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Koordinate: 43° 24′ 09″ S; 10° 51′ 41″ I / 43.40251° S; 10.86152° I / 43.40251; 10.86152
S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije
ital. Volterra

Administrativni podaci
Država Italija
 — 2016.10.519
Geografske karakteristike
Koordinate43° 24′ 09″ S; 10° 51′ 41″ I / 43.40251° S; 10.86152° I / 43.40251; 10.86152
Vremenska zonaUTC+1 (CET), leti UTC+2 (CEST)
Aps. visina529 m
Voltera na karti Italije
Voltera na karti Italije
Ostali podaci
Poštanski broj56048
Pozivni broj0588
GeoNames ID3163962

Voltera (ital. Volterra) je naselje u Italiji u okrugu Piza, regionu Toskana.

Prema proceni iz 2016. u naselju je živelo 10.519 stanovnika.[1][2][3] Naselje se nalazi na nadmorskoj visini od 529 m.


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Voltera koja je Etrurcima bila poznata pod imenima Velatri (Velathri) ili Vlatri (Vlathri),[4] i Rimljanima kao Volatere (Volaterrae),[5] je grad i opština u italijanskoj pokrajini Toskani. U bronzano doba grad je bio naselje Protovilanovske kulture,[6][7] i značajan centar etrurske civilizacije (Velàthre, Velathri ili Felathri na etrurskom, Volaterrae na latinskom jeziku), jedan od „dvanest gradova” Etrurske Lige.[8][9]

Veruje se da je naselje kontinuirano naseljeno od najmanje 8. veka pre nove ere.[10][11][12] Postao je municipijum u savezu sa Rimom na kraju 3. veka pre nove ere.[13][14] Grad je bio rezidencija biskupa u 5. veku,[15] taj status grada je potvrđen tokom 12. veka. S padom episkopata i otkrivanjem lokalnih ležišta rude alum, Voltera je postala predmet interesovanja Firence, čije su snage osvojile Volteru.[16] Firentinska vladavina nije uvek bila popularna, a protivljenje je povremeno prerastalo u pobunu.[17] Firenca je ove pobune uspevala da uguši.

Kada je Firenca pala 1530, Voltera je prešla pod kontrolu porodice Mediči i kasnije pratila istoriju Velikog vojvodstva Toskana.


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Stubičasti grafikon: kretanje broja stanovnika grada Voltera između 1861. i 2001.


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Voltera ima stanicu na Železnici Čečina-Voltera, koja se zove „Voltera Saline - Pomaranče” zbog toga što se nalazi u četvrti Saline di Voltera.[18][19]

Značajne manifestacije

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Značajne manifestacij koje se toko godine dešavaju u Volteri su:

  • Voltera gusto (Volterra gusto)[20]
  • Voltera arte (Volterra arte)
  • Voltera teatro (Volterra teatro)[21]


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Roso Fiorentino (Rosso Fiorentino). Spuštanje sa krsta. 1521. Ulje na drvetu. 375 × 196 cm. Opštinska umetnička galerija Voltere (Pinacoteca Comunale di Volterra).
Freske u crkvi Svetog Frančeska u Volteri
Rimski teatar
  • Rimsko pozorište iz Voltere, 1. vek pre nove ere, otkriveno 1950-ih[22][23]
  • Pjaca dei Priori, glavni trg, lep primer srednjovekovnih toskanskih gradskih trgova[24][25][26]
  • Palaco dei Priori, gradska kuća koja se nalazi na Pjaca dei Priori, izgradnja je započeta 1208 i završena 1257[27][28][29]
  • Umetnička galerija i građanski muzej Voltere (likovna galerija) u Palaco Minuci-Solaini.[30][31] Osnovana 1905,[32][33] u galeriji se većim delom nalaze dela toskanskih umetnika koji su živeli od 14. do 17. veka.[34] Uključujući sliku Spuštanje sa krsta koju je naslikao Roso Fiorentino.[35][36]
  • Katedrala Voltera. Proširena je u 13. veku nakon zemljotresa. U njoj se nalaze ciborijum i skulpture anđela, koje je izradio skulptor Mino da Fezole, poznato delo „Spuštanje sa krsta” (1228), remek delo romanike i Kapela pričešća, sa slikama koje su dela Santi di Titoa, Đovanija Balducija i Agostina Veracinija. U središtu svoda su fragmenti „večnog oca” autora Nikoloa Čerčinjanija. Takođe je značajna kapela Adolorata, sa skulpturama od terakote koje su pripisane Andrei Dela Robii i freskama autora Benoca Gocolija. U obližnjoj kapeli, posvećenoj Presvetom Isusovom imenu, nalazi se sto sa Hristovim monogramom, koji je navodno naslikao Bernardino iz Sijene. Pravougaoni zvonik je iz 1493. godine.
  • Krstionica Svetog Đovanija, sagrađena u drugoj polovini 13. veka.
  • Tvrđava Mediči (Fortezza Medicea),[37] sagrađena 1470-ih,[38] koja je danas zatvor[39] u kome je smešten poznati restoran, Forteza Mediče restoran.[40][41][42]
  • Gvarnači Etrurski Muzej,[43][44] u kome se naleze hiljade urni koje datiraju iz helenističkog i arhajskog doba.[45][46] Glavne atrakcija je bronzana statua „Ombra Dela Sera” (Ombra della sera − bukvalni prevod; „senka noći”),[47] i skulptura „Urna delji sposi” (Urna degli Sposi − bukvalni prevod; „urna supružnika”) skulpture od terakote etrurskog para.[48][49][50][51]
  • Etrurski zidovi Voltere, uključujući dobro očuvane zidine Voltere (3−2 vek p. n. e.),[52][53] i kapiju Porta Diana.[54][55]
  • Vila di Spedaleto, nalazi se izvan grada u pravcu Lajatika[56]
  • Postoje iskopine etrurskih grobnica u oblasti Vale Bona.
  • Voltera psihijatrijska bolnica, osnovana je 1888. i radila do 1978. godine, ponovo je otvoren za javnost i ponovo će se koristiti u svrhu lečenja psihijatrijskih bolesnika.[57]

U popularnoj kulturi

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  • Voltera je pomenuta u pesmi „Horacije” Lorda Makoleja.[58][59]
  • „Tabernakul za sunce” (2005), Linde Praud, prvi tom „Trilogije Botičeli”, počinje pljačkom Voltere 1472. Voltera je domovina predaka porodica Mafej i događaji iz 1472. vode direktno u zaveru Pacija iz 1478. Protagonist romana je Tomaso de Mafej, polubrat jednog od zaverenika.
  • Voltera je važna lokacija u serijalu Stefani MejerSumrak”. U knjigama, Voltera je dom Volturija, kovena bogatih, kraljevskih, moćnih drevnih vampira, koji u suštini deluju kao vladari svetske populacije vampira. (Međutim, relevantni prizori iz filma snimljeni su u Montepulčanu.)
  • Voltera je 1819. bila mesto slavnog katastrofalnog susreta Stendala sa njegovom voljenom groficom Matildom Dembovskom: ona ga je prepoznala, uprkos tome što se maskirao, koristeći novu odeću i zelene naočare, i bila je besna. Ovo je centralni događaj u njegovoj knjizi „O ljubavi” (On Love).[60][61]
  • Voltera se više puta pominje u istorijskoj nautičkoj seriji britanskog autora Dadlija PoupaKapetan Nikolas Remedž”. Đijana, markiza iz Voltere i izmišljeni vladar tog područja, pojavljuje se u prvih dvanaest knjiga iz serije od osamnaest knjiga. Knjige prikazuju napredak i karijeru Remedža tokom Napoleonovih ratova s kraja osamnaestog i početka devetnaestog veka, pružajući čitaocima precizno opisane detalje o životu na jedrilicama i uslovima na moru tog vremena.[62][63]
  • Voltera je mesto na kome se odvija roman „Kajmira” italijanskog autora Valerija Manfredija.[64]
  • Radnja dela Valerija Manfredija „Drevno prokletstvo”, takođe je smeštena u Volteri, gde je statua Senka sumraka ukradena iz muzeja Voltera.
  • Voltera je predstavljena u zbirci kratkih priča „Neprilagođena zemlja” Džumpe Lahiri iz 2008. godine. Ovde Hema i Kaušik, protagonisti poslednje kratke priče „Odlazak na obalu”, putuju pre nego što se raziđu.[65]
  • Voltera je predstavljena u filmu Lukina Viskontija iz 1965. godine „Nejasne zvezde medvjeda”, objavljenom kao „Sandra (od hiljadu radosti)” u Sjedinjenim Državama i kao „od hiljadu užitaka” u UK.[66]
  • Predeli Voltere korišćeni su za prestavljanje Sentral Sitija u filmu iz 2017 „Fulmetal Alkemist”, koji je ežirao Fumihiko Sori.
  • Radnja video igre iz 2016. Grad svetlosti smeštena je u izmišljenu verziju zloglasne „Psihijatrijske bolnice Voltera”.[67]
  • „Volatere” je ime koje su Dan i Una dali svom tajnom mestu u Far Vudu u Kiplingovom „Pak of Puks Hil”. Bili su inspirisani stihom u „Ruševine drevnog Rima”:

Od gospodske Volatere,
Gde se rugaju nadaleko poznatom stavu
Rukama divova nagomilane
Za bogolike kraljeve drevne.

  • Voltera i njen odnos sa Firencom Medičija prikazuje se u drugoj sezoni „Mediči: Gospodari Firence (2018).

Poznate ličnosti

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Menelaj i Merion podižu leš Patrokla na kolica dok Odisej gleda u daljinu; urna od alabastera, etrurska umetnost delo iz Voltere, 2. vek pre nove ere
  • Persije, (34-62), rimski satiričar etrurskog porekla
  • Papa Lin, koji je, prema Liber Pontifikalis, rođen u Volteri i naslednik Petra.[68]
  • Lucije Petronije Tavr Voluzijan, konzul cara Galijena 261. nove ere i Prefekt grada 267-268 nove ere.
  • Danijele da Voltera, (1509-1566), maniristički slikar
  • Pesnik Jakopo da Leona bio je sudija u Volteri u 13. veku.
  • Porodica Mafej iz Voltere dala je apostolskog sekretara Đerarda Mafeja i njegova tri sina: najstarijeg Antonia Mafeja da Volteru, koji je bio jedan od atentatora u Paci zaveri protiv Medičija 1478; drugog, humanistu Rafaela Mafeja zvanog „Volterano” koji je takođe služio u Kuriji; i najmlađeg Maria Mafeja, koji je takođe bio stipendista i pratio svog oca u kuriji.
  • Emilio Fjaši (1858-1941), vajar

Partnerski gradovi

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Vidi još

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  1. ^ „The GeoNames geographical database”. 2012. 
  2. ^ „Istituto Nazionale di Statistica”. 
  3. ^ Data from Istat
  4. ^ D. H. Lawrence (16. 4. 2013). Etruscan Places. Read Books Limited. str. 97—. ISBN 978-1-4474-8782-1. „The great hilltop or headland on which Etruscan "Volterra," Velathri, Vlathri, once stood spreads out jaggedly, with deepcleft valleys in between, more or less in view, spreading two or three miles away. It is something like a hand, the bluff steep ... 
  5. ^ D. H. Lawrence; Simonetta de Filippis (11. 7. 2002). Sketches of Etruscan Places and Other Italian Essays. Cambridge University Press. str. 315—. ISBN 978-0-521-00701-6. „Volterra Velathri in Etruscan, Volaterrae in Latin; it flourished between the 4th and the 1st centuries BC. In 298 BC the town yielded without resistance to the Romans and maintained a major role amongst the centres of n. Etruria up to the ... 
  6. ^ Jean MacIntosh Turfa (13. 11. 2014). The Etruscan World. Routledge. str. 134—. ISBN 978-1-134-05523-4. „The lives of many Etruscan cities extend for a millennium or more from the end of the Bronze Age, providing abundant ... Vetulonia, Volterra and probably also Caere, were already occupied in the Final Bronze Age (Protovillanovan period, ... 
  7. ^ Haynes, Sybille (2005). Etruscan Civilization: A Cultural History (na jeziku: engleski). Los Angeles: Getty Trust Publications. str. 30. ISBN 978-0-89236-600-2. 
  8. ^ Alan Norman Bold (1976). Cambridge Book of English Verse, 1939-1975. Cambridge University Press Archive. str. 220—. ISBN 978-0-521-09840-3. „Volterra is a modern town in Tuscany and was once one of twelve cities of Etruria. 1] crack in the stone: like mankind, Volterra stands at the edge of crumbling cliffs. Much of Volterra has dropped down into 'the slow abyss' of erosion. 
  9. ^ Damgaard Andersen, Helle (1997). Urbanization in the Mediterranean in the 9th to 6th Centuries BC (na jeziku: engleski). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. str. 344. ISBN 9788772894126. 
  10. ^ David Bershad; Carolina Mangone; Irving Hexham (2001). The Christian Travelers Guide to Italy. Harper Collins. str. 220—. ISBN 978-0-310-22573-7. „The famed local industry, working alabaster, has also proved an enduring industry in Volterra. Begun in the 8th century B.C., alabaster carving continues today as the traditional Volterran trade. The prehistoric Villanovan settlement (9th century ... 
  11. ^ DK (1. 5. 2014). Eyewitness Travel Family Guide Italy. Dorling Kindersley Limited. str. 202—. ISBN 978-1-4093-5398-0. „Truly ancient clifftop city Volterra is perhaps the most dramatic and unusual city in the region. Founded by the Etruscans in the 8th century BC, it is perched on a high plateau of volcanic rock and surrounded by medieval walls, some ... 
  12. ^ Insight Guides (2. 11. 2015). Insight Guides: Tuscany. APA. str. 524—. ISBN 978-1-78005-543-5. „These include Etruscan (8th–2nd century BC) sites at Volterra, Fiesole, Arezzo, Chiusi, Vetulonia and on the island of Elba. There is an archaeological museum in Florence, and other museums in Volterra, Chiusi, Cortona, Asciano, Grosseto ... 
  13. ^ Rural Change and Continuity in Etruria: A Study of Village Communities from the 7th Century B.C. to the 1st Century A.D. ProQuest. 2008. str. 340—. ISBN 978-0-549-53285-9. „Volterra: A Roman City with an Etruscan Hinterland Rome first reached a settlement with Volterra at the end of the 3rd century B.C. when the city was declared an allied municipium. Volterra only entered fully into the control of Rome with ... [mrtva veza]
  14. ^ Anton Filippo Giachi (1786). Saggio di ricerche sopra lo stato antico e moderno di Volterra dalla sua prima origine fino ai nostri tempi per facilitare ai giovani lo studio della storia patria opera del sacerdote Anton-Filippo Giachi rettore del regio spedale di detta città .. (na jeziku: Italian). nella stamperia di Pietro Allegrini alla Croce Rossa. str. 8—. „Ma il colpo fatale dei Romani, e di Volterra fu nell' anno di Roma 474 ... tam bonestum municipium. 
  15. ^ Christopher Kleinhenz (2. 8. 2004). Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. str. 1038—. ISBN 978-1-135-94880-1. „The lordship of a distant (and often preoccupied) bishop provided many opportunities for civic selfdetermination. On his hill, the bishop of Volterra built a castello as a residence when he was in the area. This, with its church of Santo Stefano, ... 
  16. ^ Peter Hinze (2000). Florence — Fiesole, Prato, Pistoia, San Gimignano, Volterra, Siena: An Up-to-date Travel Guide ; [with Fold-out Map]. Hunter Publishing, Inc. str. 7—. ISBN 978-3-88618-773-7. 
  17. ^
  18. ^ Emma Jones (1. 4. 2004). Tuscany and Umbria. Hunter Publishing, Inc. str. 308—. ISBN 978-1-58843-399-2. „The. wide fertile valley of the Valdera (the Era Valley) spreads along the Era River ... Saline di Volterra is on the Pisa-Cecina-Volterra Saline train line (% 848-888088,; a shuttle bus will take ... 
  19. ^ Gillian Price (27. 7. 2012). Walking in Tuscany: 50 Walks throughout Tuscany. Cicerone Press Limited. str. 80—. ISBN 978-1-84965-672-6. „By public transport from Volterra take the local bus for the short ride down to Saline. Otherwise from Cecina on the main LivornoRome rail line, several trains a day (or the odd substitute bus) still run as far as Saline. 7: Saline di Volterra, ... 
  20. ^ Lonely Planet (24. 7. 2014). Italie 6 - Florence et la Toscane (na jeziku: French). Place Des Editeurs. str. 226—. ISBN 978-2-8161-4727-8. „Volterragusto GASTRONOMIE ( Manifestations à la mi-mars, à la fin octobre et début novembre, présentant des produits locaux, notammentdufromage, destruffes blanches, de l'huile d'olive et du chocolat. 
  21. ^ Madelena Gonzalez; Patrice Brasseur (16. 4. 2010). Authenticity and Legitimacy in Minority Theatre: Constructing Identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. str. 138—. ISBN 978-1-4438-2184-1. „... depuis 1996, le théâtre San Pietro à Volterra, a obtenu, à partir de 1997, la direction artistique et technique du festival Volterrateatro, au sein duquel le projet « Iteatri dell'impossibile » a été proposé.5 Cette compagnie apporte régulièrement ... 
  22. ^ Frank Sear (20. 7. 2006). Roman Theatres: An Architectural Study. Oxford: Oxford University Press. str. 170—. ISBN 978-0-19-814469-4. „J. B. Ward Perkins, BSR 29 (1961), 64, 68. VOLATERRAE (Volterra, PI) (Plan 79, Pis. 35-6) Location: within Roman walls, built against steep slope immediately north of medieval walls. Cavea: D 63 m, facing north-west; ima cavea: 10 rows (o.) .. 
  23. ^ Rick Steves (28. 8. 2007). Rick Steves' Florence and Tuscany 2008. Avalon Travel. str. 354—. „Over time, the theater was forgotten — covered in the garbage of Volterra. Luckily, it was rediscovered in the 1950s. The stage wall was standard Roman design — with three levels from which actors would appear: one for humans, one for ... 
  24. ^ University of California, Berkeley. Associated Students; Fodor's (1. 12. 1995). Italy '96: on the loose, on the cheap, off the beaten path. Fodor's Travel Publications. ISBN 978-0-679-02985-4. „.. from here, APT buses go to Volterra (L2200) every 30 minutes. The main oo square in Volterra is Piazza dei Priori, a focal point for ... 
  25. ^ Mauro Staccioli: Sites of Experience. Damiani. 2009. str. 167—. ISBN 978-88-6208-117-7. „Piazza dei Priori, Volterra Volterra's main piazza was the center around which Staccioli's 1972 exhibition was organized. A symbol of central power, the piazza is ... 
  26. ^ Baedekers Autoführer-Verlag (1962). Italy, including Sicily and Sardinia. K. Baedeker. str. 489—. „... The centre of Volterra is the *Piazza dei Priori, which is lined with medieval palazzi. On the W side, the stately Palazzo dei Priori, ... 
  27. ^ Mariagiulia Burresi; Alessandro Furiesi; Gabriella Belli (2007). Il Palazzo dei Priori di Volterra: storia e restauro (na jeziku: Italian). Nuova Immagine. ISBN 978-88-7145-263-0. 
  28. ^ Inc. Fodor's Travel Publications (2003). Fodor's Florence, Tuscany, and Umbria. Fodor's. str. 195—. ISBN 978-1-4000-1108-7. „As you make the dramatic climb up to Volterra through bleak, rugged terrain, you'll see that not all ... Piazza dei Priori, lined with an impressive collection of medieval buildings, including the imposing Palazzo dei Priori ... 
  29. ^ Encyclopedia Americana: Venice to Wilmot. Scholastic Library Pub. 2006. str. 230—. ISBN 978-0-7172-0139-6. „... In Piazza dei Priori, one of Italy's finest medieval squares, stand the 13th century Palazzo dei Priori or town hall, housing ... 
  30. ^ Pinacoteca di Volterra (1989). La Pinacoteca di Volterra. Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. 
  31. ^ Mariagiulia Burresi; Antonino Caleca (2006). Volterra d'oro e di pietra (na jeziku: Italian). Pacini. str. 58—. ISBN 978-88-7781-775-4. „Qui, nel rispetto della sua vocazione a documentare la consistenza dell'arte a Volterra, è stato creato il Museo di palazzo Minucci-Solaini, accostando al primitivo nucleo della Pinacoteca civica di Corrado Ricci, dipinti, sculture e arredi anch ... 
  32. ^ Lorenzo Carletti; Cristiano Giometti (2001). Scultura lignea pisana: percorsi nel territorio tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. F. Motta. str. 117—. ISBN 978-88-7179-302-3. „Pinacoteca Civica Dal 1 982 la Pinacoteca di Volterra è ospitata nelle sale del rinascimentale Palazzo Minucci-So- laini, ma la ... annessa al Duomo; quindi, su proposta di Corrado Ricci, nel 1905 la collezione fu spostata nel Palazzo dei Priori e arricchita. ... From 1982 onwards, the Pinacoteca in Volterra has been located in the rooms of the Renaissance Palazzo Minucci- Solaini, but the history of the ... 
  33. ^ Toscana: (esclusa Firenze) (na jeziku: Italian). Touring Editore. 1997. str. 464—. ISBN 978-88-365-0948-5. „A destra, nel breve sdrucciolo di Piazza, è la torre Martinoli, fianco del palazzo Incontri (pag. 459). VIA DANIELE RICCIARELLI (il pittore del '500 più noto come Daniele da Volterra). ... il vicino volto si sbuca nella piazzetta caratterizzata dalla casa-torre Minucci (secolo xm), inglobata nel palazzo Solaini (v. sotto). ... Nucleo fondamentale del complesso museale è la raccolta della Galleria pittorica comunale (Pinacoteca), fondata nel 1905 nel palazzo dei Priori e comprendente un 1 3 IL ... 
  34. ^ Michelin Travel Publications (2000). Tuscany. Michelin Travel Publications. str. 313—. ISBN 978-2-06-000010-7. „Volterra crags (baize) Pinacoteca 0 - Via dei Sarti 1 ; in the Palazzo Minucci-Solaini. The art gallery has some interesting works of religious art by Tuscan masters of the 14C-17C ... 
  35. ^ Anna Benvenuti Papi (1999). Volterra e la Val di Cecina (na jeziku: Italian). Mondadori. ISBN 978-88-04-46773-1. „Dal 1982 la Galleria Pittorica, o Pinacoteca, è ospitata nelle sale del palazzo Minucci-Solaini, esempio notevole di ... Tra le opere più significative segnaliamo, oltre la celebre e grandiosa tavola della Deposizione del Rosso Fiorentino, polittici ... 
  36. ^ Harvard Student's; Let's Go, Inc. (1999). Let's Go: the Budget Guide to Italy. St. Martin's Press. str. 299—. „Volterra's Fortezza Medicea, an elegant remnant from the Florentine domination, is the town's most prominent structure. ... On the other side of P. dei Priori, on V. dei Sard, the Pinacoteca Comunale occupies the Palazzo Minucci-Solaini (tel. ... In his Deposition (1520), the most significant piece of the collection, Rosso Fiorentino appears to abandon High Renaissance ... 
  37. ^ Denbigh Sale; Marie Kidd; Julian Pitt (1. 12. 2014). Our Secret Tuscany: In the Foothills of Monte Pisano. Australian eBook Publisher. str. 53—. ISBN 978-1-925271-65-2. „Although Volterra isn't strictly in the region of the Monte Pisano, we highly recommend a visit to this atmospheric hilltown which ... From its commanding hilltop position, the enormous Medici Fortress (Fortezza Medicea) looks out over Volterra. 
  38. ^ Dana Facaros; Michael Pauls (2004). Italy. New Holland Publishers. str. 685—. ISBN 978-1-86011-113-6. „... in the 'archaeological park' near the Fortezza Medicea, a big castle built on what was the Etruscan acropolis in the 1470s. ... Volterra 's most conspicuous ancient relic, however, is the Etruscan arch in the south wall, over Via Porta all'Arco. [mrtva veza]
  39. ^ Rachael Hamilton; Allison Macleod; Jenny Munro (18. 7. 2014). Spaces of (Dis)location. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. str. 164—. ISBN 978-1-4438-6451-0. „Volterra's identity was not only characterized by its tradition of alabaster craft and by the psychiatric hospital, but also by the high security penitentiary located in the Fortezza Medicea. The Duke of Florence, Lorenzo il Magnifico, constructed the ... 
  40. ^ Orth, Stephan (10. 9. 2007). „Gefängnis Volterra: Zu Gast bei Ganoven”. Spiegel Online. Pristupljeno 30. 1. 2012. 
  41. ^ Gumuchian, Marie-Louise (20. 5. 2008). „Guests give top marks to Italian gourmet jail”. Reuters. Arhivirano iz originala 01. 02. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 30. 1. 2012. 
  42. ^ Pisa, Nick (20. 5. 2007). „'They made me a pasta I couldn't refuse'. The Daily Telegraph. Pristupljeno 30. 1. 2012. 
  43. ^ Gabriele Cateni (2004). Volterra: The Guarnacci Etruscan Museum. Pacini. ISBN 978-88-7781-622-1. 
  44. ^ Brief guide to the Guarnacci Etruscan Museum of Volterra. Edizioni I.F.I. 1970. 
  45. ^ Anna Marguerite McCann; Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) (1978). Roman Sarcophagi in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art. str. 58—. „Etruscan ... Cf. particularly the stern of a galley represented on an Etruscan funerary urn in the Guarnacci Museum in Volterra, Pairault, op. cit, pl. 1142.' Also see the ... 
  46. ^ The J. Paul Getty Museum (1. 1. 1981). The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: Volume 9, 1981. Getty Publications. str. 55—. ISBN 978-0-89236-032-1. „ keeping with the gradual proliferation of large~sca1e sculpture throughout Etruria from the end of the fourth and beginning of ... Evidence for North Etruscan workmanship is offered by the reliefs on cinerary urns of Volterra, Chiusi, and Perugia, and the sculptural ... Museo Etrusco Guarnacci, inv. no. 
  47. ^ Eric Russell Chamberlin; Ken Paterson; Thomas Cook Ltd (1994). Passport's Illustrated travel guide to Florence & Tuscany. Passport Books. ISBN 978-0-8442-9055-3. „MUSEO ETRUSCO GUARNACCI This is one of the most important museums of Etruscan art in Italy. ... as the 'Shadow of the Night', discovered in 1879 and used as a firepoker until experts realised this was a masterpiece of Etruscan art. 
  48. ^ Rick Steves (29. 12. 2015). Rick Steves Snapshot Hill Towns of Central Italy: Including Siena & Assisi. Avalon Travel Publishing. str. 94—. ISBN 978-1-63121-204-8. „The museum's other top piece is the Urn of the Spouses (Urna degli Sposi, first century B.C.). It's unique for various reasons, including its material (it's in terracotta—a relatively rare material for these funerary urns) and its depiction of two ... 
  49. ^ Florence and Tuscany. A complete guide with itineraries. ATS Italia Editrice. 2011. str. 64—. ISBN 978-88-6524-400-5. „Among the works housed here, particularly remarkable are: the vase with black figures, the cinerary urn with the deceased (Atteone), the mirror with dioscuri and the Urn of the spouses. Volterra Guarnacci Etruscan Museum, Evening Shadow ... 
  50. ^ Kunst und Geschichte der Toskana: ein Landstrich voller Wohlgeschmack und Farbenfreude eine Region, in der die gastronomische Überlieferung auf magische Weise mit einer jahrtausendealten Kultur verbunden ist (na jeziku: German). Casa Editrice Bonechi. 1970. str. 91—. ISBN 978-88-476-1794-0. „SCHATTEN DES ABENDS Museo Etrusco Guarnacci Die Figur stammt aus der Florentiner Sammlung der Familie Buonarroti und wurde von ... Unten der Deckel einer Aschenurne, der sogenannten Urna degli Sposi (des Ehepaares 
  51. ^ Touring Club of Italy (2005). Authentic Tuscany. Touring Editore. str. 72—. ISBN 978-88-365-3297-1. „The Museo Etrusco Guarnacci O has forty rooms housing an enormous collection of antiquities from prehistoric to ... alabaster and terracotta (4th-1st century BC) from local excavations, including the famous Urna degli Sposi (Urn of the Married ... 
  52. ^ George Dennis (1848). The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. John Murray. str. 146–. „Volterra. He may know it by the sign of three naked females, the most graceless things about the house. The landlord, SigTM. Ottavio ... From the "Unione," a few steps will lead to the Porta all' Arco.3 I envy the stranger his first impressions on ... 
  53. ^ Henry James (1. 3. 1995). Italian Hours. Penguin Publishing Group. str. 339—. ISBN 978-1-101-17386-2. „I may not invite the reader to penetrate with me by so much as a step the boundless backward reach of history to which the more massive of the Etruscan gates of Volterra, the Porta all'Arco, forms the solidest of thresholds; since I perforce take ... 
  54. ^ Mario Giovannelli (1613). Cronistoria dell'antichità, e nobiltà di Volterra, cominciando dal principio della sua edificazione infin'al giorno d'hoggi. ... Raccolta da diuersi scrittori per ... fra Mario Giouannelli .. appresso Giouanni Fontani. str. 4—. 
  55. ^ Luisa Banti (1973). Etruscan Cities and Their Culture. University of California Press. str. 146—. ISBN 978-0-520-01910-2. „These natural communication routes all met just below the city, where the village of Saline di Volterra stands today. Then as now, Volterra ... The two city gates — Porta Diana and Porta all'Arco — are Etruscan only in their lower part. The three ... 
  56. ^ Isabella Lapi Ballerini; Mario Scalini (2003). The Medici Villas: Complete Guide. Giunti Editore. str. 84—. ISBN 978-88-09-02995-8. 
  57. ^ Simioli, Adele (jun 2013). „L'ipotesi di ospedale psichiatrico di Daniele Calabi: progetti e realizzazioni”. TERRITORIO (65): 85—88. ISSN 1825-8689. doi:10.3280/tr2013-065013. 
  58. ^ David Gilmour (3. 3. 2011). The Pursuit of Italy: A History of a Land, its Regions and their Peoples. Penguin Books Limited. str. 46—. ISBN 978-0-14-192989-7. „... who were based in Etruria, where they built hilltop towns such as Volterra, and from where they spread north to the Po ... historian Livy, Thomas Babington Macaulay described the Roman hero Horatius Cocles holding a bridge over 'Father ... 
  59. ^ James Bentley (5. 7. 1988). A guide to TuscanyNeophodna slobodna registracija. Penguin. str. 18–. ISBN 978-0-14-046683-6. „Macaulay's poem 'Horatius' has as its hero a Roman, not the ranks of Lars Porsena invading the city of Rome. Even so Macaulay perfectly catches in his verse ... It took him two years to starve out Volterra. Then Sulla made himself dictator and ... 
  60. ^ F. C. Green (16. 6. 2011). Stendhal. Cambridge University Press. str. 142—. ISBN 978-1-107-60072-0. „In May of 1819, Métilde went to Volterra where her two sons were at school, whilst Stendhal reproached himself bitterly for not having had the courage to demand a decisive explanation of her feelings. But as he wrote rather pathetically: " Mais ... 
  61. ^ David Wakefield (1984). Stendhal: The Promise of Happiness : "la Beauté N'est Que la Promesse Du Bonheur" (De L'Amour). Newstead Press. str. 43—. ISBN 978-0-85390-027-6. „At the time she met Stendhal early in 1818 she was living on the piazza Belgiojoso. From the ... Then, in the Spring of 1819, Metilde announced that she was going to visit her sons at school in Volterra, and she forebade Stendhal to follow her. 
  62. ^ Sue Parrill (31. 8. 2009). Nelson's Navy in Fiction and Film: Depictions of British Sea Power in the Napoleonic Era. McFarland. str. 209—. ISBN 978-0-7864-5803-5. „Ramage (1965) #1 Pope's first novel introduces the hero, Lord Nicholas Ramage, lieutenant in the Royal Navy, in the year ... The friends of his family include the Marchesa di Volterra, whom Ramage learns is one of the six noble refugees that ... 
  63. ^ Tom Grundner (1. 10. 2007). The Ramage Companion. Fireship Press. str. 1—. ISBN 978-1-934757-05-5. „Lieutenant Lord Nicholas Ramage wakes up a dazed and confused young man. ... Landing himself and his men, he rescues the stranded refugees—in- cluding the beautiful Marchesa di Volterra—literally from under the hoofs of Napoleon's ... 
  64. ^ Panorama (na jeziku: Italian). 1826-1829. Mondadori. april 2001. str. 223—. „CHIMAIRA di Valerio Massimo Manfredi Mondadori, 246 pagine, 30 mila lire. ... con Nino Castelnuovo che perdeva la testa per una bella etrusca reincarnatasi nella Volterra dei giorni nostri. 
  65. ^ Anjali Pandey (25. 1. 2016). Monolingualism and Linguistic Exhibitionism in Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan UK. str. 165—. ISBN 978-1-137-34036-8. „... they saw, lined on the shelves, hundreds of urns in which the ancient people of Volterra had stored the ashes of their dead. ... The following interaction excerpted from "Unaccustomed Earth" illustrates how Lahiri manages to 'explain' Bengali ... 
  66. ^ Henry Bacon (28. 3. 1998). Visconti: Explorations of Beauty and Decay. Cambridge University Press. str. 120—. ISBN 978-0-521-59960-3. „Another starting point was d'Amico's and Visconti's idea of locating the story in the Tuscan city of Volterra. ... Sandra (Cardinale) suspects her mother (Marie Bell) and the mother's lover Gilardini (Renzo Ricci) of betraying her Jewish father to ... 
  67. ^ Adam Smith (29. 1. 2016). „True Horror: The Town Of Light’s Historical Inspirations”. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Pristupljeno 14. 5. 2017. 
  68. ^ „Catholic Online”. Catholic Online. Pristupljeno 2. 1. 2017. 


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • Bell, Sinclair and Alexandra A. Carpino, eds. (2016) A Companion to the Etruscans. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Haynes, Sybille (2000) Etruscan civilization: A cultural history. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum.
  • Pallottino, Massimo (1978) The Etruscans. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Sprenger, Maia, and Bartoloni, Gilda (1983) The Etruscans: Their history, art and architecture. Translated by Robert E. Wolf. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
  • Turfa, Jean MacIntosh, ed. (2013) The Etruscan World. Routledge Worlds. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

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