Publications by Golub Capital Social Impact Lab

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Journal Article

Policy Learning with Adaptively Collected Data

Ruohan Zhan, Zhimei Ren, Susan Athey, Zhengyuan Zhou
Management Science August2024 Vol. 70 Issue 8

In a wide variety of applications, including healthcare, bidding in first price auctions, digital recommendations, and online education, it can be beneficial to learn a policy that assigns treatments to individuals based on their characteristics…

Working Paper

LABOR-LLM: Language-Based Occupational Representations with Large Language Models

Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Herman Brunborg, Keyon Vafa, Susan Athey

Many empirical studies of labor market questions rely on estimating relatively simple predictive models using small, carefully constructed longitudinal survey datasets based on hand-engineered features. Large Language Models (LLMs), trained on…

Working Paper

The Heterogeneous Impact of Changes in Default Gift Amounts on Fundraising

Susan Athey, Undral Byambadalai, Matias Cersosimo, Kristine Koutout, Shanjukta Nath

When choosing whether and how much to donate, potential donors often observe a set of default donation amounts known as an “ask string.” In an experiment with more than 400,000 PayPal users, we replace a relatively unused donation amount ($75) on…

Working Paper

The Value of Non-traditional Credentials in the Labor Market

Susan Athey, Emil Palikot

This study investigates the labor market value of credentials obtained from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and shared on business networking platforms. We conducted a randomized experiment involving more than 800,000 learners, primarily from…

Journal Article

Using Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for the Design of Monte Carlo Simulations

Susan Athey, Guido W. Imbens, Jonas Metzger, Evan Munro
Journal of Econometrics March2024 Vol. 240 Issue 2

When researchers develop new econometric methods it is common practice to compare the performance of the new methods to those of existing methods in Monte Carlo studies. The credibility of such Monte Carlo studies is often limited because of the…

Journal Article

CAREER: A Foundation Model for Labor Sequence Data

Keyon Vafa, Emil Palikot, Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Susan Athey, David Blei
Transactions on Machine Learning Research January2024

Labor economists regularly analyze employment data by fitting predictive models to small, carefully constructed longitudinal survey datasets. Although machine learning methods offer promise for such problems, these survey datasets are too small…

Working Paper

Digital Interventions and Habit Formation in Educational Technology

Keshav Agrawal, Susan Athey, Ayush Kanodia, Emil Palikot

We evaluate a contest-based intervention intended to increase the usage of an educational app that helps children in India learn to read English. The evaluation included approximately 10,000 children, of whom about half were randomly selected to…

Working Paper

Impact Matters for Giving at Checkout

Susan Athey, Matias Cersosimo, Dean Karlan, Kristine Koutout, Henrike Steimer

We conducted two experiments on PayPal’s Give at Checkout feature to learn about the effect of 1) information about charity outcomes on donations, and 2) exposure to these point-of-sale microgiving requests on subsequent giving. In this “…

Journal Article

Optimal Experimental Design for Staggered Rollouts

Ruoxuan Xiong, Susan Athey, Mohsen Bayati, Guido W. Imbens
Management Science December2023

In this paper, we study the design and analysis of experiments conducted on a set of units over multiple time periods where the starting time of the treatment may vary by unit. The design problem involves selecting an initial treatment time for…

Journal Article

Low-Intensity Fires Mitigate the Risk of High-Intensity Wildfires in California’s Forests

Xiao Wu, Erik Sverdrup, Michael D. Mastrandrea, Michael W. Wara, Stefan Wager
Science Advances November2023 Vol. 9 Issue 45

The increasing frequency of severe wildfires demands a shift in landscape management to mitigate their consequences. The role of managed, low-intensity fire as a driver of beneficial fuel treatment in fire-adapted ecosystems has drawn interest in…

Journal Article

Can Personalized Digital Counseling Improve Consumer Search for Modern Contraceptive Methods?

Susan Athey, Katy Bergstrom, Vitor Hadad, Julian C. Jamison, Berk Özler, Luca Parisotto, Julius Dohbit Sama
Science Advances October2023 Vol. 9 Issue 40

This paper analyzes a randomized controlled trial of a personalized digital counseling intervention addressing informational constraints and choice architecture, cross-randomized with discounts for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs),…

Working Paper

Machine Learning Who to Nudge: Causal vs Predictive Targeting in a Field Experiment on Student Financial Aid Renewal

Susan Athey, Niall Keleher, Jann Spiess

In many settings, interventions may be more effective for some individuals than others, so that targeting interventions may be beneficial. We analyze the value of targeting in the context of a large-scale field experiment with over 53,000 college…

Journal Article

Federated Causal Inference in Heterogeneous Observational Data

Ruoxuan Xiong, Allison Koenecke, Michael Powell, Zhu Shen, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Susan Athey
Statistics in Medicine August2023

We are interested in estimating the effect of a treatment applied to individuals at multiple sites, where data is stored locally for each site. Due to privacy constraints, individual-level data cannot be shared across sites; the sites may also…

Journal Article

Machine-Learning-Based High-Benefit Approach versus Conventional High-Risk Approach in Blood Pressure Management

Kosuke Inoue, Susan Athey, Yusuke Tsugawa
International Journal of Epidemiology August2023 Vol. 52 Issue 4

In medicine, clinicians treat individuals under an implicit assumption that high-risk patients would benefit most from the treatment (‘high-risk approach’). However, treating individuals with the highest estimated benefit using a novel machine-…

Journal Article

Semiparametric Estimation of Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments

Susan Athey, Peter J. Bickel, Aiyou Chen, Guido W. Imbens, Michael Pollmann
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology July2023

We develop new semiparametric methods for estimating treatment effects. We focus on a setting where the outcome distributions may be thick tailed, where treatment effects are small, where sample sizes are large and where assignment is completely…

Working Paper

The Heterogeneous Earnings Impact of Job Loss Across Workers, Establishments, and Markets

Susan Athey, Lisa K. Simon, Oskar N. Skans, Johan Vikstrom, Yaroslav Yakymovych

Using generalized random forests and rich Swedish administrative data, we show that the earnings effects of job displacement due to establishment closures are extremely heterogeneous across workers, establishments, and markets. The decile of…

Working Paper

Flexible and Efficient Contextual Bandits with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Oracles

Aldo Gael Carranza, Sanath Kumar Krishnamurthy, Susan Athey

Contextual bandit algorithms often estimate reward models to inform decision-making. However, true rewards can contain action-independent redundancies that are not relevant for decision-making. We show it is more data-efficient to estimate any…

Working Paper

Battling the Coronavirus Infodemic Among Social Media Users in Africa

Molly Offer-Westort, Leah R. Rosenzweig, Susan Athey

During a global pandemic, how can we best prompt social media users to demonstrate discernment in sharing information online? We ran a contextual adaptive experiment on Facebook Messenger with users in Kenya and Nigeria and tested 40 combinations…

Journal Article

Digital Public Health Interventions at Scale: The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Beliefs and Outcomes Related to COVID Vaccines

Susan Athey, Kristen Grabarz, Michael Luca, Nils Wernerfelt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences January2023 Vol. 120 Issue 5

Public health organizations increasingly use social media advertising campaigns in pursuit of public health goals. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of about $40 million of social media advertisements that were run and experimentally tested…

Journal Article

Expanding Capacity for Vaccines against COVID-19 and Future Pandemics: A Review of Economic Issues

Susan Athey, Juan Camilo Castillo, Esha Chaudhuri, Michael Kremer, Alexandre Simoes Gomes, Christopher M. Snyder
Oxford Review of Economic Policy December2022 Vol. 38 Issue 4

We review economic arguments for using public policy to accelerate vaccine supply during a pandemic. Rapidly vaccinating a large share of the global population helps avoid economic, mortality, and social losses, which in the case of Covid-19…

Working Paper

Effective and Scalable Programs to Facilitate Labor Market Transitions for Women in Technology

Susan Athey, Emil Palikot

We describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of a low-cost and scalable program that supports women in Poland in transitioning into jobs in the information technology sector. This program, called “Challenges,” helps…

Working Paper

Emotion- Versus Reasoning-Based Drivers of Misinformation Sharing: A Field Experiment Using Text Message Courses in Kenya

Susan Athey, Matias Cersosimo, Kristine Koutout, Zelin Li

Two leading hypotheses for why individuals unintentionally share misinformation are that 1) they are unable to recognize that a post contains misinformation, and 2) they make impulsive, emotional sharing decisions without thinking about whether a…

Book Chapter

Platform Annexation

Susan Athey, Fiona Scott Morton
Antitrust Law Journal Vol. 84, Issue 3 American Bar Association November2022

The article offers information about the platform annexation, and the logic using basic principles from platform economics. It analyzes the platform annexation to the traditional antitrust categories in the market. It mentions that a platform…

Working Paper

Policy Learning with Adaptively Collected Data

Ruohan Zhan, Zhimei Ren, Susan Athey, Zhengyuan Zhou

Learning optimal policies from historical data enables the gains from personalization to be realized in a wide variety of applications. The growing policy learning literature focuses on a setting where the treatment assignment policy does not…