본문으로 이동


위키낱말사전, 말과 글의 누리

이 모듈에 대한 설명문서는 모듈:languages/data3/m/설명문서에서 만들 수 있습니다

local u = mw.ustring.char

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly used diacritics
local GRAVE     = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE     = u(0x0301)
local CIRC      = u(0x0302)
local TILDE     = u(0x0303)
local MACRON    = u(0x0304)
local BREVE     = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307)
local DIAER     = u(0x0308)
local CARON     = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE    = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE  = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA   = u(0x0327)

local Cyrl = {"Cyrl"}
local Latn = {"Latn"}

local m = {}

m["maa"] = {
	"San Jerónimo Tecóatl Mazatec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mab"] = {
	"Yutanduchi Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mad"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mae"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["maf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mag"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	ancestors = {"bh"},

m["mai"] = {
	scripts = {"Tirh", "Kthi", "Newa", "Deva"},
	ancestors = {"bh"},

m["maj"] = {
	"Jalapa de Díaz Mazatec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mak"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Maka"},

m["mam"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["man"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["maq"] = {
	"Chiquihuitlán Mazatec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mas"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mat"] = {
	otherNames = {"San Francisco Matlatzinca", "San Francisco Oxtotilpa Matlatzinca"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mau"] = {
	"Huautla Mazatec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mav"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["maw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["max"] = {
	"North Moluccan Malay",
	scripts = Latn,

m["maz"] = {
	"Central Mazahua",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mba"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbb"] = {
	"Western Bukidnon Manobo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Makushi", "Makusi", "Makuxi", "Macusi", "Macussi", "Teweya"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbd"] = {
	"Dibabawon Manobo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbe"] = {
	otherNames = {"Molala", "Molalla", "Molele"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbf"] = {
	"Baba Malay",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"ms"},

m["mbh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbi"] = {
	"Ilianen Manobo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbo"] = { -- is, like 'bqz', 'bsi' and 'bss', a dialect of Manenguba
	"Mbo (Cameroon)",
	otherNames = {"Mbo"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbp"] = {
	otherNames = {"Damana", "Malayo"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbr"] = {
	"Nukak Makú",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbs"] = {
	"Sarangani Manobo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbt"] = {
	"Matigsalug Manobo",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mbx"] = {
	"Sepik Mari",
	otherNames = {"Mari (East Sepik Province)"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mby"] = {
	scripts = {"Gujr", "ur-Arab"},
	ancestors = {"inc-vra"},

m["mbz"] = {
	"Amoltepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mca"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcc"] = {

m["mcd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mce"] = {
	"Itundujia Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mch"] = {
	otherNames = {"Makiritare", "Ye'kwana", "Ye'kuana", "Yekuana", "De'kwana", "So'to", "Maiongong"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mci"] = {

m["mcj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mck"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcm"] = {
	ancestors = {"pt"},
	otherNames = {"Malacca Creole Portuguese", "Malaccan Creole Portuguese"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Massa", "Masa"},

m["mco"] = {
	"Coatlán Mixe",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcp"] = {

m["mcq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcr"] = {

m["mcs"] = {

m["mcu"] = {
	"Cameroon Mambila",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcv"] = {

m["mcw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mawa (Chad)", "Mahwa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mcx"] = {

m["mcy"] = {
	"South Watut",

m["mcz"] = {

m["mda"] = {
	"Mada (Nigeria)",
	otherNames = {"Mada"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mdb"] = {

m["mdc"] = {

m["mdd"] = {

m["mde"] = {
	"Bura Mabang",

m["mdf"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mordvin"},
	scripts = Cyrl,
	translit_module = "mdf-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["mdg"] = {

m["mdh"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},

m["mdi"] = {

m["mdj"] = {

m["mdk"] = {

m["mdl"] = {
	"Maltese Sign Language",

m["mdm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mdn"] = {

m["mdp"] = {

m["mdq"] = {

m["mdr"] = {
	scripts = {"Bugi", "Latn"},

m["mds"] = {
	otherNames = {"Maria (New Guinea)", "Maria (Papua New Guinea)"},

m["mdt"] = {

m["mdu"] = {

m["mdv"] = {
	"Santa Lucía Monteverde Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mdw"] = {

m["mdx"] = {

m["mdy"] = {

m["mdz"] = {
	"Suruí Do Pará",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mea"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["meb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ikobi", "Mena", "Ikobi-Mina"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mec"] = {
	otherNames = {"Leelawarra", "Leelalwarra", "Mala", "Marra"},

m["med"] = {

m["mee"] = {

m["mef"] = {

m["meg"] = {

m["meh"] = {
	"Southwestern Tlaxiaco Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mei"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mej"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mejah",  "Meax"},

m["mek"] = {

m["mel"] = {
	"Central Melanau",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mem"] = {

m["men"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Mend"},

m["meo"] = {
	"Kedah Malay",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mep"] = {

m["meq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mer"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mes"] = {

m["met"] = {
	otherNames = {"Nenaya", "Nengaya", "Nineia"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["meu"] = {
	otherNames = {"Pure Motu", "True Motu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mev"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mew"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mey"] = {
	scripts = {"Arab"},

m["mez"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"·"},
		to   = {""}} ,

m["mfa"] = {
	"Pattani Malay",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Thai", "Arab"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[%pๆ]", "[็-๎]", "([เแโใไ])([ก-ฮ])"},
		to   = {"", "", "%2%1"}},

m["mfb"] = {

m["mfc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfe"] = {
	"Mauritian Creole",
	otherNames = {"Mauritian"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"fr"},

m["mff"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bukwen", "Mashi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfg"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mogofin"},

m["mfh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfi"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mandara"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfj"] = {

m["mfk"] = {
	"North Mofu",

m["mfl"] = {

m["mfm"] = {
	"Marghi South",

m["mfn"] = {
	"Cross River Mbembe",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfp"] = {
	"Makassar Malay",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Marrithiyal", "Marithiel", "Maridhiel", "Maridhiyel", "Berringen", "Bringen", "Brinken", "Nganygit", "Marriammu", "Mare-Ammu", "Maridjabin", "Maredyerbin", "Maretyabin", "Maridyerbin", "Maritjabin", "Marridan", "Meradan", "Marramanindjdji", "Marramaninydyi", "Marimanindji", "Mariyedi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfs"] = {
	"Mexican Sign Language",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["mft"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mfu"] = {
	ancestors = {"lch"},

m["mfv"] = {

m["mfw"] = {

m["mfx"] = {

m["mfy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}},

m["mfz"] = {

m["mga"] = {
	"Middle Irish",
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"sga"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ḟ", "ṁ", "ṅ", "ṡ", "Ḟ", "Ṁ", "Ṅ", "Ṡ", "ä", "ë", "ï", "ö", "ü", "·"},
		to   = {"f", "m", "n", "s", "F", "M", "N", "S", "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} ,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "æ", "ǽ", "í", "ó", "ú", "^h", "-"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "e", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} ,

m["mgb"] = {

m["mgc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgd"] = {

m["mge"] = {

m["mgf"] = {

m["mgg"] = {

m["mgh"] = {
	ancestors = {"vmw"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgi"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lijili", "Migili", "Mijili"},

m["mgj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgk"] = {

m["mgl"] = {

m["mgm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgp"] = {
	"Eastern Magar",

m["mgq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgs"] = {
	"Manda (Tanzania)",
	otherNames = {"Kimanda", "Kinyasa", "Nyasa"},

m["mgt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgu"] = {

m["mgv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Matuumbi", "Kimatumbi", "Kimatuumbi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mgy"] = {

m["mgz"] = {

m["mha"] = {
	"Manda (India)",

m["mhb"] = {

m["mhc"] = {

m["mhd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ma'a", "Normal Mbugu", "Inner Mbugu"},
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"asa"},

m["mhe"] = {

m["mhf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mhg"] = {

m["mhi"] = {

m["mhj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Moghol"},

m["mhk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mhl"] = {

m["mhm"] = {

m["mhn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"bar"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"è", "ò"},
		to = {"e", "o"}

m["mho"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mhp"] = {
	"Balinese Malay",

m["mhq"] = {

m["mhr"] = {
	"동부 마리어",
	translit = "chm-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["mhs"] = {
	"Buru (Indonesia)",
	otherNames = {"Buru"},

m["mht"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mandauaca", "Mandawaka", "Mandawaca", "Mandauaka", "Mandauáka"},

m["mhu"] = {
	otherNames = {"Darang", "Digaro-Mishmi", "Digaro Mishmi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mhw"] = {

m["mhx"] = {
	"Lhao Vo",
	otherNames = {"Langsu", "Maru"},

m["mhy"] = {

m["mhz"] = {
	"Mor (Austronesian)",
	otherNames = {"Mor", "Moor", "Austronesian Mor"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mia"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mib"] = {
	"Atatláhuca Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mic"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mid"] = {
	scripts = {"Mand"},
	ancestors = {"myz"},

m["mie"] = {
	"Ocotepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mif"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mig"] = {
	"San Miguel el Grande Mixtec",
	otherNames = {"Chalcatongo Mixtec"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mih"] = {
	"Chayuco Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mii"] = {
	"Chigmecatitlán Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mij"] = {
	otherNames = {"Abar", "Missong", "Munken", "Ngun"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mik"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mil"] = {
	"Peñoles Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mim"] = {
	"Alacatlatzala Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["min"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},

m["mio"] = {
	"Pinotepa Nacional Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mip"] = {
	"Apasco-Apoala Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["miq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Miskitu"},
	scripts = Latn,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Â", "â", "Î", "î", "Û", "û"},
		to   = {"A", "a", "I", "i", "U", "u"}},

m["mir"] = {
	"Isthmus Mixe",

m["mit"] = {
	"Southern Puebla Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["miu"] = {
	"Cacaloxtepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["miw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mix"] = {
	"Mixtepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["miy"] = {
	"Ayutla Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["miz"] = {
	"Coatzospan Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Maklere"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjc"] = {
	"San Juan Colorado Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjd"] = {
	"Northwest Maidu",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mje"] = {

m["mjg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mji"] = {
	"Kim Mun",

m["mjj"] = {

m["mjk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjl"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva", "Takr"},
	translit_module = "hi-translit",

m["mjm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ma"},

m["mjo"] = {

m["mjp"] = {

m["mjq"] = {

m["mjr"] = {

m["mjs"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chip"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjt"] = {
	"Sawriya Paharia",
	otherNames = {"Sauria Paharia", "Sawriya", "Sawriya Pahariya", "Sawriya Malto", "Malto", " Malti", "Maltu", "Maler"},
	scripts = {"Beng", "Deva"},

m["mju"] = {
	ancestors = {"te"},

m["mjv"] = {

m["mjw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Arleng", "Mikir"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjx"] = {

m["mjy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mjz"] = {
	ancestors = {"bh"},

m["mka"] = {
	"nic", --unclassified within niger-congo tho

m["mkb"] = {
	"Mal Paharia",

m["mkc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mke"] = {

m["mkf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mkg"] = {
	"Mak (China)",
	otherNames = {"Mak"},

m["mki"] = {
	ancestors = {"mwr"},

m["mkj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mkk"] = {

m["mkl"] = {

m["mkm"] = {

m["mkn"] = {
	"Kupang Malay",

m["mko"] = {
	"Mingang Doso",

m["mkp"] = {

m["mkq"] = {
	"Bay Miwok",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mkr"] = {

m["mks"] = {
	"Silacayoapan Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mkt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mku"] = {
	"Konyanka Maninka",

m["mkv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mkx"] = {
	"Cinamiguin Manobo",

m["mky"] = {
	"East Makian",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mkz"] = {

m["mla"] = {
	otherNames = {"Malo", "Tamabo", "Maloese"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Man Cao Lan"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hani"},

m["mle"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlf"] = {
	otherNames = {"Thin"},

m["mlh"] = {

m["mli"] = {

m["mlj"] = {

m["mlk"] = {

m["mll"] = {
	"Malua Bay",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mln"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlo"] = {

m["mlp"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mugil"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlq"] = {
	"Western Maninkakan",

m["mlr"] = {

m["mls"] = {

m["mlu"] = {
	otherNames = {"Toqabaqita"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Motlav", "Volow"}, -- or Volow could be separated as a language
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mlz"] = {

m["mma"] = {

m["mmb"] = {

m["mmc"] = {
	"Michoacán Mazahua",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmd"] = {

m["mme"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmg"] = {
	"North Ambrym",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmi"] = {

m["mmj"] = {

m["mmk"] = {

m["mml"] = {
	"Man Met",

m["mmm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmo"] = {
	"Mangga Buang",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmp"] = {

m["mmq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Musak", "Mabɨŋ", "Mabing"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmr"] = {
	"Western Xiangxi Miao",

m["mmt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mmz"] = {

m["mna"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mnb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mnc"] = {
	scripts = {"Mong"},
	ancestors = {"juc"},
	translit_module = "mnc-translit",

m["mnd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Monde", "Salamãi", "Salamai", "Salamaikã", "Sanamaica", "Sanamaiká", "Sanamaykã"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mne"] = {

m["mnf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mng"] = {
	"Eastern Mnong",

m["mnh"] = {
	"Mono (Congo)",
	otherNames = {"Mono (Democratic Republic of the Congo)", "Mono"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mni"] = {
	otherNames = {"Meitei", "Meithei"},
	scripts = {"Mtei", "Beng"},
	ancestors = {"omp"},

m["mnj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Munjani", "Mundzhan", "Mundzhani", "Mundzi"},
	ancestors = {"ira-mny-pro"},

m["mnk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mandingo"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mnl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mnm"] = {

m["mnn"] = {
	"Southern Mnong",

m["mnp"] = {
	"Min Bei",
	scripts = {"Hani"},

m["mnq"] = {

m["mnr"] = {
	"Mono (California)",
	otherNames = {"Mono (United States of America)", "Mono", "Western Mono", "Monache", "Monachi", "Owens Valley Paiute", "Eastern Mono"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mns"] = {
	scripts = Cyrl,
   	translit_module = "mns-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["mnt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mayi-Kulan", "Wunumara", "Mayi-Yapi", "Mayi-Thakurti"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mnu"] = {

m["mnv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Rennell-Bellona"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mnw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Peguan", "Talaing", "Raman"},
	scripts = {"Mymr"},
	ancestors = {"mkh-mmn"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ျ", "ြ", "ွ", "ှ", "ၞ", "ၟ", "ၠ", "ၚ", "ဿ"},
		to   = {"္ယ", "္ရ", "္ဝ", "္ဟ", "္န", "္မ", "္လ", "င", "သ္သ"}},

m["mnx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mantion", "Sougb", "Sogh"},

m["mny"] = {
	ancestors = {"vmw"},

m["mnz"] = {

m["moa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["moc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mbocobí", "Mokoví", "Moqoyt"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mod"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"cho", "cic"},

m["moe"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"cr"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ā", "ā", "Ē", "ē", "Ī", "ī", "Ō", "ō", "Ū", "ū"},
		to   = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u"}} ,

m["mog"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["moh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["moi"] = {

m["moj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mok"] = {

m["mom"] = {

m["moo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Monam", "Bonam"},

m["mop"] = {
	"Mopan Maya",
	otherNames = {"Mopan", "Mopán Maya", "Mopán"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["moq"] = {
	"Mor (Papuan)",
	otherNames = {"Mor", "Papuan Mor"},

m["mor"] = {

m["mos"] = {
	otherNames = {"More", "Mossi", "Moshi", "Mõõré", "Mòoré", "Mooré", "Moré", "Möré"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mot"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bari", "Baria", "Barira", "Motilón", "Motilon", "Motilone"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mou"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mov"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mow"] = {
	"Moi (Congo)",
	otherNames = {"Moi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mox"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["moy"] = {

m["moz"] = {

m["mpa"] = {

m["mpb"] = {

m["mpc"] = {

m["mpd"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpe"] = {

m["mpg"] = {

m["mph"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpj"] = {
	"Martu Wangka",
	otherNames = {"Yulparija", "Yulparitja"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpk"] = {
	"Mbara (Chad)",
	otherNames = {"Mbara"},

m["mpl"] = {
	"Middle Watut",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpm"] = {
	"Yosondúa Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpp"] = {

m["mpq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mps"] = {
	otherNames = {"Daribi", "Karimui"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpu"] = {
	otherNames = {"Macurapi", "Makurápi", "Massaka"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mpz"] = {

m["mqa"] = {

m["mqb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqe"] = {

m["mqf"] = {

m["mqg"] = {
	"Kota Bangun Kutai Malay",

m["mqh"] = {
	"Tlazoyaltepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqi"] = {

m["mqj"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqk"] = {
	"Rajah Kabunsuwan Manobo",

m["mql"] = {

m["mqm"] = {
	"South Marquesan",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqo"] = {

m["mqp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqq"] = {

m["mqr"] = {

m["mqs"] = {
	"West Makian",

m["mqt"] = {

m["mqu"] = {

m["mqv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mqz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Pano"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mra"] = {

m["mrb"] = {

m["mrc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrd"] = {
	"Western Magar",

m["mre"] = {
	"Martha's Vineyard Sign Language",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Sgnw"},

m["mrf"] = {

m["mrg"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mishing", "Plains Miri", "Takam", "Hill Miri", "Sarak"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Beng", "Deva"},
	ancestors = {"adi"},

m["mrh"] = {
	"Mara Chin",
	otherNames = {"Chin Mara", "Lakher", "Mara", "Maram", "Mira", "Zao"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrj"] = {
	"Western Mari",
	otherNames = {"Hill Mari", "Mountain Mari", "Highland Mari"},
	scripts = Cyrl,
	ancestors = {"chm"},
	translit_module = "chm-translit",

m["mrk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrn"] = {
	"Cheke Holo",
	otherNames = {"Maringe"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mro"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Mroo"},

m["mrp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrq"] = {
	"North Marquesan",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrr"] = {
	"Hill Maria",
	otherNames = {"Garhchiroli Maria", "Madia", "Madiya", "Maria (India)", "Maria"}, -- the last four are also names of mrr's sibling lect, daq
	ancestors = {"gon"},

m["mrs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Marghi Central", "Marghi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mru"] = {
	"Mono (Cameroon)",
	otherNames = {"Mono"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mrw"] = {
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},

m["mrx"] = {

m["mry"] = {
	"Karaga Mandaya",

m["mrz"] = {

m["msb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Masbateño", "Masbateno", "Minasbate"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["msc"] = {
	"Sankaran Maninka",

m["msd"] = {
	"Yucatec Maya Sign Language",
	scripts = Latn, -- when documented

m["mse"] = {

m["msf"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mekwei (New Guinea)", "Menggwei"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["msg"] = {

m["msi"] = {
	"Sabah Malay",

m["msj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Madi"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["msk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["msl"] = {

m["msm"] = {
	"Agusan Manobo",

m["msn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mso"] = {

m["msp"] = {
	otherNames = {"Manitsawá", "Mantizula"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["msq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["msr"] = {
	"Mongolian Sign Language",

m["mss"] = {
	"West Masela",

m["msu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["msv"] = {

m["msw"] = {

m["msx"] = {

m["msy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["msz"] = {

m["mta"] = {
	"Cotabato Manobo",

m["mtb"] = {
	"Anyin Morofo",
	ancestors = {"any"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtc"] = {

m["mtd"] = {

m["mte"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mono", "Mono-Alu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtf"] = {
	"Murik (New Guinea)",
	otherNames = {"Murik (Papua New Guinea)", "Murik", "Sepik Murik"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtg"] = {

m["mth"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mti"] = {
	"Maiwa (New Guinea)",
	otherNames = {"Maiwa (Papua New Guinea)", "Maiwa"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtj"] = {

m["mtk"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtm"] = {
	otherNames = {"Taygi", "Karagas", "Mator-Taygi-Karagas"},
	scripts = Cyrl,

m["mtn"] = {

m["mto"] = {
	"Totontepec Mixe",

m["mtp"] = {
	"Wichí Lhamtés Nocten",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtq"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	sort_key = "vi-sortkey",

m["mtr"] = {
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	ancestors = {"raj"},
	translit_module = "hi-translit", -- for now

m["mts"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtu"] = {
	"Tututepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Molet", "Molet Kasu", "Molet Mur"}, -- or Molet could be a sep. lang.
	scripts = Latn,

m["mtw"] = {

m["mtx"] = {
	"Tidaá Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mty"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mua"] = {

m["mub"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["muc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mud"] = {
	"Mednyj Aleut",

m["mue"] = {
	"Media Lengua",
	ancestors = {"es", "qu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mug"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["muh"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mundu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mui"] = {
	otherNames = {"Palembang Malay", "Basa Pelembang Sari-sari", "Sekayu"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["muj"] = {

m["mul"] = {
	scripts = {"None", "Latn", "Bopo", "Brai", "Cyrl", "Hani", "Hans", "Hant", "IPAchar", "musical", "Ruminumerals", "Zsym", "Zmth"},
	wikipedia_article = "Translingualism",

m["mum"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["muo"] = {

m["mup"] = {
	ancestors = {"raj"},

m["muq"] = {
	"Eastern Xiangxi Miao",

m["mur"] = {

m["mus"] = {
	otherNames = {"Muscogee"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mut"] = {
	"Western Muria",
	ancestors = {"gon"},

m["muu"] = {

m["muv"] = {

m["mux"] = {

m["muy"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["muz"] = {

m["mva"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvd"] = {

m["mvg"] = {
	"Yucuañe Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvh"] = {

m["mvi"] = {
	scripts = {"Jpan"},

m["mvk"] = {

m["mvl"] = {
	"Mbara (Australia)",
	otherNames = {"Mbara", "Midjamba"},

m["mvm"] = {

m["mvn"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvp"] = {

m["mvq"] = {

m["mvr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvs"] = {

m["mvt"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvu"] = {

m["mvv"] = {
	"Tagal Murut",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvw"] = {

m["mvx"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mvy"] = {
	"Indus Kohistani",

m["mvz"] = {

m["mwa"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwb"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwc"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwe"] = {
	otherNames = {"Chimwera", "Cimwera", "Mwela"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwf"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwi"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwk"] = {
	"Kita Maninkakan",

m["mwl"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"roa-ole"},

m["mwm"] = {

m["mwn"] = {

m["mwo"] = {
	"Central Maewo",

m["mwp"] = {
	"Kala Lagaw Ya",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwq"] = {
	"Mün Chin",
	otherNames = {"Mün", "Müün Chin"},

m["mwr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Merwari", "Dhundari", "Shekhawati", "Harauti", "Goaria", "Gurgula"},
	scripts = {"Deva", "Mahj"},
	ancestors = {"raj"},
	translit_module = "hi-translit", -- for now

m["mws"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwt"] = {

m["mwu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mwv"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mww"] = {
	"White Hmong",
	otherNames = {"Hmong Daw", "Hmoob Dawb"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hmng"},

m["mwz"] = {

m["mxa"] = {
	"Northwest Oaxaca Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxb"] = {
	"Tezoatlán Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxd"] = {

m["mxe"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxf"] = {

m["mxg"] = {

m["mxh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxi"] = {
	scripts = {"Arab", "Hebr", "Latn"},

m["mxj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Miju Mishmi", "Miju-Mishmi", "Geman Deng", "Geman", "Kaman", "Kman", "Midzu"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Deva"},

m["mxk"] = {

m["mxl"] = {
	"Maxi Gbe",

m["mxm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxn"] = {
	"Moi (Indonesia)",
	otherNames = {"Moi", "Mekwei"},

m["mxo"] = {

m["mxp"] = {
	"Tlahuitoltepec Mixe",

m["mxq"] = {
	"Juquila Mixe",

m["mxr"] = {
	"Murik (Malaysia)",
	otherNames = {"Murik", "Kayan Murik"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxs"] = {
	"Huitepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxt"] = {
	"Jamiltepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxu"] = {
	"Mada (Cameroon)",
	otherNames = {"Mada"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxv"] = {
	"Metlatónoc Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxw"] = {

m["mxx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mawukakan", "Mahu", "Maou", "Mau", "Mawu"},

m["mxy"] = {
	"Southeastern Nochixtlán Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mxz"] = {
	"Central Masela",

m["myb"] = {

m["myc"] = {

m["mye"] = {

m["myf"] = {

m["myg"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["myh"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["myj"] = {

m["myk"] = {
	"Mamara Senoufo",

m["myl"] = {

m["mym"] = {

m["myo"] = {

m["myp"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["myr"] = {

m["mys"] = {

m["myu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["myv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mordvin"},
	scripts = Cyrl,
	translit_module = "myv-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["myw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["myx"] = {
	otherNames = {"Masaaba"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["myy"] = {
	otherNames = {"Buhagana", "Bujagana", "Wahana"},
	scripts = Latn,

m["myz"] = {
	"Classical Mandaic",
	scripts = {"Mand"},

m["mza"] = {
	"Santa María Zacatepec Mixtec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mozabite", "Tumẓabt"},

m["mzc"] = {
	"Madagascar Sign Language",

m["mzd"] = {

m["mze"] = {

m["mzg"] = {
	"Monastic Sign Language",

m["mzh"] = {
	"Wichí Lhamtés Güisnay",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzi"] = {
	"Ixcatlán Mazatec",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzj"] = {

m["mzk"] = {
	"Nigeria Mambila",
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzl"] = {
	"Mazatlán Mixe",

m["mzm"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mazandarani", "Tabari"},
	scripts = {"mzn-Arab"},

m["mzo"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzp"] = {

m["mzq"] = {
	"Mori Atas",

m["mzr"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzs"] = {
	scripts = Latn,
	ancestors = {"pt"},

m["mzt"] = {

m["mzu"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzv"] = {

m["mzw"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

m["mzx"] = {

m["mzy"] = {
	"Mozambican Sign Language",

m["mzz"] = {
	scripts = Latn,

return m