Detection of Known and Novel Virus Sequences in the Black Solider Fly and Expression of Host Antiviral Pathways
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. BSF and Substrate Sampling
2.2. RNA Isolation
2.3. Library Preparation and Sequencing
2.4. Metatranscriptome Assembly
2.5. Identification of Virus Sequences
2.6. Phylogenetic Analysis of Novel Virus Sequences
2.7. Overlap of Virus Occurrence across Samples
2.8. Quantification of BSF and Viral Transcripts
2.9. Identifying Candidate Antiviral Genes in BSF
3. Results
3.1. Hermetia illucens Sigma-like Virus 1
3.2. Hermetia illucens Inse-like Virus 1
3.3. Known BSF-Associated Viruses
3.4. Antiviral Gene Expression in BSF
4. Discussion
4.1. Hermetia illucens Sigma-like Virus 1
4.2. Hermetia illucens Inse-like Virus 1
4.3. Known BSF Viruses Detected in Our Study
4.4. Gene Expression in Putative Antiviral Genes in BSF
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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BSF Gene | Drosophila Ortholog | Function in Drosophila |
LOC119654977 | Diap2 | Mediator of NF-kB signaling—required for innate immune response |
LOC119653405 | hep | Critical for JNK activation in immune signaling |
LOC119646668 | IKKbeta | Regulates antiviral response in Imd |
LOC119651484 | hop | Induces expression of JAK/STAT regulated genes |
LOC119646570 | vir-1 | Regulated by JAK/STAT; expressed in response to viral infection |
LOC119656159 | Raf | Component of Ras/Raf pathway; interacts with hop of JAK/STAT |
LOC119653270 | CecA2 | Antimicrobial peptide |
LOC119654763 | LysP | Antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria |
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Walt, H.K.; Jordan, H.R.; Meyer, F.; Hoffmann, F.G. Detection of Known and Novel Virus Sequences in the Black Solider Fly and Expression of Host Antiviral Pathways. Viruses 2024, 16, 1219.
Walt HK, Jordan HR, Meyer F, Hoffmann FG. Detection of Known and Novel Virus Sequences in the Black Solider Fly and Expression of Host Antiviral Pathways. Viruses. 2024; 16(8):1219.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWalt, Hunter K., Heather R. Jordan, Florencia Meyer, and Federico G. Hoffmann. 2024. "Detection of Known and Novel Virus Sequences in the Black Solider Fly and Expression of Host Antiviral Pathways" Viruses 16, no. 8: 1219.
APA StyleWalt, H. K., Jordan, H. R., Meyer, F., & Hoffmann, F. G. (2024). Detection of Known and Novel Virus Sequences in the Black Solider Fly and Expression of Host Antiviral Pathways. Viruses, 16(8), 1219.