponding to scattering centers A and B of the target, respectively. Each time the curves of a target are identified, they are removed from the HRRP to facilitate the detection of other targets until all targets have been extracted.
The main improvement of the algorithm’s process compared to traditional IRT can be summarized as follows:
Correctly estimating the period of multiple targets scenes in advance before performing IRT reduces the search burden of IRT.
The curve model is modified from sinusoidal to second-order sinusoidal function, which allows the model to better match the curve. Additionally, utilizing the phase relationship between scattering centers of the same target narrows down the parameter search range, thereby reducing search time.

3.1. Period Estimation of Multiple Targets

Based on the periodicity of autocorrelation, the period is estimated by calculating the autocorrelation coefficient of HRRP. The specific calculation method for autocorrelation coefficient is as follows:
C T = t m = t 0 t 0 + T r = y ( 1 ) y ( N ) H t m , r H t m + T , r
where H t m , r is the amplitude of HRRP at t m and r , t 0 is the initial time. y 1 , y y ( N ) represents the distance corresponding to the 1-th and N -th fast time interval. The autocorrelation coefficient reaches its maximum value at period T = T c . Therefore, the precession period is estimated by searching for the maximum values of the autocorrelation coefficient.
  • Binarization of the HRRP
For each time t m , the amplitudes of N range bins is sorted:
H 1 t m > > H n t m > > H N t m
The nth value H n t m is set as the amplitude threshold, where n = n s N / P . n s is the number of curves to be extracted and P is the number of fast time intervals before Fourier transform. The values greater than the threshold are set to one, and others are set to zero:
H B i n a r y t m , r = 1 0 , , H t m , r H n t m H t m , r < H n t m
When the SNR is 0 dB, the comparison of the fast and slow time results after binarization is as shown in Figure 5. The fast time result is represented from the slow time result along the y-axis at t = 1.4 s. From the figure, it can be observed that after binarization, only the components remain, with the noise filtered out, which helps in the estimation of the period.
Due to the noise, if the autocorrelation coefficient is calculated from the original HRRP, it may result in unobvious coefficients, making it difficult to effectively estimate the period. After binarization, the HRRP retains only n values at each slow time, which almost belongs to the curves of each scattering center. As shown in Figure 6, the autocorrelation coefficients before HRRP binarization show little difference at different times, causing the autocorrelation coefficients at the periodic moments to be obscured. After binarization, the components of scattering centers are preserved and the noise is largely filtered out, and so the autocorrelation coefficients exhibit distinct extreme values.
Calculation of autocorrelation coefficient
To make full use of the observation, the autocorrelation coefficients for multiple periods are calculated. The minimum value among them is then taken as the final estimation result:
C T = arg min i , 1 i I t m = t 0 t 0 + T r = y ( 1 ) y ( N ) H B i n a r y t m , r H B i n a r y t m + i T , r
where I is the integer multiple of the period T to be estimated within the observation period.
Normalization of the autocorrelation coefficient is performed as follows:
C = C max C
where max C is the maximum value among the autocorrelation coefficients.
Compared with taking the minimum value, if the mean of the autocorrelation coefficients is taken, as shown in (18), it may lead to an incorrect estimation result. Taking the minimum value ensures that the autocorrelation coefficient values are relatively high within each period interval, thereby improving the estimation accuracy. As shown in Figure 7, if the mean is taken, there are extreme values or significant fluctuations at non-periodic time T = 0.267 s , 0.444 s , 0.5 s , whereas taking the minimum value does not produce these extremes.
C T = 1 I i = 1 I t m = t 0 t 0 + T r = y ( 1 ) y ( N ) H B i n a r y t m , r H B i n a r y t m + i T , r
Period estimation based on the autocorrelation coefficient
Since the HRRP consists of multiple targets, there are multiple extrema values of autocorrelation coefficients, corresponding to different periods, which requires estimation through certain strategies and thresholds. The flowchart of period estimation based on autocorrelation coefficient is shown as Algorithm 1.
Search for extreme values
By traversing all moments, the moments T e at which the autocorrelation coefficient is an extreme value are detected:
C T = max C T Δ T : T + Δ T
where Δ T is used to represent a period of time near T .
Calculation of the average amplitude difference at T e
The average amplitude difference Δ C T between the extreme value and the lowest points on its left and right sides is solved, which can reflect the fluctuation of the current autocorrelation coefficient:
Δ C T e = C T e C T l e f t + C T r i g h t / 2
where C T l e f t and C T r i g h t represent the autocorrelation coefficients at the points of lowest amplitude on the left and right sides of C T e , respectively.
Determination of the period
When the amplitude and average amplitude difference of T e satisfy (21), it is considered as a potential period T c :
C T e > δ a Δ C T e > δ b
where δ a and δ b are thresholds to filter out suitable extreme values. Due to the existence of noise, δ a should not be too small and δ b is usually set to about half of δ a .
Judgment of the multiples of period
After obtaining the extreme value that meet (21), it is also necessary to consider whether the current period is a multiple of the true period. As shown in Figure 8, peaks in autocorrelation coefficients occur at both the period and the multiples of period. When the value at the true period does not meet (21), the estimation result may be a multiple of the actual period.
Lower the threshold conditions and re-screen the remaining extreme value C T ˜ that do not satisfy (21) but meet (22). If T ˜ also satisfies (23), it indicates that the originally estimated period T c is a multiple of a real period, and the period is changed to T ^ c = T ˜ . Otherwise, the original period estimation result is maintained: T ^ c = T c .
C T ˜ > δ a C T c Δ C T ˜ > δ b
where δ a and δ b are thresholds and should be smaller than δ a and δ b .
mod T c , T ˜ < δ c
where mod represents the modulo operation, and δ c is a small value representing the allowable modulo error.
Algorithm 1: Period estimation algorithm
Input: Autocorrelation coefficient search range: f min : Δ f : f max , autocorrelation coefficient C
   Threshold: δ a , δ b , δ a , δ b , δ c
Output: Period T ^ c
Δ t ˜ = []
for  f = f max : Δ f : f min  do
     T = 1 / f
      if  C T satisfies Equations (19) and (21)
            if  T ˜ satisfies Equation (23) then
                     T ^ c = T ˜
                 T ^ c = T
      else if  C T satisfies Equation (22) then
             T ˜ = T ˜ T

3.2. Micro-Range Curves Extracted Based on Improved IRT

The precession period T ^ c is obtained by the above period estimation algorithm, and then the precession frequency ω ^ c = 2 π / T ^ c can be calculated. The IRT model is modified to second-order sine function [31], and IRT is implemented using the back-projection algorithm [34,40]:
S I R T p a , p b , p c , p d = t m H t m , p a + p b cos ω ^ c t m + p c + p d cos 2 ω ^ c t m + 2 p c d t m
where p a , p b , p c , p d represents the displacement, first-order amplitude, phase, and second-order amplitude parameters of the micro-range curve, respectively, which are obtained by searching the peak in IRT domain. The specific extraction process is as follows:
Sine curve extraction
Firstly, the curve of scattering center A is extracted based on the IRT model. Since the range curve of scatterer center A is sinusoidal, p d 1 is set to zero, and then parameter p a 1 , p b 1 , p c 1 is search for by IRT. The search interval of phase is 0.2 rad, the amplitude is a quarter of the range resolution Δ x = c / 2 B , and the displacement is set to the width of the range bin. To accelerate the search speed, the search range of displacement is limited to the range bins where the amplitude at the initial time is among the first l cells:
p a 1 = p a 1 | H p a 1 , t 0 > H l t 0
where H l t 0 is the amplitude threshold, representing the lth largest amplitude of the HRRP at the initial time.
Second-order sine curve extraction
The curve of scattering center B is then extracted based on the modified model. A second-order Taylor expansion is conducted on (6) and R B is simplified as
R B = h 2 a + r a b 1 b 2 cos ω c t + φ β + r a 2 4 1 b 2 3 / 2 cos 2 ω c t + 2 φ 2 β + h 2 b r 1 b 2 + r a 2 4 1 b 2 3 / 2
where a = sin α sin θ c and b = cos α cos θ c . It can be deduced from (4) and (26) that the phases of micro-range curves from scattering centers A and B are the same, while the amplitudes have opposite signs. During the search, it is assumed that the amplitudes of the curve function ( p b , p d ) are all positive, so the difference in signs is reflected in a phase difference of π. The phase of the second-order sine curve can be roughly inferred by the parameter estimation of the first-order sine curve: p c 2 = p c 1 + π . Therefore, the search range for the phase is set around p c 1 + π , and the phase search interval is narrowed to 0.1 rad to enhance the search precision.
Curve remove
After extracting the curves of a target, the extracted curves are removed from the HRRP to prevent them from affecting the extraction of the curve of other targets. A certain width range is set corresponding to the curve’s position to zero in H .
The complexity of the proposed algorithm is reflected in the joint search of displacement, amplitude, phase, and period of the curve:
O N p a × N p b × N p c + O N p a × N p b × N p c × N p d
where N p a , N p b , N p c N p c , and N p d represent the number of parameter searches for displacement, amplitude, phase, and second-order amplitude, respectively. In Equation (26), the first term represents the search for the curve parameters of scattering center A, at which point there is no need to search for the second-order amplitude p d . The second term represents the search for the curve parameters of scattering center B. At this point, the phase has a smaller search range; therefore, the N p c is changed to N p c .
The proposed algorithm is based on the implementation of radar with a large bandwidth: since the scattering centers of targets move across different range bins along slow time in the radial direction of the radar, the period can be estimated and curve parameters can be searched directly based on range bins. If high bandwidth is not used and the micro-range always remains within the same range bin, then it should be considered to extract the curve by combining phase signature. For example, the phase-derived range method [20,21,22,23,24] can be emploted or time–frequency diagram can be generated from the signal of the range bin through short-time Fourier transform to obtain frequency characteristics [10].

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Simulation Results

To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, echoes generated from electromagnetic data are used as an input for the algorithm to enhance reliability. Three targets with the same structure but different precession frequencies and LOS angles are designed as shown in Table 1 and Table 2. U 0 , 360 represents that the azimuth angle of radar LOS in Monte Carlo simulations follows a uniform distribution within 0° to 360°.
The amplitude threshold in the algorithm is set to δ a = 0.65 , δ b = 0.3 , δ a = 0.5 δ b = 0.2 , and δ c = 0.025 s . The frequency search range for the autocorrelation coefficient is f min = 0.5 H z , f max = 4.5 H z , and Δ f = 0.05 H z , which corresponds to the range of periods: T c 0.22 s , 2 s . The amplitude and time threshold for the displacement search range is set to l = 50 . Due to the removal of components, the remaining components may also be eliminated, leading to an increase in the autocorrelation coefficient at non-periodic moments. As the components are extracted, the amplitude threshold δ a should be appropriately increased. The threshold for the extraction of the third target is δ a = 0.8 .
When SNR is 0 dB, the results of period estimation and IRT are shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10. It can be observed that the estimated periods are sequentially 0.333 s, 0.408 s, and 0.800 s. After each estimation, the curve components are basically removed, allowing the autocorrelation coefficient in the next iteration to reveal a new period and extreme values. In IRT, there are well-focused peak points, and parameters are obtained by extracting the peak positions. Consistent with Section 3.2, a more precise and narrower range search is conducted for the phase of B. The curve extraction result is shown in Figure 11. Even if the curves are significantly overlapping, the extraction algorithm can still sequentially extract the correct curves.
Since period estimation is key to the proposed method, the performance of period estimation is analyzed. Firstly, the robustness of the period estimation method is analyzed. A total of 200 Monte Carlo simulation experiments were conducted, and the precession frequencies of three targets were randomly selected from the range of f c 1 0.5 , 1 H z , f c 2 1.1 , 2.4 H z , and f c 3 2.5 , 5 H z , respectively. The number of successfully estimated periods is counted, as shown in Figure 12. The period is successfully estimated if the difference between the estimated frequency and the theoretical frequency is less than Δ f / 2 . As can be seen from the figure, when the SNR is greater than −10 dB, the precession periods of three targets can be accurately estimated, indicating that the estimation method has good robustness.
The period estimation error is obtained by calculating the absolute value of the estimated period and the theoretical period. The errors with different SNRs are analyzed, as shown in Figure 13. When the SNR is greater than −12 dB, the errors of all three periods are maintained at a relatively low level. When the SNR is less than −12 dB, the errors all show significant increases. In addition, as can be seen from the enlarged view, the longer the period, the relatively larger the estimation error. This is because the smaller the precession frequency, the longer the corresponding period. For the same frequency estimation error, the estimation error corresponding to a longer period is also greater.
A non-parametric algorithm with high robustness (improved VA [27]) and parametric algorithm (IRT algorithm [32]) were selected as comparison algorithms. The threshold of improved VA was as follows: Δ = 1 , c = 15 , u = 0.2 and δ = 1 . The IRT algorithm searches for parameters based on sinusoidal model, with the search interval and search range similar to those described in Section 3.2 and (25) is also used to reduce the search range and accelerate the processing speed.
The Monte Carlo simulation was conducted and the numbers of correctly extracted components by different algorithms were counted, as shown in Figure 14a. The curve extraction is considered correct if the maximum difference between the extracted curve and the theoretical curve is less than 0.1 m. In the case of severe overlapping micro-range curves, the correctly extracted number by the improved VA algorithm is fewer than one, indicating that the algorithm struggles to maintain correct association of curves. The IRT algorithm is able to correctly associate curves when the SNR is greater than 4 dB. As the SNR decreases, the number of correctly extracted components by IRT gradually declines, indicating that the algorithm struggles to handle multiple target association in low-SNR scenarios. The proposed algorithm in this paper enhances the robustness by employing prior period estimation and improved IRT, consistently maintaining the correct extraction of targets.
Statistics on the root mean square error (RMSE) of different algorithms were gathered. The RMSE was calculated as (28), and the extraction results are depicted in Figure 14b. Corresponding to the correctly extracted number of curves, due to the improved VA’s inability to maintain correct component association, the extraction error remains consistently high. IRT can correctly separate micro-range curves, but the rough search interval and mismatched search model result in limited accuracy of curves. The proposed algorithm not only correctly extracts the curves but also further improves the curve accuracy by combining a pre-estimated period and a search model of second-order sine, resulting in higher extraction precision than IRT at high SNRs.
e = m = 1 Q r ^ t m r t m 2 Q
where r ^ t m is the extraction result at t m , and r t m is the true range at t m .
By analyzing the runtime of different algorithms, their complexities are compared. The configuration of the processor is as follows: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-13400F 2.50 GHz with 16 cores and 16 GB memory. The results are shown in Table 3. As a parametric method, IRT spends a significant amount of time on multidimensional parameter searches, resulting in the longest processing time. The improved VA algorithm has the shortest processing time. By reducing the number and range of parameter searches, the proposed algorithm in this paper significantly decreases the processing time with the average extraction time of each curve of about 2 s.

4.2. Experiment Result

The rotation experiment of two corner reflectors is conducted. The experimental scenario is shown in Figure 15, and the specific experimental setup is depicted in Figure 16. Two corner reflectors are rotated around centers O 1 and O 2 with constant angular speeds ω 1 and ω 2 and the same rotation arm length r . The range curve of each corner reflector exhibits a sinusoidal-like curve, which is similar to the micro-range curve of scattering center A in (4). Therefore, each corner reflector is treated as a scattering center of the target to simulate the micro-motion. The vector network analyzer (VNA) emits stepped-frequency full-polarization signals, and the VV polarization channel data are input into the computer to generate HRRP and extract curves. Two groups of scenes with different rotation angular speeds are designed, respectively, as follows: ω 1 = 3.079 rad/s, ω 2 = 4.455 rad/s and ω 1 = 2.677 rad/s, ω 2 = 6.044 rad/s. The remaining scene parameters are shown in Table 4.
The bottom of the antenna is taken as the origin O and the direction OD is set as the Y axis. The direction from O to antenna is set as the Z axis, and the X axis is determined by the right-handed criterion. The coordinate of the antenna is n l o s = 0 , 0 , H . The coordinates of two corner reflectors are n 1 = d 1 + r sin ω 1 t + φ 1 , l + r cos ω 2 t + φ 2 , h 1 and n 2 = ( d 2 + r sin ω 2 t + φ 2 , l + r cos ( ω 2 t + φ 2 ) , h 2 ) . The range curves are calculated as follows:
R 1 = n 1 n l o s = d 1 2 + r 2 + l 2 + H h 1 2 + 2 r d 1 2 + l 2 sin ω 1 t + φ 1 R 2 = n 2 n l o s = d 2 2 + r 2 + l 2 + H h 2 2 + 2 r d 2 2 + l 2 sin ω 2 t + φ 2
where φ 1 and φ 2 are the initial phases of the two curves.
From the above description, the micro-range curves change periodically with angular velocity. However, it is not a standard sine function. The theoretical curves are calculated based on the two groups of measurement parameters and (28), which are shown in the HRRP obtained from measurement data, as shown in Figure 17. The theoretical curves are consistent with the component amplitude changes in the HRRP, with some deviations because of the measurement errors in distance and motion parameters.
The amplitude threshold is the same as that in the simulation. Since the observation time in the experiment exceeds two seconds, the possible maximum period is also greater than two seconds. Therefore, the minimum value of the frequency used for searching is modified to f min = 1 / Δ T , where Δ T is the current observation time. f max and Δ f have not changed, which is consistent with the simulation part.
The IRT results of the two groups are shown in Figure 18. It is observed that the focusing degree of target 1 in the amplitude dimension is lower than that in the phase dimension, indicating that the phase of the curve is stable while the amplitude fluctuates. The focusing degree of target 2 has decreased compared to target 1, due to the removal effect of target 1. The micro-range curves are extracted from the HRRP under two groups of rotation parameters using different algorithms, and the extraction results are shown in Figure 19 and Figure 20. The proposed algorithm and IRT can still correctly separate the rotation components under different scenarios, whereas the improved VA has issues such as correlation errors and repeated extractions.
The period relative estimation error and curve RMSE for each algorithm are calculated, as shown in Table 5. Among them, since the improved VA was unable to correctly separate the curves, the period relative estimation error is not calculated. As indicated by Table 5, the erroneous correlation of the improved VA algorithm leads to a significant error in curve extraction. Based on the same frequency search interval, the period estimation results of the proposed algorithm and IRT are the same at a high SNR. The curve estimation errors of these two algorithms are also relatively close, both capable of separating the correct micro-range curves. When the SNR decreases, the error increases. At −4 dB, the IRT method has the smallest error in the first group, while the proposed algorithm has a smaller error than IRT in the second group. Furthermore, the processing times of algorithms are shown in Table 6. The processing speed of the proposed algorithm in the paper is obviously faster than that of IRT.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, a rapid micro-motion feature extraction algorithm of multiple space targets based on improved IRT is proposed. First, the period is estimated from binarization HRRP. Then, the IRT model is modified to a second-order sine function to search for the remaining unknown parameters of the model. Preliminary estimation of the period can not only improve the accuracy of period estimation but can also reduce the dimensionality of parameter search, thereby accelerating the parameter search speed. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method significantly improves the processing speed while maintaining robustness and accuracy. The current method can be used to process targets with rotation and precession motion but cannot extract the complex micro-range curves of targets undergoing nutation motion. Future research will focus on the development of methods for extracting multiple target curves that are applicable to more complex motions such as nutation.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, X.A., Z.X. and Y.Z.; methodology, J.W.; software, J.W.; validation, J.W. and Y.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, J.W.; writing—review and editing, X.A., Z.X. and Q.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62071475.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the authors.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Micro-motion model of a single target.
Figure 1. Micro-motion model of a single target.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g001
Figure 2. Transformation between the reference coordinate system and global coordinate system.
Figure 2. Transformation between the reference coordinate system and global coordinate system.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g002
Figure 3. Micro-motion model of multiple targets.
Figure 3. Micro-motion model of multiple targets.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g003
Figure 4. Algorithm flowchart.
Figure 4. Algorithm flowchart.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g004
Figure 5. Comparison figure of the fast and slow time results.
Figure 5. Comparison figure of the fast and slow time results.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g005
Figure 6. The autocorrelation coefficients before and after binarization.
Figure 6. The autocorrelation coefficients before and after binarization.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g006
Figure 7. The results of different autocorrelation coefficient treatments.
Figure 7. The results of different autocorrelation coefficient treatments.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g007
Figure 8. The autocorrelation coefficient with a period of 0.333 s.
Figure 8. The autocorrelation coefficient with a period of 0.333 s.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g008
Figure 9. Period estimation result.
Figure 9. Period estimation result.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g009aRemotesensing 17 00434 g009b
Figure 10. IRT result of simulation.
Figure 10. IRT result of simulation.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g010
Figure 11. Curve extraction result.
Figure 11. Curve extraction result.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g011
Figure 12. The number of successfully estimated periods.
Figure 12. The number of successfully estimated periods.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g012
Figure 13. The period estimation errors with different SNRs.
Figure 13. The period estimation errors with different SNRs.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g013
Figure 14. Curve extraction error.
Figure 14. Curve extraction error.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g014
Figure 15. Design of experimental scenario.
Figure 15. Design of experimental scenario.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g015
Figure 16. Experimental setup.
Figure 16. Experimental setup.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g016
Figure 17. Theoretical curves. (a) The first group. (b) The second group.
Figure 17. Theoretical curves. (a) The first group. (b) The second group.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g017
Figure 18. IRT result of experiment.
Figure 18. IRT result of experiment.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g018
Figure 19. The extracted result of the first group.
Figure 19. The extracted result of the first group.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g019
Figure 20. The extracted result of the second group.
Figure 20. The extracted result of the second group.
Remotesensing 17 00434 g020
Table 1. Parameter of targets.
Table 1. Parameter of targets.
Parameter h 1  (m) h 2  (m) r  (m) θ c  (°)
Parameter ω c  (rad/s) α  (°) β  (°)
Value 2.5 π , 4.9 π , 6 π 40 , 45 , 50 U 0 , 360
Table 2. Parameters of radar.
Table 2. Parameters of radar.
f c (GHz)Pulse Repetition Frequency (Hz)Bandwidth (GHz)Observation Time (s)
Table 3. Algorithm processing time.
Table 3. Algorithm processing time.
AlgorithmImproved VAIRTProposed Algorithm
Processing time (s)1.262225.26911.959
Table 4. Experimental parameters.
Table 4. Experimental parameters.
Distance parameterLength of rotation arm r m0.5
Distance between D and O 1 , O 2 d 1 , d 2 m0.6, 0.7
Distance between D and antenna l m1.98
Height of motor h 1 h 2 m1.32, 1.07
Height of antenna H m1.42
Radar parameterPulse repetition frequency p r f Hz21.2
Pulse sampling number N 1201
Carry frequency f c GHz10
Bandwidth B GHz4
Table 5. Experiment statistics.
Table 5. Experiment statistics.
SNR(dB)−4048Without Noise
The first groupPeriod relative estimation errorProposed algorithm2.51.641.641.641.64
Curve RMSE(m)Proposed algorithm0.04440.03620.03620.03620.0362
Improved VA0.40700.40450.39550.40090.4233
The second groupPeriod relative estimation errorProposed algorithm2.391.381.381.381.38
Curve RMSE(m)Proposed algorithm0.09490.09160.09110.09110.0911
Improved VA0.38610.36560.33150.32840.3300
Table 6. Processing time.
Table 6. Processing time.
AlgorithmImproved VAIRTProposed Algorithm
Processing time (s)The first group0.7340.1559.836
The second group0.6780.1439.789
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wu, J.; Ai, X.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, Y.; Wu, Q. Rapid Micro-Motion Feature Extraction of Multiple Space Targets Based on Improved IRT. Remote Sens. 2025, 17, 434.

AMA Style

Wu J, Ai X, Xu Z, Zhu Y, Wu Q. Rapid Micro-Motion Feature Extraction of Multiple Space Targets Based on Improved IRT. Remote Sensing. 2025; 17(3):434.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wu, Jing, Xiaofeng Ai, Zhiming Xu, Yiqi Zhu, and Qihua Wu. 2025. "Rapid Micro-Motion Feature Extraction of Multiple Space Targets Based on Improved IRT" Remote Sensing 17, no. 3: 434.

APA Style

Wu, J., Ai, X., Xu, Z., Zhu, Y., & Wu, Q. (2025). Rapid Micro-Motion Feature Extraction of Multiple Space Targets Based on Improved IRT. Remote Sensing, 17(3), 434.

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