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Show new changes starting from 03:05, 27 January 2025
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27 January 2025

     02:32  Nounish Cup/2‎‎ 7 changes history +2,623 [Chompix‎ (7×)]
02:32 (cur | prev) +348 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
02:20 (cur | prev) +431 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
02:14 (cur | prev) +388 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
00:26 (cur | prev) +24 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
00:25 (cur | prev) +295 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
00:19 (cur | prev) +420 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
00:13 (cur | prev) +717 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
N    02:31  User:Jindi5/Chinese Mainland Player earnings diffhist +1,450 Jindi5 talk contribs stats (Created page with "{{Tabs dynamic|name1=Overview |name2=2010 |name3=2011 |name4=2012 |name5=2013 |name6=2014 |name7=2015 |name8=2016 |name9=2017 |name10=2018 |name11=2019 |name12=2020 |name13=2021 |name14=2022 |name15=2023 |name16=2024 |This=1}} {{Tabs dynamic/tab|1}} {{MostEarnings|country=China |limit=100|year=}} {{Tabs dynamic/tab|2}} {{MostEarnings|country=China |limit=100|year=2010}} {{Tabs dynamic/tab|3}} {{MostEarnings|country=China |limit=100|year=2011}} {{Tabs dynamic/tab|4}} {{Mo...")
     01:56  BLAST/Slam/2 diffhist −48 Thuanho talk contribs stats
     01:52  UPEA/National League/2025‎‎ 2 changes history +595 [Thuanho‎ (2×)]
01:52 (cur | prev) −33 Thuanho talk contribs stats
01:51 (cur | prev) +628 Thuanho talk contribs stats
     00:36 TeamTemplate log Chompix talk contribs stats inserted TeamTemplate "team growth" via Special:TeamTemplate(Created template: team growth)
     00:31  Htrd‎‎ 2 changes history +44 [X42bn6‎ (2×)]
00:31 (cur | prev) +20 X42bn6 talk contribs stats (→‎Trivia: MMR milestones template)
00:30 (cur | prev) +24 X42bn6 talk contribs stats ({{player team roster}})
     00:30  Mrls diffhist +24 X42bn6 talk contribs stats ({{player team roster}})
     00:30  Ififall diffhist +24 X42bn6 talk contribs stats ({{player team roster}})
     00:30  TeaGuvnor diffhist +20 X42bn6 talk contribs stats (→‎Trivia: MMR milestones template)
     00:26  SabeRLight- diffhist +20 X42bn6 talk contribs stats (→‎Trivia: MMR milestones template)

26 January 2025

     23:59  FISSURE/PLAYGROUND/1/Group Stage‎‎ 6 changes history −612 [Thuanho‎ (6×)]
23:59 (cur | prev) +74 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎{{HiddenSort|Round 5}})
23:45 (cur | prev) +231 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎{{HiddenSort|Round 4}})
22:53 (cur | prev) +10 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎{{HiddenSort|Round 4}})
22:31 (cur | prev) +236 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎{{HiddenSort|Round 4}})
22:18 (cur | prev) −1,173 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎{{HiddenSort|Round 4}})
22:08 (cur | prev) +10 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎{{HiddenSort|Round 4}})
     23:45  FISSURE/PLAYGROUND/1 diffhist +2 Thuanho talk contribs stats (→‎Standings)
     23:00  User:XMS/Reincarnation/5‎‎ 5 changes history +239 [XMS‎ (5×)]
23:00 (cur | prev) −69 XMS talk contribs stats (→‎Group Stage)
22:58 (cur | prev) +313 XMS talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
22:52 (cur | prev) −7 XMS talk contribs stats (→‎Format)
22:51 (cur | prev) −10 XMS talk contribs stats (→‎Prize Pool)
22:51 (cur | prev) +12 XMS talk contribs stats
     22:59 TeamTemplate log XMS talk contribs stats inserted TeamTemplate "ghoulmode yin" via Special:TeamTemplate(Created template: ghoulmode yin)
     22:21  Nounish Cup/2 diffhist 0 Chompix talk contribs stats (→‎Participants)
N    22:18  Match:ID X6NtmhXW5D 0006 diffhist +371 Thuanho talk contribs stats (Created page with "{{MatchPage|bestof=3 |opponent1={{TeamOpponent|Aurora Gaming}} |opponent2={{TeamOpponent|Xtreme Gaming}} |date=January 26, 2025 - 19:20 {{Abbr/CET}} |twitch=FISSURE Dota EN2|youtube=FISSURE Dota2 EN/umw8HIQquWU |caster1=rkryptic|caster2=lizZard |comment= |vod= |vodgame1= |vodgame2= |map1={{ApiMap|matchid=8147052633}} |map2={{ApiMap|matchid=8147143797|reversed=true}} }}")
 m   21:54  The Basher Blades‎‎ 3 changes history +77 [Buny154‎ (3×)]
21:54 (cur | prev) +1 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
21:50 (cur | prev) +25 Buny154 talk contribs stats
21:48 (cur | prev) +51 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:51  Golden Origins of Faith diffhist +25 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:51  Origins of Faith diffhist +25 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:50  Golden Basher Blades‎‎ 2 changes history +80 [Buny154‎ (2×)]
21:50 (cur | prev) +28 Buny154 talk contribs stats
21:49 (cur | prev) +52 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:49  Golden Offhand Basher of Mage Skulls diffhist +50 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:49  Golden Basher of Mage Skulls diffhist +50 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:49  Offhand Basher of Mage Skulls diffhist +50 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:48  Basher of Mage Skulls diffhist +50 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:38  Anti-Mage/Old Abilities diffhist +79 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Spell Shield (6.10-7.20))
 m   21:21  Shatterblast Core diffhist +25 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability icon)
 m   21:21  Shatterblast Crown‎‎ 2 changes history +31 [Buny154‎ (2×)]
21:21 (cur | prev) +1 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
21:21 (cur | prev) +30 Buny154 talk contribs stats (→‎Ability Icons)
 m   21:16  Ancient Apparition/Unreleased Content diffhist +47 Buny154 talk contribs stats
 m   21:16  Ancient Apparition/Old Abilities diffhist +47 Buny154 talk contribs stats