Purpose of the Fund
The Student Education fund (initially established by Don and Judy Mathre) provides support for plant pathology education programs, as well as support for students pursuing a variety of projects and experiences outside of the APS Annual Meeting, to further develop skills and/or to network with other scientists.
Examples of how scholarship funds may be used, but not limited to:
- Travel to another meeting such as a commodity meeting (e.g. Tomato Disease Workers Conference, Farm Show) or another society meeting (e.g Agronomy meetings)
- Attend a special course or training (e.g. Post-Harvest Disease Workshop at UC Davis; presentation skills workshop, grant writing workshops, etc)
- Travel to another research lab to learn more about a particular topic, lab technique, etc.
Donate to the Student Education Fund! Your contribution will help expand the reach of innovative and important plant pathology education programs.
Funds Available
Amount: $500 (1)
Deadline to apply: February 28
- APS membership is required.
- Applicant must be a student who is enrolled in a graduate program or postdoctoral program.
Application Requirements
Letter of Intent that includes the following:
Applicant's name, current university and their major professor's name and contact information.
Degree being sought and anticipated graduation date
Area of study
Intentions for use of scholarship fund
Explanation of how this will help you reach your goals
Letter of Recommendation from your advisor or other sponsor explaining the following:
What is the bearing of the student's research and/or study program on plant pathology as it pertains to human and/or or environmental welfare?
Include a statement regarding the academic merit (accomplishments and/or skills of the student)
Why you believe this request is worthwhile for the applicant
Letter of Support from the institution of instruction
Apply for Funding
Save the required application materials into one PDF document prior to submitting your online application.
Deadline to apply: February 28
Submit Application
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed or considered for funding.