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Legal Notice


The Presidency of the Council of Ministers has developed the Website www.governo.it (hereinafter, the “Website”) for the purpose of publishing information and documents relating to its organisation, activities and provisions, as well as to provide information to public administrations, companies and citizens regarding the decisions made and measures implemented by the Italian Government.

This page provides the Legal Notice relating to use of the Website.

This document may be amended at any time and without prior notice. Users are therefore invited to regularly read the most up-to-date version, which is available and always accessible from any page on the Website, by clicking on “Legal Notice”.


Viewing, downloading and using the data published on this Website in any way implies acceptance of this Legal Notice and the licensing terms under which they are published. 

Unless otherwise stated, all content published on this Website (text, images, photographs, videos, etc.) is made available under a CC-BY 3.0 licence, the full text of which is available via the following link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/it/legalcode

This means that, unless otherwise specified, the content of this Website may be freely distributed and reused, provided that the source is always quoted and, where possible, the website address for the relative page is shown.

Using the Website and downloads

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers is committed to the quality of the information published on the Website, ensuring said information is complete, up to date, timely, easy to read and accessible. 

If you have anything to report or would like to make a suggestion, please write to: [email protected].

Under no circumstances may the Presidency of the Council of Ministers be held responsible for damages of any kind that may be directly or indirectly caused by visiting the Website or by an inability or impossibility to do so.

Furthermore, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers cannot be held liable in any way for the connectivity services used to access the Website.

Unless otherwise specified, downloadable materials on this Website, such as logos, legal acts, software, etc., are freely available at no charge; should this not be the case, a notification will appear to inform users.

External links

This website includes links to external websites; this is simply a service provided to users and no responsibility is accepted for the correctness and completeness of said links.

The fact that external links are provided on this Website does not imply that the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in any way approves or shares liability for the lawfulness, completeness and correctness of the information contained in the relative websites.


Users’ privacy is very important, which is why a dedicated Privacy Policy has been drawn up. By using this Website, users accept this Privacy Policy.

Social media

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers uses social media for institutional purposes, in order to be more transparent and raise awareness about its activities: it provides information and communications, listens to users and publishes institutional content.

Published content includes photographs, institutional videos, press releases, useful information and news relating to the activities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as well as opportunities to involve and engage citizens.

The Presidency may use its social media channels to share and relaunch content and messages published by other users, which are of interest to and useful for the public.

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers monitors its social media channels systematically and on a continuous basis.

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers undertakes to manage areas dedicated to communication and dialogue within its social media profiles, kindly asking users to follow a number of simple rules:

  • All opinions should be expressed in a fair, measured and respectful way.
  • Users are individually responsible for the content they publish and for the opinions they express on social media. Insults, vulgarity, offensive language, threats and, in general, violent or defamatory behaviour will in any case not be tolerated.
  • Published content must always respect people’s privacy. References to facts or details that are not of public relevance and that may invade other people’s privacy must be avoided.
  • The matters discussed must relate to the activities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers: under no circumstances may social media profiles be used for non-institutional purposes.
  • All discussions are linked to a specific topic: all participants are asked to respect said topics, without generically and indiscriminately broadening the discussion.
  • Under no circumstances will advertising, spam or the promotion of private interests or illegal activities be tolerated.
  • It is not permitted to publish content in violation of copyright and nor may registered trademarks be used without authorisation.

In any case, if permitted by social media, staff shall remove any posts, comments or audio/video materials that:

  • include inappropriate language and/or have a threatening, violent, vulgar or disrespectful tone;
  • include unlawful content or content that incites illegal activities;
  • have offensive, misleading or alarmist content or content that infringes third party rights;
  • disclose personal data and information or that may damage the reputation of others;
  • include obscene, pornographic or child abuse content, or content that may offend users;
  • include content that discriminates based on gender, race, ethnic group, language, religious beliefs, political opinions, sexual orientation, age or personal and social conditions;
  • promote or support illegal activities, that infringe copyright or that misuse registered trademarks.

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers reserves the right to ban or block anyone who repeatedly breaches these conditions or those stated in the policies of the relative services (following an initial warning, where possible), in order to prevent them from taking further action. The Presidency of the Council of Ministers also reserves the right to report such users to those in charge of the relative platforms and to police forces, where appropriate.

Please find below the official social media profiles of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers:

These are the only accounts managed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.