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Jeremy Rifkin

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Jeremy Rifkin
americký ekonóm, prognostik, environmentalista, politológ, publicista a filozof
americký ekonóm, prognostik, environmentalista, politológ, publicista a filozof
Narodenie26. január 1945 (79 rokov)
Denver, Colorado, USA
CommonsSpolupracuj na Commons Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin (* 26. január 1945, Denver, Colorado, USA) je americký ekonóm, prognostik, environmentalista, politológ, publicista a filozof.

Titul z ekonómie získal na Wharton School of Finance and Commerce na University of Pensylvania v USA. Titul z medzinárodných vzťahov získal na Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy na Tufts University v USA. Je zakladateľom a súčasným prezidentom Foundation on Economic Trends so sídlom vo Washingtone DC v USA. Je autorom šestnástich kníh pojednávajúcich o dopadoch technologických zmien na ekonomiku, pracovnú silu, spoločnosť a životné prostredie. Zaoberá sa mapovaním dlhodobých trendov rozvoja a analýzou hlavných problémových oblastí spoločnosti a civilizácie. Je predstaviteľom ekonomickej teoretickej školy nová ekonómia.

Jeremy Rifkin je autorom alebo spoluautorom nasledujúcich kníh

  • Who Should Play God ? The Artificial Creation of Life and What It Means for the Future of the Human Race (spoluautor) (1977)
  • Entropy. A New World View (1980)
  • Algeny. A New Word, A New World (1983)
  • Declaration of Heretic (1985)
  • Time Wars. The Primary Conflict in Human History (1987)
  • Entropy. Into The Greenhouse World (1989)
  • Biosphere Politics. A New Consciousness for a New Century (1991)
  • Beyond Beef. The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture (1992)
  • The End of Work. The Decline of Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era (1995)
  • The Biotech Century. Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World (1998)
  • The Age of Access. The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, Where all of Life is a Paid-For Experience (2000)
  • Hydrogen Economy. The Creation of the Worldwide Energy Web and the Redistribution of Power on Earth (2002)
  • The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream (2004)


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  • Rifkin, Jeremy, Howard, Ted: Who Should Play God ?, Delacorte Press, 1977
  • Rifkin, Jeremy, Howard, Ted: Emerging Order. God in the Age of Scarcity, New York: Putnam Publishing Group, 1979
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: A New World View, New York: Viking Penguin, 1980
  • Rifkin, Jeremy, Perlas, Nicanor: Algeny. A study of biotechnology and its potential effect on society, New York: Viking Penguin, 1983
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Declaration of Heretic, London: Routledge, 1985
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Time Wars. The Primary Conflict in Human History. Henry Holt and Company, Inc., Simon and Schuster, New York 1987
  • Rifkin, Jeremy with Ted Howard: Entropy. Into the Greenhouse World. Afterword Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. Bantam Books, New York 1989 (1980)
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Biosphere Politics. A New Consciousness for a New Century, New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1991
  • Rifkin, Jeremy, Rifkin, Carol Grunewald: Voting Green. Your Complete Environmental Guide to Making Political Choices in the 90´s, New York: Broadway Books, 1992
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Beyond Beef. The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture, New York: E.P.Dutton, 1992
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: The End of Work. The Decline of the Global Labour Force and the Down of the Post-Market Era. Jeremy P. Tarcher / G.P. Putnam´s Sons, New York 1995
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: The Biotech Century. Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World. Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam, New York 1998
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: The Age of Access. The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, Where all of Life is a Paid-For Experience, New York: Jeremy P.Tarcher/Putnam, 2000
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Hydrogen Economy. The Creation of the World-Wide Energy Web and the Redistribution of Power on Earth. Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam, New York 2002
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream. Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2004, ISBN 1-58542-345-9

Kapitoly v knihách

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  • Rifkin, Jeremy: New Technology and the End of Jobs. In: Goldsmith, Edward, Mander, Jerry (editors): The Case Against the Global Economy and for Turn Toward the Local. Sierra Club, San Francisco, California 1996
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: The Dawn of the Hydrogen Economy. Keynote address at the EU H2 Conference – 10 June 2003, Fuell Cell Today
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: The end of work as we know it. In: Demos 5/1995

Rozhovory v českom jazyku

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  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Globální prázdniny. Rozhovor s Jeremym Rifkinem. In: Zakowski, Jacek: Obavy a naděje. Rozhovory o budoucnosti. Mladá fronta, Praha 2004
  • Rifkin, Jeremy: Myšlenky pro příští století. In: Listy č.4/1996 Dvouměsíčník pro politickou kulturu a občanský dialog. Praha 1996