Service Standards

Service Standards for the Department of Justice Funding Programs

A service standard is a public commitment to a measurable level of performance that clients can expect under normal circumstances.

The Department of Justice has set three service standards for the timely and accurate delivery of Program-related services under normal circumstances.


Our goal is to acknowledge receipt of your funding application within 7 calendar days of receiving your funding request.

Funding Decision

Our goal is to issue official written notification of the funding decision within 120 calendar days of the Program's receipt of your completed proposal.


Our goal is to process payments within 28 calendar days after the completion of the requirements outlined in the contribution agreement or the grant letter.

Your Co-operation Counts

The achievement of these service standards is a shared responsibility. To help us provide the best possible service, we require complete and accurate information. Your timely response to questions regarding your funding application helps prevent unnecessary delays. Providing us with reporting requirements in a timely manner can help prevent delays in processing and issuing payments.

We Welcome Your Feedback

We encourage all applicants and clients to share their views on our service. We welcome all comments and suggestions on what we have done well and how we might improve. You can reach us at [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you.

Report on Service Standard Results

From the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023

From the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
Service Standard Our GoalFootnote *** Results for 2022-2023
(Percentage of time that the service goal is met)
Acknowledgement To acknowledge receipt of a funding application within 7 calendar days of receiving the funding application 99%
Funding Decision To issue official written notification of the funding decision within 120 calendar days of receiving a complete funding application 70%
Processing PaymentsFootnote * To process payments within 28 calendar days after the completion of the requirements outlined in the contribution agreement or grant letter. 94%

Individual Program Results From the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023

Individual Program Results From the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
Funding Program Name Acknowledgement Results Funding Decision Results Number of Funding Applications Processing Payments Results Number of Payments Processed
Discretionary Programs
Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund 97% 91% 33 97% 116
Canadian Family Justice Fund 100% 92% 12 78% 74
Indigenous Courtwork Program 100% 100% 17 82% 34
Indigenous Justice Program 99% 68% 187 97% 347
Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program 100% 100% 9 100% 21
Integrated Market Enforcement Teams Reserve Fund N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A
Justice Partnership and Innovation Program 99% 19% 280 98% 283
Legal Aid Program - Workplace Sexual Harassment and Impact of Race and Culture Assessments 100% 100% 3 89% 61
Victims Fund 100% 99% 310 93% 369
Victims Fund - Individual Victims of Crime 96% 100% 89 91% 79Footnote **
Youth Justice Fund 100% 100% 44 96% 55
Non-Discretionary ProgramsFootnote ****
Access to Justice Services in the Territories - - - 79% 14
Contraventions Act Fund - - - 17% 6
Drug Treatment Court Funding Program - - - 72% 18
Legal Aid Program (cost-shared) - - - 100% 28
Special Advocates Funding Program - - - 94% 16
State-Funded Counsel Funding - - - 97% 33
Youth Justice Services Funding Program - - - 92% 48
Departmental Results 99% 70% 984 94% 1602
