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Energies, Volume 10, Issue 4 (April 2017) – 170 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Optimized component behavior, for instance of check valves, turned out to be crucial for good energetic performance of a hydraulic stepper converter. Despite their simple mechanical design, check valves have very complicated dynamical behavior due to different flow regimes which interact in a highly nonlinear way with the check valve’s plate motion. A model in the free CFD software OpenFOAM was able to simulate quite accurately this coupled fluid and solid body mechanics. The insight into the flow and motion details allowed an optimized design of the fast-check valves. View this paper
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3707 KiB  
Double-Carrier Phase-Disposition Pulse Width Modulation Method for Modular Multilevel Converters
by Fayun Zhou, An Luo, Yan Li, Qianming Xu, Zhixing He and Josep M. Guerrero
Energies 2017, 10(4), 581; - 23 Apr 2017
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 5849
Modular multilevel converters (MMCs) have become one of the most attractive topologies for high-voltage and high-power applications. A double-carrier phase disposition pulse width modulation (DCPDPWM) method for MMCs is proposed in this paper. Only double triangular carriers with displacement angle are needed for [...] Read more.
Modular multilevel converters (MMCs) have become one of the most attractive topologies for high-voltage and high-power applications. A double-carrier phase disposition pulse width modulation (DCPDPWM) method for MMCs is proposed in this paper. Only double triangular carriers with displacement angle are needed for DCPDPWM, one carrier for the upper arm and the other for the lower arm. Then, the theoretical analysis of DCPDPWM for MMCs is presented by using a double Fourier integral analysis method, and the Fourier series expression of phase voltage, line-to-line voltage and circulating current are deduced. Moreover, the impact of carrier displacement angle between the upper and lower arm on harmonic characteristics is revealed, and further the optimum displacement angles are specified for the circulating current harmonics cancellation scheme and output voltage harmonics minimization scheme. Finally, the proposed method and theoretical analysis are verified by simulation and experimental results. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Distribution Power Systems and Power Quality)
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2671 KiB  
Influences of Winding MMF Harmonics on Torque Characteristics in Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Vernier Machines
by Daekyu Jang and Junghwan Chang
Energies 2017, 10(4), 580; - 23 Apr 2017
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 5563
This paper presents the influences of winding magneto-motive force (MMF) harmonics on the torque characteristics in surface-mounted permanent magnet vernier (SPMV) machines. Based on the magnetic gearing effects, the armature magnetic field of the SPMV machines is modulated by flux modulation poles (FMPs). [...] Read more.
This paper presents the influences of winding magneto-motive force (MMF) harmonics on the torque characteristics in surface-mounted permanent magnet vernier (SPMV) machines. Based on the magnetic gearing effects, the armature magnetic field of the SPMV machines is modulated by flux modulation poles (FMPs). In the modulated magnetic field, a working harmonic which corresponds to the number of the rotor pole pairs generates torque. Unlike regular PM machines, the winding MMF harmonics in the SPMV machines can produce the working harmonic by adjusting the FMP shapes. In order to investigate the effects of the winding MMF harmonics, the operating principle of the SPMV machines is elaborated by an analytical method using the winding MMF distribution and air-gap permeance function. After that, the design method of the FMP shapes that can improve the output torque by using the winding MMF harmonics is proposed. For the SPMV machine having 6 slots and 24 FMPs, the effects of the winding MMF harmonics and the validity of the proposed design method are confirmed by the finite element analysis method. It is shown that the proposed design method can improve the performances of the SPMV machine in terms of the torque density, induced electromagnetic force, and efficiency. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section D: Energy Storage and Application)
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3553 KiB  
Multi-Objective History Matching with a Proxy Model for the Characterization of Production Performances at the Shale Gas Reservoir
by Jaejun Kim, Joe M. Kang, Changhyup Park, Yongjun Park, Jihye Park and Seojin Lim
Energies 2017, 10(4), 579; - 23 Apr 2017
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 8616
This paper presents a fast, reliable multi-objective history-matching method based on proxy modeling to forecast the production performances of shale gas reservoirs for which all available post-hydraulic-fracturing production data, i.e., the daily gas rate and cumulative-production volume until the given date, are honored. [...] Read more.
This paper presents a fast, reliable multi-objective history-matching method based on proxy modeling to forecast the production performances of shale gas reservoirs for which all available post-hydraulic-fracturing production data, i.e., the daily gas rate and cumulative-production volume until the given date, are honored. The developed workflow consists of distance-based generalized sensitivity analysis (DGSA) to determine the spatiotemporal-parameter significance, fast marching method (FMM) as a proxy model, and a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to integrate the dynamic data. The model validation confirms that the FMM is a sound surrogate model working within an error of approximately 2% for the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR), and it is 11 times faster than a full-reservoir simulation. The predictive accuracy on future production after matching 1.5-year production histories is assessed to examine the applicability of the proposed method. The DGSA determines the effective parameters with respect to the gas rate and the cumulative volume, including fracture permeability, fracture half-length, enhanced permeability in the stimulated reservoir volume, and average post-fracturing porosity. A comparison of the prediction accuracy for single-objective optimization shows that the proposed method accurately estimates the recoverable volume as well as the production profiles to within an error of 0.5%, while the single-objective consideration reveals the scale-dependency problem with lesser accuracy. The results of this study are useful to overcome the time-consuming effort of using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and full-scale reservoir simulation as well as to conduct a more-realistic prediction of the shale gas reserves and the corresponding production performances. Full article
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1654 KiB  
Heat Roadmap Europe: Large-Scale Electric Heat Pumps in District Heating Systems
by Andrei David, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Helge Averfalk, Sven Werner and Henrik Lund
Energies 2017, 10(4), 578; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 210 | Viewed by 21363
The Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) studies estimated a potential increase of the district heating (DH) share to 50% of the entire heat demand by 2050, with approximately 25–30% of it being supplied using large-scale electric heat pumps. This study builds on this potential [...] Read more.
The Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) studies estimated a potential increase of the district heating (DH) share to 50% of the entire heat demand by 2050, with approximately 25–30% of it being supplied using large-scale electric heat pumps. This study builds on this potential and aims to document that such developments can begin now with technologies currently available. We present a database and the status of the technology and its ability of expansion to other European locations by reviewing experiences aimed at further research or application in the heating industry. This is based on a survey of the existing capacity of electric large-scale heat pumps with more than 1 MW thermal output, operating in European DH systems. The survey is the first database of its kind containing the technical characteristics of these heat pumps, and provides the basis for the analysis of this paper. By quantifying the heat sources, refrigerants, efficiency and types of operation of 149 units with 1580 MW of thermal output, the study further uses this data to analyze if the deployment of this technology on a large-scale is possible in other locations in Europe. It finally demonstrates that the technical level of the existing heat pumps is mature enough to make them suitable for replication in other locations in Europe. Full article
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7122 KiB  
Performance Comparison between Selected Evaporative Air Coolers
by Demis Pandelidis, Sergey Anisimov and Paweł Drąg
Energies 2017, 10(4), 577; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 4624
The aim of this study is to determine which of the heat exchangers is characterized by the highest efficiency in different applications. Various types of evaporative air coolers were compared: a typical counter-flow unit, the same unit operating as a heat recovery exchanger, [...] Read more.
The aim of this study is to determine which of the heat exchangers is characterized by the highest efficiency in different applications. Various types of evaporative air coolers were compared: a typical counter-flow unit, the same unit operating as a heat recovery exchanger, a regenerative unit and a novel, modified regenerative exchanger. The analysis includes comparing the work of evaporative heat exchangers during summer and winter season. The analysis is based on the original mathematical models. The numerical models are based on the modified ?-NTU (number of heat transfer units) method. It was established that selected arrangements of the presented exchangers are characterized by the different efficiency in different air-conditioning applications. The analysis faces the main construction aspects of those evaporative coolers and also compares two above-mentioned devices with modified regenerative air cooler, which can partly operate on cooled outdoor airflow and on the exhaust air from conditioned spaces. This solution can be applied in any climate and it is less dependent on the outdoor conditions. The second part of the study focuses on winter season and the potential of recovering heat with the same exchangers, but with dry working air channels. This allows establishing their total potential of generating energy savings during the annual operation. Full article
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4688 KiB  
Enhancing Oil Recovery from Chalk Reservoirs by a Low-Salinity Water Flooding Mechanism and Fluid/Rock Interactions
by Aly A. Hamouda and Sachin Gupta
Energies 2017, 10(4), 576; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 5560
Different Low Salinity Waters (LSWs) are investigated in this work to understand the role of some ions, which were recognized from our previous work and the literature for their effect on wettability alteration. Different flooding stages were followed. The primary stage was by [...] Read more.
Different Low Salinity Waters (LSWs) are investigated in this work to understand the role of some ions, which were recognized from our previous work and the literature for their effect on wettability alteration. Different flooding stages were followed. The primary stage was by injecting synthetic seawater (SSW) and the secondary stage was with SSW diluted by 10 (LSW 1:10) and 50 (LSW 1:50) times, single and two salt brines, such as Na2SO4, MgCl2, and NaCl+MgCl2 at 70 °C. The flooding sequence was due to that most of the fields in the North Sea were flooded with seawater. Two flooding rates were followed, 4 PV/day (PV = Pore Volume) and 16 PV/day in all the experiments. One of the observations was the increase of the pH during the flooding with LSW and single salt brines. The increase of the pH was attributed to mineral precipitation/dissolution as the results of ionic interactions. The effluent ion concentrations measured to understand the most likely oil recovery mechanisms. The results showed that the higher the SSW dilution the slower the oil recovery response. In presence of SO42?, Ca/Mg, higher oil recovery. The exchange between Ca/Mg, was in line with field observations. A geochemical simulation was done for a comparison with the experimental data. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Oil and Gas Engineering)
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10079 KiB  
Aerodynamic Analysis of a Helical Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
by Qian Cheng, Xiaolan Liu, Ho Seong Ji, Kyung Chun Kim and Bo Yang
Energies 2017, 10(4), 575; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 49 | Viewed by 13273
Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are gradually receiving more and more interest due to their lower sensitivity to the yawed wind direction. Compared with straight blades VAWT, blades with a certain helicity show a better aerodynamic performance and less noise emission. Nowadays computational [...] Read more.
Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are gradually receiving more and more interest due to their lower sensitivity to the yawed wind direction. Compared with straight blades VAWT, blades with a certain helicity show a better aerodynamic performance and less noise emission. Nowadays computational fluid dynamics technology is frequently applied to VAWTs and gives results that can reflect real flow phenomena. In this paper, a 2D flow field simulation of a helical vertical axis wind turbine (HVAWT) with four blades has been carried out by means of a large eddy simulation (LES). The power output and fluctuation at each azimuthal position are studied with different tip speed ratio (TSR). The result shows that the variation of angle of attack (AOA) and blade-wake interaction under different TSR conditions are the two main reasons for the effects of TSR on power output. Furthermore, in order to understand the characteristics of the HVAWT along the spanwise direction, the 3D full size flow field has also been studied by the means of unsteady Reynold Averaged Navier-Stokes (U-RANS) and 3D effects on the turbine performance can be observed by the spanwise pressure distribution. It shows that tip vortex near blade tips and second flow in the spanwise direction also play a major role on the performance of VAWTs. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Wind Turbine 2017)
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4761 KiB  
Automatic Tracking of the Modal Parameters of an Offshore Wind Turbine Drivetrain System
by Mahmoud El-Kafafy, Christof Devriendt, Patrick Guillaume and Jan Helsen
Energies 2017, 10(4), 574; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 5454
An offshore wind turbine (OWT) is a complex structure that consists of different parts (e.g., foundation, tower, drivetrain, blades, et al.). The last decade, there has been continuous trend towards larger machines with the goal of cost reduction. Modal behavior is an important [...] Read more.
An offshore wind turbine (OWT) is a complex structure that consists of different parts (e.g., foundation, tower, drivetrain, blades, et al.). The last decade, there has been continuous trend towards larger machines with the goal of cost reduction. Modal behavior is an important design aspect. For tackling noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) issues and validating complex simulation models, it is of high interest to continuously track the vibration levels and the evolution of the modal parameters (resonance frequencies, damping ratios, mode shapes) of the fundamental modes of the turbine. Wind turbines are multi-physical machines with significant interaction between their subcomponents. This paper will present the possibility of identifying and automatically tracking the structural vibration modes of the drivetrain system of an instrumented OWT by using signals (e.g., acceleration responses) measured on the drivetrain system. The experimental data has been obtained during a measurement campaign on an OWT in the Belgian North Sea where the OWT was in standstill condition. The drivetrain, more specifically the gearbox and generator, is instrumented with a dedicated measurement set-up consisting of 17 sensor channels with the aim to continuously track the vibration modes. The consistency of modal parameter estimates made at consequent 10-min intervals is validated, and the dominant drivetrain modal behavior is identified and automatically tracked. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Wind Turbines)
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2177 KiB  
Primary and Albedo Solar Energy Sources for High Altitude Persistent Air Vehicle Operation
by Tim Smith, Michele Trancossi, Dean Vucinic, Chris Bingham and Paul Stewart
Energies 2017, 10(4), 573; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 6515
A new class of the all electric airship to globally transport both passengers and freight using a ‘feeder-cruiser’ concept, and powered by renewable electric energy, is considered. Specific focus is given to photo-electric harvesting as the primary energy source and the associated hydrogen-based [...] Read more.
A new class of the all electric airship to globally transport both passengers and freight using a ‘feeder-cruiser’ concept, and powered by renewable electric energy, is considered. Specific focus is given to photo-electric harvesting as the primary energy source and the associated hydrogen-based energy storage systems. Furthermore, it is shown that the total PV output may be significantly increased by utilising cloud albedo effects. Appropriate power architectures and energy audits required for life support, and the propulsion and ancillary loads to support the continuous daily operation of the primary airship (cruiser) at stratospheric altitudes (circa 18 km), are also considered. The presented solution is substantially different from those of conventional aircraft due to the airship size and the inherent requirement to harvest and store sufficient energy during “daylight” operation, when subject to varying seasonal conditions and latitudes, to ensure its safe and continued operation during the corresponding varying “dark hours”. This is particularly apparent when the sizing of the proposed electrolyser is considered, as its size and mass increase nonlinearly with decreasing day-night duty. As such, a Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell is proposed. For the first time the study also discusses the potential benefits of integrating the photo-voltaic cells into airship canopy structures utilising TENSAIRITY®-based elements in order to eliminate the requirements for separate inter-PV array wiring and the transport of low pressure hydrogen between fuel cells. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Next-Generation Low-Carbon Power and Energy Systems)
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5838 KiB  
PTC Self-Heating Experiments and Thermal Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack in Electric Vehicles
by Chengning Zhang, Xin Jin and Junqiu Li
Energies 2017, 10(4), 572; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 34 | Viewed by 6826
This paper proposes a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) self-heating method, in which EVs can be operated independently of external power source at low temperature, with a lithium-ion battery (LIB) pack discharging electricity to provide PTC material with power. Three comparative heating experiments have [...] Read more.
This paper proposes a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) self-heating method, in which EVs can be operated independently of external power source at low temperature, with a lithium-ion battery (LIB) pack discharging electricity to provide PTC material with power. Three comparative heating experiments have been carried out respectively. With charge/discharge tests implemented, results demonstrate the superiority of the self-heating method, proving that the discharge capability, especially the discharge capacity of the self-heated pack is better than that of the external power heated pack. In order to evaluate the heating effect of this method, further studies are conducted on temperature distribution uniformity in the heated pack. Firstly, a geometric model is established, and heat-generation rate of PTC materials and LIB are calculated. Then, thermal characteristics of the self-heating experiment processes are numerically simulated, validating the accuracy of our modeling and confirming that temperature distributions inside the pack after heating are kept in good uniformity. Therefore, the PTC self-heating method is verified to have a significant effect on the improvement of performance of LIB at low temperature. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Energy Storage Technologies and Their Applications (AESA))
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1973 KiB  
Performance Evaluation of Waste Heat Recovery Systems Based on Semiconductor Thermoelectric Generators for Hypersonic Vehicles
by Kunlin Cheng, Yu Feng, Chuanwen Lv, Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin and Wen Bao
Energies 2017, 10(4), 570; - 22 Apr 2017
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 5240
The types and the characteristics of the waste heat on hypersonic vehicles and the application feasibility of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for hypersonic aircraft are discussed in this paper. Two thermoelectric generator schemes with an isothermal heat source and a variable temperature heat source [...] Read more.
The types and the characteristics of the waste heat on hypersonic vehicles and the application feasibility of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) for hypersonic aircraft are discussed in this paper. Two thermoelectric generator schemes with an isothermal heat source and a variable temperature heat source were proposed, and the corresponding models were developed to predict the performance of the waste heat recovery systems on a hypersonic vehicle with different heat sources. The thermoelectric efficiency variation with electric current, the temperature distribution of fuel and junctions, and the distribution of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT value) are described by diagrams. Besides, some improvements for a better performance are analyzed. The results indicate that the maximum values of thermoelectric efficiency are 5% and 2.5% for the isothermal heat source and the variable temperature heat source, respectively, and the thermoelectric efficiency improves with the temperature of the hot junction. The performance of the TEGs with variable temperature heat source is worse than that of the other TEGs under the same highest hot junction temperature conditions, and the former has a better conversion efficiency than the latter when the average temperatures are identical. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)
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7402 KiB  
Research on the Common Rail Pressure Overshoot of Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke Diesel Engines
by Yi Lu, Changlu Zhao, Zhe Zuo, Fujun Zhang and Shuanlu Zhang
Energies 2017, 10(4), 571; - 21 Apr 2017
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 6825
The common rail pressure has a direct influence on the working stability of Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke (OP2S) diesel engines, especially on performance indexes such as power, economy and emissions. Meanwhile, the rail pressure overshoot phenomenon occurs frequently due to the operating characteristics of OP2S [...] Read more.
The common rail pressure has a direct influence on the working stability of Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke (OP2S) diesel engines, especially on performance indexes such as power, economy and emissions. Meanwhile, the rail pressure overshoot phenomenon occurs frequently due to the operating characteristics of OP2S diesel engines, which could lead to serious consequences. In order to solve the rail pressure overshoot problem of OP2S diesel engines, a nonlinear concerted algorithm adding a speed state feedback was investigated. First, the nonlinear Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) model was utilized to describe the coupling relationship between the engine speed and the rail pressure. The Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) optimal control algorithm was applied to design the controller by the feedback of speed and rail pressure. Second, cooperating with the switching characteristics of injectors, the co-simulation of MATLAB/Simulink and GT-Power was utilized to verify the validity of the control algorithm and analyze workspaces for both normal and special sections. Finally, bench test results showed that the accuracy of the rail pressure control was in the range of ±1 MPa, in the condition of sudden 600 r/min speed increases. In addition, the fuel mass was reduced 76.3% compared with the maximum fuel supply quantity and the rail pressure fluctuation was less than 20 MPa. The algorithm could also be appropriate for other types of common rail system thanks to its universality. Full article
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3465 KiB  
Development of Novel Robust Regulator for Maximum Wind Energy Extraction Based upon Perturbation and Observation
by Bo Li, Wenhu Tang, Kaishun Xiahou and Qinghua Wu
Energies 2017, 10(4), 569; - 21 Apr 2017
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 4593
This paper develops a robust regulator design approach to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a variable-speed wind energy conversion system (WECS) under the concept of perturbation and observation. The proposed perturb and observe regulators (PORs) rooted on the sliding mode method employs [...] Read more.
This paper develops a robust regulator design approach to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a variable-speed wind energy conversion system (WECS) under the concept of perturbation and observation. The proposed perturb and observe regulators (PORs) rooted on the sliding mode method employs the optimal power curve (OPC) to realize MPPT operations by continuously adjusting rotor speeds and the duty cycles, which can ensure control performance against system parameter variations. The proposed PORs can detect sudden wind speed changes indirectly through the mechanical power coefficient, which is used to acquire the rotor speed reference by comparing it with the optimal power constant. For the speed and duty cycle regulation, two novel controllers based on the proposed POR, i.e., an MPPT controller and a speed controller, are devised in this research. Moreover, by applying the small-signal analysis on a nonlinear wind turbine system, the convergence of the proposed speed controller is proven for the first time based on the Lyapunov theory, and meanwhile, a single-pole transfer function, to describe the effect of duty cycle variations on rotor speeds, is designed to ensure its stability. The proposed strategy is verified by simulation cases operated in MATLAB/Simulink and experimental results performed from a 0.5-kW wind turbine generator simulator. Full article
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3928 KiB  
Simulations of Melting of Encapsulated CaCl2·6H2O for Thermal Energy Storage Technologies
by Antonio M. Puertas, Manuel S. Romero-Cano, Francisco Javier De Las Nieves, Sabina Rosiek and Francisco J. Batlles
Energies 2017, 10(4), 568; - 21 Apr 2017
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 4367
We present in this work simulations using the finite difference approximation in 2D for the melting of an encapsulated phase-change material suitable for heat storage applications; in particular, we study CaCl2·6H2O in a cylindrical encapsulation of internal radius 8 [...] Read more.
We present in this work simulations using the finite difference approximation in 2D for the melting of an encapsulated phase-change material suitable for heat storage applications; in particular, we study CaCl2·6H2O in a cylindrical encapsulation of internal radius 8 mm. We choose this particular salt hydrate due to its availability and economic feasibility in high thermal mass building walls or storage. Considering only heat conduction, a thermostat is placed far from the capsule, providing heat for the melting of the phase-change material (PCM), which is initially frozen in a water bath. The difference in density between the solid and liquid phases is taken into account by considering a void in the solid PCM. A simple theoretical model is also presented, based on solving the heat equation in the steady state. The kinetics of melting is monitored by the total solid fraction and temperatures in the inner and outer surfaces of the capsule. The effect of different parameters is presented (thermostat temperature, capsule thickness, capsule conductivity and natural convection in the bath), showing the potential application of the method to select materials or geometries of the capsule. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section D: Energy Storage and Application)
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2168 KiB  
Thermal-Flow Analysis of a Simple LTD (Low-Temperature-Differential) Heat Engine
by Yeongmin Kim, Wongee Chun and Kuan Chen
Energies 2017, 10(4), 567; - 21 Apr 2017
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 4453
A combined thermal and flow analysis was carried out to study the behavior and performance of a simple, commercial LTD (low-temperature-differential) heat engine. Laminar-flow solutions for annulus and channel flows were employed to estimate the viscous drags on the piston and the displacer, [...] Read more.
A combined thermal and flow analysis was carried out to study the behavior and performance of a simple, commercial LTD (low-temperature-differential) heat engine. Laminar-flow solutions for annulus and channel flows were employed to estimate the viscous drags on the piston and the displacer, and the pressure difference across the displacer. Temperature correction factors were introduced in the thermal analysis to account for the departures from the ideal heat transfer processes. The flow analysis results indicate that the work required to overcome the viscous drags on engine moving parts is very small for engine speeds below 10 RPS (revolutions per second). The work required to move the displacer due to the pressure difference across the displacer is also one-to-two orders of magnitude smaller than the moving-boundary work of the piston for temperature differentials in the neighborhood of 20 °C and engine speeds below 10 RPS. A comparison with experimental data reveals large degradations from the ideal heat transfer processes inside the engine. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section I: Energy Fundamentals and Conversion)
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532 KiB  
Optimal Energy Scheduling and Transaction Mechanism for Multiple Microgrids
by Boram Kim, Sunghwan Bae and Hongseok Kim
Energies 2017, 10(4), 566; - 21 Apr 2017
Cited by 24 | Viewed by 4916
In this paper, we propose a framework for optimal energy scheduling combined with a transaction mechanism to enable multiple microgrids to exchange their energy surplus/deficit with others while the distributed networks of microgrids remain secure. Our framework is based on two layers: a [...] Read more.
In this paper, we propose a framework for optimal energy scheduling combined with a transaction mechanism to enable multiple microgrids to exchange their energy surplus/deficit with others while the distributed networks of microgrids remain secure. Our framework is based on two layers: a distributed network layer and a market layer. In the distributed network layer, we first solve optimal power flow (OPF) using a predictor corrector proximal multiplier algorithm to optimally dispatch diesel generation considering renewable energy and power loss within a microgrid. Then, in the market layer, the agent of microgrid behaves either as a load agent or generator agent so that the auctioneer sets a reasonable transaction price for both agents by using the naive auction-inspired algorithm. Finally, energy surplus/deficit is traded among microgrids at a determined transaction price while the main grid balances the transaction. We implement the proposed mechanism in MATLAB (Matlab Release 15, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) using an optimization solver, CVX. In the case studies, we compare four scenarios depending on whether OPF and/or energy transaction is performed or not. Our results show that the joint consideration of OPF and energy transaction achieves as minimal a cost as the ideal case where all microgrids are combined into a single microgrid (or called grand-microgrid) and OPF is performed. We confirm that, even though microgrids are operated by private owners who are not collaborated, a transaction-based mechanism can mimic the optimal operation of a grand-microgrid in a scalable way. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Smart Microgrids: Developing the Intelligent Power Grid of Tomorrow)
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4204 KiB  
Simultaneous Robust Coordinated Damping Control of Power System Stabilizers (PSSs), Static Var Compensator (SVC) and Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Power Oscillation Dampers (DFIG PODs) in Multimachine Power Systems
by Jian Zuo, Yinhong Li, Dongyuan Shi and Xianzhong Duan
Energies 2017, 10(4), 565; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 28 | Viewed by 6238
The potential of utilizing doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind farms to improve power system damping performance and to enhance small signal stability has been proposed by many researchers. However, the simultaneous coordinated tuning of a DFIG power oscillation damper (POD) with other damping [...] Read more.
The potential of utilizing doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind farms to improve power system damping performance and to enhance small signal stability has been proposed by many researchers. However, the simultaneous coordinated tuning of a DFIG power oscillation damper (POD) with other damping controllers is rarely involved. A simultaneous robust coordinated multiple damping controller design strategy for a power system incorporating power system stabilizer (PSS), static var compensator (SVC) POD and DFIG POD is presented in this paper. This coordinated damping control design strategy is addressed as an eigenvalue-based optimization problem to increase the damping ratios of oscillation modes. Both local and inter-area electromechanical oscillation modes are intended in the optimization design process. Wide-area phasor measurement unit (PMU) signals, selected by the joint modal controllability/ observability index, are utilized as SVC and DFIG POD feedback modulation signals to suppress inter-area oscillation modes. The robustness of the proposed coordinated design strategy is achieved by simultaneously considering multiple power flow situations and operating conditions. The recently proposed Grey Wolf optimizer (GWO) algorithm is adopted to efficiently optimize the parameter values of multiple damping controllers. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed coordinated design strategy are demonstrated through frequency-domain eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear time-domain simulation studies in two modified benchmark test systems. Moreover, the dynamic response simulation results also validate the robustness of the recommended coordinated multiple damping controllers under various system operating conditions. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)
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3112 KiB  
Assessment of the Usability and Accuracy of Two-Diode Models for Photovoltaic Modules
by Vincenzo Franzitta, Aldo Orioli and Alessandra Di Gangi
Energies 2017, 10(4), 564; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 28 | Viewed by 4497
Many diode-based equivalent circuits for simulating the electrical behaviour of photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels are reported in the scientific literature. Two-diode equivalent circuits, which require more complex procedures to calculate the seven model parameters, are less numerous. The model parameters are generally [...] Read more.
Many diode-based equivalent circuits for simulating the electrical behaviour of photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels are reported in the scientific literature. Two-diode equivalent circuits, which require more complex procedures to calculate the seven model parameters, are less numerous. The model parameters are generally calculated using the data extracted from the datasheets issued by the PV panel manufactures and adopting simplifying hypotheses and numerical solving techniques. A criterion for rating both the usability and accuracy of two-diode models is proposed in this paper with the aim of supporting researchers and designers, working in the area of PV systems, to select and use a model that may be fit for purpose. The criterion adopts a three-level rating scale that considers the ease of finding the data used by the analytical procedure, the simplicity of the mathematical tools needed to perform calculations and the accuracy achieved in calculating the current and power. The analytical procedures, the simplifying hypotheses and the operative steps to calculate the parameters of the most famous two-diode equivalent circuits are exhaustively described in this paper. The accuracy of the models is tested by comparing the characteristics issued by the PV panel manufacturers with the current-voltage (I-V) curves, at constant solar irradiance and/or cell temperature, calculated with the analysed models with. The results of the study show that the two-diode models recently proposed reach accuracies that are comparable with the values derived from the one-diode models. Full article
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5100 KiB  
Jointed Surrounding Rock Mass Stability Analysis on an Underground Cavern in a Hydropower Station Based on the Extended Key Block Theory
by Chao Jia, Yong Li, Mingyuan Lian and Xiaoyong Zhou
Energies 2017, 10(4), 563; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 4785
The jointed surrounding rock mass stability is of utmost importance to integral stability during the construction and long-term safety operation of the underground caverns in hydropower stations. The key blocks play a significant role in the integral stability of the jointed surrounding rock [...] Read more.
The jointed surrounding rock mass stability is of utmost importance to integral stability during the construction and long-term safety operation of the underground caverns in hydropower stations. The key blocks play a significant role in the integral stability of the jointed surrounding rock mass, therefore it is critical to determine the location, size, and failure mode of random key blocks. This paper proposes an improved method combining the traditional key block theory (KBT) and the force transfer algorithm to accurately calculate the safety factors of probabilistic key blocks in the surrounding rock mass. The force transfer algorithm can consider the interactions between the internal blocks. After the probabilistic characteristics of the joint fissures are obtained, the stereographic projection method is employed to determine the locations of dangerous joints. Then the vector analysis method is used to search the random blocks, determine the sliding directions of random blocks, and calculate the block sizes and safety factors near the free surface of the underground cavern, which can be used to comprehensively evaluate the surrounding rock mass stability. The above numerical results have provided powerful guidance for developing a reinforcement system for the surrounding rock mass. Full article
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2869 KiB  
Evaluating Heat Flux Profiles in Aluminum Reheating Furnace with Regenerative Burner
by Hang Zhang and Shengxiang Deng
Energies 2017, 10(4), 562; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 6466
Properly understanding heat flux characteristics is a crucial prerequisite to efficiently applying a regenerative burner in an aluminum reheating furnace. A series of experiments was conducted in this study in order to establish a database of the best available burners according to furnace [...] Read more.
Properly understanding heat flux characteristics is a crucial prerequisite to efficiently applying a regenerative burner in an aluminum reheating furnace. A series of experiments was conducted in this study in order to establish a database of the best available burners according to furnace temperature, excess air ratio, and flame combustion mode as they affect heat flux characteristics at the burner plane (Z = 0 mm). A heat flux model was developed to estimate heat transfer in the furnace, and the heat flux proportions of the other two horizontal levels (Z = 400 mm and Z = 750 mm) were investigated. The contour profile of heat flux indicates that total heat flux (THF) and radiation heat flux (RHF) increases with furnace temperature increment (900–1100 °C). Low excess air ratio (1.2–1.3, at furnace temperature 1100 °C) not only reduced the heat flux gradient, but also contributed to enlarge high THF areas and the maximum RHF. The flameless combustion mode displayed larger average THF and RHF uniformity than that of conventional combustion mode. Therefore, the burning effect of operating condition 1 (gas velocity, 90 m/s; excess air ratio, 1.2; flameless combustion) is better than the other conditions. A change of furnace temperature and excess air ratio had mildly effect on convection coefficient, but combustion mode was in contrast. The estimated heat flux distribution from the measured heat flux at the whole burner plane was in agreement with the fitted line of the axis of burner B. Although the intercept of the simulated equation was slightly underestimated, the error can be eliminated by improving the experimental conditions. The results presented here similarly apply to all regenerative burners. A comparison of heat flux among the three horizontal levels indicated that the RHF proportion comprised about 80% of the THF at each level, and a slightly increase (21.1 kW/m2) of THF in the high level from the low levels. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section I: Energy Fundamentals and Conversion)
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1849 KiB  
Methane Hydrate Formation in Marine Sediment from South China Sea with Different Water Saturations
by Yu Zhang, Xiaosen Li, Yi Wang, Zhaoyang Chen and Gang Li
Energies 2017, 10(4), 561; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 18 | Viewed by 4808
The kinetics of methane hydrate formation in marine sediments with different water saturations are important to assess the feasibility of the hydrate production and understand the process of the secondary hydrate formation in the gas production from hydrate reservoir. In this paper, the [...] Read more.
The kinetics of methane hydrate formation in marine sediments with different water saturations are important to assess the feasibility of the hydrate production and understand the process of the secondary hydrate formation in the gas production from hydrate reservoir. In this paper, the behaviors of methane hydrate formation in marine sediments from the South China Sea at different water saturation levels were experimentally studied in isobaric conditions. The marine sediments used in the experiments have the mean pore diameter of 12.178 nm, total pore volume of 4.997 × 10?2 mL/g and surface area of 16.412 m2/g. The volume fraction of water in the marine sediments ranges from 30% to 50%. The hydrate formation rate and the final water conversion increase with the decrease of the formation temperature at the water saturation of 40%. At the same experimental conditions, the hydrate formation rate decreases with the increase of the water saturation from 40% to 50% due to the reduction of the gas diffusion speed. At the water saturation of 30%, the hydrate formation rate is lower than that at the water saturation of 40% due to the effect of the equilibrium hydrate formation pressure, which increases with the decrease of the water saturation. The final water conversion is shown to increase with the increase of the water saturation, even the formation process at higher water did not end. The experiments at low water saturation show a better repeatability than that at high water saturation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Methane Hydrate Research and Development)
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16730 KiB  
Flow Behavior and Displacement Mechanisms of Nanoparticle Stabilized Foam Flooding for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery
by Teng Lu, Zhaomin Li and Yan Zhou
Energies 2017, 10(4), 560; - 20 Apr 2017
Cited by 30 | Viewed by 6716
In this study, nanoparticle stabilized foam experiments were performed in bulk tests, micromodels, and sandpacks at elevated temperatures and pressures to investigate the flow behavior and displacement mechanisms for enhanced heavy oil recovery. The results from the bulk tests showed that the stability [...] Read more.
In this study, nanoparticle stabilized foam experiments were performed in bulk tests, micromodels, and sandpacks at elevated temperatures and pressures to investigate the flow behavior and displacement mechanisms for enhanced heavy oil recovery. The results from the bulk tests showed that the stability of the foam and oil in water (O/W) emulsion improved when silica nanoparticles (SiO2) were added, compared with the anionic surfactant alone. Also, the SiO2 nanoparticles increased the dilatational viscoelasticity of the gas-water interface, which is an important fluid property and mechanism for improving heavy oil recovery. The micromodel studies demonstrated that several gas bubbles and oil droplets were stably dispersed during the nanoparticle stabilized foam flooding. The gas bubbles and oil droplets plug pores through capture-plugging and bridge-plugging, thereby increasing the sweep efficiency. The trapped residual oil is gradually pushed to the pores by the elastic forces of bubbles. Subsequently, the residual oil is pulled into oil threads by the flowing gas bubbles. Then, a greater improvement in displacement efficiency is obtained. The sandpack tests showed that the tertiary oil recovery of nanoparticle stabilized foam flooding can reach about 27% using 0.5 wt % SiO2 nanoparticles. The foam slug size of 0.3 pore volume (PV) and the gas liquid ratio (GLR) of 3:1 were found to be the optimum conditions in terms of heavy oil recovery by nanoparticle stabilized foam flooding in this study. A continuous nanoparticle dispersion and N2 could be more effective compared with the cyclic injection pattern. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nanotechnology for Oil and Gas Applications)
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4483 KiB  
Frequency Control Ancillary Service Provided by Efficient Power Plants Integrated in Queuing-Controlled Domestic Water Heaters
by Yebai Qi, Dan Wang, Xuyang Wang, Hongjie Jia, Tianjiao Pu, Naishi Chen and Kaixin Liu
Energies 2017, 10(4), 559; - 19 Apr 2017
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 4508
Frequency is an important parameter of a power system. It is of great significance to maintain its stability, especially in the current development scenario of large-scale interconnected power systems. Thermostatically controlled appliances (TCAs) are good controllable resources for demand response owing to their [...] Read more.
Frequency is an important parameter of a power system. It is of great significance to maintain its stability, especially in the current development scenario of large-scale interconnected power systems. Thermostatically controlled appliances (TCAs) are good controllable resources for demand response owing to their rapid response capabilities and relatively wide controllable ranges. In this study, domestic water heaters, which have wider deadbands compared with other typical TCAs, such as heat pumps, are used as frequency regulation resources. The main contribution of this paper is that it proposes a queuing-controlled strategy with lock-on and off constraints for controlling an efficient power plant consisting of water heaters (EPP-WH). The queuing-controlled strategy enables TCAs to provide frequency regulation ancillary service for the normal operation of the power system. The thermal dynamic process of the water heater and the formation of the EPP-WH are first discussed. Based on the developed model, a series of strategies are proposed, including load shedding calculation, top layer optimization, and improved temperature priority list (TPL) strategy with lock-on and off constraints. Finally, typical case studies are discussed to illustrate the frequency regulation effects and the effects of two characteristic parameters—users’ willingness and lock time limits. Reasonable targets are generated based on various consideration from top layer optimization module. The results indicate that using the model and proposed strategies, the EPP-WH has good frequency regulation performance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Energy Management Control)
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2453 KiB  
Synchronization of Low-Frequency Oscillation in Power Systems
by Kwan-Shik Shim, Seon-Ju Ahn and Joon-Ho Choi
Energies 2017, 10(4), 558; - 19 Apr 2017
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 5494
This paper presents the well-documented concept of synchronization of low frequency oscillation occurring in power systems and describes the characteristics of sync occurring in basic electrical circuits. The theory of sync, observed in basic circuits, is extended to analyze the dynamic characteristics of [...] Read more.
This paper presents the well-documented concept of synchronization of low frequency oscillation occurring in power systems and describes the characteristics of sync occurring in basic electrical circuits. The theory of sync, observed in basic circuits, is extended to analyze the dynamic characteristics of low-frequency oscillation in power systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Power System Operations and Planning)
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15679 KiB  
Deformation Behavior of Hard Roofs in Solid Backfill Coal Mining Using Physical Models
by Nan Zhou, Jixiong Zhang, Hao Yan and Meng Li
Energies 2017, 10(4), 557; - 18 Apr 2017
Cited by 48 | Viewed by 5633
Solid backfill coal mining technology has been widely applied in coal seams that are at risk of hard roof. Using actual measured strain–stress curves of the backfill body and the similarity theory, this study designed and employed four experimental models for physical simulation, [...] Read more.
Solid backfill coal mining technology has been widely applied in coal seams that are at risk of hard roof. Using actual measured strain–stress curves of the backfill body and the similarity theory, this study designed and employed four experimental models for physical simulation, corresponding to roof-controlled backfilling ratios of 0%, 40%, 82.5% and 97% using the geological conditions of Face No. 6304 in the Jining No. 3 coal mine—a solid backfill coal mining face under a hard roof. A non-contact strain measurement system and pressure sensors were used to monitor the deformation of the overlying strata and changes in abutment stress ahead of the face during mining of the models for varying roof-controlled backfilling ratios. The results indicated that the solid backfill body was able to support the roof. As the roof-controlled backfilling ratio was increased, the maximum subsidence of the roof and the maximum height of the cracks decreased. When the roof-controlled backfilling ratio was 82.5% or higher, the working face did not display any obvious initial fractures or periodic fractures, and both the value and the impact range of the abutment stress ahead of the face decreased. Full article
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1997 KiB  
Decomposition Characteristics of SF6 and Partial Discharge Recognition under Negative DC Conditions
by Ju Tang, Xu Yang, Gaoxiang Ye, Qiang Yao, Yulong Miao and Fuping Zeng
Energies 2017, 10(4), 556; - 18 Apr 2017
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 5317
Four typical types of artificial defects are designed in conducting the decomposition experiments of SF6 gas to obtain and understand the decomposition characteristics of SF6 gas-insulated medium under different types of negative DC partial discharge (DC-PD), and use the obtained decomposition [...] Read more.
Four typical types of artificial defects are designed in conducting the decomposition experiments of SF6 gas to obtain and understand the decomposition characteristics of SF6 gas-insulated medium under different types of negative DC partial discharge (DC-PD), and use the obtained decomposition characteristics of SF6 in diagnosing the type and severity of insulation fault in DC SF6 gas-insulated equipment. Experimental results show that the negative DC partial discharges caused by the four defects decompose the SF6 gas and generate five stable decomposed components, namely, CF4, CO2, SO2F2, SOF2, and SO2. The concentration, effective formation rate, and concentration ratio of SF6 decomposed components can be associated with the PD types. Furthermore, back propagation neural network algorithm is used to recognize the PD types. The recognition results show that compared with the concentrations of SF6 decomposed components, their concentration ratios are more suitable as the characteristic quantities for PD recognition, and using those concentration ratios in recognizing the PD types can obtain a good effect. Full article
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4843 KiB  
Power-Smoothing Scheme of a DFIG Using the Adaptive Gain Depending on the Rotor Speed and Frequency Deviation
by Hyewon Lee, Min Hwang, Eduard Muljadi, Poul Sørensen and Yong Cheol Kang
Energies 2017, 10(4), 555; - 18 Apr 2017
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 4471
In an electric power grid that has a high penetration level of wind, the power fluctuation of a large-scale wind power plant (WPP) caused by varying wind speeds deteriorates the system frequency regulation. This paper proposes a power-smoothing scheme of a doubly-fed induction [...] Read more.
In an electric power grid that has a high penetration level of wind, the power fluctuation of a large-scale wind power plant (WPP) caused by varying wind speeds deteriorates the system frequency regulation. This paper proposes a power-smoothing scheme of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) that significantly mitigates the system frequency fluctuation while preventing over-deceleration of the rotor speed. The proposed scheme employs an additional control loop relying on the system frequency deviation that operates in combination with the maximum power point tracking control loop. To improve the power-smoothing capability while preventing over-deceleration of the rotor speed, the gain of the additional loop is modified with the rotor speed and frequency deviation. The gain is set to be high if the rotor speed and/or frequency deviation is large. The simulation results based on the IEEE 14-bus system clearly demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly lessens the output power fluctuation of a WPP under various scenarios by modifying the gain with the rotor speed and frequency deviation, and thereby it can regulate the frequency deviation within a narrow range. Full article
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2858 KiB  
A Unified Trading Model Based on Robust Optimization for Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets with Wind Power Integration
by Yuewen Jiang, Meisen Chen and Shi You
Energies 2017, 10(4), 554; - 18 Apr 2017
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 3994
In a conventional electricity market, trading is conducted based on power forecasts in the day-ahead market, while the power imbalance is regulated in the real-time market, which is a separate trading scheme. With large-scale wind power connected into the power grid, power forecast [...] Read more.
In a conventional electricity market, trading is conducted based on power forecasts in the day-ahead market, while the power imbalance is regulated in the real-time market, which is a separate trading scheme. With large-scale wind power connected into the power grid, power forecast errors increase in the day-ahead market which lowers the economic efficiency of the separate trading scheme. This paper proposes a robust unified trading model that includes the forecasts of real-time prices and imbalance power into the day-ahead trading scheme. The model is developed based on robust optimization in view of the undefined probability distribution of clearing prices of the real-time market. For the model to be used efficiently, an improved quantum-behaved particle swarm algorithm (IQPSO) is presented in the paper based on an in-depth analysis of the limitations of the static character of quantum-behaved particle swarm algorithm (QPSO). Finally, the impacts of associated parameters on the separate trading and unified trading model are analyzed to verify the superiority of the proposed model and algorithm. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)
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3176 KiB  
Maximum Boost Control Method for Single-Phase Quasi-Switched-Boost and Quasi-Z-Source Inverters
by Minh-Khai Nguyen and Youn-Ok Choi
Energies 2017, 10(4), 553; - 18 Apr 2017
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 7054
The maximum boost control method for a single-phase switched-boost inverter (SBI) and single-phase Z-source inverter (ZSI) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed method, the low frequency voltage is added to the constant voltage for generating the variable shoot-through time intervals. For [...] Read more.
The maximum boost control method for a single-phase switched-boost inverter (SBI) and single-phase Z-source inverter (ZSI) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed method, the low frequency voltage is added to the constant voltage for generating the variable shoot-through time intervals. For improving the AC output quality of the inverter, an active power switch is used to replace one of the diodes in the single-phase SBI. The operating principles and circuit analysis using the proposed maximum boost control method for single-phase inverters are presented. Laboratory prototypes are built to verify the operation of the proposed pulse-width modulation (PWM) control method for both single-phase quasi-ZSI and single-phase quasi-SBI. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section I: Energy Fundamentals and Conversion)
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15677 KiB  
A Fast-Acting Diagnostic Algorithm of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Open Circuit Faults for Power Inverters in Electric Vehicles
by Lei Yu, Youtong Zhang, Wenqing Huang and Khaled Teffah
Energies 2017, 10(4), 552; - 18 Apr 2017
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 6819
To improve the diagnostic detection speed in electric vehicles, a novel diagnostic algorithm of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) open circuit faults for power inverters is proposed in this paper. The average of the difference between the actual three-phase current and referential three-phase [...] Read more.
To improve the diagnostic detection speed in electric vehicles, a novel diagnostic algorithm of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) open circuit faults for power inverters is proposed in this paper. The average of the difference between the actual three-phase current and referential three-phase current values over one electrical period is used as the diagnostic variable. The normalization method based on the amplitude of the d-q axis referential current is applied to the diagnostic variables to improve the response speed of diagnosis, and to avoid the noise and the delay caused by signal acquisition. In the parameter discretization process, the variable parameter moving average method (VPMAM) is adopted to solve the variation of the average value over a period with the speed of the motor; hence, the diagnostic reliability of the system is improved. This algorithm is robust, independent of load variations, and has a high resistivity against false alarms. Since only the three-phase current of the motor is utilized for calculations in the time domain, a fast diagnostic detection speed can be achieved, which is significantly essential for real-time control in electric vehicles. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by both simulation and experimental results. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Collection)
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