Recruiter System Connect profile widget

Last updated: 4 months ago

You can view LinkedIn Recruiter data on your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) via the Recruiter System Connect (RSC) profile widget. 

Who can use this feature?

This article only applies to users with RSC enabled on their ATS.

You can access the profile widget via the candidate record within your ATS. If a profile match with a LinkedIn member is made via RSC, then you can view the candidate information directly within your ATS. If a profile match with a LinkedIn member isn’t made via RSC, you can manually search and match the profile with the candidate record within the profile widget. If an incorrect match is made, you can unlink the profile.

The profile widget contains the Profile and Recruiting Activities tabs.

Profile widget tabs

Profile tab

The Profile tab contains the candidate's real-time LinkedIn Recruiter profile.

Recruiting Activities tab

The recruiting activities tab includes the following information from Recruiter:

  • InMail:
    • If you sent an InMail, then you’ll see the message content, and the date and time that the InMail was sent. Only the first InMail message will be displayed, not the entire conversation.
    • If you didn’t send an InMail message, the profile widget will only show you the InMail activity, such as who sent the InMail and the date and time that the InMail was sent.
    • You can view when a candidate accepts and rejects an InMail message.
  • Notes:
    • You can view the note, date and time the note was created, and who created the note.
    • All notes that you can view in Recruiter will be surfaced here. For example, if you created a private note, then only you’ll be able to view it in the profile widget.
  • Candidate Rejection:
    • Candidate rejection activity will only be displayed for the individual that rejected the candidate.
    • Candidate rejection activity includes the candidate rejection reason, date and time the candidate was rejected, and who rejected the candidate.

Profile widget access

The information you can view on the profile widget depends on whether you’re signed in to a Recruiter account, and if RSC is enabled or disabled.

Here are some things to keep in mind about profile widget access:

  • If you access the profile widget without signing in to Recruiter, the information you see will be limited.
  • If you access the profile widget after signing in to a Recruiter account with RSC enabled, you’ll be able to view all information within the profile widget.
  • If you access the profile widget with a Recruiter account that doesn’t have RSC enabled, you’ll either:
    • Receive an error message
    • View the Recruiter contracts that you’re assigned, then you can select the RSC enabled contract

Member Matching

We member match based on:

  • Email
  • LinkedIn Profile URL
  • Name and phone number
  • Name and job title and company

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