Healing Salve

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The Healing Salve is an item purchasable at the Base Shop, under Consumables. They may also be dug up with a Trusty Shovel.

Available in the Base Shop
Healing Salve
A magical salve that can quickly mend even the deepest of wounds.
Cost 100 Gold
Sell Value Full price refunded within 10s. 50 Gold  / Count
Stacks NO LIMIT / Inventory Slot
Stock 4 INIT / 4 MAX
2 minutes 120
Active Salve
Charges 1 INIT
Bonus ?
Usage Alert ?
Healing Salve (100)

Additional Information[edit]

  • Healing Salves dug up with Trusty Shovel are fully shareable, but cannot be sold.


Grants 30 health regeneration to the target for 13 seconds.

If the unit is attacked by an enemy hero or Roshan, the effect is lost.

Heals for half the amount when cast on an ally.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range increasing sources. 250
Health Regen Bonus: 30
Self Duration: 13
Allied Duration: 6.5
Mana Cost
Modifiers [?]

  • ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets self.
    • Can be cast on allies with Ctrl.
  • Can only target heroes, illusions and creep-heroes.
    • Can be cast on untargetable units (e.g. when affected by Shadow Realm) indirectly through their hero portrait.
    • The owner of the item does not have to face the selected target to use Salve on them.
  • Successive casts on the same target do not stack but refresh the duration.
  • Can regenerate up to 390 health over its full duration when cast on self.
    • Can regenerate up to 195 health over its full duration when cast on allies.
    • Targeting own creep-heroes, clones or illusions also regenerates for half value.
  • Player-based damage, regardless of factions, and Roshan-based damage greater than 0 (after reductions) dispels the effect.
    • Does not get dispelled by self-damage sources and damage flagged as HP Removal.


  • Prior to version 6.54 in DotA, Healing Salve was known as "Flask of Sapphire Water". The name, along with its icon, was likely changed to help visually differentiate it from Bottle.


Recent Changes[edit]

  • Reduced initial stock from Infinite to 4.
  • Reduced max stock from Infinite to 4.
  • Increased restock time from 0 to 120.
  • Reduced Salve ally duration from 13 to 6.5.
  • Reduced gold cost from 110 Gold to 100 Gold.
  • Salve
    • Reduced health regeneration bonus from 40 to 30.
    • Increased duration from 10 to 13.
    • Total health restored from 400 to 390.