
The Department of Justice provides funding to community organizations and other levels of government that are working to support our mandate, mission and values. Our funding programs are designed to support Aboriginal communities, victims of crime, people with lower incomes, families and young people. We also support projects that help Canadians understand the law and access the justice system in both official languages.

Services and information

Indigenous Communities

The Department of Justice helps Inuit, First Nations and Métis organizations and communities become more involved in the local administration of justice.

Criminal Justice

The Department of Justice supports local events and projects that help give victims of crime a more effective voice in the criminal justice system and raise awareness about the issues victims face.

Canadian Family Justice Fund

Family law is an area of shared responsibility between the Federal Government and the provinces and territories.

Justice System and Policy

The Department of Justice is committed to developing and maintaining a fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system.

Funding for Other Levels of Government

The Department of Justice administers a number of programs that provide funding to provincial, territorial, and municipal governments.

Apply for Funding

Before completing the form, review the program priorities below of the selected funding program because only projects that relate to these priorities can be considered for funding.