Enumerating Minimal Vertex Covers and Dominating Sets with Capacity and/or Connectivity Constraints
:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
3. A Quick Tour of the Supergraph Technique
4. Minimal Connected Vertex Cover Enumeration
4.1. Bounded-Degree Graphs
Extension to d-Claw Free Graphs
4.2. General Graphs
Algorithm 1: An output quasi-polynomial time algorithm for enumerating minimal valid augmentations. |
5. Minimal Connected Dominating Set Enumeration
6. Capacitated Vertex Cover and Dominating Set
7. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Correction Statement
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Kobayashi, Y.; Kurita, K.; Mann, K.; Matsui, Y.; Ono, H. Enumerating Minimal Vertex Covers and Dominating Sets with Capacity and/or Connectivity Constraints. Algorithms 2025, 18, 112. https://doi.org/10.3390/a18020112
Kobayashi Y, Kurita K, Mann K, Matsui Y, Ono H. Enumerating Minimal Vertex Covers and Dominating Sets with Capacity and/or Connectivity Constraints. Algorithms. 2025; 18(2):112. https://doi.org/10.3390/a18020112
Chicago/Turabian StyleKobayashi, Yasuaki, Kazuhiro Kurita, Kevin Mann, Yasuko Matsui, and Hirotaka Ono. 2025. "Enumerating Minimal Vertex Covers and Dominating Sets with Capacity and/or Connectivity Constraints" Algorithms 18, no. 2: 112. https://doi.org/10.3390/a18020112
APA StyleKobayashi, Y., Kurita, K., Mann, K., Matsui, Y., & Ono, H. (2025). Enumerating Minimal Vertex Covers and Dominating Sets with Capacity and/or Connectivity Constraints. Algorithms, 18(2), 112. https://doi.org/10.3390/a18020112