Corrections to our publications
Human Rights Watch strives to maintain the highest level of accuracy in our reporting. This includes a commitment to correcting errors or clarifying facts that appear in our publications in a timely fashion. Corrections appear both on this dedicated webpage and at the bottom of the publication that contained the error.
We cannot reply individually to all corrections requests, but all such requests that specify the exact nature of the alleged inaccuracy and the publication (title, page number / web address and date) in which it appeared will be reviewed. If you believe you have found an inaccuracy in our materials, please contact us.
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Recent Corrections
A clarification has been made to this news release to reflect that there were two different executive orders on transgender rights. In addition, some Trump appointees voiced their support for human rights, but did not mention democratic values.
Wir haben ein Datum in diesem Artikel korrigiert. Der Bericht von ProPublica über den Tod zweier Frauen aufgrund des Abtreibungsverbots in Georgia wurde letzten Monat veröffentlicht. Ihr Tod (der nach wie vor auf das Verbot zurückzuführen ist) ereignete sich früher.
April 17, 2024: This report was adjusted to clarify that the human rights organization, Haqel: In Defense of Human Right, petitioned the Israeli High Court to instruct the army to protect five Palestinian communities from displacement threats and allow displaced families from Khirbet Zanuta to return, where the Israeli state attorney, in a February 20 response, claimed that no forced displacement had occurred in Khirbet Zanuta.
February 1, 2024: This interview has been updated to reflect the death of Tamir Adar, which was announced by authorities in January 2024.
12/18/2023: This news release has been updated to reflect the October date on which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would not allow humanitarian assistance "in the form food and medicines" into Gaza through its crossings "as long as [Israel's] hostages are not returned."
Aktualisierung am 25.10.2023: Diese Pressemitteilung wurde aktualisiert, um die korrekte Schreibweise des Namens von Adva Gutman-Tirosh wiederzugeben.
The annotation in the fifth photo has been corrected to identify the carrier section in the field as a "rocket remnant."
2/2/2023: This press release has been edited after publication to update casualty figures.
12/15/2022: The text has been changed to reflect the fact that the threats against Staszewski are connected to the Atlas of Hate campaign which involves other activists, and his photo project.
The paragraph about the process of referring the abortion ban the Constitutional Tribunal has been changed to address an editing error. In fact, the citizen’s initiatives triggered the government attempts to pass similar legislation in 2016 and 2019.
11/23/2022: This version of the press release reflects the correct spelling of the city Dehgolan and Aram Habibi's name.