Welcome to Wikidata, MerlIwBot!

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If you have any questions, please ask me on my talk page. If you want to try out editing, you can use the sandbox to try. Once again, welcome, and I hope you quickly feel comfortable here, and become an active editor for Wikidata.

Regards, --Emijrp (talk) 22:17, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Klammern werden abgeschnitten


Hi Merlissimo,
Dein Bot schneidet bei der Bezeichnung die Klammern ab, vgl.Q4386 -- 22:27, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

In dem Fall ist der de-Seitentitel eh komplett als Label unbrauchbar. Ich habe das mal so geändert. Merlissimo (talk) 01:25, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Aus allen Lemmas mit "/" werden seit einiger Zeit keine Labels mehr erzeugt. Da muss dann ein Mensch ran.Merlissimo (talk) 19:02, 14 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

✓ Done



Q4409 includes "Sinclair Research Ltd", "Sincalir Research Ltd" and "Sinclair Research Ltd.", not sure if that trivial variations are desired. Emijrp (talk) 22:37, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

That's a normal redirect on simplewiki and not marked as a wrong spelling redirect. But i think revoming aliases is very easy for humans. Adding them manually cases much more work. Merlissimo (talk) 01:35, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

You can remove puntuaction [.,;:!?] and make lowercase both the pagetitle and alias and then compare. If they are equal, the alias is trivial, else it maybe useful. Emijrp (talk) 09:01, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

I'll already compare the titles case insensitive. Only uppercase instead of lowercase, because the conversion is faster for some characters used in e.g. ml (for most characters there is not difference). But why removing puntuaction? I am currently thinking about ignoring titles including a slash "/". TCP/IP would be ok as label, but i think in most cases the slash is used as subpage like "Madonna/discography". Merlissimo (talk) 19:00, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
current config discussed at Wikidata:Project_chat#Redirects_as_aliases. Merlissimo (talk) 19:01, 14 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

✓ Done

Bot mistakes


In Q4627, your bot gave a wrong alias ("Aymara declension") as well as a non-optimal label. Please don't make likely-problematic edits without checking them first. --Yair rand (talk) 00:17, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

In the ten minutes since my last message, your bot has added a ridiculous amount of mistakes. Also note that your bot does not have the bot flag yet and is flooding the recent changes. Please stop. --Yair rand (talk) 00:28, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
I removed simplewiki for using as aliases source. Many redirects there seems to be not marked as misspelled aliases. Merlissimo (talk) 01:43, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Do not run it yet


Please do not run the bot yet. We've talked about this. I'm not happy :/ --Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) (talk) 08:10, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

The bot run only on new article on dewiki for october 30th and on the mostinterwiki special page for dewiki. After this was done the script stopped. wikidata.org is still not included in the normal scripts which continuously run on all wikipedias. Merlissimo (talk) 19:04, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Ok. Thank you! --Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) (talk) 19:15, 1 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

✓ Done

Aus Hamburg mach Arabische Sprache


Moin! Hier ist etwas mächtig daneben gegangen. Viele Grüße, NNW (talk) 12:58, 3 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

i think it is caused by a bug at wikidata. I added an additional test which hopefully prevent this. But i also wrote a script that can detect those wrong edits. i'll start it soon which will repair all items only edited by my bot. Merlissimo (talk) 18:58, 14 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Wrong aliases


What happened here? Macedonian language on the Japanese language item shows many wrong aliases. --Stryn (talk) 13:17, 6 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Also here and here. Why just Macedonian? --Stryn (talk) 13:20, 6 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I found answer, this happened because there is so many redirects in wrong languages. --Stryn (talk) 13:24, 6 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

✓ Done

name space


Hi your bot adds items that some of them are not in the same namespace like this Photograpers (talk) 13:54, 7 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Only the namespaceprefix was removed from the label. All sitelinks have the same namespace. The only acceptable exception would be commonscat (which are not possible on wikidata yet) or list namespace on some wikis. Merlissimo (talk) 17:13, 10 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Because of a discussion on community page i switched to add content namespace only (0 on most wiki and additiona 100 on arwiki). This may cause problem because e.g. eswiki also having content (lists) on namespace Anexo which is not declared as content namespace. Merlissimo (talk) 18:55, 14 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

 Not done



Hi, it seems that the bot has trouble with title in italics. See the French version of http://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q19707&oldid=386368 --Zolo (talk) 13:37, 10 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

I have never seen span tag in displaytitle before. Italic are already excluded. Patch added. Merlissimo (talk) 15:47, 10 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thanks there seems to be a similar HTML problem with English in Q48443.--Zolo (talk) 21:58, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
No that is different: #Sonderzeichen, but already fixed, too. Merlissimo (talk) 22:55, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

✓ Done

Hungarian articles


Hi, Wikidata will first be deployed on hu.wiki. There are 200+ k articles there, and creating all entries is likely take a while. Maybe you should start with articles that have a link to hu.wikipedia ? --Zolo (talk) 15:10, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

At the moment i am importing articles from mostinterwikis special page. I'll also import huwiki before client extension goes live (which will stil ltake some time). My bot only creates items having at least two sitelinks. Merlissimo (talk) 17:08, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Good thanks~:)-Zolo (talk) 18:52, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Starting the bot at huwiki is currently impossible because wikidata replication is not available for s7 (which contains huwiki) on toolserver. So for start wikis the bot is limited to wikipedias on s1/s2/s3/s5. Merlissimo (talk) 21:08, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Comma in the title


Please, stop! In ru-wiki in the names of articles about people always use a comma, see here. Bot casts an important part of the name (for example here), in ru-wiki refinements are only in brackets. As a comma is used in some of the titles, such as ru:Десять дней, которые потрясли мир, ru:Дороги, которые мы выбираем, ru:Умри, но не сейчас etc. --Art-top (talk) 19:06, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

I excluded ruwiki comma removal yesterday in source when i notice about it. The oldest bot instance is running since 30 hours. I'll restart it. Merlissimo (talk) 19:39, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Oh my failure. I only added the additional condition to the alias part only and forgot to add it also for the labels. Fixed. Merlissimo (talk) 19:41, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thank you! Recovering lost data planned? Manually iterate through thousands of articles would not like... --Art-top (talk) 19:44, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
This only affect 146 pages. Should i write a script to update labels automatically or want you do it manually? Merlissimo (talk) 20:10, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Q18630(Семп Шажинский, Миколай), Q18640(Химнасия и Эсгрима (футбольный клуб, Ла-Плата)), Q18712(Клапка, Дьёрдь), Q18720(Ковалёв, Николай Анатольевич), Q18735(Мицуиси, Котоно), Q18759(Горяинов, Александр Сергеевич), Q18762(Борман, Фрэнк), Q18765(Йылмаз, Бурак), Q18778(Надь, Тимеа), Q18779(Азнавурян, Карина Борисовна), Q18797(Кличко, Владимир Владимирович), Q18798(Лакатош, Геза), Q18802(Симонс, Ева), Q18804(Блэк, Ребекка), Q18806(Меринг, Франц), Q18809(Луначарский, Анатолий Васильевич), Q18828(Бартоли, Чечилия), Q18832(Мрожек, Славомир), Q18881(Сиссоко, Али), Q18913(Фиорелли, Джузеппе), Q18916(Смит, Грегори), Q18918(Уитвер, Сэм), Q18920(Яблонски, Стив), Q18938(Джейн, Томас), Q18947(Холден, Лори), Q18950(Раадт, Тэо де), Q18953(Делуиз, Питер), Q18959(Сезар (кинопремия, 1981)), Q18968(Дигейл, Джеймс), Q18976(Сульшер, Уле Гуннар), Q18978(Ковальская, Фаустина), Q18989(Ньюман, Райан Уитни), Q18994(Райнер, Луиза), Q19008(Бальфур, Артур), Q19009(Макмиллан, Эдвин Маттисон), Q19015(Эшбах, Андреас), Q19031(Пенн, Зак), Q19032(Баккер, Якоб Адриансзон), Q19034(Гелдер, Арент де), Q19041(Гуиса, Даниэль), Q19045(Молина, Марио), Q19051(Диуф, Маме Бирам), Q19054(Банделло, Маттео), Q19059(Кёниг, Денеш), Q19074(Хантингтон, Сэмюэл Филлипс), Q19080(Нуньес де Бальбоа, Васко), Q19096(Кипинг, Фрэнк), Q19113(Гамильтон, Ян), Q19242(Андерс, Уильям), Q19350(Хенри, Карл), Q19364(Гуардадо, Андрес), Q19365(Гуайта, Висенте), Q19367(Бернат, Хуан), Q19388(Парехо, Даниэль), Q19392(Банега, Эвер), Q19397(Майкл, Алан), Q19406(Гоффен, Давид), Q19422(Каналес, Серхио), Q19425(Вяземский, Пётр Андреевич), Q19431(Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969), Q19433(Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961), Q19469(Микеш, Джордж), Q19482(Уимблдон (футбольный клуб, 1889)), Q19497(Оскар (футболист, 1991)), Q19504(Ланг, Фриц), Q19532(Акуратерс, Янис), Q19543(Сакс, Ганс), Q19581(Корреа, Рафаэль), Q19794(Дюамель, Джош), Q19837(Джобс, Стив), Q19878(Каддафи, Муаммар), Q20682(Клемент, Кнут), Q21112(Брем, Кристиан Людвиг), Q21119(Лилиенкрон, Детлев фон), Q21163(Тённис, Фердинанд), Q21186(Бофорт, Фрэнсис), Q21209(Штауффенберг, Клаус Шенк фон), Q22670(Шиллер, Фридрих), Q22686(Трамп, Дональд), Q22714(Май, Карл Фридрих), Q22717(Вальтер, Фриц), Q22866(Аустрия (футбольный клуб, Зальцбург)), Q23359(Лотнер, Тэйлор), Q23365(Реннер, Джереми), Q23380(Энгр, Жан Огюст Доминик), Q23434(Хемингуэй, Эрнест), Q23441(Мирбо, Октав), Q23466(Пайн, Крис), Q23505(Буш, Джордж Герберт Уокер), Q23530(Медведев, Дмитрий Анатольевич), Q23559(Муссолини, Бенито), Q254(Моцарт, Вольфганг Амадей), Q3195(Аренд, Джеффри), Q3291(Развозжаев, Леонид Михайлович), Q3589(Маньчжурский кандидат (фильм, 2004)), Q3606(Рильке, Эмиль), Q4012(Ренненкампф, Павел Карлович), Q4029(Стронг, Тара), Q4058(Юэлл, Кайла), Q4109(Рок, Крис), Q4153(Бурнутян, Джордж), Q4189(Холт, Клэр), Q4189(Холт, Клэр), Q4203(Баумгартнер, Феликс), Q4212(Битти, Нед Томас), Q4223(Макмэхон, Джулиан), Q4227(Кобурн, Джеймс), Q4235(Сайрус, Майли), Q4270(Де Лонг, Том), Q4271(Хоппус, Марк), Q4293(Абрахамс, Джон), Q4413(Конде, Альфа), Q4414(Гнассингбе, Фор Эссозимна), Q4430(Клеопатра (фильм, 1963)), Q4440(Бана, Эрик), Q4441(Дикинсон, Эмили), Q4465(Джексон, Питер), Q4488(Браун, Клэнси), Q4491(Фэрис, Анна), Q4517(Кац, Бернард), Q4547(Крэйг, Дэниел), Q4599(Альбиоль, Рауль), Q4631(Мурси, Мухаммед), Q4690(Вичерли, Маргарет), Q4691(Крёйфф, Андре де), Q4700(Дебюсси, Клод), Q4715(Марзуки, Монсеф), Q4737(Лобо, Порфирио), Q4768(Брюллов, Карл Павлович), Q4769(Свейс, Антони), Q4770(Ван дер Берг, Солко), Q4774(Фай, Андраш), Q4805(Михолап, Николай Прокопьевич), Q4807(Семашкевич, Роман Матвеевич), Q4825(Категория:Реки, впадающие в Эгейское море), Q4826(Валетти, Роза), Q4864(Касперский, Евгений Валентинович), Q4914(Киммел, Джимми), Q4922(Калаби, Эудженио), Q4934(Пейдж, Ларри), Q4960(Ли, Джейсон Майкл), Q4985(Мелвилл, Герман), Q5024(Шавьер, Абел), Q5152(Ататюрк, Мустафа Кемаль), Q76(Обама, Барак), Q9015(A5 (автомагистраль, Германия))

Thank you again! I will correct by hand, at the same time add a description. --Art-top (talk) 04:31, 12 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Q2327 (Сайфутдинов, Эмиль Дамирович),Q13387 (Лангбард, Иосиф Григорьевич),Q19176 (Черчилль, Сара, герцогиня Мальборо),Q19205 (Бурдон, Роберт Грегори),Q23685 (Картер, Джимми),Q23810 (Нобель, Альфред),Q23880 (Даунс, Лила),Q23891 (Гарфилд, Эндрю),Q23937 (Терри, Этель Грей),Q23941 (Фрионе, Франсиско),Q23943 (Хандли, Род),Q23945 (Сезар, Ана Кристина),Q23950 (Скределис, Янис Игнатьевич),Q23953 (Бард, Мария),Q23959 (Минделл, Эрл),Q23963 (Салидо, Орландо),Q23997 (Коннер, Тара),Q24002 (Панко, Энди),Q24012 (Монакелло, Гаэтано),Q24015 (Баллок, Стив),Q24021 (Лакост, Амели),Q24026 (Full Moon, Dirty Hearts),Q24027 (Зинченко, Наталья Николаевна),Q24040 (Утияма, Такаси),Q24042 (Банфи, Рауль),Q24044 (Морено, Ансельмо),Q24046 (Сигельбаум, Льюис),Q24053 (Хэссан, Мэгги),Q24057 (Робертс, Даллас),Q24083 (Келли, Джеймс Макнейл),Q24099 (Сименсен, Карен),Q24139 (Геерен, Арнольд Герман Людвиг),Q24141 (Снеллен, Херманн),Q24143 (Грин, Аллан),Q24148 (Кашечкин, Андрей Григорьевич),Q24159 (Пегула, Джессика),Q24165 (Хэйман, Хелен Валери),Q24166 (Бородина, Ольга Владимировна),Q24200 (Напьер, Шабазз),Q24310 (Рихо, Луис Альберто),Q24311 (Майнерцхаген, Ричард),Q24316 (Джаабари, Сулейман),Q24325 (Будак, Уфук),Q24347 (Мигес, Оскар Омар),Q24348 (Якубович, Пётр Филиппович),Q24368 (Палвин, Барбара),Q24480 (Исабеков, Азимбек Бейшембаевич),Q24503 (Крейг-Мартин, Майкл),Q24565 (Сатыбалдиев, Жанторо Жолдошевич),Q24575 (Усенов, Данияр Токтогулович),Q24579 (Бабанов, Омурбек Токтогулович),Q24653 (Джумагулов, Апас Джумагулович),Q24666 (Ибраимов, Жумабек Ибраимович),Q24678 (Муралиев, Амангельды Мурсадыкович),Q24682 (Лариджани, Садик),Q24692 (Атамбаев, Алмазбек Шаршенович),Q24693 (Чынгышев, Турсунбек Чынгышевич),Q24736 (Мазниашвили, Георгий Иванович),Q24747 (Бирюков, Евгений Николаевич),Q24752 (Брин, Ричард Эбидин),Q24755 (Бирюков, Михаил Олегович),Q24756 (Йоханнесен, Кнут),Q24757 (Нильссон, Йонни),Q24790 (Тайлер, Летиция Кристиан),Q24793 (Штайнвер, Адольф фон),Q24841 (Лигоцкая, Паулина),Q24913 (Садчикова, Любовь Ивановна),Q24979 (Рейбо, Максим),Q25011 (Болден, Чарльз Фрэнк),Q25080 (Олейников, Илья Львович),Q25081 (Мочалин, Павел Александрович),Q24178 (Спейтс, Маррис),Q24051 (Диксон, Глория),Q680 (Вольта, Алессандро),Q49380 (Саитов, Олег Элекпаевич),Q24345 (Максимов, Алексей Александрович),Q24094 (Ричардс, Пол Уильям),Q24391 (Марес, Абнер),Q862 (Бродский, Иосиф Александрович),Q882 (Чаплин, Чарльз),Q22102 (Латынина, Лариса Семёновна),Q24429 (Гаррах, Фридрих Август),Q853 (Тарковский, Андрей Арсеньевич),Q24313 (Пенс, Майк),Q24590 (Квинитадзе, Георгий Иванович),Q624 (Дель Пьеро, Алессандро),Q512 (Высоцкий, Владимир Семёнович),Q24987 (Джонсон, Джеймс),Q6107 (Шакур, Тупак Амару)

Unauthorized addition of incorrect aliases


Your bot was not approved for adding aliases. Please stop adding them. Most of the additions are simply incorrect. For example, see the most recent edit, Q25272, where your bot added about 50 English aliases, only one of which is correct. Pretty much everywhere you have added aliases you have mistakes. --Yair rand (talk) 22:13, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Adding aliases was included at my bot request. Only two users including you opposed to that point. As you can read on this talk page i added additional conditions for aliases. For en i do not you simplewiki redirects and enwiki redirects including some templates for e.g. misspelling. Merlissimo (talk) 22:30, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Please read the closing of your bot request. --Yair rand (talk) 22:31, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
And the conditions aren't helping significantly. Endless mistakes are being added everywhere. Look at a few random entries your bot has added. --Yair rand (talk) 22:32, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Oh, there is a comment also above. Only read it below. I have excluded enwiki for aliases. I mostly reviewed de and zh and most of the redirects are ok. I got also positive response from fr. Changing aliases in future, also automatically, can be easily done by me. Merlissimo (talk) 22:51, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
What do you mean you've excluded enwiki for aliases? In the few minutes since the above comment, your bot has added four new entries, all of which have new incorrect English aliases.
I don't suppose your bot would be able to clear out its previously added aliases automatically? --Yair rand (talk) 22:56, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
And now six more entries riddled with alias errors. --Yair rand (talk) 22:59, 11 November 2012 (UTC)Reply



Hallo Merlissimo,

ich kann den Aufwand dafür nicht abschätzen, aber wenn du Personen-Einträge erstellst, dann könntest du den Bot vielleicht die Personendaten der deutschen Wikipedia als (deutsche) Beschreibung miteinfügen lassen.

Viele Grüße, --CENNOXX (talk) 20:46, 12 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Ja, könnte ich. Wenn du meine Beiträge sieht, wird du merken, dass ich die PD-Werte auch als Bescheibung übernommen habe. Ich hatte aber gedacht, dass die man die boterstellten Items leicht über die fehlende Beschreibung finden kann und beim Eintragen der Beschreibung auch Labels und Aliases nochmal manuell überprüft. Das wäre dann aber nicht mehr gegeben. Merlissimo (talk) 21:44, 12 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Danke für die Antwort. Ich frage mich, ob es überhaupt möglich ist alle 1,5 Millionen Artikel, die in über 10 Jahren entstanden sind alle zu prüfen. Aber wahrscheinlich gibt es einen größeren Autorenzuwachs, wenn Wikidata bei Wikipedia eingebunden wird.--22:09, 12 November 2012 (UTC)
Ich hatte mal ausgerechnet, dass wird nur für die Wikipedia-Artikel knapp 17 Millionen Items brauchen werden. Für sowas kann man sich mal ein halbautomatisches Skript bauen. Merlissimo (talk) 23:19, 12 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Ich habe mir ein kleines Script gebaut um Beschreibungen aus PD zu ergänzen. Es läuft halbautomatisch, weshalb ich das wohl unter meinem Benutzeraccount nutzen werden. Merlissimo (talk) 06:13, 15 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Interessant, in Javascript?--CENNOXX (talk) 20:58, 15 November 2012 (UTC)Reply



Der Bot hat noch Probleme mit den Sonderzeichen:

  • Q40496: The End: Hitler & # 39; s Germany 1944–45

Oder liegt der Darstellungsfehler an der Wikidata-Software? --Media watch (talk) 05:00, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

auch hier Q42180 -- 09:34, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Das ist ein Verhalten der Software, dass ich so einfach nicht erwartet hätte. Mediawiki selbst gibt mir als Seitentitel das &#39 [1] und verarbeitet es bei Seitentitelbearbeitungen korrekt. Aber das wikibase Modul scheint diese Umwandlung nicht zu nutzen. Ich habe es nun in meiner Software geändert. Merlissimo (talk) 09:45, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Ihr habt genau die beiden einzigen de-Fälle gefunden. Ansonsten gibt es insgesamt 229 Fälle, die ich reparieren werde. Wobei dreiviertel davon persisch betreffen. Merlissimo (talk) 09:52, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

✓ Done

Please stop your bot


Hi there. Seeing as you've got several error reports in your talk page that haven't been resolved, and as Denny Vrandecic (WMDE) is saying that they don't want bots creating items yet, because we're still looking for errors, I would like to ask you to stop running the bot until further notice. Sven Manguard Wha? 22:08, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

All reported errors on my talk page are fixed. And are or will be repaired by my bot itself. Merlissimo (talk) 22:58, 13 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Bürgermeister als Alias von Ortsnamen


Hi Merlissimo, hier ein origineller Fehler, vielleicht nur ein Unikat: Bei der franz. Gemeinde mg:Bilwisheim (Q22766, madagassische Vers.) hat der Bot den Namen des Bürgermeisters als Alias eingetragen. --Kolja21 (talk) 17:19, 19 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Die Weiterleitung mg:Patrick Denni ist aber wirklich unpassend. Daran kann ich aber nichts ändern und muss manuell nachkorrigiert werden. Wäre es eine Abschnittsweiterleitung, statische Weiterleitung oder als Person kategorisiert, hätte der Bot das nicht hinzugefügt. Merlissimo (talk) 20:46, 19 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Ah, daran lag's. Ich hatte auf die Infobox getipp. Gruß --Kolja21 (talk) 02:17, 20 November 2012 (UTC)Reply



Found two identical pages by bot: Q39272, Q38790. --Art-top (talk) 21:52, 20 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Deleted the younger one. Conny (talk) 21:59, 20 November 2012 (UTC).Reply
Well, I would prefer to first bot owner looked as this bug. Put up for removal I could by myself later :) --Art-top (talk) 22:18, 20 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
It could be that an item is created while the bot is in the creation process. In this case i run two different threads for creating items for a task force. Normally wikidata disallows adding a sitelink twice. So this is a wikidata bug. Merlissimo (talk) 22:25, 20 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
It should be reported somewhare, shouldn't it ?  – The preceding unsigned comment was added by Zolo (talk • contribs).
I created bugzilla:42325. but i also reported it directly to developers yesterday. Merlissimo (talk) 13:55, 21 November 2012 (UTC)Reply



Your bot added "'" to Q60329. --Yair rand (talk) 06:31, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

That's fixed. Forgot to backport the patch to one script. Merlissimo (talk) 10:03, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Thank you. --Yair rand (talk) 10:05, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Another bug: The label added for Q33765 was "Nicaraguan sign language" instead of "Nicaraguan Sign Language". --Yair rand (talk) 09:48, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
That's identical to the title of simple:Nicaraguan sign language. If that is wrong you should also move the wikipedia page. Merlissimo (talk) 10:03, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
English labels are taken from Simple English Wikipedia's page titles? --Yair rand (talk) 10:05, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
The bot uses title of a wikipages for labels in that page language. If there are multiple wikis having the same page language like simplewiki and enwiki (which is identical to content language in these cases) there is no preference which title it uses as label. The other titles in this language are added as aliases (with the exception that my bot only adds aliases if they not differ in upper/lower case only). Merlissimo (talk) 10:20, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Cyrillic letter ё


Most asked the bot to automatically generate additional aliases for the Russian language (ru), if the label contains a Cyrillic letter "ё" ("Ё"). This letter is rarely used in printed materials, instead using the letter "е" ("Е"). In ru-wiki try to create redirects, containing the name with the letter "e", but do not always do. Example: label "Кёльн", alias "Кельн". --Art-top (talk) 10:58, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Could you start a more public discussion about this, e.g. on Wikidata:Форум? If there is consensus i'll add this special aliases rule and if wanted i could also add this to items that my bot already created. Merlissimo (talk) 11:19, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
✓ OK, start discussion: Wikidata:Форум#Буква ё. --Art-top (talk) 11:36, 22 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

edit summaries


Minor point, but the bot's edit summaries are more suited to Wikipedia than to Wikidata ("Bot: Ergänze: de:Heinrich Philipp August Damerow, pl:Heinrich Philipp August Damerow", or some equivalent in another language). It would be better to have "Bot: created page with: ")--Zolo (talk) 06:13, 23 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Atm there is no difference for the bot if it creates a new item or only adds some additional sitelinks. But i could extend my framework, so that the bot knows about that. Because of bugzilla:41807 i changed my bot some days ago to use one of the languages added as sitelinks for summary and not always english.
There is also a special wikidata feature for long summaries: Instead of listing only the language prefixes like on wikipedia, it also adds one title string at the beginning (e.g. "Taarnagh" on Q83301)
If a language change does not include a sitelink the script adds the term type in brackets (e.g. Q60329)
Maybe we could add a new message group at translatewiki for your special creation case. I'll ask the other bot operators. Merlissimo (talk) 09:45, 23 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Ok good idea thanks. --Zolo (talk) 08:15, 24 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
This bot's edit summaries are confusing when viewed from the IRC feed. Seem to be causing problems with recent change watching. It's fixable though, just a tad annoying.. AlexJFox (talk) 18:08, 26 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

ID skip


Why did bot skip Q719976? Thank you for the great work - we go million :) . Conny (talk) 12:22, 10 December 2012 (UTC).Reply

Whyyyy?! :) Conny (talk) 15:24, 22 December 2012 (UTC).Reply
bugzilla:42362. Merlissimo (talk) 18:39, 22 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Lost interwiki


Noticed that your bot is often lost much interwiki when creating elements. Examples: Q167918, Q165378, Q165191, Q157449, Q29995, Q192899, Q28236, Q976516. Previously I also came across similar records. --Art-top (talk) 17:52, 18 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

My bots only adds conflict free (sub)groups. Merlissimo (talk) 18:10, 18 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
Here my conflict log for Q167918:
LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-rs-conflict between [[ttwiki:Баба]] and [[ttwiki:Бабай]] for [[newwiki:अजी]]->[[newwiki:अजि]]
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-rs-conflict between [[newwiki:अजी]] and [[newwiki:अजि]] for [[enwiki:Grandmother]]->[[enwiki:Grandparent]]
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-rs-conflict between [[newwiki:अजी]] and [[newwiki:अजि]] for [[ttwiki:Баба]]->[[ttwiki:Бабай]]
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[ptwiki:Avós]](NORMAL) +[[ptwiki:Grandeza]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[frwiki:Grand d'Espagne]](NORMAL) +[[frwiki:Aïeul]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[ruwiki:Бабушка]](NORMAL) +[[ruwiki:Гранд (титул)]](NORMAL) +[[ruwiki:Дед]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[kowiki:그란데스 데 에스파냐]](NORMAL) +[[kowiki:조부모]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[bswiki:Nana]](NORMAL) +[[bswiki:Dedo]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[ttwiki:Әби]](NORMAL) +[[ttwiki:Бабай]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[eswiki:Grandeza de España]](NORMAL) +[[eswiki:Abuelo]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[enwiki:Grandee]](NORMAL) +[[enwiki:Grandparent]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[rowiki:Grande (titlu)]](NORMAL) +[[rowiki:Bunic]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[nds_nlwiki:Opa]](NORMAL) +[[nds_nlwiki:Oma]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[fiwiki:Espanjan grande]](NORMAL) +[[fiwiki:Isovanhemmat]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[ukwiki:Гранд (титул)]](NORMAL) +[[ukwiki:Дід]](NORMAL) +[[ukwiki:Баба (родина)]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[itwiki:Nonno]](NORMAL) +[[itwiki:Grandezza di Spagna]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[lawiki:Avia]](NORMAL) +[[lawiki:Avus]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442:szk-conflict: +[[dewiki:Granden]](NORMAL) +[[dewiki:Großeltern]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[jawiki:おじいさん]](NORMAL) +[[jawiki:グランデ]](NORMAL)
 LOG_WikiToWikiData.o948442-szk-conflict: +[[azwiki:Baba]](NORMAL) +[[azwiki:Nənə]](NORMAL)
Merlissimo (talk) 18:15, 18 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi Merlissimo, vielleicht ist das Problem schon bekannt, aber ich bin eben auf eine Reihe von Artikeln gestoßen, in deiner Liste Wikidata:Labels and descriptions task force/de unter alswiki aufgeführt, bei denen der Link auf die dt.-sprachige Wikipedia fehlte:

--Kolja21 (talk) 01:24, 23 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Mein Bot kann auch Interwikigruppen importieren, die teilweise einen Konflikt haben. Der Konfliktteil wird dann einfach ausgelassen. Ich kann dir die Konflikte aus den Log zitieren (szk-conflict = es existiert ein langlink-Pfad von A zu B und von B zu A; rs-conlict: Weiterleitung kann nicht aufgelöst werden, weil dadurch ein neuer Konflikt entstehen würden):
  1. Bürgermeister:
    1. szk-conflict: +dewiki:Alkalde(NORMAL) +dewiki:Bürgermeister(NORMAL)
    2. rs-conflict between dewiki:Bürgermeister and dewiki:Oberbürgermeister for lawiki:Magister civium superior->lawiki:Magister civium
      Logeintrag heißt übersetzt: de:Oberbürgermeister verweist auf la:Magister civium superior, ist redirect auf la:Magister civium, was du Bürgermeister gehört. Deshalb kann die Weiterleitung nicht aufgelöst werden. Lösung: Müsste man auf lawiki in statische WL umwandeln.
  2. szk-conflict: +dewiki:Zeitskala(NORMAL) +dewiki:GMT(NORMAL) +dewiki:Greenwich Mean Time(NORMAL)
  3. Lied der Deutschen
    1. szk-conflict: +dewiki:Deutsche Nationalhymne(NORMAL) +dewiki:Lied der Deutschen(NORMAL)
    2. rs-conflict between dewiki:Deutsche Nationalhymne and dewiki:Lied der Deutschen for srwiki:Химна Немачке->srwiki:Песма Немаца
Bei Q30192, was als:Zeitskala von meinen Bot falsch. Du hast mit das Ganze mit de:Zeitskale das dann nochmal verschlimmert ;-). Merlissimo (talk) 12:18, 23 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi Merlissimo, danke für die ausführliche Analyse. Erstaunlich wieviel Konfliktpotential selbst so ein einfaches Lemma wie "Bürgermeister" in sich birgt. Ich finde es spannend zu sehen, wie Wikipedia mit Hilfe von Wikidata zur Weltenzyklopädie wird. Gruß --Kolja21 (talk) 13:41, 23 December 2012 (UTC)Reply




You might be interested in Wikidata:Project_chat#Add_.22Commons:.22_to_the_list_of_.22languages.22. --Docu (talk) 01:25, 4 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Deleting user contributions


In this edit, your bot deleted my edit and replaced it with a mistake. Has this since been fixed? Is it possible for your bot to undo these mistakes? --Yair rand (talk) 19:51, 6 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Bot error?


Hi! I removed your item: Special:Undelete/Q3270469. This was created with zh and ja, while in zhwiki there are clear links to other wikis whose interwiki is in Q605322. I don't know if this is a systematic error or just a mistake. Bináris (talk) 20:38, 22 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

My bot did this edit on Jan 18th. At this time there was only zhwiki and jawiki linking to each other: zh:Special:Permalink/19272193 / ja:Special:Permalink/45861596. See also log file at tools:merliwbot/editinfo/uuid/8e59b600-6153-11e2-a5bd-001d097174cb. Merlissimo (talk) 12:20, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hallo Merlissimo. Wäre es möglich, dass dein Bot DISPLAYTITLE berücksichtigt? Beispiele wären da etwa: Q285911, Q284072, Q288407, Q288104 oder Q285640. --Leyo 10:22, 7 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Das macht er von Anfang an, aber anfang Dezember gab es einen Bug in Mediawiki. Merlissimo (talk) 11:59, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Wäre es viel Aufwand die in diesem Zeitraum angelegten Items bezüglich DISPLAYTITLE durchzugehen? --Leyo 22:47, 14 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I agree too that DISPLAYTITLE should be respected, IMO bot could easily access this via Page info Display title value, probably some API function exist to detect this. --Rezonansowy (talk) 00:54, 24 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

@Leyo, Merlissimo: Can we fix this? --Rezonansowy (talk) 10:23, 17 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

As I don't operate a bot, I can't do it. --Leyo 20:04, 22 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hello, this bot is adding wrong links to Q191893. It's about Municipal countil in Finland and I can find only two correct Wikipedia articles about it. Others are wrong. Please check that bot don't add wrong links anymore. Thanks. --Stryn (talk) 07:27, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

If local links show that these articles belong together my bot will also connect it to the wikidata item. Simply connect the wrong sitelinks of the first item to a new item. My bot will not automatically merge different items. Merlissimo (talk) 12:03, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply




I run an interwiki bot (Razibot) using interwiki.py in pywikipedia. Could you please tell me how to add interwiki links in wikidata as well using the bot? -- Razimantv (talk) 18:54, 14 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

I am running a java bot. Because i am not using pywikipediabot for any of my bots i cannot help you with this framework. Merlissimo (talk) 19:10, 14 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the reply :) Best wishes -- Razimantv (talk) 19:12, 14 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Minimal creation



Why do you create new elements with only a very few iws, e. g. here (and elsewhere) ?

Budelberger (talk) 01:11, 7 March 2013 (UTC).Reply


Any clue what happened at Special:Undelete/Q4508006? The link never got moved to q1068724. — PinkAmpers&(Je vous invite à me parler) 05:41, 8 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



in Q6431862, your bot removes namespace '분류:' for ko label. Could you keep the namespace for ko labels? -- ChongDae (talk) 07:54, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please add namespaces in labels. E.g., Q12469966 also missing "틀:"(Template:) in description. -- ChongDae (talk) 03:21, 3 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

category prefix


Hi, please set your bot to don't remove category prefix (رده:) for labels which are in Farsi like thisReza1615 / T 09:46, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Ich bin noch neu auf Wikidata. Für mich wäre es hilfreich zu wissen, was dieser Bot macht. Anregung: Kann man auf der Benutzerseite eine Kurzbeschreibung einfügen? Gruß, Hasenläufer (talk) 22:42, 22 March 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hi, Q3409948 and Q5153683. Zdenekk2 (talk) 06:23, 26 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Incorrect edit


[2] was an incorrect edit. It's not the first I've noticed where the bot attempts to merge two items wrongly.

Can you please fix it? --Izno (talk) 02:28, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Bot looses property values


Hi, please see this and this edits. After these edits properties NSSDC ID, SCN and other were disconnected from ru article. Please fix the bug because these properties are used in ruwiki templates already. — Ivan A. Krestinin (talk) 17:44, 20 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

A new bot list


Hi there! Per a request I have been working on a new informative bot list (that has secretly been hidden under the current list at Wikidata:List_of_bots. I think I am finished and it would be great if every botop (including you) could add your bot to the new list. I have added Addbot already and tried to make the template simple! Goodluck and if you have any problems get in touch on my talk page! ·Add§hore· Talk To Me! 20:21, 22 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Incorrect merge


Your bot merged Anaemosia with Anaemosia albida, the first is a genus the second is about a specie. I noticed this isn't the first time that your bot merged two articles incorrectly. In my opinion merging of data items should not be done by bots as its mostly not a straightforward case, however if it's done all the merging should be checked. - Foxie001 (talk) 03:03, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Incorrect name


Item Q3696207 is wrongly connected to Persian Wiki Dashkasan (village ) , the correct link is Dashkasan Temple in Persian Wikipedia .

Can you fix it ? -- 15:47, 13 August 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hi ! It seems your linking to Pan-Iranism is wrong in two languages : In azwiki the page is PanFarsism and in gagwiki it is also PanFarsism . Can you fix it ? Thanks --Alborz Fallah (talk) 07:41, 10 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

@MerlIwBot: Hi again . Pan-Iranism is wrongly linked to PanFarsism ( پان فارسیسم ) in azb wiki . Can you fix it ?. Alborz Fallah (talk) 14:57, 10 May 2016 (UTC)Reply



Hi, Dear MerlIwBot!

Do You think, is it a name of a hungarian settlement? --Rakás (talk) 21:24, 16 June 2014 (UTC)Reply


Hallo, I tried to add a link to es:Ville-Marie (ciudad) in Q141645 (for reference see en:Ville-Marie, Quebec or fr:Ville-Marie (ville)) but the change is refused every time I try. Could you fix it, if you can. I think there used to be a link to the spanish article but I'm not quite sure. Viel danke.--Michelsimard (talk) 18:41, 7 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

Problems with Orlu


What happened here that caused the Chinese link to be to the French town of Orlu instead of the Nigerian city. This really needs to be fixed. Half of the other pages link to the French town (Romanian, Spanish, Mandarin) while two others (English, Yoruba) link to the city in Nigeria.



Hi Mer1lwBot, Please help my with the language links to the article Barnablaðið because this article is written in English, Danish and Faroese. Best regards, Kontoreg (talk) 15:55, 8 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Incorrect aliases


Hi! I see you added incorrect aliases to Clarksville (Q328941) and Flint (Q490584). I'll fix those, but I wanted to let you know so you could plan to find and fix any other cases. Cheers, Bovlb (talk) 18:23, 25 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

...............MerlIwBot........... A barnstar for you ..................

The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
For your tireless contributions in wikidata.. Great job!!

Oktober 2021


Hello, I'm Eihel. I wanted to let you know that one or more of your recent description edits to Q2618835 didn't meet the Wikidata description guidelines. Descriptions should appear as though they were in the middle of a sentence, typically start with a lowercase letter, and written from a neutral point of view. For example, "pop singer" would be a better description than "He is the best pop singer." If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks!  Eihel (talk) 18:23, 3 October 2021 (UTC) Für BezeichnungEihel (talk) 18:23, 3 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hello, I'm Eihel. I wanted to let you know that one or more of your recent description edits to Q1345480 didn't meet the Wikidata description guidelines. Descriptions should appear as though they were in the middle of a sentence, typically start with a lowercase letter, and written from a neutral point of view. For example, "pop singer" would be a better description than "He is the best pop singer." If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Label  Eihel (talk) 22:27, 3 October 2021 (UTC) Für BezeichnungEihel (talk) 22:27, 3 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hello, I'm Eihel. I wanted to let you know that one or more of your recent description edits to Q122224 didn't meet the Wikidata description guidelines. Descriptions should appear as though they were in the middle of a sentence, typically start with a lowercase letter, and written from a neutral point of view. For example, "pop singer" would be a better description than "He is the best pop singer." If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks!  Eihel (talk) 23:20, 3 October 2021 (UTC) Für BezeichnungEihel (talk) 23:20, 3 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hello, I'm Eihel. I wanted to let you know that one or more of your recent description edits to Q122224 didn't meet the Wikidata description guidelines. Descriptions should appear as though they were in the middle of a sentence, typically start with a lowercase letter, and written from a neutral point of view. For example, "pop singer" would be a better description than "He is the best pop singer." If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks!  Eihel (talk) 00:51, 4 October 2021 (UTC) Für BezeichnungEihel (talk) 00:51, 4 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

:MerlIwBot WINNER OF THE Tireless Contributor Barnstar a BIG WINNER in wikidata

  The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
For your tireless contributions in wikidata.. Great job!!

the reason...curprev 02:00, 9 February 2013‎ MerlIwBot talk contribs‎ 468 bytes +468‎ ‎Created a new Item: Bot: Añadiendo w:Eduardo Estrella Aguirre, es:Eduardo Estrella Aguirre, it:Eduardo Estrella Aguirre (restore)

https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q4297239&action=history  – The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) at 00:43‎, 12 September 2022 (UTC).Reply

June 2023


  Hello, I'm Eihel. In case you didn't know, descriptions begin with a lowercase letter except when uppercase would normally be required or expected. Essentially, you should pretend that the description is appearing in the middle of a normal sentence, and then follow normal language rules. Most terms would not be capitalized if they appeared in the middle of a sentence. However terms such as proper nouns (e.g. the names of specific people, specific places, and specific titles) should be capitalized. If you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks! And Q131156.  Eihel (talk) 11:00, 6 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Vandalism on Malhun Hatun page

edit is spreading false information on both rabia bala and malhun hatun page . i dont know how to report him Redruby19 (talk) 20:08, 26 June 2023 (UTC)Reply




In Oesch’s die Dritten (Q667470), there is no point in repeating the same spelling in Alias.

Cordially. ―Eihel (talk) 17:12, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply