Daily Horoscopes 2024

Astrologer Sally Brompton forecasts what today has in store for you

Sally Brompton

The New York Post’s Sally Brompton brings decades of experience in astrology to her daily horoscopes and predictions for all 12 zodiac signs.

Today's Birthday Horoscope

There will be arguments this year between the part of you that wants to be nice to people and the part that wants to punish those who have hurt you. Forgiveness is essential if you want to be at peace with yourself. Turn the other cheek.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

January 20 - February 18

Changes are good for you at the moment but because Pluto in your sign is at odds with Mars you would be unwise to try to force through anything that loved ones are not in agreement with. Take their views, and their feelings, into account.

Pisces Daily Horoscope

February 19 - March 20

Both in your private life and in your work you must be on your guard for situations that encourage you to get upset or angry, because the moment that happens you could say and do things that make matters worse. Close your eyes and ears to conflict.

Aries Daily Horoscope

March 21 - April 19

Be careful what words you use today because if you give others the impression that you are being rude for no good reason they could turn against you and both your friendships and your finances will suffer. Speak nice or don’t speak at all!

Taurus Daily Horoscope

April 20 - May 20

You may have to give up on a dream you have been carrying around in your mind for a long time but once it is gone there will be room for new dreams to come in. Hopefully this time they will be of a more realistic nature.

There has been so much chaos and confusion in your world of late that you could do with a rest but the planets indicate there will be more drama today. Once you have dealt with it though you can then take off for some much-needed Me time.

Cancer Daily Horoscope

June 21 - July 22

Although you may not have much enthusiasm for what you have to do today you must strive to make a good job of it because your reputation is on the line. People in positions of power are watching you closely, so make sure they like what they see.

Leo Daily Horoscope

July 23 - August 22

Because you are not the sort to back down in a confrontation you must do everything in your power today to avoid situations that call for fight or flight. With Mars and Pluto operating against you neither option is likely to work out well.

Virgo Daily Horoscope

August 23 - September 22

You may be tempted to head off into the wide blue yonder but the planets warn that the dramas you leave behind will still be there when you get back. A better option would be to deal with them first and then take a break to recover.

Libra Daily Horoscope

September 23 - October 22

There will be times this week when you wish you were doing something more exciting with your life. Which raises the question: why aren’t you? The Sun in Gemini makes it easy for you to get away for a while, so take off and have fun!

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

October 23 - November 21

Mars in your opposite sign is at odds with power planet Pluto today, so people in positions of authority will be difficult to deal with to say the least. Avoid situations where the only choice you have is winning or losing, because you will most likely lose.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

November 22 - December 21

You may think that by doubling the effort and the hours you put into a task you will make a success of it but the planets tell a different story. It may sound counter-intuitive but you will accomplish more in the long-term if you do less now.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

December 22 - January 19

Why are you making things harder for yourself than they need to be? If it’s because you fear being overtaken by rivals then stop worrying because they are even further away from the finishing line than you are. You’ll lose nothing by easing up a bit.