Using Image Texture and Spectral Reflectance Analysis to Detect Yellowness and Esca in Grapevines at Leaf-Level
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Acquisition
2.2. Reflectance Measurements and Digital Images
2.3. Spectral and Image Data Analysis for Disease Detection
2.3.1. PROSPECT Model
2.3.2. Biophysical Parameters (BPs) Calculation
2.3.3. Pre-Processing of Digital Images
2.3.4. Co-Occurrence Matrices
2.3.5. Texture Parameters (TPs) Calculation
2.3.6. Classification: Neural Networks
3. Results
3.1. Best Method and Function for the PROSPECT Model Inversion
3.2. Classification of Data Using BPNN
3.2.1. Classification of Esca Disease
3.2.2. Classification of Yellowing Disease
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Abbreviation | Unit | Min | Max | Step |
Leaf structure coefficient | N | No dimension | 0.5 | 3.5 | 0.5 |
Leaf chlorophyll content | Cab | μg/cm2 | 0.00001 | 120 | 0.5 |
Leaf carotenoid content | Car | μg/cm2 | 0.00001 | 30 | 0.5 |
Brown pigment content | Cbrown | Arbitrary units | 0.00001 | 0.8 | 0.1 |
Equivalent water thickness | Cw | cm | 0.00001 | 0.08 | 0.01 |
Dry matter content | Cm | g/cm2 | 0.00001 | 0.04 | 0.01 |
Methods | Function | N | Cab | Car | Cbrown | Cw | Cm | Global Accuracy |
L-BFGS-B | RMSE | 0.9706 | 0.8636 | 0.4673 | 0.7293 | 0.9090 | 0.8447 | 0.2193 |
SLSQP | 0.9694 | 0.7285 | 0.3082 | 0.7293 | 0.9483 | 0.7044 | 0.1060 | |
TNC | 0.8765 | 0.6731 | 0.4360 | 0.5201 | 0.9380 | 0.5068 | 0.0636 | |
Nelder-Mead | 0.0238 | 0.0268 | 0.0219 | 0.0290 | 0.0117 | 0.0363 | 0.0000 | |
L-BFGS-B | SCM | 0.2671 | 0.4826 | 0.2502 | 0.7719 | 0.8405 | 0.5660 | 0.0118 |
SLSQP | 0.0366 | 0.1166 | 0.0331 | 0.5081 | 0.5190 | 0.1623 | 0.0000 | |
TNC | 0.2342 | 0.4844 | 0.2418 | 0.5817 | 0.7677 | 0.4984 | 0.0061 | |
Nelder-Mead | 0.0094 | 0.0366 | 0.0465 | 0.0446 | 0.0483 | 0.0213 | 0.0000 | |
L-BFGS-B | SAM | 0.7006 | 0.7857 | 0.5597 | 0.8372 | 0.9853 | 0.8953 | 0.2275 |
SLSQP | 0.9742 | 0.9916 | 0.6186 | 0.9944 | 0.9964 | 0.9872 | 0.5845 | |
TNC | 0.1746 | 0.3294 | 0.1132 | 0.2992 | 0.7550 | 0.3540 | 0.0005 | |
Nelder-Mead | 0.0032 | 0.0316 | 0.0266 | 0.0066 | 0.0516 | 0.0198 | 0.0000 | |
L-BFGS-B | SAM + RMSE | 0.9742 | 0.6538 | 0.5485 | 0.7510 | 0.7604 | 0.7832 | 0.1563 |
SLSQP | 0.9996 | 0.9952 | 0.6874 | 0.9938 | 0.9986 | 0.9962 | 0.6761 | |
TNC | 0.7303 | 0.3797 | 0.0687 | 0.1913 | 0.8616 | 0.3387 | 0.0011 | |
Nelder-Mead | 0.0169 | 0.0284 | 0.0206 | 0.0265 | 0.0391 | 0.0135 | 0.0000 |
Accuracy | FM | AUC | |
Spectra | 80.62% | 0.78 | 0.90 |
BPs | 77.50% | 0.67 | 0.82 |
TPs | 100% | 1 | 0.98 |
BPs + TPs | 99.37% | 0.99 | 0.97 |
Accuracy | FM | AUC | |
Spectra | 93.63% | 0.92 | 0.91 |
BPs | 95.45% | 0.95 | 0.97 |
TPs | 70.45% | 0.69 | 0.80 |
BPs + TPs | 99.54% | 0.99 | 0.98 |
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Share and Cite
Al-Saddik, H.; Laybros, A.; Billiot, B.; Cointault, F. Using Image Texture and Spectral Reflectance Analysis to Detect Yellowness and Esca in Grapevines at Leaf-Level. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 618.
Al-Saddik H, Laybros A, Billiot B, Cointault F. Using Image Texture and Spectral Reflectance Analysis to Detect Yellowness and Esca in Grapevines at Leaf-Level. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(4):618.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAl-Saddik, Hania, Anthony Laybros, Bastien Billiot, and Frederic Cointault. 2018. "Using Image Texture and Spectral Reflectance Analysis to Detect Yellowness and Esca in Grapevines at Leaf-Level" Remote Sensing 10, no. 4: 618.
APA StyleAl-Saddik, H., Laybros, A., Billiot, B., & Cointault, F. (2018). Using Image Texture and Spectral Reflectance Analysis to Detect Yellowness and Esca in Grapevines at Leaf-Level. Remote Sensing, 10(4), 618.