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A member registered 18 days ago

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Like I said to you on discord you have the worst take I ever read about a game.

You only played the demo first of all but even for someone who only played the demo you managed to miss so much stuff and arrive to many wrong conclusions.

I don't know how anyone can mess up this bad but whatever for the sake of everyone else reading this I will explain where you went wrong in your review:

1- You said why didn't Vega explain the reason for the experiment but in the full game this is explained so I won't spoil it here.

2- For your second point, Vega said that her master is among the participants if you believe her or not that doesn't really matter. Vega also has no reason to manipulate the result of the coin toss if she was a psycho and wanted someone dead, she could easily kill them like she did to the green hair guy.

3-For your third point you say everyone accepted the coin toss but what other choice do they have they saw how Vega killed the green hair guy with just lifting a finger, so they either play the game, or they die. at least with a coin flip they have 50 percent chance of survival. Also, if you know how coin toss work opposite to popular belief it's not a 50/50 percent chance.

As for your final point it just sounds like you're just trying to force your idea on the game, so this point isn't even worth refuting.

One thing I agree with you however is Phi is best girl.

But anyway, I should also let you know that I will not be responding to any comments you make because I'm no longer interested in discussing this game with you.

Thank you.

very scary kitty

excelente jogo

você precisa apenas usar um software de tradução automática, amigo

such a creepy game

thanks for making this

very interesting concept





Red is sus

spooky spooky skeletons

I like the ghosts 

very scary game nice job

I completely disagree. I check the adult section of itch every other day and it's full of games with the Patreon trickle-content model. Purposely prolonging their games to suck as much Patreon money from people as possible. The story in most of those games sucks ass too and only exists as an excuse to make characters fuck.

Finding this game was amazing. The story is extremely well-written and fully completed so I don't have to wait years to understand the story, the NSFW scene makes sense and is well-designed, and the music has a peak level of music.

The length of the game is also very good however I should mention I played the deluxe version, so I don't know how long the full version you played.

Thank you for explaining this I was actually confused myself

Shit if I play this I will never be able to sleep again

Wait a second is that a DORA ??????

I had the same issue it gave me a freak out

That's very high praise