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The Infinite Enigma II
The Infinite Enigma II
The Infinite Enigma II
Ebook72 pages57 minutes

The Infinite Enigma II

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About this ebook

A continuation of philosophy, science, thought, imagination, and wonder on our beautiful realm of creation. I welcome you to the Infinite Enigma II.

Release dateMar 7, 2012
The Infinite Enigma II

Brian Scott Swager

I love my home state of New Mexico. I was born and raised in Albuquerque. Although, I have had opportunities given to me to travel, which I'm blessed. I love my state's culture, diversity, food, and open-mindedness. We have music diversity here too. You can see a country, hip-hop, rock, and electronic show all in the same week as an example. There's the gorgeous Sandia mountains just east of Albuquerque. I simply love that New Mexico has a diversity of landscapes, climates, and ecosystems. 2 hrs. south you could be in the most desolate Chihuahuan desert or 2 hrs. north you could be in some of the most gorgeous mountain ranges in the country. I one day want to accomplish the lifestyle of backpacking, fishing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. A little bit more about hobbies and activities that I enjoy. I love to read, mainly about philosophy (epistemology, ontology, metaphysics, etc.), scientific research, and philosophy of science (which is a field dedicated to what people view what is the truth about what we know as a species about existence, what we call worldviews and how our worldviews are evolving as our consciousness and technology evolve as a species), & theoretical physics. I would be very open to have these types of discussion with anyone who is interested. I enjoy the outdoors; fishing, camping, mountaineering, hiking, etc. I would eventually like to do a lot of boating, jet skiing, kayaking, zorbing, horseback riding, snowboarding, etc.! I do professional mixed media productions which includes integrations or conglomerations of illustrations mixed with painting and graphic design and other forms of art. I even have 4 fauvism pieces for sale. I like to write. I mainly write about science and philosophy, if you didn't guess that! The project is called The Infinite Enigma which integrates science, mathematics, and philosophy into art based upon my understanding & writings about existence and even popular culture.

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    Book preview

    The Infinite Enigma II - Brian Scott Swager

    The Infinite Enigma II

    Written by

    Brian Scott Swager

    Published by Brian Scott Swager at Smashwords

    The Infinite Enigma II

    Copyright 2012 Brian Scott Swager

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    On one hand there is the experience and enjoyment of life and existence such as riding the wave, shredding the gnar or enjoying the beauty of the day. Life is ours to grasp. The earth is our home. Life is ours; the earth is ours to enjoy nature, life, and existence. To enjoy the little things in life; to enjoy the pleasures of life; to be a part of nature, life, and existence; to be one with nature, life, and existence; to be a piece of the entire puzzle of existence without analytical thought or pondering. This is enjoying the moment, being in the moment and enjoying the beauty of life.

    On the other hand there is the observation, accumulation of empirical evidence, analytical, inductive and deductive reasoning of nature, life, and existence. Our ability as humans to reason and understand our world [existence, life, nature, the universe(s), or realm of creation] through consciousness and cognition; to figure out how it behaves or functions through its parts and how the purpose of the parts affects its behavior or function. Or I should say how the behavior or function affects the composition of the parts for its purpose. Parts  behavior  function  purpose

    Dedicated to the people of earth and all our hopes, imagination, dreams, abilities, capabilities, struggles, happiness, failures, and success. May your lives be filled with love, kindness, peace, and happiness between all the infinite relationships you seek, including each other. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. Keep moving forward.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 2: Topics and questions amongst philosophy and the sciences to get the blood cells flowing to the neurons

    Chapter 3: How do we know what the truth is to reality?

    Chapter 4: Free will

    Chapter 5: Knowledge is power, knowledge is energy

    Chapter 6: Purity, topics and examples dealing with violence and peace

    Chapter 7: Another metaphysical concept proven by science one day? Proving consciousness and its products through consciousness. A further elaboration.

    Chapter 8: Unification or pure equilibrium of all the energy in the realm of creation

    Chapter 9: Last thoughts on consciousness

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    The infinite enigma is an idea that promotes the understanding of nature and existence, the entire realm of creation through consciousness with the integration of science, mathematics, philosophy and art as one movement while simultaneously encouraging the understanding of the social, political, economic, and cultural make up of our current civilization of the human species to become more unified. We can accomplish this unification through breaking these barriers, but at the same time respecting, preserving, and acknowledging all of our traditions. It is also the acknowledgement, recognition, and appreciation of the gift of life and existence itself, for nothing to be taken for granted and to promote the care of each other.

    Philosophy is as our intuitional guide and our ability as human beings with reason, logic, analysis, observation, and ultimately consciousness to use as tools to imagine the scopes of our reality, to ponder what the truth is, and to ask what this wonderful world of existence is. Philosophy can take us so many places, if you're not careful you may get lost.

    Science on the other hand is a tool as a process to decipher and prove what is and what is not factual, even though there is this notion of how we cannot prove anything. The scientific method is a sufficient summary. We use our current knowledge about the world with the help of our developed technology to decipher these questions. It is one our most valuable commodities as people and should not take it for granted.

    What and where is this line drawn between science and philosophy? It's where factual information, technology, and our understanding of reality meet with our imagination and wonders of reality or nature. Science is always catching up with philosophy. Science is always on the front line of pushing the philosophical envelope. Once, where our intuition lead us to believe what is true is deciphered and revealed to be true about reality by science.

    This is how vitalism became biology, alchemy

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