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Buildings or Structures are generally fixed, functional, player-controlled constructs. The role of buildings is generally to enable the production of units and/or unlock higher tech and function, although a few specialised structures are meant to contribute to static defense.

They are usually created by workers (B.O.B.s and Imps) using different faction-specific processes, but in some cases are created with other means: for example Effigy is created by the top-bar ability Summon Effigy. Celestials warp most of their buildings in and don't need workers for this purpose.

All buildings must be constructed on "buildable terrain", which excludes all "off-map" terrain, other buildings and units, and certain map features such as hills, trees and stone/paved tiles.

Upon the destruction of all of a player's buildings, a player will lose the game.


The Townhall (also Main Building or Command Structure) is the most important building. It is where workers usually bring the resources they gather, and it is where workers are produced. It is also required to build the first production facility.

In each game, a player begins with a townhall and a certain amount of workers. These are the basic foundation blocks from which to build a base. For the different factions, townhalls manifest as Vanguard Command Post (later upgraded to Vanguard Central Command), Infernal Shrine (later upgraded to Infernal Greater Shrine) and Celestial Arcship (later upgraded to Celestial Arcstation).

Resource Buildings[edit]

In Stormgate no faction need to construct additional buildiungs to gather Therium. There is no extraction building like a Refinerey, Assimilator or Extractor that needs to be build in StarCraft on Geysers to gather Vespene Gas. Therium will just be collected by sending workers to the Therium fields. Vanguard Scrapyards and Celestial Fabricators serve as drop-off points for gathered Therium. Infernals have no such building and might need to construct an additional Infernal Shrine.

For Vanguard and Infernals Luminite, the primary resource, is also gathered by sending workers to the Luminite nodes. Celestials on the other hand need to construct a Celestial Collection Array on the Luminite nodes similar to a Haunted Gold Mine build by Undead in WarCraft III. Additional Prisms (up to three) can be send to the Collecting Array to increase the luminite collection rate.

Supply Buildings[edit]

These buildings serve to increase the total number of units a player can field at one time (until the maximum of 300 supply is reached). These buildings are the Vanguard Habitat (that can be upgraded to Vanguard Solar Habitat or Vanguard Rampart) and the Infernal Meat Farm (that also serves as static defense for Infernal). Celestials don't have any supply buildings, as they have max supply by default and are only limited by power for their buildings.

Static Defense[edit]

These buildings are constructed to provide protection in a certain area. Their general purpose is to stop or at least to discourage an opponent from attacking that area, but they can often be used in tandem with an army.




Production Facilities[edit]

These buildings are where the bulk of offensive units are produced.




Tech and Upgrade Buildings[edit]

Tech buildings unlock new technology for a player, whether that be new units, buildings, and/or upgrades for units/buildings. Strictly speaking most buildings — even Production Facilities and Townhalls — fall under this classification.

Upgrade buildings provide upgrades. A lot of buildings are tech and upgrade Buildings at the same time.




Neutral Buildings[edit]

Faction building specifics[edit]

Each race has their own particular quirks when it comes to buildings.


Vanguard use their B.O.B.s to construct buildings. Like WarCraft III Humans Peasants they can be taken away at any time and continue the construction at a later timne. Multiple B.O.B.s can powerbuild to speed up the construction of a building. A building can be built on all buildable terrain, provided the B.O.B. can reach the location.


When an Imp is ordered to construct a building, it morphs itself into the building, and is lost. The Imp can be recovered by cancelling the building before it is completed. A building can be built on all buildable terrain, provided the Imp can reach the location, there is no restriction to build on Shroud.


Most buildings aren't build by workers but warped in from the Quick Macro Panel. Only Collection Arrays and Fabricators need a Morph Core which can morph into one of the two aforementioned buildings.