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Foundation Funding Opportunities

Apply for Funding

Review details and eligibility requirements​ ​prior to submitting your application. ​​​Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. ​Active membership in APS is required unless otherwise noted.

​Applications for FY25 funding will open November ​2024. Contact APS​ with questions. 

​Research, Education, and Mentoring​

  • ​​​Lafayette Frederick Diversity in Mentoring​ 
    Goal is to increase the number of practicing plant pathologists from underrepresented groups​, particularly those from historically black colleges and universities, 1890 land-grant institutions, Tribal colleges and universities (1994 land-grant institutions), and minority serving institutions. 

  • Mathre Endowment for Education​ 
    Provides support to plant pathology education and outreach programs. 

  • Student Edu​cation Scholarship​​ 
    Provides support for student endeavors which further their education outside of the APS Annual Meeting.

Experiential​ Funds for Professional Development

  • OIP Global Experience 
    In collaboration with the APS Foundation, the APS Office of International Program (OIP) Global Experience fund helps APS members who are​ plant pathologists working with scientists and extension personnel in developing countries in training and outreach efforts. ​

  • OPSR Plant ​Path​ology Experiential
    In collaboration with the APS Foundation, the APS Office of Private Sector and Relations ​(OPSR) offers two experiential offerings to APS members: individual (annually) and department​al (every two​ years). This fund supports professional development and learning more about career opportunities and/or gaining technical expertise in support of current​ research endeavors.​

  • Steven C. Nelson Early Career Development​ 
    Fund provides support of activities that enhance the educational and professional development of APS members how are either MS and PhD students and postdoctoral scholars ​in Plant Pathology.​​​

APS Annual Meeting​​ Invited Symposia for Graduate Students and Early Career Members

  • ​​I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium
    ​Supports APS Graduate Student Members selected to present their research at the I.E. Melhus symposium​ at the ​APS Annual Meeting. Membership in APS is required.

  • Schroth Faces of the Future Symposium
    Supports the Faces of the Future symposium at the APS Annual Meeting by acknowledging up-and-coming APS Early Career members in specific areas of plant pathology.​​​ Membership in APS is required. 

​APS Annual Meeting Travel Funds

  • Student Travel 
    Provides travel support for APS Graduate Student member​s who are presenting at ​an APS Annual Meeting.​ Membership in APS is required.​

  • International Travel ​​
    Provides travel​ support for early- to mid-career international APS members from developing countries who are confirmed to present and attend the APS Annual Meeting.​ Membership in APS is required.

  • The Indian Phytopat​hology Society Student Travel​
    ​Supports travel to plant pathology students residing in India, who are members of The Indian Phytopathology Society
    IPS​)​, to attend the APS Annual Meeting or other APS sanctioned m​eeting if deemed appropriate by IPS and APS Foundation Board.​ ​​

​Travel Funds to other meetings

  • Browning Plant Medicine and Health Travel Fund​ 
    ​Supports travel of an APS Graduate Student member majoring in the Docto​r of Plant Medicin​e, Doctor of Plant Health, and similar programs to attend and participate in​ professional society meetings, in addition to APS.​

  • French-Monar Latin American Fund
    Provides financial support to APS members that are Latin American graduate students or early career plant pathologists in a variety of ways.​ ​​​

​​Previous Foundation Awardees

APS Nominated Award Honorariums

The following funds provide award honorariums for the APS honorary nominated awards and are reviewed and selected by the APS Awards & Honors Committee.