Several works were conducted in this field, mostly based on the assessment of the ergonomic angles of the human body using virtual manikins (2D or 3D) [
4]. Barone and Lo Iacono [
5] proposed a method to assess the comfort felt on a motorbike, by considering both the static posture and the dynamic behavior, by means of a simulated driving test. In the work of Eida Nadirah et al. [
6], the comfort level of two new bike seats was evaluated, in order to identify the best option between the two configurations. A sample of 100 subjects was taken, to acquire the anthropometric data from which the two seats were designed. Afterwards, the participants tested the seats and, through a questionnaire, their level of comfort was evaluated. Tony et al. [
2] evaluated the intensity of muscle strain in different positions, through the use of both objective and subjective measurements. In the work, rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) [
7] analysis was used to identify the optimal posture to minimize muscle strain while riding a motorcycle, and to prevent musculoskeletal injury. As well as RULA, another analysis, called rapid entire body assessment (REBA) [
8], exists. In a similar way to RULA, REBA associates a score with each ergonomic angle, to quantify the risk of injury. In the study by Arunachalam et al. [
4], a dataset of the anthropometric characteristics of a user class for the ergonomic design of motorcycles was created.
Based on previous studies, it is noted that a knowledge of human posture that is as true to reality as possible is essential to good ergonomic design. A faster approach to the problem is to use computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. In particular, OpenPose [
9] is an open-source software. It can also detect key points of the human body in real time, using computer vision and deep learning techniques. This software can be used to monitor human movement, and to analyze posture in real time, without the use of markers or wearable sensors. The system is based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained on a vast dataset of annotated images depicting people in different postures. The software works by detecting key points of the human body, such as joints and extremities. OpenPose is used in a wide range of applications, including biomechanics, posture analysis, physiotherapy, gestures, safety, virtual reality, and sports. The method combines the location information of the identified key points with an object recognition method, to detect dangerous driving behaviors. In the work by Carputo et al. [
10], the movement of a virtual motorcycle rider is studied for the determination of the center of gravity (CoG). This parameter, indeed, plays a fundamental role in the simulation of vehicle dynamics, and in the design phase of the motorcycle, as the rider and motorcycle cannot be considered as separate systems. Chen et al. [
11] studied falling behavior among the elderly, considering the standing-up mechanism of the human body after a fall. Park et al. [
12] developed a real-time push-up counter that can distinguish those performed correctly from those performed incorrectly. Jafarzadeh et al. [
13] analyzed, in real time, the key points for a hurdles athlete. The work also shows the OpenPose limitations with an acquisition using a single camera when the person framed is in profile. Yadav et al. [
14] developed a yoga posture recognition system using a hybrid deep learning (DL) model based on CNN and long short-term memory (LSTM). In the work of Thar et al. [
15], a method for the self-learning of certain yoga postures is proposed. The comparison of the position performed by the user is compared to a reference that is considered correct. The algorithm returns a skeleton that assumes a color in relation to how much the assumed pose differs from the correct one. Lin et al. [
16] present a posture evaluation system, focusing on two fitness exercises. Using a recurrent neural network (RNN), the system analyzes the positions of the joints in each frame of a video of a user performing a fitness movement, and evaluates the quality of the movement, in order to correct any wrong movements that could produce injuries. In the work by Lin et al. [
17], OpenPose is used to monitor students in the classroom. Essentially, as shown in the aforementioned works, the software analyzes 2D images captured using a single camera, and returns information about the x–y coordinates of the key points detected. It is also possible to obtain the third spatial coordinate, z. This has been widely proven in several studies found in the literature that use different techniques to obtain the coordinates of the key points of the human body in three dimensions. By means of these techniques, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional reconstruction of the human posture. In Nakano et al. [
18], a three-dimensional reconstruction of key points is obtained, using five cameras. The accuracy of the reconstruction is compared with the 3D representation obtained with a marker-based system. Pagnon et al. [
19], through the use of a multiple camera system to obtain the 3D skeleton, proposed a framework to build a bridge between OpenPose and OpenSim [
20], an open-source software with which it is possible to perform a dynamic simulation of the human body. In the work of Huang and Nguyen [
21], the 3D key points of the skeleton are obtained with three Kinect sensors. Labuguen et al. [
22] compare the performance of a 3D marker-less body reconstruction (with four cameras) with a marker-based system. The paper of Kim et al. [
23] shows a comparison between the OpenPose and Kinect systems, taking as the reference a golden standard system, such as Xsens. The comparison shows that both systems are reliable when it comes to marker-less 3D reconstruction, but OpenPose achieves a higher level of accuracy, and encounters fewer issues related to possible occlusions. The authors, in the present work, have dealt with a topic that is rarely discussed in the literature: the 3D marker-less reconstruction of the posture of a motorcycle rider in real time, to be applied in a context of ergonomics, intended as a design to assure motorbike riders’ wellness. The current state of the art in this field primarily relies on 2D acquisition systems to investigate the posture of motorcycle riders. Arunachalam et al. [
4] presented a review paper on motorcycle-riding posture, emphasizing the importance of accurately assessing the rider posture to enhance comfort, and reduce discomfort-related incidents. The authors explain that the main methods used for posture assessment involve the 2D acquisition of joint angles from a lateral view. Another interesting paper by Stolle et al. [
24] employs a camera placed at the rear of the bike to evaluate the position of the rider’s back, using OpenPose and Canny edge detection. Once again, this approach is limited to 2D. Arunachalam et al. [
25] demonstrate the significance of capturing markers of the rider from different views, and utilize a 2D approach to assess various parameters. The primary objective of this work is to overcome the limitations of the 2D approach, and explore the use of OpenPose in conjunction with an algorithm implemented in MATLAB, to reconstruct a 3D scene of the rider. This enables a comprehensive assessment of posture, through the incorporation of all the key characteristics. Another interesting method of 3D reconstruction could be the use of the depth cameras widely used in the rehabilitation sector. Avola et al. [
26] proposed this type of device for the implementation of a rehabilitation framework based on a 3D virtual environment. Another interesting paper is proposed by Lafayette et al. [
27]; in this paper, the authors analyze several devices that use the RGB-D technology in the biomechanical field. Other authors [
28] have tried to improve the global registration provided by depth map cameras, using feature matching and refinement steps. The use of depth cameras forces the potential end-user to use a particular device; the idea of this application is to use the minimum quantity of simple cameras that anyone could have, without having to buy a particular device. In addition, the authors have experience with the use of OpenPose and 3D reconstruction from a previous study [
29], where a machine learning (ML) algorithm was implemented for the self-evaluation of the performance of a gymnastic exercise (the static squat). This work is based exclusively on the 2D reconstruction of key points from multiple images taken at different angles. In the motorbike field, 3D reconstruction is still essential to obtaining good results, because there is the necessity to know anatomic angles in three dimensions. The main novelty of the paper is the application of OpenPose in a non-standard context; a context where the proper orientation of cameras is crucial to capturing all the necessary key points in each frame. The findings aim to provide a solid starting point for anyone interested in using 3D reconstruction methods in a field such as motorcycling, where the current standard for posture assessment is 2D images.