Effect of Ammonia on the Gas-Phase Hydration of the Common Atmospheric Ion HSO4-
:1. Introduction
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Structure and geometric properties
3.2. Thermochemical Properties
4. Conclusions
- The presence of NH3 does not enhance the thermochemical stability of HSO4− (H2O)n and ammonia is unlikely involved in the gas-phase hydration of hydrogensulfate ion under the atmospheric conditions.
- The total free energy change associated with the formation of charged (HSO4−) (NH3) (H2O)n is less negative than that associated with the formation of neutral (H2SO4) (NH3) (H2O)n due to the very low affinity of NH3 towards (HSO4−). This leads us to conclude that the assessment of charged clusters in the classical nucleation theory as presumably more stable thermodynamically compared to neutrals is not applicable to pre-nucleation ternary clusters, or generally multicomponent molecular clusters. This is a clear indication that not only quantitative, but also qualitative assessment of the relative thermodynamical stability of atmospheric clusters is impossible without the quantum-chemical treatment.
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R(1,2) | R(1,3) | R(1,4) | R(1,6) | R(3,8) | R(4,5) | R(5,7) | R(6,9) | R(7,8) | R(7,9) | R(7,10) | |
PW91 | 1.46 | 1.48 | 1.67 | 1.48 | 2.18 | 0.99 | 2.03 | 2.39 | 1.03 | 1.02 | 1.02 |
MP2 | 2.28 | 2.08 | 2.28 | ||||||||
A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | |
(2,1,3) | (2,1,4) | (3,1,4) | (3,1,6) | (1,3,8) | (4,5,7) | (5,7,9) | (8,7,9) | (9,7,10) | (3,8,7) | (6,9,7) | |
PW91 | 115.17 | 102.57 | 104.56 | 112.56 | 97.81 | 149.58 | 88.95 | 103.15 | 108.55 | 135.63 | 123.15 |
MP2 | 148.90 | 129.30 | 129.20 |
ΔH | ΔS | ΔG | |
(H SO4 − ) (NH3)+H2O ⇔ (HSO4−)( NH3) (H2O) | −15.79 | −35.53 | −5.20 |
−13.07a | −30.00a | −4.23a | |
(H SO4−)(NH3) (H2O) +H2O ⇔ (H SO4−)(NH3) (H2O)2 | −12.39 | −30.97 | −3.16 |
(H SO4−) (NH3) (H2O)2 +H2O ⇔ (H SO4−)(NH3) (H2O)3 | −14.42 | −36.07 | −3.67 |
(H SO4−)(NH3) (H2O)3 +H2O ⇔ (HSO4−)(NH3) (H2O)4 | −10.91 | −29.01 | −2.25 |
(H SO4−)(NH3) (H2O)4 +H2O ⇔ (HSO4−)(NH3) (H2O)5 | −12.70 | −34.17 | −2.51 |
ΔH | ΔS | ΔG | |
(H SO4−) +(NH3) ⇔ (HSO4−) (NH3) | −7.22 | −27.90 | 1.10 |
−9.24a | −32.37a | 0.69a | |
(H SO4−) (H2O)+(NH3) ⇔ (H SO4−) (NH3) (H2O) | −9.44 | −32.41 | 1.12 |
(H SO4−) (H2O)2+(NH3) ⇔ (H SO4−) (NH3) (H2O)2 | −7.24 | −28.94 | 1.39 |
(H SO4−) (H2O)3+(NH3) ⇔ (H SO4−) (NH3) (H2O)3 | −9.46 | −33.86 | 0.64 |
(H SO4−) (H2O)4+(NH3) ⇔ (H SO4−) (NH3) (H2O)4 | −9.44 | −36.47 | 1.43 |
(H SO4−) (H2O)5+(NH3) ⇔ (H SO4−) (NH3) (H2O)5 | −9.07 | −31.42 | 0.30 |
Reaction | ΔH | ΔS | ΔG |
(HSO4−)(H2SO4) (NH3) +H2O ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) (NH3) (H2O)1 | −8.83 | −23.9 | −1.7 |
(HSO4−)(H2SO4) +H2O ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4)(H2O)1 | −8.2a | −0.6a | |
(HSO4−) (NH3) +(H2SO4) ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) (NH3) | −46.58 | −42.65 | −33.86 |
(HSO4−) +(H2SO4) ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) | −45.70a | −32.70a | |
(HSO4−) (NH3) (H2O)1 +(H2SO4) ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) (NH3) (H2O)1 | −39.61 | −31.02 | −30.37 |
(HSO4−) (H2O)1 +(H2SO4) ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) (H2O)1 | −40.30a | −28.1a | |
(HSO4−)(H2SO4) (H2O)0 +NH3 ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) (H2O)0(NH3) | −8.08 | −27.01 | −0.02 |
(HSO4−)(H2SO4) (H2O)1 +NH3 ⇔ (HSO4−)(H2SO4) (H2O)1(NH3) | −8.75 | −25.59 | −1.12 |
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Nadykto, A.B.; Yu, F.; Herb, J. Effect of Ammonia on the Gas-Phase Hydration of the Common Atmospheric Ion HSO4-. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2008, 9, 2184-2193. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms9112184
Nadykto AB, Yu F, Herb J. Effect of Ammonia on the Gas-Phase Hydration of the Common Atmospheric Ion HSO4-. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2008; 9(11):2184-2193. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms9112184
Chicago/Turabian StyleNadykto, Alexey B., Fangqun Yu, and Jason Herb. 2008. "Effect of Ammonia on the Gas-Phase Hydration of the Common Atmospheric Ion HSO4-" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 9, no. 11: 2184-2193. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms9112184
APA StyleNadykto, A. B., Yu, F., & Herb, J. (2008). Effect of Ammonia on the Gas-Phase Hydration of the Common Atmospheric Ion HSO4-. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 9(11), 2184-2193. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms9112184