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Even a guilty verdict won't end Hunter Biden's entitled arrogance

Will Hunter Biden's go to jail? Maybe not, even though he's guilty on all counts. But don't expect his arrogance and entitled behavior to end.

Believe 'anti-Israel' protesters when they tell you they hate Jews

As Maya Aneglou once remarked, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Time to take that advice to heart with the current day’s bloodthirsty “anti-Zionists.”

Can the European Union hear us now? Populist victories send a message to politicians

Voters across Europe spent the weekend sending a message to the EU’s political class: a nationalist and populist shift is happening across the continent.

Expect 'Merrily We Roll Along' to steamroll through the Tony Awards

The Post's Cindy Adams predicts "Merrily We Roll Along" to dominate at the Tony Awards.

‘All-in-the-Family’ Biden biz, Gaza’s phony ‘facts’ and other commentary

President Biden “has repeatedly distanced himself from his family’s business dealings, saying that he has never so much as discussed them with his relatives or with anyone else,” notes Politico’s...

Let the thin blue line flag fly: Letters to the Editor — June 11, 2024

The Issue: A Connecticut city’s decision not to fly the ”thin blue line” flag to honor a former state trooper. The Wethersfield, Conn. town council refused to fly the “thin...

City Health Commissioner Vasan's unforced mental-health miscue

Mayor Adams and Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan are getting major pushback for messing with small mental-health community centers — and rightly so.

Hartford self-defense brigade could be a glimpse of New York City's future

Crime’s gotten so bad in Hartford, Conn., that residents have formed armed patrols to keep one area safe.

Excess post-COVID deaths the collateral damage of lockdown

A group of Dutch medical researchers has ignited a firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns imposed on the public during the COVID-19...

Trades surge, colleges sink as the 'toolbelt generation' turns to hands-on work

The higher-education industry is having a bad decade.

We're libertarians who refuse to vote for the party's ridiculous presidential candidate

Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver has advocated for open borders and defunding the police and defended gender-affirming care for transgender kids as “the status quo.”

Googlies, Ashes, diamond ducks and cucumber sandwiches — my essential guide to cricket for bemused Americans

Last week, 5000 watched the USA beat Pakistan in New York, a thrillingly unexpected win that may just make the world’s second most popular sport sexy again in the world’s...

If you love life, celebrate Israel's amazing hostage rescue

Israel, it turns out, can't even rescue innocents without Hamas' cheerleaders and useful idiots in the West erupting in outrage. The war against Hamas, prompted by the horrors of Oct....

Jill Biden puts on a powerful show of support for Hunter — while snubbing his now-5-year-old daughter

Jill Biden made a show for the jury last week of putting family first when she donned bright colors and sat ostentatiously in the front row of her stepson Hunter...

Grandma interrupts dinner with Gov. Kathy Hochul: 'Aren’t you the mayor?'

Setting the stories straight Last week, our gov and I had dinner. At Neary’s. On East 57th. Great Irish food. Been there probably since that country’s original potato famine. Some...

Weather disasters decreased despite warming, study finds

A recent scientific study has confirmed what climate realists have been highlighting for some time: Natural and climate-related disasters have been declining during the 21st century.

Hunter Biden trial just a ploy to protect Joe — and the DOJ

Don’t see the Hunter Biden gun case as an effort to hold the president’s prodigal son to account, but as a political maneuver aimed at protecting his father.

Biden's speech commemorating D-Day: Letters to the Editor — June 10, 2024

NY Post readers discuss President Biden’s remarks during a speech honoring the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Chi Ossé's brokers' fee bill will make the NYC housing market worse

Rent costs in Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn are at record highs, but progressive City Councilman Chi Ossé is looking to raise rents in the Big Apple even more.

BS Biden border 'crackdown' has already failed as illegals flood across

Joe Biden’s BS border move has already failed.